Definition of Towairaito: Nightfall

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or the image.

Summary: Seventeen-year-old Haruno Sakura died in the Fourth Shinobi World War with a weary smile resting on her face. She never expected to wake up again, but when she does, she's three-years-old and wields the scarlet eyes of a murderer. She doesn't deserve a second chance, however fate gave it to her, and no one refuses fate. Time Travel Non-Mass AU

"It's too late to regret. Reality is just cruelly moving forward."– Tobi

Sakura had always known she would die young.

She just wasn't the type of person who could survive through something as scarring as war and come out stronger than before or unscathed.

Death was inevitable and Sakura was a broken little girl trying to play ninja.

Sometimes, when she felt especially somber, Sakura thought of what would happen after she died.

Perhaps she would go to heaven and watch the future unravel. She would watch heroes who survived the Fourth Shinobi World War live full, happy lives and have delightful little children.

Sakura believed that Uzumaki Naruto was such a hero, destined for happiness and greatness since the day of his birth.

She imagined his future. He'd be Hokage of course, with a beautiful and caring wife. Sakura liked to think his wife would be Hinata since the midnight-haired kunoichi had such an obvious crush on him when they were genin. The couple would have two children; a boy and a girl, who would be strong ninja just like their parents. The village would respect and appreciate Naruto and he would be hailed in all the Five Great Shinobi Villages as the man who stopped the war, the hero of the ninja world.

Every month, Naruto would visit her grave and leave cosmos flowers, because deep down, Sakura was selfish in that way. He would spread word of her bravery of how she died from a kunai meant for a comrade. Or possibly, she had saved the life of someone important at the cost of her own, using Kishō Tensei. Either way, she would be a legend, someone that young medic-nin strived to be like and newly made genin were inspired by. She would be the legendary Haruno Sakura and she would be content with being a dead idol.

In case Sakura did survive the Fourth Shinobi World War by some miracle, she knew what lay ahead for her. She guessed Sasuke would marry her to revive his clan since she was the only female he knew or could stand without grimacing. Uchiha Sasuke would never love her the way he loved Naruto or Itachi, and Sakura would be left as a housewife who worked occasional shifts in the hospital because she was too precious of a medic-nin to take any real missions.

So when the distinct darkness of death was about to encompass Sakura, she embraced it. Haruno Sakura embraced it with the happiness of an Academy student who finally earned a hitai-ate.

In her last thoughts, Sakura remembered when she first got her own hitai-ate. Passing the Academy graduation test, stealing bells from Kakashi-sensei, catching Tora the cat. Those distant memories of peace and happiness seemed so far away. It was okay though, she would watch her boys from heaven. Her boys. Together. Smiling.

Never in a million years had Sakura imagined waking up again. She had imagined being reborn in a new life, a life without bloodshed, a life without war, a life of peace. Or maybe she would simply float in eternal darkness forever, but never, never had she imagined waking up again as Haruno Sakura in the past.

Kishō Tensei: One's Own Life Reincarnation