A/N: Inspired by the hilarious 'Thanking Sheldon' by TempestJo, together with some brainstorming for the Halo Polarization. STILL trying to come up with the conclusion, lol.

It was a routine at this point. 8 pm, relaxing after another exhausting waitressing shift, of course he would come across the hall and ruin it for her.

*knock, knock, knock "Penny."

*knock, knock, knock "Penny."

*knock, knock, knock "Penny."

There goes her blissful evening, sulking with a bottle of her favourite wine and some pop music in the background. Penny was annoyed by his another visit, what does he want now? She dragged herself out of her green two-seater towards the door.

Their furious, yet flirting eye contact match caught her up again, after she swung her front door open. Sheldon probably had no idea what his sharp look and darken blue eyes did to his blonde friend, when he looked at her like that. Angry and annoyed, just like she was, probably because she did something, again. She hated the fact his dominating gaze sent her knees melting and waking up the butterflies in her stomach. Has it been that long?

"Yes, Sheldon?" Penny tried to act polite towards her physicist. It was not entirely his fault for feeling frustrated these last few weeks. Opposite to his usual ramblings, he didn't say a word, just handed the console controller in his hands towards her. No cover, no batteries. Running late on his gaming night routine.

"Are you accusing me of stealing your batteries?" She tried to defend with an attack. "I thought we were friends, Sheldon..."

"My apartment is secured with video surveillance, Penny." Sheldon remained poised and not affected by her remark. She remained his best friend, no matter what she thought at this moment.

Penny again tried to puppy-eye her way out of trouble with Sheldon, but unfortunately, her robotic neighbour always seemed immune to her charms. No amount of her cooing, flirting, pleading or skimpy tank tops and shorts buckled him. Not when he was this decisive. How the hell does he do it? Her sexy package never let her down with other men. He's definitely a cyborg or an alien, sent to study the human species, she thought.

"I was willing to accept your dependence on our food and WIFI, but this? What is going on, Penny? Are you involved in some secret activity without my knowing?"

Penny's face became visibly red and flushed, when Sheldon's innocent mind asked about where his batteries were going. Today, right now, she was done and tired of excuses. Besides everything else, she didn't need another strike with Sheldon. No that it mattered, he seemed to ignore those since the last time he banished her from his place. But out of principle, she tried to be fair to him. The last thing she wanted right now, was another dispute with him. She had enough crap to deal with already. She sighed and bowed her head.

"Come in, I'll get them for you." Penny let her lanky neighbour into her apartment without any objections. Sheldon followed and took a seat on her sofa.

"Wait here." She huffed and stormed into her bedroom visibly upset, only to return a few seconds later. "There! That's why I keep stealing them! Happy now?" She threw her newest purchase into his lap and turned around to hide her embarrassment of having to explain her most intimate needs to Sheldon frakin' Cooper.

What has her life come to? Was it not enough to be stuck in a shitty waitressing job with no progress on her acting career and broken relationship with Leonard? Now she had to explain to her wacky physicist the purpose of that thing.

Sheldon observed the cylindrical pink device, lying in his lap with a mix of interest and discomfort. His hands were hovering around it, not knowing if it was clean enough to touch it. He appeared clueless to her, but he knew very well what Penny was doing with it.

"I see. Well, I sure hope it's disen..."

"IT'S CLEAN, SHELDON!" Penny yelled at a tone she didn't mean to. She pulled her hands through her hair in desperation and sorrow. "Just... take your stupid batteries and leave... please?" Penny lowered her voice and finished with a desperate plea, which again he failed to register.

He finally picked it up and studied it under his genius gaze. Meanwhile Penny grew more and more embarrassed, almost to the point of tears. It felt like he was giving herself an exam. Her heavy breathing and rosy cheeks became more apparent. She paced restlessly around the couch, not being able to look at Sheldon, holding and observing her toy in great detail. As if the rubbery phallic shape in his hands was a real functioning sonic screwdriver or some similar sci-fi item.

"Based on your recent attitude, Penny, I'd say this bad excuse of a pleasure device, is failing to do its job, wouldn't you say?" He looked at her sincerely.

"I guess..." She waved her arms in desperation and plonked down on her couch next to him. Wondering what terrible thing she did in her previous life to deserve this conversation and everything else that's been going on recently.

"Well, no wonder. This is a primitive design, with a very limited set of functions." He flipped the switch and powered up the device. It vibrated slightly in his hand. "See? Whoever designed this, clearly has no idea about the operation of the female nervous system or of an anatomy of a female reproductive system, for that matter."

Penny took in what Sheldon just said and couldn't help but chuckle after a few seconds. "Seriously? Look who's talking, mister Virgin Scientist. What the hell would you know about how we function or what gives us pleasure?"

"Penny..." He gave her that smug, I-have-an-IQ-of-187 look again. "I'm a physicist with an IQ of 187 and a working knowledge of the entire Universe. As with everything else, women's pleasures are purely down to science. For some reason, Amy constantly keeps telling me about it…" Sheldon stared in the distance and trailed off for a moment, before looking at the blonde again. "Let me explain in terms you will understand."

Penny rolled her eyes in annoyance and sighed. Here we go again, another one of Sheldon's science rants...

"It all comes down to pleasuring every nerve and muscle in repeated stimulating patterns, to the point of saturating your brain with impulses and chemical substance to the point of overload. A task no man can achieve sufficiently, given our limited abilities and emotions. And certainly not a cheap toys like this pathetic example." He threw the device on her coffee table, leaving Penny's jaw open with a mix of surprise and excitement. This was too good of an opportunity to pass on it.

Her attitude changed from offended to curious.

"Huh. So you're saying you can make a device, which would climax me into..."

"Passing out." He simply looked into her sparkling eyes. "Consequently, leaving you in a far better mood and hopefully, with my batteries intact on my gaming nights!" Sheldon emphasised his last two words, ending it a bit louder, tapping his wristwatch.

Penny was lost for words, she felt bad about herself. Her bad mood was disrupting Sheldon's routines, which she knew the importance of. She only bowed her head in sorrow, before hearing Sheldon in a more soothing tone. He observed the blonde, before offering a solution.

"You know, for some baffling reason, I really dislike seeing you in such a state of stress. This just might be what you require, Penny." He looked at his neighbour, now slowly beginning to gleam with excitement. He felt relieved when her lips curled into a smile.

"Would you really do this for me?"

"Yes, well… I'm a problem-solver by nature, Penny. Are you doubting my knowledge of female-pleasuring abilities? Because I can assure you..."

"No, no, sweetie." Penny hurried and put her hand onto his chest to stop him. "Tell you what. When you build it, you can try it on me as much as you want. Deal?" She had complete trust in his abilities to not hurt her.

Sheldon's eyes awakened, he smiled like a kid who was given a present he always wanted. He stood up with excitement. Finally something stimulating to work on. His job became stagnant in recent months, not much new going on. Just like his friendship with Amy, he's not ready to take it anywhere further, despite everything she has tried. Her efforts just don't provide him with any satisfaction.

But the thought of proving himself to Penny in this way, fired up his brain once again. Interesting. Penny offered to be his test subject as well. This just might be worth the effort.

"And Sheldon? Not a word to anyone, especially Wolowitz, got it? This project would be our secret, ok?"

His face started to twitch for a moment. On one hand, Howard did have very sufficient knowledge on engineering, which would help in the construction. On the other, he would quickly realize what the device is for. This was one project, Sheldon would have to do on his own.

"Very well, consider this challenge accepted. And Penny? No more batteries, until I'm finished." He waved the vibrator in front of her, forbidding her to continue with pleasuring herself any further. Sheldon flipped the cover on the bottom and took out the batteries. Noticing the slight fury on her face when he did that.

Strangely, her body did not listen to her thoughts. Every time Sheldon forbid her from doing something from doing, it triggered a side effect, she really didn't want to admit even to herself. Bossy Doctor Cooper telling his naughty blonde neighbour how to behave, always got her juices flowing.

"Or what?" Penny was pushing it, trying to find his limits again.

"Or youuu..." He pointed it at her again, playfully. "Don't get to try it." He smirked at her gasped expression.

Penny clearly remembered when he advanced towards her, pointing the toy sword towards her and greeted her Hello Kitty shorts in anger she never saw in him before. Dear Lord, was she close then. Oh yes, he could greet her 'kitty' anytime… She snapped out of her dirty suppressed thoughts of Sheldon, back into reality.


"Ah, excellent." Sheldon swiftly turned around and left her apartment to work on his new challenge. Leaving her with heavy breaths, hovering with excitement and blind to the fact that he took her toy with him as well. Something which she only noticed after he left.

Penny crashed on her bed moments later, exhaling the breath she'd been holding, staring at the ceiling. Her inebriated mind running over all the thoughts and events that just occurred. Leaving her with smirking lips and mind. Sheldon Cooper, her twisted whackadoodle neighbour just promised to build her a pleasure toy she never experienced before. Because he wants to prove to her, that he can. Oh, this will be good, she wondered what he has in store for her. What will his genius brain come up with?

She closed her eyes and repeated some of the details on what he explained. "Pleasure. Stimulation. Sensory overload. Passing out. Taking her vibrator with him." images echoed and flashed in her mind, making her hands creep across her body. One slowly making its way down under her pants, the other over her shirt. She moaned as she imagined Sheldon looking at her as if she held all the answers. Much the same as he does his whiteboards.

Within minutes, Penny had to make herself more comfortable. She kicked off her pants, and threw away her shirt in a mix of fury and growing arousal. She threw herself back onto her bed and spread her legs. Finally, her right hand gained access, she slid under her damp panties and fingers circled her clit before plunging into her wet throbbing core.

The other palm kneaded and tweaked her mounds, with the bra now pushed out of the way. "Oh, Sheldon, do with me what you will…" Giving into her fantasy, she moaned loudly, her hips were buckling, pressing into her dancing fingers playing with her inside. The image of him standing over her, causing heavenly pleasures with his machine, pleased with its perfection in performance flooded her mind. His startling blue eyes observing her splayed naked body in motion. Her hot skin glistering in perspiration. Her unconstrained moans and yells and curses filling her apartment space. She manages to catch a glimpse of his growing erection, causing her long legs to grow taunt, curling her toes together, she's getting so close. She hears and feels as Sheldon is tweaking his device further to bring her over the edge...

Her muscles tense and arch her spine upwards as she comes for the first time, staring into those dark blues compelling eyes...

A loud moan of his name escaped on her breath as Penny settled down for a moment. Her hands came to a rest on her belly. With a gasp, she snapped to a sitting position. "Where the hell did that come from..." She ran her hands through her hair and fell back on the bed. Another loud sigh and exhale escaped her mouth, her heart still beat wildly. No more wine tonight.