Sonic Lanterns: Fastest Lantern Alive

Chapter 4: O' Green (Lantern) World Part 2

Oa: Sector 0

Following the gathering by Sinestro, Tomar took Sonic and Tails for another bit of flying around Oa, though something felt off with the two Mobians.

"Are you doing alright, Sonic? Tails?" Tomar asked.

"Yeah, we're good," Sonic replied, "it's just that, we've never had a little bit of a tough crowd."

"Sonic is just saying that we're thinking of what that Sinestro guy was saying about Sonic, not being able to replace Abin Sur." said Tails.

"Do not mind Sinestro," said Tomar, "he may be a little cold at times, but he means well and knew Abin for a long time."

"Really?" asked Sonic.

"Indeed, in fact, we all knew of Abin," Tomar explained, "he was one of the best Green Lanterns to have served the Corps and his Sector, he was a proud warrior, a hero… and was a good friend to us all."

"I see." Sonic said, "So you and Sinestro were good friends with Abin Sur."

"We were," replied Tomar, "word of his death really hit us hard, Sinestro more so, they were a great team, nonetheless. Perhaps even as brothers."

"Huh, just like you and me, Tails." Sonic with a smile, as Tails smiled back in response to hearing that.

"So, where are we heading, Tomar-Re?" Tails asked.

"We are on our way to the citadel," Tomar responded, "for you to meet our founders, the Guardians, themselves."

"So we're off to meet the big head honchos?" Sonic said with interest, "quite interesting to see what they look like, right, Tails?"

"You bet." Tails nodded, as the trio arrived at the citadel.

Upon landing, the three walked to the citadel's entrance, where they encountered Green Lantern who had four arms, and was currently working on a control mainframe console.

"Greeting, Salaak." Tomar spoke, saying hello to the Lantern known as Salaak.

"Greetings, Tomar-Re, Lantern of Sector 2813." Salaak responded, as he continued working on the console, before turning to see Sonic and Tails.

"Salaak," Tomar said, "these are Sonic and Tails, Mobians of the Planet Earth. Sonic is Abin Sur's successor."

"I see…" Salaak said, having a good look at the two from Earth, before saying, "This way, please."

Salaak soon turned and led the group into the citadel, once inside, they soon came up to a large door, and were halted by Salaak as he said, "The Guardians will wish to meet you."

"Okay then." said Sonic, as he and Tails followed Tomar to the door, however, Salaak raised one of his hands to stop them for a second.

"I'm afraid your fox friend would have to wait here." he explained.

"You serious?" Tails asked, a little upset about waiting outside.

Sonic patted Tails on the back as he said, "Sorry, little buddy."

Tomar had a thought and then spoke to Salaak, "Salaak, would it be alright if the door was left open? I know our young friend needs to wait outside, but it would be nice if he had a small look at what's going on."

Sonic and Tails were surprised to hear that, seeing the kind compassion that Tomar had.

Salaak had a small thought of this, and Sonic and Tails smiled as he said, "Very well then, Tomar-Re."

As the doors opened, Salaak gestured to Sonic and Tomar to head on through, then looked to Tails, "You may look and listen while the meeting is on, this won't take long."

Tails nodded in agreement as he understood, then Salaak went on ahead to join Sonic and Tomar.

For both Sonic and Tails (who was looking from the doorway), as they looked around, the citadel's grand room was quite huge, and within the room, several members of the Corps that they saw during Sinestro's speech were there, even some that they've haven't seen yet.

At the centre, Sonic, Tomar and Salaak stayed in the middle of the circle of the room, until Salaak spoke up.

"Presenting to you, the Guardians of the Universe."

Upon hearing this, Sonic, Tails and Tomar, along with every other Lantern in the room, looked up as coming down, along with a circular platform (which had a small part of it cut off, like it represented the pathway from the door Sonic and the others came in), floated down the wise beings that created the Corps.

Sonic (along with Tails), looked upon the blue beings as they floated down to the platforms, until one of them (whom the Mobians believed to be the leader) spoke up.

"Green Lantern of Sector 2814, please step forward." spoke up Appa, Sonic did what he was told, stepping a few steps away from Tomar-Re and Salaak, before looking up to the Guardians.

"State your name for the record, please." said Salaak, as Sonic looked back to what he said then turned back to the Guardians.

"Ahem, hi," Sonic introduced himself, "I'm Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog. And I'm from the planet Earth of… um, Sector 2814."

There were murmurs around the room when they heard him say Earth, Sonic looked a little nervous, but remained strong.

The Guardians looked to the hedgehog until Appa spoke once more, "Sonic the Hedgehog. We are the Guardians of the Universe, and I am Appa Ali Apsa. We have learned that you have been chosen to wield the power of the Green Lantern ring, given to you by your Sector's previous protector, Abin Sur."

Sonic looked to the Guardians, before smiling as he said, raising his hand to offer Appa to shake, "It's nice to meet you all, and pretty glad to be here."

The Guardian looked to Sonic, quite stern, as the hedgehog, standing there with his hand out, after a few seconds, decided to lower his hand, feeling a little awkward.

Looking up to the Guardians, he then said, "Though, no offence or anything, but… somehow, I was expecting you to be quite… you know… bigger."

Appa raised an eyebrow at this, as Sonic continued, "I don't mean any offensive, as I said, I'm quite surprised to know about these… beings in Green protecting the universe under the leadership of Jedi Smurfs."

Just then, a chuckle came from one of the Guardians, as Appa, a little unamused, looked to him on his left, eyebrows still raised at this, "You find something funny, Ganthet?"

"Oh no, Appa," Ganthet replied, "I believe it makes sense as no being from Earth has ever heard of the Green Lantern Corps, let alone been a part of it too. This one seems to take pressure well too, he quite amuses me, too. Though I would like to see these 'Jedi Smurfs', as he calls them, myself."

Sonic smiled upon hearing this from Ganthet, while Tails looked and smiled too, happy that Sonic was on a bit of a good start.

"Glad to have joined." Sonic said.

Appa looked to Sonic as he said, "Yes… though you must understand that the Green Lantern Corps is a privileged organization. Not just anyone can join. There are also tremendous commitments. Each Lantern is responsible for patrolling one of the 3600 Sectors of the universe. But-"

"So it's a lot like one cop per precinct." Sonic said, cutting Appa off.

Baffled, Appa replied, "Yes, I suppose."

"You know, my friend, Chris, has an uncle who's a cop." Sonic added.

"Yes," Appa said, "that's fine-"

"Part of the Station Square Police Department," said Sonic, "part of the Speed Team. Pretty nice guy, like having around to race with, too."

"But more than that," Appa spoke, a little annoyed, before calming down a little, "the Green Lantern ring you wield is a complex tool."

Sonic looked to his ring as Appa continued, "It allows the wielder to gain the ability to work through the green energy of willpower. It also takes someone with fierce concentration."

Sonic looked back up to the Guardians as he said with a small smug, "You know, I think I managed to do something with the ring when I used it to protect my friends. So I think I got the hang of it."

The Guardians were silent for the moment, until one of them, bald with bushy eyebrows, spoke up incredulously, "He's got the hang of it."

Ganthet looked to the Guardian, "Ranakar…"

"Why are we even entertaining this?" Ranakar asked, "He's some sort of Human."

"Technically, I'm a Mobian, though I do have Human friends on Earth." Sonic corrected.

"Whatever." Ranankar brushed off.

"I suppose that's a little true…" Ganthet said, thinking of what Ranakar was saying.

"It is hard to get past that," another bald Guardian, this time a bald female, said, "the Earthlings, be it Human or… 'Mobian' don't have the most stellar reputation."

Sonic (and Tails) were a little upset upon hearing that.

"Sakeba, please…" Sayd said, but was cut off by Ranakar.

"She's right, of course," he said, "in fact, Earthlings are crude, base, fearful and untrustworthy."

"And then there's the smell." one Guardian spoke up, causing Sonic to smell himself for a second upon hearing that.

"Still, you can't condemn an entire species." Ganthet said.

"After you agreed with my previous statement?" Ranakar argued, as he glared down to Sonic, "It's a wonder their races on Earth have lasted this long. Maybe you or one of us would like me to list their atrocities."

"Or maybe our Mobian here can help us." Sakeba cut in, looking down to Sonic, also glaring at him, "Maybe he has a few of his own."

As the Guardians began to mutter and argue, agree and disagree, Sonic began to feel a little annoyed before looking up to the Guardians.

"Listen, you guys," he said, looking to the naysayers Sakeba and Ranakar, "I didn't come here just to be listed on pros and cons, and I didn't even ask for this ring just to be complained about. If you like your ring back, then take it! Because I have just about enough of this crud!"

Tomar and Salaak looked a little nervous and stunned at this, as were the other Lanterns present.

"Well, I never!" Sakeba said, appualed.

"It appears we can add impertinence to their many qualities." said Ranakar.

"Though the Mobian has a point," Ganthet spoke up, getting the Guardians attention, "if he was unworthy as everyone says, no force in the universe could have forced that ring onto his finger. And yet, there it is, the very ring wielded by Abin Sur, the very same one worn by the First Green Lantern, Zafar, at one with him."

Most of the Guardians muttered and agreed on what Ganthet said, as Sonic looked quite happy to see one of the Guardians seemingly defending him.

Ranakar and Sakeba, however, were still unimpressed by this, "If this is how our order in the Green Lantern ends like this…" the former muttered.

"Just at least give this one a try, Ranakar." said Sayd.

"No Earthling has never been a member of the Green Lantern Corps, and it had always been that way until now!" Sakeba stated.

As the argument a little bit continued, Ganthet sighed upon hearing this… until something caught his eye.

While everyone was listening in, he spotted someone looking by the doorway, none other than Tails, who was hearing and seeing everything that was happening.

Tails was overhearing the conversation, until he spotted Ganthet looking his way, resulting in the young fox to hide outside the room, though his tails could be seen from the doorway.

"…can you believe this, Ganthet?" one of the Guardians asked during one conversation, though Ganthet did not reply, as he then slowly floated down to where Sonic, Tomar-Re and Salaak were, the three surprised to see him coming down to their level.

Before any of the three could ask, Ganthet spoke up, "Come here, young one."

Noticing that he wasn't speaking to him or the others, and realizing who he could be talking to, Sonic turned back to the doorway, as Tails slowly and shyly stepped out.

Tails looked a bit, before looking at Ganthet and pointed to himself, as a way of asking if the Guardian was talking to him.

Ganthet then nodded in reply and kindly said, "Please, come over."

Shyly, Tails stepped out of where he was at, then walked over to where Sonic was, then stood by his side.

Tails' appearance had got everyone's attention.

"Who are you?" Appa asked, eyeing the fox.

Tails was a bit shy to speak, but Sonic kindly nudged him a little with a smile, letting him know that it was ok.

Taking a small, deep breath, Tails finally introduced himself.

"My name is Tails," he said, "and I'm Sonic's best friend from Earth."

The room echoed with murmurs and small talks from both the Guardians and the Lanterns, seeing that the new recruit had brought someone from their own planet.

"How did this one get here?" Ranakar asked.

"He kinda hitched a ride when your ring dragged me here," Sonic explained, "but still, we stick together through anything, no matter what."

"I see," Ganthet said, before looking at Tails, "tell me, my child, I sense that you have something to say?"

Tails nodded in reply then said, "I'm sorry… but even after what I've heard, I'm just curious to know… who are you all?"

Ganthet looked to Tails, who looked back with shy and curious eyes, then Ganthet chuckled lightly as he said, "My, quite a young mind isn't he, Sonic?"

"He's the very best!" Sonic said proudly, earning a smile from Tails.

"I suppose that since you're both new here, you should know much about the Green Lanterns, and what we do." Ganthet said, before turning to Salaak, "Salaak, show us the holoprojector of the universe."

"Of course, Ganthet." Salaak replied, before pressing a few buttons on his controller.

Soon, the lights of the room dimmed, as a holoprojection of the universe appeared, showing many galaxies and star systems, almost like a virtual 3D map.

"This is the universe we live in." Ganthet explained, as the universe soon began to be covered in numerous small cubes, in the total number as he continued, "we divided the universe into 3600 Sectors, each one housing a different number of galaxies and star systems, in which we call as Guardian Space."

Each of the Sectors soon showed an icon of the Green Lantern logo, "in each Sector, a Green Lantern is chosen to protect their home Sector, to be chosen, one must have the ability to overcome great fear."

Of all the planets shown on the map, one of them at the very center was coloured green, as Ganthet explained, "This over here is our Sector, Sector 0, on the planet Oa."

Then, Ganthet pointed to one Sector that Sonic and Tails recognized, as it contained the Milky Way Galaxy.

"And this is your Sector." said Ganthet, "Sector 2814."

Sonic turned to Tomar-Re, "Didn't you say that your Sector is 2813?"

"Indeed, Sonic," Tomar-Re replied, pointing to a Sector being right next to Sonic and Tails', "it's located right next to yours."

"Heh, guess that makes us neighbors, pretty cool." Sonic said, bringing up his hand for a high five.

Although, the others looked to him oddly at what he was doing, as Sonic looked around, then awkwardly replied, "Sorry, guess you don't know what a high five is…"

"I'm sure there are those in the Corps that know a "high five", as you call them." Ganthet stated.

"Thanks for pointing that out," said Sonic, not wanting to interrupt, "please, do continue… Ganthet, was it?"

"Indeed," Ganthet replied, before continuing his explanation, "once a ring bearer is chosen, together, these recruits of the 3600 Sectors form the intergalactic peace keepers that you are now a part of: the Green Lantern Corps."

Tails looked to the Guardians as he stated, "So, when given the rings, they are equipped with a lantern uniform, as well as a lantern of their own."

"That's right, Tails," Sayd replied, "for the it is important that with your lantern, that the ring has to be charged at all times, as it's powered by…"

"The green energy of willpower," Tails finished Sayd's words, "Tomar-Re explained that to us on the way here."

Sonic then noticed some of the Sectors as they had a Green Lantern icon, the only thing he noticed was that all the icons were green coloured, while a small few of them were coloured black, "What about the icons that are black?"

"That, I'm afraid, indicates that a Green Lantern has died in duty." Appa explained, "A power ring would then be in search of a new host to represent their Sector, or would be returned back to Oa."

"So either way, the new recruit is needed." Sonic guessed.

"Is it possible for a Green Lantern of one Sector to travel to other Sectors?" Tails asked.

"That is quite correct," Ganthet replied, "a Green Lantern's job is to aid, protect and serve the many planets and the Sectors they inhabit in Guardian Space."

"That's pretty cool," Sonic said before asking, "so we're allowed to explore all these Sectors?"

"Absolutely not," Appa replied, his voice showing a little bit of sterility. "There are a few sectors in Guardian Space that are forbidden for entry."

"One of them being the Vega System of Sector 2828." Ranakar stated.

Tails then spotted one Sector that, like the Green Lantern icons, wasn't light up green, but had a greyish green instead, then asked, "And what that Sector?"

"That, I'm afraid, is Sector 666, the Lost Sector, also known as the Forgotten Zone," said Ganthet, a solemn frown on his face as he explained, "It was once a proud and peaceful Sector of Guardian Space, until a great tragedy occurred, resulting in many lives lost and making the Sector no longer accessible."

"I see…" Sonic said, as he and Tails looked at each other about the two Sectors and what could have happened that resulted in them being forbidden entry, as Salaak closed down the map of the universe.

"Even if they now understand most of what the Corps is about, we still believe that this Mobian has what it takes to be one of the Lanterns." Sakeba said, stingely.

"If I may speak, Guardian Council?" Tomar-Re spoke up.

"Of course, Tomar-Re," replied Ganthet, "the Green Lantern of Sector 2813 is recognized."

"Thank you, Ganthet," said Tomar, as he nodded in reply, "I like to speak up a proposal: allow me to take Sonic and his friend under my wing, with the aid of my friends, we can help train Sonic, test him to see what he's made off."

Sonic and Tails looked to Tomar, then to each other as they smiled, then looked back to the Guardians.

"That's right," Sonic said, "I know that Tomar-Re here is one of Abin's oldest friends, so it would be nice for him and any of Abin's other friends to help me out as well."

"And if you like," Tails then added, "I know that I'm not a lantern, I would be happy to be there to support Sonic on his training and learn much as well."

Appa raised an eyebrow for a second as he asked, "Should this be allowed?"

Before either Ranakar or Sakeba could protest, Ganthet beat them to it, "I think would be a great idea. Tomar-Re has been one of the finest Lanterns we have, as well as being one of the wisest, next to the Book Keeper. So it would be wrong to not allow Tomar-Re to be Sonic and Tails' guardian to help them around Oa."

"While out of the ordinary, I'm also interested in Tomar's evaluation." said Sayd with a smile, agreeing with Ganthet.

There was quite a bit of mumbling around the Guardians about the idea, which Sonic and Tails found hard to hear a little, until Appa spoke up.

"Very well," Appa nodded, "we shall put it to vote. All those in favor?"

Soon, Appa's eyes glowed, followed by Ganthet and then Sayd.

As this was happening, Sonic and Tails turned to Salaak as he explained, "What you are seeing is the traditional debate between the Guardians, they use a special telepathy to make a vote on a decision, whichever side has the most votes wins."

"So the glowing eyes would mean 'Aye', and the eyes that don't 'Neigh'?" Tails asked.

"Exactly." Tomar-Re nodded.

Sure enough, all the other eyes of the Guardians were glowing, except for Ranakar and Sakeba, however, after an annoying hesitation and no choice from the both of them, their eyes finally glowed as well.

"Guess the 'eyes' have it then." Sonic joked to Tails, as they both let out a small chuckle at the joke.

After the vote, the Guardians' eyes stopped glowing as Appa spoke, "So be it. You will be under Tomar-Re's guidance, 2814."

"We wish you the very best, Sonic," Ganthet said with a smile, "good luck."

"Thank you, Guardians." Sonic said, as Tomar-Re did a small bow, and he and Tails followed his lead.

Soon, Sonic and Tails left, following Tomar-Re to get ready for Sonic's first bit of training.

"Quite an extraordinary new find in this one," Ganthet said to Appa and Sayd, "don't you think?"

"We must see if this being from Earth has what it takes." Appa replied.

"And not to mention about the young lad, such a bright mind that one." said Ganthet with a smile.

"Indeed, Ganthet." Sayd nodded in agreement.

As the trio made their leave, Sinestro soon arrived.

"Guardians." he spoke.

"Lantern 1417," Salaak said as he saw him arrive, "you are here to seek permission to form a strategy against Parallax, correct?"

"I have, Salaak." Sinestro replied, before looking to the Guardians.

"We understand about what is happening and are aware of this threat, Sinestro," Appa stated, "but as we have already told you, we are assessing the situation."

Sinestro let out a groaning sigh as he said, "While you assess, many innocent lives will be lost!"

Sinestro turned to Salaak as he said, "Bring up the map for Parallax's whereabouts."

"Very well, Sinestro." Salaak said, as he brought back up the map, once more showing the universe, only this time it featured a new, different icon, coloured yellow.

"Even now as we speak," Sinestro spoke up, "our enemy is currently scaverging across a part of the universe, attacking a few several Sectors and killing every race, including Lanterns, that stand in its way. Please, let me take the fight to Parallax!"

"We understand how you feel, Sinestro," Sayd said with a sad, uncertain frown, "but even if you manage to find a way to defeat Parallax, it won't bring Abin Sur back."

"Please, Guardians, we cannot think that this enemy can truly defeat us!" Sinestro determinedly said, "Let me take a squadron of some of our best Lanterns against this enemy, and I'll prove to you that our best days are not behind us."

The Guardians looked to one another, until Ranakar finally spoke, "Do as you wish, Sinestro"

Sinestro nodded as he said, "Thank you, Guardians."

As the protector of Sector 1417 left, the Guardians began to speak to each other once more.

"Was it really wise to accept Sinestro's demand?" Ganthet asked, "He doesn't understand that Parallax is an enemy unlike any other the Corps has faced for a long time."

"True," Appa said, as he looked back to the map, eyeing the icon representing Parallax, "but if Sinestro wishes to do what he claims is best for the universe, then it is his own doing. Whatever happens next, if his squadron reaches Parallax, will determine the fate for the universe… and us."

Author's Note:

Here we go, now it's time to do some training!

Now that our heroes from Earth have arrived on Oa and met the Corps and Guardians, what will be ready for the Blue Blur during his Lantern Training with Tomar-Re… and a certain brute of a Lantern coach?!

Plus, Tails gets to meet new friends as well!

Until next time, True Believers!
