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Re:Zero and other products related to the this series are all owned by Tappei Nagatsuki.
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21 December 422
I should've expected for things to degenerate one way or another.
While I had been careful to not cause any issues with Fourier and the Royal Court, nor I had made any attempts to further antagonize Roswaal, I still ignored an issue that was known to take things in her hands if the situation was difficult to discern from a subtler and more indirect approach.
So when I found myself invited by Felix to join him by the Castle's sparring grounds, I had expected to spend the early morning away from dealing with any of the issues that I've been juggling since I've been here at the royal palace.
So when I entered the seemingly empty room that was generally assigned to knights to use, I found myself drawn to the core of the issue for today when I noticed the only occupant of the room.
Crusch looked distracted when I first arrived, having been close to finish adjusting her training gear. I didn't have the time to backtrack, with the girl's fierce eyes swiftly realizing that I was there as she turned around to glance at the room.
A smile appeared on her lips, and I felt like I had been cornered in the worst of traps.
Once again, I will have to spare a few words from Felix to actually not trick me in this kind of circumstances.
But now as I was, I couldn't exactly excuse myself from the forced task at hand.
After greeting me for 'unexpectedly' end up in the sparring ground while she was there to train on my own, Lady Karsten saw it fit to challenge me to a duel and... I was really unsure how to tackle this predicament.
While I could actually match up with her abilities with the sword, I could technically go beyond and overwhelm her by using my magic. While I had yet to incorporate anything genuine with my grasp over it, I still could do the basic boost spells that helped up with healing and minor speed increase.
She seemed confident with her own chances of winning, but I knew better from actually underestimate her true potential. Stronger, yes, but faster? That was going to be a troublesome element to deal during the spar.
Once I was done putting on a spare of the training garb, I proceeded to take one of the available wooden swords and take position by the area picked by the young woman.
I took position, I steeled my mind and I waited for Crusch to throw the first hit in.
She was impatient. I could tell from the way she suddenly tried to rush at my defensive stance the very moment we were both ready to fight.
Her strikes were... actually powerful. She was holding just a little bit of her strength behind her furious assault, and for a moment I saw her scowl at the lack of success as I carefully deflected every single attack thrown in my way.
While I had some trouble keeping up with her speed, my reaction time was top notch compared to other soldiers. I had long sharpened my swordsmanship thanks to some tutoring from Ser Orestes, while also finding my own style by consulting books over the knight's training. It was tough at first to try and reconcile with my already complicated life, but I managed to find just enough space to train until I got a decent grasp of how to use the sword.
I wasn't going to beat Julius in a fair fight, nor I expected to be able to until a couple of years from now with my own estimations, but I was still capable enough to give a serious match to strong people like Rom, Crusch or Wilhelm.
I was skeptical that I could actually be equal to the latter option, but I could still make him sweat a little bit if I tried my best.
But right now my opponent was the green-haired young woman that was once supposed to be the 'Lion King'. The change in the main route had hardly switched Crusch's own drive to reach for a successful life for herself, her friends, and family. And I could see it right now as she vehemently tried to breach into my defense.
If I had kept up with this simple strategy, I would've easily depleted her stamina by letting her frustrations play her mind into the unbeatable instance. But then again, I forgot that while Crusch was dealing with quite the emotional trouble, she was still a logic-driven individual with a brilliant mind. And a powerful user of Wind Magic.
I merely blinked before backing away as she started to coat her sword with her unique affinity. Gritting my teeth, I could barely push back the enchanted blows and I was forced to either dodge or try my best in deflecting her strikes.
Blinking again, I offered the young woman a questioning frown as I heard clearly her simple query.
"Why do you-" She paused for a moment, delivering thirty rapid attacks before resuming. "Why do you ignore me?"
Oh no. I paled a little bit at that development as I should've expected that something was off from the way she was attacking me. Way too aggressive, so angry. It was plain unusual from someone like the girl to be behaving like this.
Her scowl deepened and I felt nervous as I saw the wood of both swords starting to crack in tiny splinters.
"Ferris told me that- that you know," She explained with a tense voice. "But that you don't want this."
...Goddammit Ferris. Just because I love petting you and playing around with you, it doesn't mean that you have the right to go around and screw with my reputation.
"It's not as simple as you're putting it to be," I rebuked nervously, noticing her vigor renewing the moment I said this. "It's actually a little more complicated. On multiple instances."
The young woman snarled as she clashed her sword against mine once more. "Then please, enlighten me why you don't love me?!"
"I do love you, but not the way you're hoping for," I remarked sternly as I found slightly pushed back, and I ended up tapping in more of my strength. "And I can't exactly explain anything with you keeping up with this much pressure."
Huffing, the young Duchess finally snapped out from close fighting, backing away for a moment.
"Then now, tell me why?" She demanded with an incensed tone.
I sighed. "Crusch, you're a lovely lady. Trust me that when I say this, I really mean it-"
"I didn't ask for a monologue, Bukharin," She interjected fiercely. "I want an answer. And I want it now."
Goddammit, spare me a moment, would you?!
"It's not as easy as you're making it sound-"
I gritted my teeth. "It's not something about you, Crusch. And I know that deep down you know that too!"
She actually paused for a moment to frown. "You mean that you don't... think I'm too masculine or-"
"I think the fact you're less fragile than a normal noblewoman is an endearing factor, Lady Karsten," I interrupted dryly. "Never think that this is something one could really detest you for."
Her shoulders sagged a little bit. "So... you think I'm beautiful?"
"Yeah-" I paused for a moment as I realized what I just said. Before I had the chance to say more about it, I saw her smiling form blur from her distant position towards me.
I saw her sword... fly away as she approached, confusing me and making me drop my own stance as she pounced at me.
She was using her Wind Magic to boost her assault, and her tackle-hug proved to be immensely powerful. I gasped as her head impacted onto my chest, pressing on my lungs and drawing all the air in those out of me.
I fell backward, with the girl safely using my poor stomach as a pillow to sit onto.
"Do you really believe that?" She inquired with some interest and I groaned at her intrigued look.
"Before you forget the context, the comment is meant to rebuke the chances of you being refused out of something connected to you," I stated tightly, getting a slow nod from her. "But yes, you're a beautiful woman, Crusch."
Her smile widened at reply, but she didn't make any brash moves other than that.
"Then... why do you think it can't work?"
I sighed. "Understand that it's more about a promise I made to someone we both care for."
She offered a blink, then two.
"Is it one you made with a woman?" The girl inquired, lowering her head a little bit towards mine. "I heard that kisses do help with tha-"
"No," I deny flatly. "It's about a friend we both care a lot for. And you know for longer than me."
She blinked, tilting her head to the side as she contemplated over my words. "Felix?"
Now, that's the true power of Emotional Density!
I sighed. "No. And I want you to make me an oath that you're not going to tell him about this."
Narrowing her eyes on me, she looked like a predator contemplating how to kill her prey. "I swear that I will keep silent if the situation truly requires it."
I nodded, glancing around to see if there was anyone there to eavesdrop, knowing that I had to tell the truth now that I could.
Does this mean that I was technically going to ruin my friendship with Fourier? Maybe, or maybe not. It all depended on Crusch's reaction and if the news somehow manages to reach the Prince's ears.
"Fourier is in love with you."
I sighed. "Your Highness, Crown Prince Fourier of Lugnica has been in love with you for years now," I reiterated with more emphasis. "I discovered of this when he first visited Erindor."
More silence, her eyes were wide open at this revelation. There was no gasp, there was no sound. Only staring.
"I-I think I understand what you just said but... are you sure of this?"
"Absolutely," I affirmed without hesitation.
"And you decided to ignore my courting because... you thought that would be a slight against him?" She inquired with some insistence. "Did you do only for that?"
"Don't think the friendship between him and I is something lesser than a proper relationship. I value everyone with equal respect and kindness. But yes, I did that because of Fourier."
"I should be angry at this," She confessed calmly. "I should be making sure that you're punished for leading me around instead of just refuse me earlier on. I feel like I've wasted time when such an endeavor was fruitless from the very beginning."
I saw her tense up, some tears forming by the edge of her eyes. "But I- I know that would be improper. Dishonest even."
I leaned up and swiftly wrapped her in a warm embrace. She was tense, but her entire body melted before this fierce hug. A sob, then two.
And soon I found myself consoling one of the few people that cried just once in the entire series. Someone that cracked only when her interest perished under her watch.
But right now? Crusch was letting out a part of her that nobody but just a handful people had seen when she was younger.
Beneath the 'Goddess of War', there was someone that had never experienced emotional distress. At least not as intense as it was right now.
We stood there like this for a couple of quiet minutes, and I took this moment to try and think up of a way to solve this situation once and for all and... I had a brilliant idea.
One that would work with proper attention. One that will seriously deal with this running gag that saw Fourier and Crusch as the main protagonists.
And hopefully, I will be done with pretending that there is nothing wrong with the Status Quo.
Still, as the crying stopped and we both were ready to leave, I noticed the young woman being unable to move out of her position. As I questioned her about it, her face surprisingly tinged in a hint of red.
"I- I think I sprained my ankle with that pounce."
"Are you sure that Crusch said these words?" Fourier asked me for the umpteenth time as we wandered around the castle's halls. "I-I mean, maybe it could've been a misunderstanding. Maybe she just needed you for-"
"Fourier, I can assure you my ears hear flawlessly and I know that Crusch said that she wanted to have lunch in private together with you, me, Ferris, and the twins."
The kids were close behind us, looking around as they still looked mesmerized by the impressive appearance of the castle's interior.
Both Demi-humans had slowly learned that there were some areas of the palace that was best to avoid out of incurring in some unpleasant or dangerous situation. While there wasn't much hatred towards Demi-humans within this place, there were still some nobles that enjoyed the mere thought that they were 'superior' to Demi-humans.
And I was sure as hell not allowing the two encounter any of those morons during our stay in here.
"But what if you made a mistake?"
I frowned at that. "What if I mistakenly wack at you for being overly-reluctant for something meant to be good for you?" I suggested with a rhetorical tone. "I will ask you to not try me and see what happens next if you keep pressing me on the subject, your highness."
He gulped nervously at the threat of some noticeable punishment if he crossed that line, but the blond continued to be skeptical despite the fact that he was now quiet about it.
He continued to be so until we reached the small tea room that was picked for this little plan I had concocted with the help of a certain cat-eared knight.
Felix was particularly easy to convince in joining this plot.
Not only was he a fervid believer that Lady Karsten and the prince were meant to be together, but he also got quite the incentive as I mentioned that I wouldn't be punish him if he didn't mess things up in this occasion.
He was now aware that the next time that he sells me out to either Fourier or Crusch, I was going to ask Hannah for permission to use the paddle on him. Drastic problems require drastic solutions.
Fourier stopped right in front of the door, staring at it intensely and... doing nothing else.
I blinked, reaching with my arm for his shoulder and giving it a strong pat. "What are you doing?"
He turned to glance at me, with his red eyes wide open as he addressed me.
"Maybe I can fake stomach pains and-"
Huffing, I reached for the door handle and pulled the door open. The prince was half-way from screeching me to stop, but he stopped just in time from making a crappy scene in front of his love interest.
Crusch was already seated by one of the two available long seats, while Ferris was staring at one of the portraits set by one of the nearby walls.
"Lady Karsten," I greeted curtly.
"John, Fourier... Fritz and Hans."
The twins waved giddily, with the oldest replying. "Lady Crusch."
A smile adorned her visage, but I could see from the way her hand was close to crush the chair handle that she was far from happy for the waiting.
Hopefully, things fix well and together thanks to this subtle, ambitious and terribly dumb plan. But considering that Fourier was the main target, I could see it had high chances of success just for that.
"Fourier, I thought we agreed on calling each other by first names," The swift interjection was met with a minor blush from the Prince, with the blond promptly nodding at this boon.
"I-Indeed. My apologies, Crusch."
The sheepish look in the prince's might have been something I've seen plenty of times, but I had reason to believe Crusch didn't have much experience in seeing it from the way she looked mesmerized by it.
Despite her known attraction towards me, it would seem at first glance that she still had her original feelings for the young royal member. At least my hopes of these to coming together were legitimate instead of a pipe dream.
There was a pleasant silence as we all took a seat. While the early bits of that tea session didn't see any major topics being brought up, Crusch and I were just waiting for a simple opportunity to come in and get the twins distracted once Fourier was comfortable enough to have 'the discussion'.
Felix was selected as the brave soldier to keep the two younger Demi-humans entertained and busy as we braced for quite the complicated conversation.
"Fourier, if I may ask... can I inquire about a couple of things I've been waiting to ask about for a long time?"
The blond blinked at the sudden shift of mood within his childhood friend, but he still nodded. "Sure thing, Crusch. I will answer the best way I can."
She sighed, giving me a quick glance before preparing to spearhead this quick war.
"If I were to court you, how would you feel?"
In a mere instant, the young man's easiness vanished with a grand shocked expression replacing his previously calm look.
"If I were to... say that I love you, beyond mere friendship, would you accept my affections?"
"I-" He froze for a moment to think about the serious question. It was a serious blow, one that he had to properly think about before throwing an answer that he might come to regret. "I would."
I felt relief at that reply, knowing that the mission was mostly complete.
Crusch smiled at the response, but instead of continuing the way she had said she had planned to go with, she... took a sudden turn away from her previous words.
"Fourier, I wish for you to know that I'm glad to hear that and... that I'm really overjoyed," She said with a happy tone. "But... I wish to say something about it."
I blinked at that and I saw her glance at me with a curious look.
"I would be lying in saying that I don't feel attracted to you. I admit that I should've given it a little more thought over why you were so caring and affectionate, but never too much to be overbearing with your love," She explained with a sigh. "I might accept your affections, but I think there is an issue that I wish to bring forth because I think it could become an obstacle, or a hindrance for any future relationships."
The blond looked perplexed at this derail, but he was still elated from hearing that Crusch actually returned his love. "And- And that is?"
"I wish to know why, when I approached you to ask how I was supposed to approach John with romantic intentions, you didn't tell me anything about your own feelings."
Did Crusch actually consult with Fourier over what happened earlier today?
I was confused about what this as this was the first time I heard about it, but I could tell from the way Fourier's mood dropped to the lowest that the young woman was telling the truth.
Even Felix looked incredibly shocked by this, his head turning quickly to glance at the prince and interrupting a couple of words he was having with the twins.
I could see that the young Prince was having quite some trouble in giving out a proper response at this and... I couldn't do anything about it. Up until now, I've been the one helping him out of situations thrown at him. At least when he was capable of doing it on his own for a reason or another.
But right now? This was a hole he had dug himself into. I couldn't truly act on his behalf without devaluing the love he has for Crusch. The moment I acted on his stead was the moment where his credibility over his emotions would falter.
Which is why I kept quiet, allowing for the blond to be the one to make a stand for himself in this occasion. It was his moment and... I wasn't going to ruin it.
"I... I'm going to say the truth. I know that you deserve it and I know that my actions might sound odd considering my own intentions," He said with a nervous tone. "I... I loved you for a long time. I think it would be silly to say that I knew you were the one since we first met, back in that garden. But... but while I can harbor love for you and I would always say yes to be by your side... I also love when you're happy. I love your smiles and... I wish for you to be the happiest woman in this kingdom."
"You thought that by pushing me towards John I would've been happy?" The young Duchess inquired with a fascinated tone.
Fourier nodded and Crusch pondered over the instance.
I was completely stomped by what I was listening to. I knew that Fourier was that much of a good guy but... that meant a lot for him to go out of his way to sacrifice his affections all for the sake of making his love interest have a happy life.
Some might condemn this kind of chivalry because of sillier cases, but Fourier had known Crusch for years now. And he had been loving her this intensely since day one.
To go this far was... absurdly good.
"You've been honest to me and I know that you're a good friend, Fourier," The green-haired girl pointed out with a smile. "I know that you both are trying to mean well by wishing me for the best and... I think you're both foolish."
I frowned. "What?"
"I really appreciate that you both have been caring, understanding, and kind towards me. But I also think that I'm not a doll that risk to be broken at the simplest action," She said with some annoyance. "Which is why, I think I will restrain myself from formalizing any courting."
Fourier deflated at that, but then the woman continued.
"For now."
And that was enough to renew his hopes of actually settling down with the young Duchess.
"And I suppose that this concludes the little situation we had over the matter?"
I expected a nod, but the young woman actually glared at me. "Not yet."
Tensing up at the sudden response, she stood up from her seat and walked towards us. "Stand up."
We complied, looking confused at the sudden demand but then-
"And now come closer," She ordered, urging us both to stand close to her. Once again, we followed her words and... soon we were pulled in quite the tight embrace.
Really tight. Bone-breaking, I would dare to say.
Fourier tensed up instantly, his red eyes widening in sudden panic at the strange interaction. I felt my ribs groaning under the pressure and I could see an irritated look on Crusch's face.
"The next time either of you decide to play this kind of games with me, no matter what title or relation you have with me, I shall make sure your spines are broken."
"Understood, Lady Crusch!"
"Too kind, Lady Crusch, too kind!"
That day passed mostly uneventfully after that, but the prince and I learned a valuable lesson out of that loving embrace.
Crusch was way stronger than she looked to be.
Started to work on the chapter later than usual. I would say that it has to do with the fact that I've started writing my first book ever and... I'm at Chapter 2 now!
Other things to say? I've resumed the story 'The American Century'! Set in the Youjo Senki/Saga of Tanya the Evil Anime, the SI MC is thrown in the Unified States in a period of political, social and economical turmoil. Let's ride for the win with two unexpected individuals joining the Bull-Moose Party!
Lastly, quick question: What is your opinion on BNA (Brand New Animal)?
And now!
Omake 9: A Feline Problem (Part 2)
Things have escalated to a situation beyond my current capacities. I hadn't expected for these blasted fake cat ears to be this troublesome to deal with.
Crusch and Felix were both 'scientifically-intrigued' by the powerful instrument of ultimate teasing. Fourier became their specimen to test the full potential of the fake cat ears. Those proved to be incredibly mighty in subverting the interest of the spectators into actually reaching out for the life-like ears and steal some scratches at those.
The blond wasn't spared by the inglorious escalation, and I found myself hindered by the determination displayed by both 'scientifically-intrigued' friends.
After getting trying to save Fourier from being harassed by a curious Crusch and Felix, I managed to get the prince to the safe haven that was Miklotov's office.
Since I knew that the 'artifact' had to have been one that the Prime Minister knew about, I was sure that the elder knew more about how to deal with it.
Much to my immense relief, I was correct with that assumption and Fourier was saved from the onslaught imposed by such a dreadful accessory.
The first thing he did once he was freed from that curse was giving a quick glare and a growl at 'the horror I had subjected him to', with his attention quickly taken by the uneasy-looking Crusch and Ferris.
With him distracted in such a manner, I soon found myself staring at the issue-maker that were these faux cat ears. I wondered if said artifact had been created in this land, or if this accessory had first arrived from either my world or Subaru's and ended up in some wizard's collection.
I kept my distance from allowing the cursed thing to have a second round on me, and I was half tempted to outright destroy those to avoid this dreadful power to be misused ever again.
At least I knew that Fourier wasn't going to try making use of those ever again.
Okay, maybe he will try again in a couple of months- weeks.
Yes, a couple of days.
Maybe I should hide these away from anyone to ever use against innocent people.
With that thought in mind, I carefully sneaked out of the office, making sure that none of the occupants noticed my little escape.
My wandering was quick-paced, nervous, and incredibly aimless. I had gone out of basic instincts, as I knew of no place that could actually make for a safe hideout for this despicable tool of utter teasing and doom.
But while I was desperate for the success of this mission of justice, I could hardly have a clear map to follow for this complicated mess.
Maybe I should've waited for the rest of the group to be done with their discussion. Maybe I really need to take a moment to actually stop being the one to take initiatives that sometimes end with someone, mostly me, getting hurt in the process.
There were so many 'maybes' in my life, and very little certainty with how insane this world was.
It was as I turned one of the endless corners of this blasted castle that I ended up activating the worst of curses. One that wasn't connected with the accessory, but that was still going to create a massive problem for me.
Bumping with someone that might potentially create more issues that good things.
I half-tripped almost instantly, with the cat ears soaring out of my hold and right towards the surprised fellow victim of a bumping-related accident.
A 'eep', then I saw the artifact land straight onto the girl's head and... my jaws dropped as I realized who was the unfortunate victim of this tragic predicament.
Pink hair, an irritated look and she looked ready to take a bite at her aggressor.
No, I wasn't talking about Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière, but it was close enough. Maybe it was all a difference of height, sass, and lack of explosion-inducing spells for the individual in front of me.
Yes, Ram looked positively murderous as she tried to stand up. A snarl on her face, with her ferocity accentuated by the twitchy pink cat-ears on her had.
She pounced and I was too surprised to dodge as the unavoidable mauling ensued.
The murder was gruesome, beyond representation. Many would remember it as the day of the greatest massacre. A hymn to the horror of revenge!
Or that would've been the case if expression had matched with intentions and actual actions.
Ram was still pissed. I could tell this much from the way she was growling close to my neck. But instead of being like a rabid feline and take a brutal bite out of my neck, I felt her breath over my exposed shoulder.
I tensed up in panic at what felt to be the endless countdown for my last breath, and yet my worries vanished as she struck.
Instead of a bite driven by utter brutality and frustration, I was regaled with some careful nibbling and cautious cuddling.
At first I was shocked by what had just happened. Confused as to why one of the most asocial creature in this world was actually behaving so... domesticated.
My surprise lasted for a few seconds, just enough for my brain to recover and for the temptation to drive me through a brief moment of bliss.
My right hand reached for the back of her head, while my hand settled around her back. Ram tensed up at the sudden movement, but eased up in a pleased purr as I started to caress her scalp.
The scene was utter glorious. I could feel the heaven break my poor, tired mind. I really was craving for sleep and I would've fallen asleep in that cold floor if not for my grand sense of justice.
And maybe because the nibbling was turning rather needy, and I really didn't need an escalation about this.
Not like this, not when the pink-haired oni would've straight-up murdered me for abusing her trust so horribly.
Carefully enough, I managed to stand up with the girl straddled on me. Her legs were around my lower waist, while her arms were wrapped around my neck.
The nibbling lessened a little, and I had a suspect that she was still understanding what was going on.
"R-Ram, we need to go to Prime Minister Miklotov's office, he's the one that knows how to remove it," I stated, quickly hearing her purring intensifying at my words. Then I dared to check if she was indeed paying attention on my behavior. "I'm- I'm sorry for creating this issue and head-patting you."
Her biting became more prominent at the first bit of the experiment, but lessened once more as I mentioned the latter part.
With a confused mindset driving me around, I eventually made my way back to the rest of the group.
Let's just say that Ram was rightfully furious at me, and I warranted two swift slaps and a blush out of her.
But while I survived the ordeal without gaining any dangerous damage on myself, I was completely unaware that the threat poised by the cat ears were far from over.
Especially when a higher being had a plan to make a visit soon!
Season II is now out with its first episode. Rem is 'lost', and Crusch lost her 'Best Girl' trait. Curse you, Regulus! Your death in this story will be the most gruesome possible. That blasted cur is getting a nuke shoved down his throat!
And yes, I guess that also means that the interest for Re:Zero stories is going to be rekindled because of Season II. I can already say that there's going to be Echidna, Lewes' clones, and Roswaal's secret being thrown in the air. Also murderous rabbits. lots of them. It's not much of a spoiler since this has been known for two years thanks to the Lns.
1) I can see the parallels, but you forget that John will change things if the situation doesn't allow for a good ending. If he can change, he will try his best to change without creating a chain reaction of newer events. This world is worse than a pinball machine with just a handful of good points;
2) Will answer that only when Subaru comes around.