Ever since I first saw The Legend of Korra series, I've remarked on how the style of it reminded me of the golden age of comic books. So, since there seem to be very few creators out there that share my sentiment, I decided to write my own story. What you see here is mostly a sample chapter, almost like a television pilot. If anyone else likes this, and wants to see where it goes, leave a comment. Constructive criticism is nice as well, just don't be a dick.

So, without further adieu, here is The Legend Of Superman!


(If I did I would be rich, and I am not)

Chapter 1

A Night of Shooting Stars

It was a quiet, warm evening on the outskirts of Senlin, A farming community on the southernmost tip of the United Republic of Nations, it is mostly known as the physical home of the spirit Hai Bai. At one point in Senlin's history however, the town was saved by a young Avatar Aang after the spirit was angered by the Fire Nation burning down the forest. This colorful history made Senlin a landmark in the region, and for awhile, it was flooded with people. However, the boon eventually wore off, and Senlin is now considered by many, to be the very definition of a small town, as well as a tourist trap.

Our story begins on the single long dirt road into Senlin. On the road was a lone ostrich horse drawn carriage, carting a young couple. Chang, an Earth Kingdom descendant whose family owned and operated a produce farm for several generations, and Misumi, his wife. Misumi is a Fire Nation descendant, whose family had moved during the tourist boon, and owned the local market. The two were childhood sweethearts, who had been married for a few years now.

They had been trying to have a baby for awhile, with no success. That is until 6 months ago, when Misumi became pregnant. The couple were ecstatic at the thought of becoming parents, and where happily and impatiently awaiting the pitter patter of tiny feet. However, life had other plans. Chang and Misumi were currently on their way home from the province hospital. Dressed in the same clothes they had been wearing when they left several days ago. Chang in an earth green tangzhuang with brown slacks, and Misumi in a maroon farm dress, with black work boots, and a red shawl. They were dirty, tired, and had nothing but bad news to bring home…

"... Are you okay Misumi?" Chang asked his wife, who was currently looking away in the distance. He waited for an answer, but she didn't. "I understand how... How upsetting this is, but it'll be ok." he continued.

Misumi then finally replied to her husband, "How... How will any-anything be ok... How does anyone recover from this?!" She proclaimed with a hint of frustration, her eyes watered to the point of tears.

Chang took Misumi's hand and gently squeezed it. "Together, that's how." He said in response.

"Together?" She replied bitterly, violently removing her hand from his grasp. Misumi turned to face her husband, his eyes still on the road before them. "WE are not the ones who lost the baby, a-and WE are not the ones who can't have them anymore! I am! I'M THE ONE WHO'S BROKEN!" She screamed.

Chang pulled on the reins of their steed, stopping the carriage suddenly, all while yelling "STOP IT!" At the top of his lungs. He turned to face his wife, and sternly said "Stop that right now!"

For a few seconds Chang stared at Misumi, anger all over his face. His wife replied with the same expression.

Chang then looked down and away from Misumi's face. He closed his eyes, slowly took a deep breath, then opened his eyes and looked back at his wife. "Don't EVER say that about yourself." He said in a calm tone. Chang then took hold of his wife's shoulders, "You're not the only one who lost a child... He..she...it was my kid too!" "I know, I didn't carry him, but I was there. And I loved him all the same"

Chang let go of his wife's shoulders, turned to face the road and slumped in his seat. "You are not broken, You are still you." he said quietly as he turned back to Misumi, with tears in his eyes. "And you're not alone in this. Through better or worse, remember?"

Misumi began to weep. "I'm sorry Chang!" She cried out as she leapt into her husband's arms. "I just.. *sob* just..." She tried to speak, but couldn't find the words.

As Misumi buried her head into Chang's chest he replied to her, sullenly, "It's ok, I know." He began stroking her long black hair while holding her sobbing form. "It wasn't your fault." He said. "Sometimes things just happen… but the spirits will guide us towards a better tomorrow." He closed his eyes and continued the thought in his head 'They have too..' They sat together in the seat of their carriage holding each other for what felt like hours, until Misumi finally pulled away from him, a little more composed.

"You're right" she said quietly.

Misumi was going to continue speaking, but was stopped by a sudden flash of bright light. They both quickly looked up into the night sky. Suddenly, another flash.

"A meteor?" Chang asked puzzled. Soon more flashes and streaks began appearing in the sky, dozens at first, then quickly, hundreds! "Amazing," he remarked with his mouth agape. "I've never seen so many shooting stars!"

Misumi's eyes began to widen as a thought occurred to her. "It's a sign from the spirits!" Misumi proclaimed happily. "Good things MUST be coming!"

Chang simply nodded, all the while looking at the strange wonder from above. For the first time in days, they had hope. One of the streaks soon became larger and brighter than the others.

"Wow" Misumi and Chang reacted at the same time.

Then it got even bigger. Their ostrich horse became spooked by the sudden light increase, and with a loud "Squawk!" tore the reins away from the carriage and Chang's hands, and ran away from the couple into the forest on the roadside. Flabbergasted, Chang looked & shouted towards their steed.

"Aw crap, Tongo! Where'd you-" he tried to yell, but was interrupted by his wife tackling him to the ground.

He turned to Misumi "What the-" Chang tried to ask, but was again interrupted, this time by a loud explosion coming from the direction of their carriage. Chang instinctively shielded him and his wife from the oncoming debris by bending an earth wall around them. They huddled together on the dirt inside their makeshift shelter as they heard and felt multiple crashes around them.

When the sounds of destruction stopped, and dust finally settled, Chang bent the wall back down.

"Are you ok?" Misumi asked her husband.

"Yeah.." Chang replied.

All around them were dozens of small craters, bits of flaming debris, and multiple scorch marks in the ground, some of them were on fire as well.

"Oh no" Chang said as he noticed a slightly larger crater in the road, right where their carriage used to be. As he and his wife stood, they slowly walked toward the larger crater. "Stay back!" Chang warned his wife, and she complied.

As Chang reached the crater his wife warned him "Be careful!" He slowly crouched down and took a look into the hole. Inside was nothing but burning wood, ash and a few green rocks. The rocks appeared strange, but that didn't concern him so he shrugged It off. Chang stood up, and walked back to Misumi. "Nothing left" he said. "Damn space rocks almost killed us!" He proclaimed angrily.

"At least we're ok.." His wife replied and hugged Chang. "Yeah," he said simply in reply.

"What are we gonna do? We're still miles away from home." Misumi asked as she broke away from her husband.

"Well, Tongo ran that way before all this stuff hit us," Chang said as he pointed to the dark forest in front of them on the other side of the road. "That big bird's gotta be around there somewhere."

Misumi sighed and picked up a piece of the wood debris. "Well" she said, as she stuck the tip of the wood into a small fire, then pulled it out, using it as a makeshift torch. "Lets go get that big dumb bird." Misumi said frustratingly.

Chang followed her lead with the torch making as the two began walking in the general direction the ostrich horse fled.

Meanwhile, said big bird was cowering under a large tree in the forest. His head tucked beneath his body as he sat in a duck like pose.

"TONGO!" he looked up, startled for a moment. "TONGO!" He heard again and stood, but was still cautious, and a little confused. "TONGO!" Chang yelled. "WHERE ARE YOU YA' BIG STUPID CHICKEN-PIG!" Misumi screamed at the top of her lungs.

Tongo, seemed content now and began to follow the sound of his masters. He walked for a few minutes in the darkness, looking for Misumi and Chang. "TONGO!" The Bird heard again, turned his head quickly in the direction of the sound, however he didn't notice the mid-sized crater in his path. With a loud "SQUAK!" he tripped and fell into the crater.

Tongo tumbled like a weed as he fell, then with a loud *BANG* he slammed right into something settled in the center of the hole.

A few yards away, Chang and Misumi were still looking for their clumsy bird steed. The ground around them was much like the road they came from, littered with small craters, bits of singed wood and debris, however it was also filled with the occasional downed tree. "Oh.. Where is that bird" Chang said to himself. "TONGO!" He shouted again.

"SQUAK!" ... *BANG* was heard in the distance

"Over here!" Misumi yelled to her husband as she pointed in the direction of their distressed steed.

When the Tongo came to, he shook his head and stood, Only to be face to face with a large metallic object sticking out of the ground. Tongo regarded it for a moment, confused. He then leaned his head in to sniff it, when suddenly, almost in response, the object began to open.

Meanwhile, Misumi and Chang found their way near the crater, which was surrounded by a few more craters of similar sizes.

"Wow, and I thought the road had it bad.." Misumi proclaimed as she stepped over a log.

"He's close" Chang said as he looked around, focused on finding his steed.

Misumi tried to stand on her tiptoes to look further, but became winded. "Ugh!" She squealed in distress as she dropped her torch and nearly collapsed.

Chang threw away his torch and proceeded to catch her. "Whoa, you ok dear?" He asked as he helped Misumi back to her feet.

"No" she replied frustrated. "Our cart was destroyed by a freaking space rock AND we are stuck in the middle of the woods looking for that dumb bird! The healer said I was SUPPOSED TO TAKE IT EASY BUT-" She stopped abruptly, and her head fell on her husbands shoulder.

"This has been the worst week of our lives... I just want it to be over..."

Chang attempted to comfort Misumi, "Hey, it'll be o-" but she interrupted him. "If you say 'OK' again, I'm gonna kill you" Misumi said with a hint of annoyance.

"Yes ma'am!" Chang replied stiffly.

"SQUAK" Yelled Tongo down in the crater.

Misumi and Chang looked at each other and said "Tongo!" at the same time, both feeling excitement and relief. Misumi half ran to the crater with a smirk on her face and looked down.

"Finally found you ya stupid chick-" she stoped, and look of shock covered her face.

Chang walked up behind her, "He must have tripped. Ok, I'll earth bend him out lickety spl-" Chang then was at a loss for words. His eyes opened as wide as an owls as he looked into the crater. "What in the Avatar's name is that!" He yelled.

"I don't know..." Misumi replied mesmerized.

The object they stared at was as large as their (now vaporized) carriage. It was almost cylindrical in shape, but came to a point at its tip, and had a large divot in its underbelly. The object had a number of fins, two in the front under the opening on top, and three in the back where a red hot roundish/ triangular opening spouted blue smoke. It was mostly grey in color, however, had hints of blue and red, signs of a colorful past that had long since faded. All along the object were multiple black marks and dents, almost like scars, each one depicting the harshness of its journey. Inside were multiple crystal shards, each one glowing as bright as the sun, but all surrounding a single small red cloth.

Tongo looked up and squawked happily to his owners. Chang and Misumi (pulled out of their stupor by the sounds of their steed) both looked to the bird, who seemed happy to have found the object, almost like he expected a reward for retrieving a thrown ball.

"Boy, that overgrown chicken-pig is weird." Misumi said quietly to herself, with a flat expression.

"Don't worry buddy, I'll get you outta there!" Chang proclaimed triumphantly. He took a bending stance, but was quickly stopped by his wife grabbing his arm.

"Wait!" She said. "That thing could be dangerous! One wrong move and it could blow up, or something."

Chang gave a slightly annoyed look to his wife, but then the thought of more cowering and large noises entered his mind. "You... Have a point.." He replied as he slowly came out of his earthbending stance. "How else are we gonna get him out of that crater then?" he asked.

Before the two could start brainstorming, a voice came from the object.

"sentient life-forms detected, deactivating stasis field"

Tongo squawked in fear as tried to climb out of the crater at top speed, and Misumi hid behind Chang as he quickly resumed his earth bending stance. "HEY, Who's there?! I'm not afraid to knock some... space rock... skulls!" He said bravely but, slightly shaken. Inside the object the glowing crystals faded into darkness as the red cloth in the center began moving.

Meanwhile Tongo was still trying to climb out of the hole when he tripped again and fell backwards, once again hitting the side of the object. *BANG* Almost immediately, whatever was inside the object, began to cry loudly. Chang became confused as he dropped his bending stance again.

"Why.. Is the meteorite crying?" He asked rhetorically.

Misumi's eyes grew wide, and before she knew what she was doing, ran out from behind Chang with Airbender like speed toward the crater.

"Wait!" Chang yelled after his wife as she was halfway down the hole already. "That this could be dangerous! You said-"

Misumi interrupted him. "Don't you hear that!? There's someone in there!"

Chang, still confused and slightly irritated, sighed, then followed his wife's lead once again. As Misumi climbed down to the object her mind began to race, 'What if it's some kind of a trap? What if this thing tries to eat my face! What if-' her thoughts were interrupted when the crying she heard began to intensify. It was then, all doubt inside her was replaced with one thought 'he needs me'.

As Misumi reached the opening of the object, she saw a squirming mass underneath the red cloth. ' Ok' Misumi thought as she mentally prepared herself. She breathed deeply as she reached for the cloth, then proceeded to cautiously pull it off the creature. What Misumi saw took her breath away. A few seconds later the crying stopped.

Chang was climbing down the hole after his wife, "Hey! You ok? What is it?!" He yelled after her.

She didn't answer. He looked over to where she was, and she seemed to be picking something up. When he reached the bottom he earthbent some stairs to use as an escape. 'Just in case' he thought to himself. Chang turned to face his wife, who was walking away from the object and holding something wrapped the red cloth.

While Misumi was walking towards her husband Chang noticed she had a smile the size of a barn. He looked more confused than ever when he asked his wife, "What is it!? Misumi-"

''Shush!" His wife shushed him. "You'll wake him." Misumi said quietly as she pulled a piece of the cloth blanket away, revealing the face of a young, black haired, sleeping baby. Chang looked upon the infant with surprise, then frowned.

"Where… how… Wha- whoa, Misumi what are you doing?" He said as Misumi continued to walk past him towards the makeshift earth stares. Chang followed behind his wife as he said "Put that thing back where you found it! We don't even know where it came from!"

Misumi stopped in her tracks and turned back to face her husband, an annoyed scowl across her face. "It's not a thing, Chang!" She replied with some anger in her voice. "He's a baby." She continued softly. Misumi then looked back at the object curiously and asked, "Who'd put a baby in that thing?"

Chang turned back to look at the object as well as he tried to answer her. Scratching the back of his head in thought he said, "Maybe its some kind of new airship? Got hit by the meteor shower and crashed." He turned back to Misumi and continued, "You think the United Forces are missing a kid?" Just then the baby woke up and looked at Misumi, he reached for her face, giggling as he tried to hug her.

"Oh Chang, I don't care where he came from, he's here now." Misumi said smiling as she lifted the child closer to her.

Chang scooted closer to his wife to get a better look at the infant in question. The baby then turned his attention to Chang and reached out. "Oh look Chang, he's reaching out to you" Misumi proclaimed as she gave the baby to a cautious Chang. "Ah...AH" he reacted nervously as he began holding the baby. The child looked up to him and laughed.

"Aw" Chang said, his fear and confusion melting away for the moment as he regarded the young one. Chang the used his free hand to pet the infant's head and tousle its hair. As he hand took back his hand from the baby's head the little one grabbed his index finger tightly. "Ha, kids got a good grip." Chang proclaimed proudly to his wife, both of them smiling for what seemed like the first time in forever. Then the grip on his finger got tighter, "Ow-OW!" Chang reacted in pain. Misumi then pulled the baby away from him and began holding it again, talking to it in a baby-like voice, which made the the infant giggle.

While Chang was looking at his reddened finger in astonishment, Misumi begin walking back towards the makeshift earth stairs. "What do you think of the name Hakaru?" she said. Chang was then broken out of his stupor, and looked back to his wife. "Wha- ok, Misumi? We should really discuss this." Chang said as he began following his wife out of the crater. "Oh, what about Lee! After your father?" asked as she reached the top of the stairs and continued away from the crater. Chang tried to make his argument while walking out of the crater as well. "Now Misumi, we really should look into this kid! I mean, he fell from the sky, someone's gonna come looking for-" Misumi interrupted him, "No, you're right..." She said simply as she stopped in her tracks and sat under a undamaged tree near the crater. Then she continued her thought, "Lee is such a common name, there are millions of them!" she proclaimed happily while looking at the baby again. The baby meanwhile, was holding/chewing onto a crystal piece he had found in his blanket.

Chang then reached the top of the earth stairs and looked towards his wife. "Misumi!" He said loudly with some irritation in his voice. Misumi's gaze turned back to her husband, a depressed look on her face.

"Please Chang" she pleaded with some sadness in her voice. "He has no one… He needs us…" Misumi looked back to the baby, "...And we need him" she said softly.

Chang stood silently, contemplating the situation, then walked to his wife and crouched down to her level. He sighed as he looked down to the baby in his wife's arms. The little one was still chewing on the crystal he found, but stopped to look back at Chang with a blank expression. They stared into each other's eyes for a moment, then the baby laughed.

Chang shook his head, then looked back to his wife, "What are we gonna tell people?" he asked.

Misumi thought for a moment then replied, "I don't know yet, but we'll do it together." She took her husband's hand and smiled.

Chang looked at his hand holding Misumi's and smiled as well, "Ok" he said simply.

Chang helped his wife back up, and the two looked into each others eyes for a moment, then down to the infant still wrapped in red cloth, looking back at them with contentment. It was a truly peaceful moment.

Then a soft "squawk?" caught their attention. Chang and Misumi turned back in the direction of the crater, only to be greeted by Tongo, their ostrich-horse, who was staring back at them. Misumi then sighed loudly, internally face-palming herself, as Chang laughed.

"Only you could ruin such a beautiful moment ya big chicken-pig.." Misumi said flatly while Chang was still chucking to himself. "Come on, let's go home guys." He said as he grabbed the reins on Tongo and climbed on the birds back. Chang reached for his wife's hand, she took it and climbed on Tongo as well, still holding the baby in one arm.

"What are we gonna do about the aircraft?" Misumi asked. Without responding immediately, Chang rode Tongo back to the edge of the crater. "HEEYA" He yelled as he quickly moved his arm in a specific pattern, subsequently earthbending the crater closed.

"I'll come back for it tomorrow night, But that should keep anyone else from finding it for now." Chang said as he looked over his handiwork.

The three then rode Tongo back to the road and began the trek to Senlin, home.

After a few minutes of riding, Chang quietly asked his wife, "So, we don't have a name for the little guy... Any ideas still?" Misumi thought for a moment as she looked to the now sleeping baby boy in her arms.

"I was thinking about using my grandfathers name." She said.

"Kenji?" Chang thought out loud. "Kenji Kenta.." he said, using their last name.

"Wait, Wasn't he the guy who deserted the fire army?" Chang asked his wife.

"Yeah, conscientious objector." Misumi replied simply.

Chang continued to think, then smiles as he said, "I like it."

Mai smiled as well, then turned to the sleeping child in her arms. "You here that little one?" She said softly, "you have a name... Kenji."

The baby woke in response and looked up to Misumi. He smiled at her as she said, "You're gonna do great things, Kenji, I just know it." Misumi kissed newly named Kenji's, forehead.

Kenji then yawned and went back to sleep, safe with his new caretakers.

That's where we're going to end things here folks, I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. There are certainly plenty of things to come, next time (In about a month or two) we'll be looking into Kenji's childhood and adolescence. Along with the discoveries of his earliest abilities, how they affect his life, and him learning of his true Origins ... or at least a little bit of his true Origins.