It was currently midnight in the outskirts of the vale kingdom though while in the cold air of the night a blonde man is walking through the forest looking extremely downcast, his right hand in his hoodie while his left is holding a letter but not just any letter, it's a rejection letter from beacon academy.
Jaune was extremely sad that even with his forged Transcripts he bought from a man named Roman Torchwick they still failed "I guess my dream of being a Huntsmen is officially dead if the transcripts of vales best forger is rejected" Jaune exclaimed to no one but sighed to himself thinking of another way to become the hero like he dreamed of.
The Blonde Knight walks through a few trees into a clearing continuing to think of a way to his problem however the moonlit light is starting to glow a bit more causing Jaune to look around thinking 'the heck?...' the light grows brighter to which Jaune to turn and look up to see an Astroid flies towards the clearing with Jaune gulping and screaming then jumping out of the way "AAYYYYYYYYEEEEEE!" The Astroid slams into the planet leaving a giant crater, Jaune crawled towards the crater to see the Astroid that plummeted to Remnant.
He glances into the crater to see not a meteorite but I metal ball that's open to reveal a molten green liquid, Jaune slides into the crater to the epicenter towards the goo which to Jaune it looked cool to touch then extended his arm towards the goo but upon touching it his hand is enveloped by the green liquid that is so hot that is searing Jaunes flesh and burning his hoodie to ashes "AHHHHHH!" Jaune screams in pain as he wrenched backwards hoping to quell the pain though in a few minutes Jaune stopped screaming then pants to look at his arm to see a green gauntlet with a watch built into it.
Jaune picks at the strange green gauntlet, but has trouble taking it off. He looks for a latch, but finds none. He keeps trying to pry it off with brute force, to no avail. He finds a nearby rock to try to smash the bottom of it to open, but comes up with the same results "what is this?!" Jaune yelled at the strange green gauntlet
After a few minutes he gives up on trying to remove it. He looks at it more carefully, inspecting the main circular pice with a green and black hourglass design. He taps at it, seeing it do nothing so He then sees a smaller green button on the side of the dial and presses it. The dial pops up and the face plate forms a green hologram of a strange being "what is that?" Jaune asked at the strange thing appeared in the watches center.
The being looked angular, with 2 large blades popping out of the shoulders. The face was square-like and the body looked like a rock or prism Jaune waves his hand through the hologram but only disrupting the flow of light then uses his index finger to push down on the base plate. In a flash of light, he feels his body grow, and turn hard. He can hear his pulse in his ears as he screams in panic, faintly hearing the sound of glass. Jaune continued to scream as his arms and head is shifting and changing into a crystal like substance while his legs and torso is reverting into some sort of rock.
His voice was deeper and he looked down. His feet and legs were a greenish/blue crystal. His arms were the same and his limbs came together at a purple, rocky formation that was now his torso. He looks at his reflection in his hand, seeing 2 large, sharp shoulder spikes the same color as his arms and legs and his squarish face then surrounded by the purple rock except for a piece of the strange diamond like rock hitting from the back of his head, His eyes were green and in the center of his chest was the green and black hourglass.
"What is happening to me?!" Jaune yells as he looked at himself from the metal ball to see himself.
Jaune had gasped seeing his body different, his body looked like diamond and rock "what am I?!" Jaune yelled but covered his mouth hearing himself with a far deeper voice then he attempted to swat to the left however unintentionally shooting out several diamond senbons which they penetrate the ground causing Diamond Head Jaune to stumble backwards and onto his butt panting hard "what's going on?!" Jaune yells again trying to figure out what happened to him until a voice is heard behind him "oh that's just great!" The voice yelled full of sarcasm causing Jaune to turn around to find a pint sized grey skinned creature with a long mustache hanging downwards "what the hell?!" "I should be asking you that boy!" The creature yelled at Jaune before shaking his head saying out loud.
"I should've transported the Omnimatrix myself, I said this and yet I didn't. Now another human has the watch again! The Ben Tennyson Brat was bad enough!" The grey skinned creature Leeds at Jaune. The grey matter growled jumping from the ball as green goo started to envelop the grey matter and the goo soon shifted into green like armor "hand over the Omnimatrix Now" it said with a complete mechanical voice to which it stepped forward a complete foot taller then Jaune "w-wait! I don't know what this is!" "Then why did you take it?!" The Mecha creature raise its arm shifting over to a blaster cannon shooting it causing Jaune to scream and roll to the side then starts running into the forest as green blaster shots flies past him.
"First a strange liquid sears onto my arm! Now some grey frog thing in green armor is shooting at me!" Jaune yelled until he sees the green mech flies above Jaune and lands in front of the diamond creature sending Jaune onto his butt from stopping "hand over the Omnimatrix!" "I don't know what this thing is! I don't even know how to take it off!" The green armor raised its blaster cannon it stopped and sighed putting it down "The Omnimatrix is the creation by the great Inventor Azmuth, it is capable of harnessing the dna of countless aliens and cataloging them. What you have is a dangerous weapon...wait didn't placed a?...Cosmic Almighty..." the green mech shook his head sitting down in front of Jaune crisscrossed "listen kid, I'm Assistant. He tasked me on keeping track of his latest invention..." Jaune looked around then back at the mech "what am I?" "A petrosapian, a diamond like species of alien."
Jaune looks at the liquid mecha creature incredulously as if the creature just said a foreign word "Alien... like... Alien alien?!" Jaune asked getting up onto both his legs looking extremely shocked "aliens exist!?" The Assistant groans rubbing his mech helmet obviously done talking with the human "Yes like an alien alien... God, you Homosapians are so simple and stupid." Jaune looks down at his chest where the Omnimatrix Watch is located at the center "And this watch?" Jaune asked then looked at the Mech who stares back "That is the Omnimatrix. It's predecessor, the Omnitrix is or was supposed to be a way to bring peace, A way to step into another species shoes.. What you wear is so thing that goes beyond that as a weapon. It was created by an enemy of ours who is known as the Conqueror Vilgax but that is one made by the First Thinker, Azmuth as a way to combat against the Universal Conqueror" Jaune looks back down groaning at himself then looked at the Mecha Grey Matter "Well can you take it off?!" Jaune yelled at him pointing at the watch at his chest
The Mecha man stared at Jaune then shook his head looking to the side "I can't since It's genetically locked to your DNA now It's practically impossible to remove even if we try to remove your arm." The Assistant informed Jaune of the problem of removing the watch from him "Remove my arm!?" Jaune yells at the possible danger only for the assistant to nod at him "Until I can get back to the First Thinker and inform him of your situation, you're stuck with the Omnimatrix" The assistant starts to type something on a pad that was formed on the mecha arm.
"You're just leaving this thing on my arm?!" Jaune yells again stepping up to the mech who got onto his feet glaring down at Jaune who stepped back in fear "as I said before Homosapian it's hooked onto your DNA and until I inform the First Thinker and obtain a master code for the Omnimatrix...Your. Stuck. With. It also Don't let anyone find out about it, Don't let anyone study it and Don't blow up. It'd be troublesome if I have to comeback with the Master Code and you are in chunks everywhere" "W-Wait! You can't just-" Jaune tries to say but The assistant teleports away without a trace of his very existence and then Jaune formed a crystalline vain in his forehead yelling into the air "YOU ALIEN PIECE OF SHIIIIIIIIIIT!"
Three Hours had passed since Jaune had gotten the Omnimatrix Gauntlet and Jaune had attempted at every point even attempting to smash a rock into the Watch Gauntlet but it doesn't even get a scratch so the blonde man breathed hard sliding down a tree since it took a full thirty minutes for him to revert to human mode "bloody hell" Jaune muttered darkly looking down at the gauntlet that hasn't even been scratched.
"This 'First Thinker' sure knows how to make a durable weapon..." Jaune commented on that fact but he raised his gauntlet towards his face pressing a button next to the watch which springs up to show the basic form of the Diamond Head Alien "so that's the Petrosapian...I'll call you...Diamond Head...hmmm what's this one" Jaune turned the dial of the watch to show a large humanoid alien then he pressed down the button causing him to grit his teeth in pain as his skin solidified and strengthen into a grey color while his head shifts and molds with his body.
After the green light subdued it shows Jaune as a large grey skinned alien at 7 Foot Height and he has no mouth but a voice box and 6 Eyes though that's the only abnormalities "what is this?" Jaune said in the deepest raspiest voice in history looking down at his large three finger hands "I smart but also...angry...defiled...I feel like I'm dying?" Jaune said as he learns he can feel certain emotions from the forms he takes, one of the abilities of the Omnimatrix "ok so let's test this body out" Jaune turned around gripping the tree pulling it out roots an all then tossed it into the sky far away "Super Strength Check..." Jaune tested this new form to find Strength and Intelligence being the main factors.
So the alien tapped on the Omnimatrix Watch on his chest reverting Jaune to his normal form showing he can end his Forms at will "Alright so, I'll call you Highbreed...oh?" Jaune switches to a new form on the matrix to find a humanoid creature with four wings.
Jaune moves the dial once more to show a more smooth humanoid look then pressing down on the dial and a green light enveloped him, gritting his teeth his body starts being molded and solidified and his bones started to melt.
The green light subsided showing Jaunes new body being a green and black goo creature with a green circle for eyes and mouth so Jaune looks down at the watch still on his chest then down at his white chest and legs with green lines then he looks at his black arms "wait this's like the green goop that frog alien used to-..." Jaune stopped thinking then his body started shifting morphing into the MechaMorph Armor.
Jaune looked down at his bodies more mechanical hands which shifts into Blasters then he stumbles back at the sudden change "bloody hell!" He swung his right hand to the right and accidentally shot out a missile blowing up a tree sky high "AHH!" Jaune screamed jumping from the sight of the explosion and the tree that landed in front of him "I DON'T LIKE THIS ANYMORE!" Jaune gets up the starts running letting his armor shift back into the normal MechaMorph.
Jaune keeps on running and running until he sees the edge of the forest coming closer and closer however Jaune stopped moments before seeing his village obviously thinking about his current form "wait...if I leave the forest like this it will cause a panic...panic will draw in Grimm and the Grimm will draw Huntsmen and Huntress but I can't let them see me like this or they will try to take the gauntlet...hmm" Jaune thought out loud letting his body demorph into a puddle of liquid flesh continuing to speak out loud "alright so let's think...should I wait out the timer and use this enhanced thinking or do I press out the form now and get back to my family then forget this whole alien wait" Jaune continued to think until he formed his head from the liquid puddle then looked down at the watch that hasn't been liquified in the puddle "this thing is still attached to me so no matter how I look at it, I'm stuck with it and if I go revealing this thing I may be looked at like I'm Insane but also have Atlas come looking for me..."
Jaunes solidified head returned to the puddle continuing to think "wait a this is a great opportunity!...yeah! I can use this watch to fulfill my dream of being a Huntsmen! Even though I'll be doing it illegally" Jaune thought out his plans to be a Huntsmen until the watch in the puddle starts beeping rapidly and flashing red assuming a cooldown mode.
The flash of red light shfited Jaune back to his normal form which is human, the blonde man was laying on the ground thinking about the watch though he had gained major intelligence from the Upgrade Alien he transformed "ok yeah that's what I will do" he exclaimed before he got back up and walked into the village seeing practically no one outside due to the time but he sees his families house which is basically a mansion in terms villager terms since the Arc Clan is the family protecting this Village.
Jaune sighed as he entered the house looking at the living seeing his parents there but the rest of his family had gone to bed, Author Arc is the Current Head of the Arc Clan and considered one of the best Huntsmen in Vale while his Mother Daisy Arc is the overprotective mother of the Arcs.
Author is confined to a wheelchair after he was involved in a issue concerning with the white fang, he turned to face Jaune concern clear on his face "Jaune!" He exclaimed moving the chair and wheeling it over to Jaune with Daisy sprinting towards him enveloping the blonde man into a hug never go like that" Jaune was surprised but hugged Daisy with Author smiling at the sight but that smile faltered seeing the Omnimatrix on Jaunes right hand "Son? What's that on your hand?" The older Arc pointed at the green gauntlet to which Jaune looked extremely nervous since he knew that the gauntlet couldn't just be stashed away before he thought of something so he sighed looking at it as Daisy stepped back so Jaune has some breathing room "it's my weapon dad, I've been sneaking out everyday so I could train in secret for beacon" Author sighed but smiled even knowing his son would go behind his back he can't be mad "it's alright son...does your weapon have a name?" Jaune smiled using its true name as his weapon "the Omnimatrix..."