Chapter 1-1888 and England
To say Giorno was having a bad day would be the understatement of the century.
Bloody, tired, and near death, Giorno stared down his enemy, Diavolo, and his time-warping Stand, King Crimson.
Behind Giorno was his own Stand, his fighting spirit, the golden Gold Experience.
To put it bluntly, Giorno wa D. His last ditch effort of piercing Gold Experience with the Arrow had failed, his friends were either dead or dying, and to make matters worse, Diavolo now had the arrow.
"You've done well, Giorno, but this is the end, but it would be a waste to kill you, without showing you the power of the Arrow" As he said that, and to Giorno's growing horror, Diavolo leveled the Arrow to King Crimson's height, and
King Crimson's skin grew long as it boiled and fell down, revealing a new King Crimson, one with glowing red orbs piercing it's skin as it stared down Giorno.
"BEHOLD! KING CRIMSON REQUIEM" Diavolo said "You shall now see how time itself will bend to my will, now I will erase you and everything else that can threaten my secrecy"
And as Giorno stared at the new King Crimson, his only thoughs were
'Trish, Mista, Bruno, everyone, I'm sorry, I failed'
And with that, Giorno's world became a bright red light.
'Is this what death feels like?' Giorno wondered to himself. 'Because if it is, then it's comfortable'
'I wonder if I'll see any of them here'
Then, he heard sounsd, birds, squirrels, other creatures, and cracks of light started to appear in his view.
And before Giorno knew it, he was awake.
First he noticed that he was in a field surrounded by grass, the sun dipping over the horizon.
Second he noticed that he wasn't bloody anymore, nor the fact that he was tired.
And finally, he was breathing.
'Am I dead?' was the though that came to him, but no, whatever bizarre power the evolved King Crimson had did to him, it left him alive.
'Teleportation? He already has power over time, perhaphs becoming Requiem caused him to have power over space as well'
It would make sense after all, King Crimson already had power over time, all it needed was space to complete the set.
And the universe did like to complete things.
Deciding that laying around would be the worst thing to do in this situation, the self proclaimed "Gang-star" got up and surveyed his surroudnings, insticivly calling forth his golden parther, Gold Experience, and feeling a surge of relief at it's appearance.
"I'm glad you're here with me, I'll probably need all the help I can get." True to form, Gold Experience said nothing but offered a small smile at it's parthern's words.
As Gold Experience melted back into the blond stand-user, he noticed a newspaper page, sharply contrasting with the green and yellow.
Seeing an opportunity to familaize himself with his surroundings, Giorno picked up the page, and his eyes nearly bugged out as he read and reread the page, checked for damages, and, in compliance with his fears, showed that it was fresh, barely 2 days old.
Now, Giorno Giovani is not an easy person to surprise, but nearly anyone would be surprised if, attempting to find some clue to their location, instead found that they had traveled over a century back in time.
Because where the date should of said 2001, it instead read 1888.
Now, Giorno was also a rather stoic man, while by no means emotionless, on the contrary, he had a healthy emotional spectrum. He rarely raised his voice, in this sitatuion, though, he did what anybody would do.
It was at this point that he also noticed that the page had specified a city of production.
'Liverpool, England'
So not only did this bastard send me back in time, he sent me over the contitnent as well!'
Giorno was livid, while Diavolo was busy ruining lives, Giorno would be busy trying to figure out what he could do now.
Suddenly, a though struck, and it made Giorno stop, slowly the idea grew and grew until Giorno was laughing to himself.
"Diavolo, you fool, you're good, very good, but if this is truely the past, then that means I wasn't here the first time around, and that means I can change things!"
True, he didn't have any idea what happened around this time, but he figured his very presence would change things.
And in the meantime, he would simply do what he was already doing, helping people and fulfilling his dream...whatever it happened to be at the moment.
And with that victorius though Giorno headed out of the clearing, ready to make his mark on the world
Nighttime...that's what it was, yet Giorno didn't sleep, his mind was razor focused, in a particular direction. He didn't know why, but ever since he got here he was determined to go in this particular direction, a saying he had once heard some time ago had been replaying in his mind over and over again.
'Blood calls to blood'
Giorno had no idea why it was coming back to him now of all times, but it was.
And so he trekked on and on, until he saw something.
A massive castle that loomed over the area, dark and majestic, pluming red as flames torched it, the sounds of people below.
Now, Giorno was many things, rising Gang-star, Stand-user, son of a vampire (even if he didn't know that last one).
One thing he wasn't was someone to not act when others may be in danger.
And a flaming building with obviosuly signs of life were a good indicator that someone needed help. Giorno always had better hearing then most people so he could make out two voices, even if he couldn't tell what they were saying
Giorno started running, his feet hitting the pavement as fast as he could, Gold EXperience materlzing next to him, arms out and ready to fight.
Leaping from lamp post to lamp post, Giorno reached a ledge inside the burning building, overlooking the ground floor.
The place was a mess, old paintings were fueling the flames with oil, statues were crumbling or melting, the wood burned a bright orange as it burned the surrounding area.
Down, below Giorno, two men, one wore a blue sleaveless shirt and was well built and muscular, blue hair and brown eyes. Gripped in his hands was a longsword
In front of the first man was another, blond haired and not looking tired or hurt, unlike the first who was breathing heavily and bloodied. This man wore a red vest like suit and a black fethered cape and had an arrogant look to him, and Giorno could feel the evil radiating off him.
These men were Jonathan Joestar, or JoJo,, and Dio Brando. 7 years ago Dio Brando was adopted by Jonathan's father, the late George Joestar. Even as young as that, Dio put in his plan to murder George and Jonathan to become the sole inheritor of the Joestar wealth, starting by discrediting Jonathan.
Later, he attempted to poison George, but a suspicous Jonathan was able to prove Dio's involvment, meeting a man named Speedwagon in the process.
When Dio was proven to be involved in Geroge's sickness, he used an ancient artifact called the Stone Mask, the Stone Mask, when worn and introduced to blood, would cause spikes to protrude out of the mask and into the wearer's brain, hitting several key pressure points, unlocking the full potential of the human being, turning them into the dark creatures: Vampires.
Dio intended to fatally stab Jonathan and use his blood to cause the transformation, but a timely sacrifice by the dying George Joestar saved his son's life, albeit at the cost of his own. While this sacrifice saved Jonathan's life, it still provided the blood needed for Dio to activate the mask.
Now a vampire, Jonathan set fire to the Joestar estate in a futile attempt to burn Dio, who plans to murder Jonathan and anyone else still in the house.
That is the story as it is now, the man Jonathan met, Robert E. O. Speedwagon, was trapped in the house as well, conicidentally near Giorno, and Speedwagon was eyeing the new arrival curiously.
"I don't know who you are, but you ought to get out of here, that man" Speedwagon jabbed a finger at Dio, "Is bad news, you need to run before he notices you, he won't leave any witnesses alive"
Giorno, rather then being shocked or scared by this, simply looked at Dio in curiousity, "I assume he is the one who started this fire"
Speedwagon shock his head, surprsing Giorno, "No, he killed my buddy;s, Jonathan" he pointed the blue head in question, "father, and used his blood to become a vampire. But me and JoJo set the fire, to try and kill him"
Giorno's eyes narrowed dangeriously as he eyed Dio, like a predator watching it's prey. Gold Experience appeared next to him, frowning, mirroring it's parthner's expression.
"Then he should be worried, only one of us is dying tonight, and it's not any of us"
With that, Giorno leaped down, fully intending on reducing this Dio to ashes.
Speedwagon stared in amazement at the brave, or foolish, man who just willingly jumped into combat with a vampire.
Down below the battle had resumed, and while Jonathan was a very muscular, athletic, martial artist, he was a mere human facing a vampire, and the battle soon turned to Dio's favor. It was when Dio went to deliver a hard jab to Jonathan's neck that it happened.
Dio's hand suddenly stopped midair as it caught by an invisible net. Even Speedwagon was surprsied.
His hand! It just stopped, is this the doing of that strange man?! Is that why he seemed so confident? Were Speedwagon's thoughs at seeming this odd phenoman.
While to Dio, JoJo, and Speedwagon it seemed his hand at stopped suddenly, to Giorno, it was clear as day what happened. Gold Experience stood infront of Jonathan, holding Dio's outstreched hand in it's own.
Dio frownd at this new devlopment, "Is this your doing JoJo?!"
"Of course not, I have no idea what happened!" Jonathan was just as surprised as Dio was to see what should of been a fatal blow stopped midair.
"No, it was mine" Was all Giorno said as he walked in view of the two men that were combating each other.
"And who might you be?" Dio's oily voice rolled of his tongue and hid a furious demanour.
"I am Giorno Giovanni, and the sensation you feel is my Stand, a reflection of my soul and fighting spirit, you cannot see it due to lacking your own, but you can feel it's effects, right now my Stand, Gold Experience, has a firm grip on your arm."
Dio, listening to this stranger, moved his hand and found that, indeed, his hand could be moved but his arm was stuck.
Fool, if this is all true Dio lifted his other arm and jabbed it forward, THEN i KNOW WHERE THIS STAND IS HIDING And with one fluid motion, Dio jabbed his outstreched arm in the general direction above his bound arm, and by sheer concidence, managed to hit Gold Experience in the lower chest.
Now, Gold Experience is Stand, and won't take any real damage from anything but another Stand, but the pain can still travel to Giorno, and Gold Expereince is only about as tough as the average human against a vampire jab.
Giorno winched in pain as he grabbed his chest and his concentration left him, causing Gold Experience to vanish, freeing Dio's arm.
"So it seems whatever happens to this Stand of yours, happens to you as well!"
Dio advanced slowly on Giorno, but this distraction had given JoJo time, time to stab Dio in the back with the longsword he was holding.
Dio merely chuckled at the insect's attempt to kill a god, and simply snaped the sword in half, pulling the remaining half out his body.
"Foolish JoJo, you shall die here by my hand"
Giorno stared in hatrd at this Dio, yet he also couldn't take his eyes off him, specifically, his hair and eyes, they looked so similar...to him, his mind wandered to the picture of his father.
Barring that, Giorno was conidering his options, He's too strong to take on in a head-to-head fight, Gold Experince's invisibilty to him might be our best strenght, but in the end we'll have to him out cunninly.
At that, his eyes wandered to the one statues that burned bright red with the rest of the house, a giant rock statue of a woman holding up a needle shaped object with a pointed tip that faced upwards, and above it was a ledge...
Slowly, an idea formed, but first we needed to get to Jonathan.
Summuning up Gold Expereince once more, Giorno charged ahead and landed a right hook unto to Dio while his Stand deliveed one as well.
"MUDA!" Both he and his Stand shouted as Dio hissed in rage.
Dio at seen only Giorno punch, but felt two hits.
He's using that blasted Stand of his again! That damn thing doesn't hit hard but my inability to see it will make it hard fight it. Once I dispose of these two I must find a way to awaken one of my own!
Dio rushed forward, intending on seperating Giorno's head from his body.
This spurred Jonathan to act, as he rushed forward intending the same thing, only Dio instead of Giorno.
"I WON'T LET YOU DIO!" Jonathan rushed forward ready to deliver a series of punches.
Dio turned just in time to toss Jonathan over his shoulder only to be assualted by a series of kicks from him as he fell, tossing Dio back a little as Jonathan landed next to Giorno.
The blond Stand-user looked at Jonathan, "I have a plan" he jerked his head near the stone statue, Jonathan looked and nodded, understanding.
And then, without a word, the two used the Joestar Family Secret Technique.
And ran away.
Up the staircase that took then above the statue, as the fire torched everything and caused an inferno in the lower areas. Giorno took a running leap to the other end, the ledge above the statue. Jonathan shouted out as it seemed he would fall into the flames, but suddenly he jerked upright, his right outstreched as if someone caugh him, then, defying all know laws of physics, he flew upwards like he was thrown and landed on the ledge.
Giorno turned and said, "JUMP!" Shouting to be heard over the crackling flames.
Jonathan shouted too, "ARE YOU CRAZY?! I'LL FALL AND BURN TO DEATH"
Jonathan hesitated, but then saw Dio recovering with murder in his eyes and decided to take a chance, he ran as fast and as hard as he could and at the last moment, he jumped.
Time slowed as Jonathan started to fall, his life flashing before his eyes, his time with Danny, meeting Erina, fighting Dio, football, researching the Mask. He closed his eyes.
And then stopped falling as he suddenly jerked to a stop, his right arm outstreched and a feeling of being grabbed, then he was hoisted up over the lede and landed next to Giorno, and for a second, he swore he saw a flash of a golden figure.
"See? I told you Gold Experience would catch you".
Just then, Dio got up, and started walking up the wall to them, slowly, as if he knew they were corned.
Finally, he got to them, "And now, you have no where to run"
It was true, they were stuck.
But what Dio didn't realize, is that the ledge they were on was already worn down, 3 people on it was already pushing the limit. And then Giorno called Gold Experince. As soon as the Stand touched the ground
The end part Dio stood on cracked and fell, as did Dio.
"WRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRY?!" Giorno fliched at hearing his lesser know battlecry being used by this man.
Before he could fall completely, Dio stuck his hand out and grabbed the ledge. But before anyone could move, JoJo rushed in, brandishing a curved dagger with a golde handle and stabbed Dio right in his hand.
Howling in pain, Dio let go and fell, impaling himself on the statue below, blood rushing out his mouth and body as his slack jawed expression morphed to one of pain.
And then he was drowned out by the flames.
"COME ON, WE'RE GETTING OUT OF HERE" Was all Giorno said before smashing a window and dragging Jonathan out, using Gold Expereince to cushion the fall.
The two of then landed, beaten and tired, outside the burning house.
Speedwagon noticed the two and ran up to them, "JoJo! Strange man! Are you two ok?"
"My name's Giorno Giovanni, and we killed Dio"
So how'd you like it, I got this idea in the middle of the night and I HAD to write it, it's been a while since I've seen part 1 or 5, so some details might be wrong, for instance I can't remember exactly how JoJo's manor fight with Dio went, but I do remember the fire and how Dio was "Killed"