For the sake of reminiscing when I had to do this in the past, I will include that I do not own Teen Titans or any of the characters mentioned in the following one shot.

This whole story is a multichapter of oneshots based on song prompts. This one is We & Us by Moira Del Torre

The summer air was warm, a slight breeze that tickled the senses in all the right ways drifted through over the ocean. The city behind was eerily quiet and still in the almost silence, only an occasional sound of someone's car as they neared the shore. The only lights that came from the city were that of headlights belonging to cars traveling home to their loved ones, the only real sound to hear, the ocean crashing on the shore and the breath of those near. A couple lay side by side on a soft blue blanket on the top of Titans Tower, basking in the strange serenity about.

The electricity that normally ran through the city had been broken by the events of the day. The moment the danger was gone, crews set to work on repairing it. It was estimated that by around 4am, it would all be functioning again so people could go about their day in as normal fashion as one could when they lived in Jump City. The far reaches of the city had lights clicked on, though they were too far away to obscure anything all the way by the ocean.

"That's Orion's Belt. Do you see that one?" A gray finger pointed to a line of stars in the sky, trying to draw the simple shape for the man lying beside her on the blanket to see.

"Do you want to talk about it?" His voice was soft, carrying a tone of worry.

"You can't see the stars as well from here with all the city lights on. This is our chance to see them without having to leave the Tower. Do you see it?" The question was easily evaded.

Raven's arm remained reached toward the sky while Beast Boy shifted to have a hand propping up his head, body facing her. He clearly was not looking at the stars, rather staring straight at the woman, yet Raven persisted. Everyone else was sound asleep in the Tower below them. This was when they had their chance to do stuff together. When everyone was asleep. Whether that was leaving and doing something, or staying in and doing other things, this was their time. There was a constant fear from Raven about what would happen if the others found out about the two of them. Saw them getting along like this. What tensions it would cause in the group, what sort of dynamics would be ruined. What assumptions might be made. Some days she thought that they all knew based on their behaviors, other days she couldn't be certain. Today felt like a day they all knew, based on the way Beast Boy was made to chase after her earlier.

"If you look, you can also see Orion, and following here, you can see his dogs." Even though he wasn't looking, her finger still followed the trail of stars, making out the shapes she knew to be there. "The brightest star up there, the North Star, is part of it. Do you see it?"

"Raven, are you okay? You haven't said anything about today at all." The concern was clear in the male's tone, and a quick glance at his creased brow also confirmed it, but the question was ignored.

"To the left of Orion is the Gemini constellation. Right," her gaze shifted and her hand moved to draw the shape hidden among the glimmering lights. "here."

"Rae, it's okay to not be okay."

"Above his head is Auriga. The charioteer. Look." A sort of demanding followed the final word, but the efforts were clearly ignored as the man made no move to actually turn and face the stars again.


"On the upper right, right here, is Taurus. You can't see them if you don't look, Beast Boy."

"I don't want to look at the stars, Raven. I want to make sure you're okay. Talk to me. You'd be worried if it had happened to me instead of you." Ugh. The flawless logic struck again.

A heavy sigh was followed by the lowering of her arm as violet eyes met emerald ones of worry. The day had consisted of, once again, her nearly dying. It seemed to be becoming a norm of sorts, that one of them would be in nearly grave danger any time some villain struck. Last time had been Robin, with Starfire doting on him until he had insisted enough times that he was okay and didn't need the attention. Starfire once again took the reins of worry this time by insistently asking what she could do to help and make things better when they had arrived home today, followed by halfhearted offers from Robin and Cyborg as well who seemed too nervous about getting too close. Their offers were met with a firm decline as Raven excused herself to her room.

"The power is gonna come back on at any moment. We won't be able to see the stars anymore when they're back on." As if by cue another section of lights in the city clicked on, indicating their fleeting time.

"You screamed at Starfire for offering to help you, and ran away to your room." Okay, maybe it hadn't been as calm of a situation as Raven had thought it was. "She's worried. We all are."

"It happens all the time. One of us always has something happen. It's not as big of a deal as you're all making it out to be." A nonchalant wave of her hand was given and another constellation was drawn, though not voiced. He didn't care about the stars.

"It's still bad every time it happens though. What if it ends up being the last time we get to see one of us? That stuff stays in your head. I remember every single time I've almost died and it terrifies me every time."

"Yeah, well I'm not you," she snapped while pulling her hand down from the sky. A shaky sigh was given. "I don't deal with things by talking it out."

Pushing herself up to a seated position, Raven leaned back on her hands while her eyes once more went up to the sky. Beast Boy remained where he was, eyes fixed on the woman beside him.

"You're okay, right?" She finally asked.

"This isn't about me. We're all worried - " he began, but was cut off.

"You are okay, right?" The words were spoken louder, to emphasize the point, though her gaze remained fixed up at the sky.

"Umm... Yeah. I'm fine. You're the one who almost -"

"Then I'm okay. I'm fine. As long as you're okay, as long as I still have my you, I'm okay."

"Your me?"

"I said what I said, Beast Boy." Now her head turned to look at the male, at the same time a hum could be heard and the buildings near the Tower lit up with now restored electricity running through them. The Tower followed seconds after, the sound of everything powering back up beneath the two of them aided the moment. "I love you. As long as you're okay, and here with me, I'll be fine."

To hide the color now filling her face, Raven turned away, now facing toward Jump City with her legs crossing in front of her. It was once more alive, now the same sight she normally saw, save for the street lights flashing red and waiting to be reset on their normal routine.

Pink brushed over the cheeks of the green man, and a feeling of excitement ran through his body, as though the electricity that was now flowing through the building again was also flowing within him. In a friendly way, with the group the words had been spoken many times and very casually, but as the two of them it had only ever been said by himself. Yet here Raven was saying it as if it was the easiest thing to say. So natural. When he had admitted it out loud the first time, there was so much stuttering and nervousness. The grace and ease in which Raven could deliver the three words that meant the most was almost something to be envied.

Even if no one knew the two of them were together, they knew. And that was enough for the both of them. No one else needed to know. Moments like this were their private bliss. Maybe someday the others could know, but for now... It was just them.

Sitting up as smoothly as he could (which was to say not at all, and Raven could tell without even turning to look) Beast Boy pushed himself to his knees, and waddled to behind Raven. His arms wrapped around her and his face came to rest on the back of her neck.

"I love you, too, Raven. I'm so glad you're okay."

A/N: Feedback is great! I'd love it if you guys left comments on this to let me know how good or bad I'm doing, as long as it's in a constructive manner. Haven't done any writing in a good minute so I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things.

Also, if you like this idea of using song prompts, I'm actually doing this with Supernova. Iris (get rid of the space between the . and I, for some reason it omits her name if i put it altogether) who is writing Robin x Starfire with her own take on the prompts that comes out beautifully. Her fic is also called One Song. Definitely check her out :)