Chapter Three:
"Maybe if you were good enough, Tony Stark would still be alive.."
"No..No's not my fault.."
"Really? If it's not your fault then he would be here today wouldn't he?"
"No, no that's not true!"
"Peter, kid wake up!."
"Mr. S-Stark...I'm..I'm so sorry.."
"Peter!. Please Peter wake up!." Peter sat up quickly, his hair was now a tangled mess, his skin pale and sweaty, Peter blinked a few times, tears sliding down his face as he tried to focus on the person who had woken him up.
"Hey, it's okay Peter. You're okay.." Peter calmed down slightly at the sound of his Aunt's voice, his fingers trembled as his eyes were now focused on his worried aunt.
"M-May..H-Where am I?.." May smiled a little bit as she shifted next to him on the guest bed that Stephen had offered him the night before. "You're at Doctor Strange's house..he's been taking care of you all made him quite worried." Peter frowned, he looked over his shoulder seeing Stephen's cloak floating next to him.
"He had the cloak stay in and watch over you while you were sleeping." She murmured as she brushed some of the sweaty bangs away from Peter's forehead. "May..W-What am I going to do?.." Peter could feel himself starting to tremble again, he couldn't face going out there, not when the whole world knew who he was underneath the mask. He was so sure that Flash would be mocking him at the given moment.
"Shh, don't worry about that honey, right now you should get something to eat, Wong made breakfast." Peter sniffled a few times as he tried to stop the tears from falling by wiping away at his eyes.
"I..I'm not really hungry May." May frowned, she lifted up his chin so their eyes could connect, her heart clenched at the sight of how heartbroken and upset Peter looked, she knew how much Tony Stark had meant to Peter, with the funeral only having been a month ago, and now the world finding out that Peter was Spider-Man, she was sure that this was taking a toll on her nephew, she just wished she could do something to make things better.
"Hey..if you eat at least one or two pancakes, maybe I can talk to Stephen about inviting Ned and MJ over, I know they're most likely worried about you, how does that sound?." Peter let out a breath, a small smile formed on his lips.
"Alright..I suppose I can try.." May chuckled lightly as she brushed her fingers through his messy curls. "Come on don't want to keep Wong waiting now do we?"