Chapter 2


The world of the lost.

Sakaar was the dump site for the known and unknown universe which seemed to collect people and objects unwelcomed anywhere else.

Seems appropriate. Peter thought. While most of what was collected was trash and only the value was in the materials, it also was a centre of alien tech that if he could study would give him the advantage that he desperately needed to protect Earth.

"One man's trash is another's treasure."

Also, the fighting culture would be the perfect training tool he needed to become stronger; if he lived that is.

Peter continued to read through the reports of Thor and Hulks adventure to get a better idea of the challenges. According to the records, Sakaar had vast metal reserves (thanks to all the scrap) however little biological diversity which meant that food was scarce.

If he decided to go there, which most likely would end up to an expedition that spanned a significant period of time (at least for him) as Sakaar, surrounded by significant spatial and temporal anomalies, meant that time functioned very differently than Earth. According to EDITH, 2 months on Sakaar was equivalent to about 1 Earth day (24 hours) although that can fluctuate.

A lengthy stay meant that he had to consider sustainable living and self-reliance. Maybe even growing his food. Yes… if food was scarce on Sakaar that meant it had value. If he could bring the equipment needed to start producing food, perhaps by hydroponics, then he could sell that to the locals in exchange for what he wanted such as alien tech and knowledge.

That means he needed to secure a base, somewhere where he wouldn't be forcibly drafted into their gladiator games. Underground? … maybe but he would be alone, building a functioning base and a food production plant was too much to accomplish by himself. He could bring others like Ned and MJ who could …. Oh yeah. Too dangerous.


Yes, drones controlled by EDITH.

"EDITH I need drones to establish and self-sustainable underground facility in Sakaar. It will need to have the ability to grow food, build and test alien tech and have sufficient accommodations so I can live in it for a few years. Maybe a few creature comforts as well, add some books, movies, games and well anything else you think I need."

"Understood Peter. I shall begin drafting plans immediately for your approval. Reminder that construction of drones shall several weeks to fabricate depending on the size of your order." EDITH replied.

Yes, it could be done. The more he thought about the possibilities and the excitement of exploration, the more sure he was that this was the right thing to do.

Earth would be safe. There were still SHEILD and the other Avengers in emergencies and with the time difference he wouldn't be gone too long.

Peter took a few deep breaths to calm down. He had to think this through. Travelling to another world was not something to rush.

Peter found the notebook that he used previously and started another list titled 'Stuff to do'

Supplies (Food, water, Drones, EDITH, etc)

Say Goodbyes to MJ, Ned and Aunt May. + Shield.

Peter added SHEILD to this list at the last minute, he wouldn't give them any details so that he couldn't be followed or stopped but he felt a responsibility to give them a heads up at least that he would be unavailable.

Go to Sakaar.

Peter stopped. In all his planning he had forgotten the most obvious and important point; how to get there. Sakaar was not any alien planet that regular spaceships could visit, instead it was only accessible through the many portals that connected it to the known universe. Peter looked at the report EDITH was showing him again for how Thor and Hulk found themselves there.

Thor it seemed was thrown out of the Bifrost by his evil sister, the God of Death. The same Bifrost that is now destroyed due to Ragnarok.

The Hulk was flying in the Quinjet after the battle with Ultron when he passed through one of the portals leading to Sakaar.

"EDITH, how can Sakaar be a candidate for me to choose from if I can't get there?"

"Mr Stark had previously researched Hulks disappearance and found the location of a stable portal between Earth and Sakaar. It was later considered to be source of alien tech to fight off Thanos however before it could be explored, Mr Stark passed away."

"So you know where it is! I can go there!"

EDITH's reply was to project a 3D map of Europe leading to range of mountains in Scandinavia.

"A systematic drone survey discovered the portal hidden in the Kjolen Mountain range." EDITH explained.

Suddenly it was so real. He was going to go to another world. He'd been to space before, but this was different. No one trying to kill him (at least yet) and all the alien tech in the universe for him to disassemble.

With a leap off the motel bed, the most hunted man in America, started to do a victory dance.

He would be free.

3 Weeks Later

Peter had finally arranged for all the drones (of various types) to be built and the transport of all the supplies he would need ready in a remotely operated, invisible Quinjet that would be able to take him through the portal and to destination; Sakaar.

He only had one thing left to do.

Say goodbye to his loved ones.

He had managed a brief conversation with his Aunt, over a line that EDITH secured, where she wished him well and told him everything would be ok. That had only made it worse. Ever since he was a little boy, he could always tell when she was lying, and when Aunt May told him that it would be Ok; she had lied.

He was going to see MJ and then Ned before leaving on a plane that waited, parked on a nearby roof.

As he swung from roof to roof to MJ's neighbourhood, he tried to think of what to say. How could he explain his feelings for while also telling that he was leaving?

Perched on a roof opposite, Peter looked through MJ's window. She was at the computer, probably reading something hilarious macabre.

He used the web shooter to swing towards her flat. Griping the wall with one hand, he gently knocked on the window.

On the roof of the building, Peter sat on the ledge with his arms embracing the girl that drove crazy.

"I've missed you so much." Peter whispered to her. He moved in and gave MJ a slow kiss, savouring the sensation of her lips on his.

"Me too. Does this mean your back?" MJ asked but he could see in her eyes it more pleading. He considered that while this experience may have been hard on him, he'd disregarded the challenge it would have been on those that cared for him.


"Then you're here because…" Her voice trailed off.

"I needed to see you. Look I don't know how to say this, but I need to go away for a while. There's too much attention on me."


"Yes. Far away where I won't be hunted. Where I can train to really be everything Mr Stark wanted me to be."

MJ took a few moments to reply. Looking deeply into Peters eyes as if trying to come to some decision."


Peter smiled. He had been prepared for a battle. The smile froze on his face as he heard what MJ said next.

"I'm coming with you."

"No!" The rejection was instantaneous; an impulse to keep her safe rising within him.

"Excuse me?" MJ's tone set Peter reeling. "Are you telling me what I can and can't do like it's Victorian England?"


"Then I'm coming."


"Is that all you can say?" The smirk on her face seemed to relax him. He paused and took breath to better compose his next answer.

"Where I'm going is dangerous. Here your safe."

"Safety is a relative concept. I could be hit by bus or falling meteorite. Wouldn't it be safe, even logical, to be near someone who could protect me like… I don't know… Spiderman?"

"I'm only so strong." It was embarrassing for him to admit; that the great Spiderman, an Avenger who helped to save the world, wasn't strong enough.

"Than we'll be strong together."

Peter looked into her eyes, and knew without a doubt that he was in love. This beautiful woman who was willing to follow him into the unknown owned his heart. Briefly he pictured his trip to Sakaar with MJ in toe, living together, researching together… living together. Peter had to mentally shake himself and commit himself to his previous position.

"No." Peter said with finality. "The world doesn't know our relationship. You'll be safe here until I return. Then I will come back and clear my name. It will all work out, Trust me. I'm already going to have this conversation twice as I need to see Ned tonight too."

MJ took a step back out of Peters arms. Pausing to think, and then taking out her phone. As she typed away, Peter asked.

"What are you doing?" MJ didn't reply until the phone 'tinged' and she returned it to her pocket.

"MJ?" Peter said again, starting to worry.

"I solved our problem."


"Our Problem. I want to go with you, however you stubbornly refuse my good will because of some caveman idea that I am safer here because the world doesn't know were dating. Sound right so far?"

"Yeah…" Peter said cautiously. Aware that her verbal trap was about the be launched.

"Well like I said. Problem solved." At Peter questioning look, MJ smiled and replied. "I've just posted on my Facebook and Twitter, which is being stalked by several government agencies, that we are in a relationship."

Peter was stunned. His mouth opened and closed with the intention on speech, to try and remedy the situation how his brain refused to comply. He could see it, his perfect plan to keep MJ safe was gone. Destroyed not at the hands of a villain or criminal enemy but by MJ herself. As Peter slowing, brought his thoughts together in a semi coherent manner, the outburst of indignation was suppressed and replaced by an air of defeat.

Peter didn't say anything, his only reply to MJ's checkmate, was a long sigh.

MJ walked back into his arms, the victorious smile playing across her beautiful face. "Cheer up Tiger, it's not like any of your other plans could go wrong tonight."



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The next chapter starts the actual adventure.