Sonic Lanterns: Fastest Lantern Alive

Prologue: Or-ring-gins

Welcome to whole new universe of adventure, one that's unique and beyond what you know of the Sonic and Green Lantern Franchises! Where Sonic and friends encounter a whole new universe where being posses rings powered of the Emotional Spectrum! Read on, True Believers, as we begin our story in the far of corners of the Final Frontier…

Unknown Planet, Unknown Section of Space:

Somewhere, within the dark corners of universe, lays a planet that has been long forgotten.

The planet is long dead as its civilization was destroyed long ago, while blackness fills in everywhere, with no traces of life…

Until now…

On a stormy weather, a strange, black-cloaked figure walks through the wastelands, green cuffs strapped to his feet (still allowing him to move) and few green chains wrapped around his legs and arms (both covered in bandages).

He soon approaches a nearby cave and enters it, walking deeper into the darkness, until finally he arrives in an underground chamber.

The chamber was empty, with a small exception of seven monolith pillars, each one with a different symbol, and in the centre, laying on a medium sized stand, lay a book, big enough to fit.

Raising his hands, the figure watched as the book opened up to the pages he was on, as he muttered aloud to himself, "The Twined Herald will speak the secrets of the Multiverse. Fear will rise. Willpower will gather. And the War of Light will unleash the truth of the power of the ring."

Just then, he heard a flashing sound, as moments later; another anonymous being approached the first… looking almost animal like.

"You are late." The first figure asked.

"My apologies, oh impatient one." The second figure said, though seemingly grumbled before speaking properly, "I was on Qward, checking the mining process, as you told me to… I suppose I was so intrigued of the work, I lost track of time."

"And the work progress?" the first asked, not interested.

"As you expected," the second replied, "we have been hitting a boat load of our findings there, thanks to the new work force stationed there."

The second figure then spoke sternly as he said, "Though remember, you said that you saw inside me that we both share a common interest: starting a new universe by burning the old to the ground. Though remember that back on my world, there will be those that will try and stop us before we're done, so let us hope that this 'War Game' of yours will work."

The first figure looked to the second for a small bit, as he answered, "It will in due time, my friend. The War of Light will come to fruition, once the pieces are all set, as with what we have on Qward, I'm certain you will find the candidate to herald it's power."

The figure turned back to the book, before pointing to the left with his bandaged left hand, "Now go. Make sure the mining stays on track."

The second figure nodded, before walking back the way he came in… stepping through a huge golden ring before it vanished, leaving the first figure alone once more.

As he looked within the pages, a creepy and unpleasant smile grew on within his bandaged face, "All in due time," he said, "my brothers and sisters dared cast me out… but soon they will face the War, which in turn bring forth the coming of the Blackest Night, and soon the Brightest Day. My Day."

He sinisterly chuckled quietly as he uttered three dark words, "Beware my power."

Many Years in the Past

"Billions of years ago, following the years after the creation of our universe, it was on the path of peace and prosperity."

Somewhere, in the far of corners beyond the Milky Way Galaxy, a star system is at peace.

On one of the planets, groups of alien tribes are on their usual peaceful routines, as farmers grow new crops, children are playing and families are doing many activities together, working or enjoying themselves in harmony.

One day, it is the usual harvesting, as families get together for family gatherings, work and fun, everything being perfect…

But not for long…

"But over time, for while there was order and peace…"

Strange souring sounds echo the skies, as strange, almost shark like ships, big and small, appear above the skies, leaving the citizens in awe, shock… and horror.

"There came chaos… and war."

Seconds upon the arrival of these ships, one of them shot down a powerful beam, with exploded upon contact on the ground.

Panic screams in the air, as the citizens try to run for cover, as the ships continue raining down blasts after blasts.

Meanwhile, high above the planet's surface, inside on of the invading ships, two aliens, both revealed to be aquatic jellyfish-like creatures, with numerous tentacles and a singular one eye, as they witness the invasion in progress.

"Has the first wave of the Xorda's fleet nearly reached the surface of the planet?" the first alien, a Xorda, asked it turned to the other one.

"Affirmative," the second Xorda replied, "all preparations for this race's extinction shall proceed as the Xorda planned, if any survivors remain, the Gene Bomb will finish them off."

"Excellent," the first Xorda said, as the two aliens looked back to the carnage, "soon this star system, like the others will fall to the Xorda's might!"

Sure enough, the planet's citizens try to escape, but most of them are caught and soon killed by the invaders, as their homes too surfer the terrible power of the Xorda's vessles.

"Destruction over balanced Creation."

Moments later, fire and smoke cover the bright skies of the planet, as the Xorda's forces continue the invasion, while the inhabitants, with try as they might the with the weapons they only have, fail to stop them.

"Hate tipped the scales of fellowship."

Soon, in a far of corner, a few inhabitants, having successfully went into hiding, hoped and prayed that the monsters have failed to kill them… but they are wrong, as a whistling sound echoes as it nearer to where they were hiding, until the Xorda's Gene Bomb struck the ground with a bang, wiping out the ones hiding.

Soon, while the invasion continues in the distance, a lone citizen is struggling to walk across a beach cove, not far from the attack, only to succumb to the weakened state he was in, before collapsing to the wet ground, dead, with the waves washing over the body.

"And all life… perished."

Meanwhile, far from the star systems as they were at war with the Xorda, somewhere at the centre of the universe, lies a planet.

"But soon, the chaos was brought to the attention of the inhabitants that lived at the centre of the universe, on the planet Oa."

Inside a great temple, the inhabitants, who were small-structured beings, both male and female, had light blue skin with green sclera and blue-coloured pupils with some of the beings having white hair, all wearing different ancient outfits, looked to the stars, seeing the explosions occurring from across the different galaxies and star systems, the signs of the Xorda war and many other wars and fights raging on across the universe.

"The inhabitants, immortal beings later known as the Guardians of the Universe, saw that the evil that was spreading can not be left unchecked, and sought to find a way to protect the universe."

Later, the Guardians soon come in contact with a beam of white light, one of them looks into it, then comes to a realization before looking to his fellow comrades, resulting all of them to nod in agreement.

Bringing up their arms, the Guardians point towards the light beam, minutes later, green aura begins to appear on the tips of their fingersm and the green energy formed around the room like a mist.

"Upon making contact with light of the Emotion Spectrum and the power it possessed, Guardians found their answer to one of most powerful light energies they believed: the emerald energy of willpower."

Upon gathering the endless green energy, the Guardians began work on crafting and forging a weapon of choice.

"Soon, the Guardians created a powerful item, one that would use the willpower of the green energy. A weapon that can turn armies to sand. An unequal device to fight the odds."

After much work, the Guardians finally finish their work, having created the perfect device to harness willpower: a power ring.

Much later on, the planet Oa was soon packed with different alien species from across the universe.

Some were big, others were small, many were in different shapes and sizes, there were rock creatures, plant creatures, aliens that had animal-like appearances, most them human-like too, and even several that could boggle the mind.

"Soon, many of the greatest warriors from many races in the universe were brought to the Guardians to join the fight against evil. Seven would be chosen. The first seven. A moment to be recorded in history."

Overseeing the event on centre stage, a bright alien scribe, of the age a young adult, was writing down everything that was happening in a journal, before the excitement grew quiet as the Guardians approached.

The Guardians all had a change in uniform, as they all wore red robes with a symbol of what looked like a green lantern torch of sorts.

"The Guardians then spoke to the assembly."

"Citizens of the universe," one of the leading male Guardians spoke, "stand tall and strong on this proud day."

The leading Guardian, much like most of the others, had tufts of white hair from the side of his baldhead, and looked quite strict. He was Appa Ali Apsa, the leading member of the Guardians, and he looked around on the proud races that stood in front of them.

"On this very day, after witnessing the countless struggles of war, the time has come for all of us to come together and fight as one." Appa exclaimed, "If we are to be Guardians, you must be our strength."

Another male Guardian was brought forward, who was bald but with length-shoulder hair. This Guardian was Ganthet, another one of the wise members of the Guardians.

"And if you are to be our strength," said Ganthet, "these shall be your arms."

Upon saying that, a beam of green light shown on stage, and when it cleared, it revealed a small pedestal with a small chest.

Ganthet opened the chest to reveal seven green rings, before looking to one of the female Guardians.

The female had white hair that was made into a hair bun. She was another one of the leading members of the Guardians, named Sayd.

"Many beings from various races across our universe have been gathered," she said, "from here, seven of you will be chosen to wield these power rings, powered by the green energy of willpower."

"The best of luck to all of you." Ganthet said, finishing the speech with proud honour and wishing luck to the assembly.

The first of the rings, on the far right side of the box, began to glow, and flew out into the air, before return to the crowd as it chose it's wielder: a female lyncan, who stand about six or seven feet tall as a teenage amazon body and a lovely long wolf tail, covered from head to toe in lavender purple fur, but her toes, chest, stomach, inner thighs, face and from her hands to the middle of her forearms were covered with snow white fur, as was the tip of her tail. She had hair that went down and ended at the lower back, with purple bangs dangling down her neck and touching her chest, with a few bangs swept to the right, not covering up her emerald green eyes.

As the ring was placed on her right hand finger, it's energy created a brand new green and black outfit, being a flowing green skirt, which was knee-length with a downward-facing black triangle. She also had a backless, green halter crop top with a upward-facing black triangle that tied into a green sash ribbon on the back of her shoulders, and on her neck was black necklace which featured the lantern symbol on it.

The next ring, on the far left side, much like the first, glowed and flew to it's chosen wielder: a blue, genderless insectoid with wings and antenna that was folded up to look like hooded robe. It's features included black and white spots on it's arms and legs that resembled ice chuncks, light blue torso and large pale green eyes, with four fingered hands and two toed feet (with a third toe-like extension on it's ankle).

Upon receiving the ring on it's left finger, the insectoid opened up it's wings to reveal that it gained a lantern uniform, which resembled a green spandex wetsuit of sorts with blacks stripes down the sides, with the sleeves ending above the elbows and the legs ending above the knees.

Next, the third back on the right side was sent to it's next wielder: a tiger-like humanoid with huge muscles, orange fur with black stripes and white muzzle, hands, stomach, chest and feet, with a retractable claw on both four-fingered hands and had three-toed feet.

The uniform the tiger humanoid received upon gaining the ring on his right finger was revealed to be a green and black spandex shirt with sleeves up to the elbows, while gaining green spandex pants with black stripes, and a belt showing the lantern symbol, while he also gained a black mask for his face.

The fourth ring back on the left was then sent to it's wielder: a large, bi-pedal alien female that looked somewhat reptilian in nature of it's gray-toned skin that was covered in bumps on it's shoulders, forearms and legs. She had yellow eyes, darker coloured scalp that went down as low to her jawline and had horns on both top of the head and on each side of her jaw.

Her lantern uniform was revealed as it looked a bit similar to body armour, such as the green shoulder pads, and green arm and leg pads, with black long-sleeved spandex shirt and pants underneath, upon gaining the ring on her right hand.

On the centre right, the fifth ring was brought to contact to the chosen wielder: a big creature that almost looked like a yeti-like beast, that had a almost cat-like face with pointed ears but no whiskers, with feathery fur and had what looked like a small palm tree on it's head.

Once the ring came into contact with it's left hand, the creature gained itself a uniform in the form of a green robe with black stripes and the symbol.

The sixth ring on the centre left then left the box as it came towards the wielder it chose: a semi-translucent, planar alien, nominally female.

She lifted up her left hand as the ring was placed on her finger, and with a flash, while she looked normal, the exception was that the original uniform she wore was now green with the symbol in centre.

As all this happened, the young alien wrote down everything that was happening, on which warrior was chosen by the rings.

Soon, as most of the chosen were brought to the centre, the last ring at the middle of the box glowed, before it floated up, the assembly growing quite nervous and excited on who will be the final chosen candidate.

As it floated across the assembly, the ring finally stopped towards a bulk and proud looking alien, as it came closer to the being who brought up his hand.

"But then, the unexpected happened…"

Suddenly, the ring began zip around, passing the now surprised alien (along with the rest of the assembly nearby), almost as if it was acting like a humming bird, zipping across and passed everyone, it even made false stops at those who thought the ring came to them before it took off again, as it suddenly zoomed back to the centre stage.

The Guardians and the other candidates were surprised to see this as the ring whizzed by, letting out a bright green flash as it came in contact to the final chosen warrior.

"Some believed it to be fate or destiny, while others said it was a mistake or an accident… though accident is only the will of the universe expressing itself."

A drop of a book was heard, and as the flash of light cleared, the Guardians, the other Lantern recruits and the assembly looked in shock and surprise.

"And it was the universe's will that the 7th Lantern… be Zafar. A young scribe, the loyal chronicler to the Guardians."

The last Lantern, revealed to be the scribe, Zafar, was quite in shock as the others as the ring had chosen him, as his uniform had changed into a green and black striped lantern uniform, with an eye mask included to his face.

Soon the look of shock turned to worry, as he looked to the ring that was placed on his right hand.

"And so it would be for all time, the rings would choose their successors."

Later, the chosen seven were transported on a small vessel to face off the coming threat via lightspeed, while two them piloted their course, the remaining five were seated for the fight ahead.

"The Guardians had armed the first seven, and sought to train them. Though no training could prepare them for what was to come… when training gave way to duty."

All the chosen warriors were preparing for what was to come, all except Zafar, as he looked down to the ring that had unexpectedly chose him.

"Doing okay?" the female lyncan asked, as Zafar looked to her on his right, seeing that she wanted to comfort him.

A little nervous at first, Zafar finally spoke, "Not so sure, Luna…"

Luna asked another question, "First Battle?"

Zafar nodded at this without saying a word.

"Still a little nervous after being chosen?" Luna asked again.

Zafar nodded slowly before replying, "When I was still the Guardians' scribe, I was always able to know what do and find ways to aid in many situations… but now with this ring… for once… I-I don't know what to do in this situation."

"Let me to you something, Scribe Boy," the tiger humanoid on Zafar's left said in a gruff, boastful voice, "Ti-Gor always knows what to do in a situation like this, and one of them is punching it, the harder the better! Ti-Gor has been great warrior of Appoplexians for 2 years, especially for punching out of problems, so Ti-Gor is certain to triumph over this puny problem far more than Scribe Boy!"

Zafar seemed to sink even lower at that comment as his nervousness grew along with doubtness.

"Not helping, Ti-Gor." Luna said sternly, "What we're going up against will require more than just brute strength."

"Ti-Gor can be able to beat Xorda, with or without Guardians help, and with one arm behind back!" Ti-Gor gloated.

The giant fur creature that was sitting next to Luna's right moaned a roar, catching Ti-Gor's attention.

"See, Floof here knows Ti-Gor's got this covered too!" Ti-Gor boastfully said with a cocky, completely oblivious to what Floof really said, as Luna eye rolled at the Appoplexian.

"Luna's got a point." The reptilian female said, who stopped co-piloting a bit to look back and talk to her comrades, "If the rings had chosen us, then there is no doubt a reason why Zafar had been chosen by his ring. I was once a worker before I was chosen myself, hence most of us were someone else once before then."

Zafar was a little surprised to hear a small bit of support.

"Thanks for that, Gwanda." Luna said with a smile, before turning to Zafar, "You see, Zafar, you're not alone on this. Even if some say doubts about you, I think if the ring chose you, then you must be for something big."

Floof looked to Zafar too, as he gave a nod and a happy growl to Luna's words.

Zafar gave a small smile in return on the first friends he just made, and the words that comforted him a little.

The moment was suddenly interrupted by beeping sound from the control systems, as the insectoid (having heard a bit of the conversation during co-piloting) looked at the controls and systems, while Gwanda returned to her position.

"Let's hope what you say is true, Luna." It said, "Because we're here."

As the ship slowed down from lightspeed, the lanterns looked to their destination.

As he looked, Zafar's worry returned as he and the others looked to what they saw: a system stood by in front of them, as above the surface of each planet in the system was under attack by the enemy forces, shown from the small, bright flashing balls of explosions.

As they came by one of the planets, another bleeping sound came from the controls.

"What is it, N'rrgin?" asked semi-translucent female, as she looked to the insectoid, N'rrgin.

"I'm think we're picking up a distress signal, Wachet." N'rrgin replied to the female, Wachet, as he pressed several buttons to prepare transmit the call.

Once done, a hologram of a female lycan-like being with beautiful butterfly wings appeared before the chosen, thought it seemed the hologram was growing a little static due to the attacks.

"This Professor Lyca of the Counsil of Flora, contacting to unidentified vessel for help!" Lyca spoke, as nearby explosions were heard in the background, "Our planet and our system is under attack, and we need your help in stopping this madness!"

"Fear not, Doctor Butterfly! Ti-Gor and warriors have arrived for triumph in aid!" Ti-Gor roared with might.

"What our friend is trying to say is that we're here to stop this Xorda invasion!" Luna said, eyeing Ti-Gor a little.

"It's not just the Xorda!" Lyca cried out, "It's-"

Before she could finish her sentence, a tremour and explosion was heard in the transmission's background, causing the hologram to flicker and then cut off from the ship.

"It's what?" Wachet spoke, "What's more dangerous than the Xorda?!"

Zafar looked back up to the space battlefield, and saw something that widened his eyes with shock.

"Guys…" the others heard him say as they saw him pointing upwards and followed his direction… and looked in a mix of shock and a small big of horror at what they saw.

Aside from the Xorda ships they saw, among the invading vessels, another batch of ships were attacking, looking like 3 sided pyramids, like the Xorda's ships, some were big and others were small.

"Are those…?" N'rrgin spoke, before becoming loss of words.

"Triceratons." Luna exclaimed in shock.

Sure enough, the armada of the other warring race, the Triceratons, were indeed attacking, not just the system, but also the Xorda, due to the two sides being some of the most dangerous races that have existed.

"A plague had been savaging the universe, formed from war between several of the dangerous beings in the universes. The Guardians despatched the first 7 to stop it's advance: ready or not."

The lanterns' ship was soon now caught in the crossfire, avoiding the battleships from both sides as they went.

Though they didn't arrive undetected.

Inside one of the commanding Triceraton ships, a Triceraton soldier, looking like a space triceratops, approached the commander of the fleet as he spoke.

"Commander," the soilder spoke, "we've just picked up an unknown vessel appearing from lightspeed. It may contain allies of our enemies, your orders?"

Meanwhile, at the same time in the Xorda command ship, an Xorda pilot reported to it's superior.

"Sir, our scanners have detected something coming out of lightspeed. It appears to be a spacecraft containing several lifeforms." It said, "What shall we do?"

The two commanders from the different alien races thought for a moment before asking at the same time, "Do we have a lock-on on the vessel?"


The Commanders looked back to the battle before giving out the same order, "Destroy them."

Soon, at command, before enemy ships began locking onto to the first seven's vessel, lasers and missiles firing from different directions as the ship tried to dodge them, all while taking a few minor hits.

"Looks like they're on to us." N'rrgin said, detecting several notifications of damage on the ship.

"Good." Ti-Gor said with a grin, slamming his right fist to the palm of his left hand, "Ti-Gor will show Xorda and Triceratons how Appoplexians give out painful and glorious death sentences!"

Zafar looked back to his ring as he asked one last time to Luna, "Do you still think these rings will be enough to stop all this?"

Placing her paw on his shoulder for comfort, Luna said, "Just do what I do and stay alive."

Zafar looked to Luna as she added with a comforting smile, "Use your imagination."

Soon, a laser blast from one of the Xorda ships struck the vessel, causing to take serious damage before it exploded.

Luckily, the crew of the ship escaped just in time, and the battle for the fate of the star system began.

Upon escaping, the team flew by several enemy ships, piloted by either of the two enemy races, taking down the small fighters (the Triceraton fighters had the usual pilots while the Xorda fighters were robotic drones) which was a little easy, while doing big blows together on several battleships.

For most of the battle, most of the seven would split up to cover more ground as they fought aagainst the enemy ships, be it Xorda or Triceraton.

Zafar went along with Luna as suggested, as he followed her lead, dodging enemy fire and shooting back with their rings, to help him get the hang of his ring.

Wachet was able to do well, being a flexible species; she was able to dodge enemy attacks with ease as she fought, mostly using both her races' abilities and her power ring.

She wasn't the only one, as Ti-Gor, meanwhile, seemed like he was having the time of his laugh, as he roared with laughter, landing hard with slam of his feet on several of the battleships, using his ring to fire laser blasts, and his strong muscle strength to grab hold of enemy turrents, turning them to use against the enemy.


N'rrgin, too, had to use it's ring and it's abilities to fight back as well, while it had used it's ring now and then, it mostly took down several enemy ships and fighters easily with it's icy breath powers as well as it's intangibility to go through them, either freezing them place before exploding or using it's ring to attack from inside.

Floof was able to help the others at times, as he used most of his strength to tear most of the metal shell of the enemy ships off, before using his ring to destroy most of the inside parts.

The last member, Gwanda, also aided Zafar and Luna during their tatics, and was able to use her ring well, just as they were.

When another vessel (an Xorda one) was final down and destroyed the team regrouped, a little exhausted, most them believing that they did it.

"Ha, ha!" Ti-Gor said, triumphant, "Glorious victory is Ti-Gor's for the taking!"

Unfortunately, Gwanda took a look around, and her eyes widened with shock as she said nervously, "I don't it's over yet…"

The others looked back too, and were startled to see more battleships and fighters of the Xorda and Triceratons heading their way from different directions.

"Oh, spaceballs…" Luna groaned with worry.

"But no matter how they tried, it seemed too much for everyone."

Soon, more enemy laser came at them by a boatload, so many that the first seven would not be able to make a counter attack.

"We must regroup!" cried Luna, "Fall back!"

"Go if you must," Ti-Gor said, annoyed, "but Ti-Gor will not retreat!"

Just as he said that, several enemy fires came at him, one even singed a bit on his left arm.

For the first time, seeing what was going on, Ti-Gor looked back as he then said quickly, "Though Ti-Gor will make exception for today!"

As the others made a hasty retreat, Watchet was suddenly struck down from behind by enemy fire.

Looking back, she saw one of the Triceraton fighters heading towards at rapid speed, but before she could fire her ring again, the fighter rammed her, this action caught the attention of her allies.

Wondering why it wasn't stopping after hitting her, she looked back, and to her horror, she saw that they were heading straight towards an asteroid of a nearby asteroid field!

Knowing there wasn't enough time to stop, Watchet could only see the rock come close quickly as she heard from the Triceraton fighter the pilot's final words of his kamikaze move, "Hail the Triceraton Empire!"

Avra and the others saw what was happening, and before they could go after them saw the ship hit the asteroid as it exploded.

Avra and Floof quickly took off towards the wreckage, seeing parts of the destroyed fighter… and a barely breathing Watchet.

Grabbing hold of her, the two returned to the others and made a hasty retreat at another nearby asteroid, leaving the two warring races to continue fighting without any more interruptions.

Meanwhile, inside their rocky hideout, the remaining fighters (Floof looking after Watchet, who was still barely alive), who were at first confident when they first got their rings, were now showing signs of doubt, worry and disappointment, especially mostly from Ti-Gor.

"This is humiliating! Ti-Gor hates this one bit!" Ti-Gor said, pacing up and down, and then looked to his ring with a frown, "Ti-Gor especially hates Guardians' stupid rings!"

"You may be right, Ti-Gor." Gwanda said, as she sat down, filled with worry as doubt was crawling in too, "What are we even doing here? We should with our family, our friends. We'd probably just be wearing trinkets, because no matter how many we take down, they always seem to keep coming back with more."

Zafar looked to his comrades as he asked, "Then what should we do?"

"There seems to be only two options we've got now, at this moment." N'rrgal spoke, getting everyone's attention, "Either we retreat… or face death at their might. Either way, there's no victory."

Floof whimpered upon hearing those only options.

Zafar looked to everyone, and saw the sadness and worry in their eyes, even Ti-Gor too, as for once, he spoke calmly but solemnly, "Then retreat it is then. Ti-Gor will stay behind while the rest of you-"


Everyone looked to see Luna, looking solemn and guilty, as she said, "I should do it. I believed that we could do this and pull this off, and allowed you to do what you can during this dark hour, and now look where it got us."

Zafar was solemnly shocked to hear this coming from her, the same one who believed in him and encouraged him too.

"You all go, Floof will help carry Wachet," Luna said, as she sadly floated up to the exit to prepare for her sacrifice, "I'll cover your escape."

Upon hearing and seeing what was happening, Zafar looked back to his ring, just as he did before all this happened…

"And the first Lantern saw… and would not run."

Looking to his ring, something sparked inside him, causing him to discover something.

"Wait." He spoke up, getting Luna and everyone else's attention, "Perhaps there is another way."

"What is it, Zafar?" Luna asked.

"The Guardians forged our rings through the power of will." Zafar explained, "Willpower can do more than just pave our retreat. You once said, Luna, that the rings chose us for something big, and perhaps using the power of will is that!"

The others looked to Zafar, then each other and then back to Zafar as he continued, "Will is the first cause for any action. So, perhaps, we must will our survival!"

Luna was surprised of hearing this, and was in thought as Gwanda then spoke.

"You're commended for your faith in the Guardians, Zafar," Gwanda said with a sad smile, only to sadly add, "but I fear that this is a failed endeavor."

"I agree with our comrade, young one," Ti-Gor spoke solemnly, surprisingly for once loosing the third personal talk, "if you go out there, you will die."

Zafar looked worried about what they, but soon that fear turned to determination, as looked to the others with a brave face.

"I understand if you wish not to help." He said, "I choose to believe in the Guardians."

As Zafar began to leave, Luna came up to him as she said, "What is happening is real, Zafar. This is war. It's not one of your books where you invent the outcome… but what you decide to do… be safe, and take care."

Zafar nodded solemnly to this and then looked to the others, before taking off to head back into the fight.

"Good luck, Zafar." Luna solemnly whispered, with a sad smile on her face, still in thought about what he said.

The others, meanwhile, looked worryingly as Zafar charged in, as N'rggal sadly said, "He's dead."

Meanwhile, Zafar returned once and charged at the enemies, attacking them once more just as they detected him coming towards them.

With all his might, the young warrior did what he could, firing every blast from his ring, dodging enemy fire and even, during the latter, use their fire power against them.

The other lanterns, as they continued their plan on escaping, soon stopped a little as they saw the young fighter going against the entire army of ships from two different races, worring for his safty.

Sure enough, one of the Xorda ships managed to come above Zafar, firing everything onto him, despite his best on dodging most of their enemy fire.

As he then tried to shield himself from one laser that was striking him down hard, Zafar heard the past thoughts go through his head.

If the rings had chosen us, then there is no doubt a reason why Avra had been chosen by his ring.

Use your imagination.

The Guardians forged our rings through the power of will. We must will our survival.

With fear soon changed to determination, Zafar let out a roar of might, his ring glowing at the same time, as he fought back against the blast, throwing out a wave from his arm as a green beam of light pierced the ray, before thrusting his ringed arm forward towards the ship, the green light brightening as it did.

No one did not expected what happened as a bright green explosion occurred, but as it cleared, everyone, Zafar's allies, the Xorda and Triceratons looked in shock at what they saw, Luna most of all as she could only quietly muster one thing to say: "By the stars."

When Zafar threw out his fist, something struck the Xorda ship which resulted it to explode, following this, the young lad looked up to his brought up fist, and was shocked at what he saw.

There, from his ring through a beam of light, something had taken the shape and form of something unexpected: a weapon, and a sword no less.

"He held his first construct: a sword."

As he looked at this new power that came from his ring, Zafar's expression changed from shocked and surprised, to amazement, then finally confidence and determination.

"No longer was he a scribe. He was now a warrior, a hero… the First Green Lantern."

Bringing the handle of the sword to his hand, Zafar grabbed hold of the construct and looked to the enemies that attacked him with determination.

"All troops, focus your fire on that green insect!" the Triceraton commander cried out his orders, which was responded by blast fire from the different Triceraton ships, just as the Xorda did the same.

The first lantern charged to the massive fleets, dodging the blasts and then using his newly made sword to strike one of the large vessels, and with one blow after contact with the sword, it exploded into pieces.

Zafar then charged towards another, swinging his sword and destroying several fighters, before charging through one of the large Xorda ships, casuing it to explode as he came out the other side.

Seeing what he had done, Zafar let a breath of relief, his contruct vanishing, until he heard several more explosions and laser fire, and when he looked to the direction of where the sounds were at, he was amazed at what he saw.

In his awe, several of his allies, lead by Luna, had followed in his steps and were using various constructs to attack both enemy races.

Luna used her ring to create construct of a giant wolf, charging at the Xorda as it chomped on the fighters with its teeth and attacking with it's giant paws.

Gwanda was taking down a giant Triceraton ship as she had made a construct of a giant drill around her, drilling into the vessel as it exploded from the intense damage.

Ti-Gor and N'rrgal, meanwhile, used their rings to make constructs of giant hands and spears respectively, as Ti-Gor crushed most of the enemy ships, while N'rrgal finished off the rest.

Floof, meanwhile was keeping an eye on Wachet back on the side lines, as he made a construct to help lay the wounded lantern down to rest.

Soon, upon attacking the fleets with their new powers, the five remaining lanterns formed together, with brave smiles on their faces and rings ready for new constructs to be made, the warriors were ready with new determination.

"This was the beginning of a new era."

The five heroes charged towards the remaining vessels, as upon using their new constructs, the Xorda and Triceratons were defeated, their fleets destroyed in the process. These new heroes had saved the star system.

Though it came at a small price, as Wachet would later suffer motal wounds, she passed away, but not before telling Zafar and the others to keep fighting a good fight.

"In due time, the first of the rings would be passed on to a successor, and as these first lanterns would continue protecting the universe with the first seven rings…"

Later on, Wachet's ring was passed to a new recruit, a sabre-toothed humanoid shark, who was then joined up and welcomed by the others, as they, with determined smiles on their faces, raise up the arms as their rings burned bright.

"…While more rings would be forged."

Later on still, from the surface of Oa, more rings would be sent out across the stars, scattering to the far reaches of space, travelling to planets, galaxies and other star systems.

"Hundreds, thousands of rings were made, until there was the same total number as the sectors the Guardians divided the universe in: a total of three thousand six hundred. The rings would then search out these sectors to seek out new recruits, and in order to be chosen by a ring, it is said they must have the ability to overcome great fear. And together the 3600 recruits formed the intergalactic peacekeepers known as the Green Lantern Corps."

Much later, a small group of Green Lanterns, while on space patrol, encounter something bright in the distance, yellow light shining strong as the band saw… and begin to feel scared.

"Of all the threats the Corps has ever faced, the most dangerous of them all was Parallax, an entity that was powered and feed off the yellow energy of fear."

The bright yellow light fades, revealing the terrifying creature, Parallax, the entity resembling a demonic, parasitic insect, as it let a terrifying roar as it presented itself.

Suddenly, the creature is confronted by the Guardians, accompanied by another group of Lanterns, as they take on the terrifying creature, until one them, who was quite brave and strongest of them all, a purple, humanoid alien, let out a mighty blast from his ring to strike the creature down, as it then disappeared through bright dimensional rift.

"It was this that the Guardians, with the power of Will and aid of Corps, including the greatest of them all, Abin Sur, were able to defeat and imprison Parallax in a pocket dimensional prison, the imprisonment tacking place on the last location where Parallax was last seen and attacked, the ruined planet of Kroga 9."

Many years later, on the Ruins of Kroga 9: Sector 663

"Log date: A113: The Kingfin exploration squad have made 35% completion on the expedition on the Kroga 9 ruins. Managed to discover several old conglomerations on this shattered planet, quite surprised that they little bit survived the destruction. However, the anomalies that we picked up earlier before arriving hadn't showed up again yet. More updates later."

A group of alien explorers, known as the Kingfin from Sector 599, were currently on an exploration expedition of the far off Sector 663, where one of the planets they were currently navigating was the ruined planet of Kroga 9, a planet that had been shattered and destroyed several years ago.

One of the other reasons of this expedition was that their scanners had picked up an unknown anomaly that was detected nearby on the planet, resulting with most of the navigators to explore the planet, while the remaining crew members to stay guard while helping do research, one of them recording their latest log reports.

"It's been a bit long since they've been out there, Kroogix," one of the remaining 3 members said to an member, named Kroogix, who had just finished another log update, "don't you think we should leave this planet once they get back? It's giving me the chills."

"Fret not, Sirix," Kroogix said to back to Sirix (the Kingfin were known to have names that ended with 'ix'), "we are about to see if the readings we've detected are discovered. Who knows, maybe it could be a way of helping those who managed to escape this planet's destruction to return and rebuild."

Sirix nodded weary at this, "Still, if you've forgotten which Sector we're on, we are just a few Sectors away from the Lost Sector, and you know how dangerously close we are to possible doom."

"Let me help you ease your worries there," Kroogix said, "just letting you know that this part of this star system was abandoned for several years, and even if there is any possible danger, we can be able to contact those Green Lantern fellows for help. Right, Boovix?"

"Indeed, Kroogix," the 3rd member, Boovix, replied while looking through the window of their ship, "and speaking of our comrades, I see that they're returning."

The three-crew members looked to see the other five members returning, not far from the ship.

Kroogix and Sirix went ahead outside the front entrance to greet them as they heard their captain call out, "Greetings lads, hope you weren't bored without us there?"

"Don't worry, sir." Kroogix called back, "nothing but smooth soaring from-"

Suddenly, a beeping sound echoed from each of the crewmembers' space suits, as Boovix suddenly stepped out a cried, "Lads! The anomaly! It's back and getting stronger by the tick!"

Before any of the crew could respond, a strange sound echoed around them, suddenly came a flash and the crew's vision was blurred wavly, until something bright appeared in the spacey sky for a second, until something soared towards the planetoid piece they were on.

Crashing deep into the side, the object caused the ground to shake so hard, that part of the ground the returning crewmembers were standing on caved, causing the members to fall into the underground, much to the shock and horror of the remaining members.

"Guys! Captain!" the three cried out.

It was quiet for a minute or two, until finally a voice called out from below.

"We're alright lads." Spoke out their captain, giving sighs of relief from the others above as he added, "We've just had a rough landing. We'll find another way out."

Underground, down the hole they fell, the remaining crewmembers and the captain had a good look around to see if there was another way out.

Suddenly, for unknown reason, a deep chill crept up their spines.

Then a growl echoed around them.

"Guys…" one of the crewmembers asked, worried "What was that?"

All was quiet at the moment… until a giant clawed hand rose up and grabbed a cliff edge behind them, startling them, followed by another hand.

Soon, something rose from the edge, a demonic creature of sorts, looking over the edge of the cliff, the site of it brining fear to the crewmembers.

"Captain? Are you alright?" Asked Boovix.

"What's happening down there?" Sirix added.

The remaining crew couldn't respond, as they were too scared and shocked to witness a creature like this… then the creature stared back to them.

"Are you afraid? Good." The creature spoke in a cold, dark and sinister voice, as an even colder and unpleasant smile appeared on it's terrifying face as it said in a snaky voice, "Because I'm ssstarving."

Soon the creature let out a horrifying roar, as strange yellow essence began to appear and be absorbed by the beast… especially that being sucked from the crew.

Seeing the terrifying monster and what was happening caused them to scream high to the heavens, that Kroogix and his pals could hear them from above, unaware of what was happening.

"CAPTAIN?!" Boovix cried out, hearing their screams.

"Kroogix! What's happening to them?!" Sirix said, as he looked to his comrade with worry.

"I… I don't know!" Kroogix replied, who had the same look of worry on his face as his pals had.

Down below, the crewmembers could do nothing but scream in pain and horror as they saw that not only was creature feeding of the yellow essence, but also their own life force!

Once the creature had finished, the bodies of the crew collapsed to the floor… dead.

Above, noticing that the screams had now stopped, Kroogix and his comrades looked with worry at what has happened, only to cut off from another strong tremor, as a bit of ground not far from the hole bursted open, allowing the three crewmembers to see with their eyes a terrifying beast fly off to who knows where.

As it departed, they could hear a terrifying roaring cackle echo around them as they heard a sinister voice say with evil glee.

"Free at lassst!"

Earth: Sector 2814, Present Day

"Space. The Final Frontier. For years, we have all been curious, dreaming of what it was like out there. Dreaming of going out there to other planets. Even asking the endless question: 'Are We Alone?' But for sometime now, most of those answers had come to us from across the stars. Visitors from other worlds came to our world, some like the Black Arms seeked to invade and destroy, while others like the Wisps came in peace, as well as wanting to live along side us. Here, to our home of planet Earth." An elderly scientist of short stature spoke proudly to an assembly of bright young minds at a university, most of the students were humans while others were like anthro-like animals of different species of animals.

This was the planet Earth, where humans co-existed with animal like beings called Mobians, how some of these animal beings became what they were today still remained a mystery.

Unfortunately, both Humans and Mobians, along with other races of Earth were under threat by the mad scientist, Dr. Eggman (though he was originally named Robotnik until he decided to change it), who declared war on the whole world and ruled a technological kingdom known as the Eggman Empire, threatening all who stood in his way, with an army of Badniks, terrifying metal monsters and even the dreaded roboticizer, a machine capable of roboticizing victims into robotic slaves to obey only him.

Luckily, the world had a hero in the name of Sonic the Hedgehog, the fastest thing alive. This speedy hero's debut came in the form of a rescue to save his friends from the clutches of Eggman several times, over time, these friends formed together a team of heroes, known as Freedom Fighters, and helped protect the world from threats like Eggman and many others, such the wizard Ixis Nagus and the Dark Legion.

Many adventures of Sonic and his friends included the attack of Chaos, the Space Colony ARK, the Black Arm invasion, the invaders of the Twilight Cage and many others that came after, all leading up to what was believed as the final battle against Eggman.

Upon the return from the Twilight Cage, Sonic and his friends learned that Eggman had attacked 90% of the world, thanks to the power of the mysterious Phantom Ruby, and it's wielder, Infinite, upon teaming up with whole team of resistance and Freedom Fighters, Sonic and his friends triumphed and following this, during the final battle with his greatest weapon powered by the Ruby, Eggman disappeared, most believed to perished.

Seven months had past, and the world has been patching up following Eggman's defeat, while the forces of the Eggman Empire are still scattered and the Badniks still active but not hostile (only a little troubled and accidental… possibly) Sonic and his friends have settled down.

Today, at a university of scientific works, the elderly scientist, known as Chuck Thorndyke, is hosting a talk about the final frontier of space with his old tech friend, Tails, with his grandson, Chris Thorndyke, an old friend of Sonic whom he met when he was young, and the blue blur himself watching the talk.

"The stars that we see every night, all of them, are suns circling around the planets that could contain life in many stars systems in and beyond our Milky Way galaxy." He continued, "Extra Terrestrial life that could take many forms, perhaps some may even look like us, or even our Mobian friends as well."

"Do you really think," one science student whispered to a friend of his during the talk, "that there could be an alien that might look like Sonic?"

"If there was," the friend whispered in reply, "it's possible that he might be more faster than Sonic."

"No way. There's no way that someone else is more fast than Sonic!" The student whispered back.

Sonic over heard the conversation, then chuckled quietly with a smirk.

Soon, the bell rang, as the talk came to an end, and the students began to get ready to leave as Chuck added, "That's it for today. And don't forget, in 3 days, the upcoming meteor shower charity event will be happening outside of town, so be sure to bring friends and family to enjoy this proud astronomic phenomenon."

Once the students had left, Sonic, Tails and Chris approached Chuck.

"That was quite a talk you did there, Chuck." Sonic said, giving small thumbs up.

"I couldn't have said it better myself, Grandpa." Chris added with a smile.

"Oh, stop," Chuck replied with flattery, "it was nothing much. Besides, with all that outer space stuff that's been happening for sometime, what with the Black Arm invasion, the stuff about Babylon Garden, Eggman's Interstellar Park and even those alien races from that Twilight Cage place Tails told me about, our little galaxy that we believed to see has been getting bigger by the second."

"Still, it was a fascinating talk you did there, Chuck." Said Tails, "the university's work programs on space and beyond will no doubt go to great lengths."

"Thanks ol' friend." Chuck said, once he packed his brief case containing his talk papers, he and the others were on their way out as he then said, "Talking of which, I take that you're still in to see the meteor shower coming up?"

"Most defiantly." Tails replied with a smile.

"Oh, he has," Sonic added with a smirk, "trust me, he's been talking about it for the last few weeks."

"It's a big deal," Tails said, "this meteor shower has been happening every 17 years, and now the skies will be just right for stargazing at the event."

"You going to come, Sonic?" Chris asked the blue blur.

"You bet, Chris." Sonic replied, "Besides, Tails explained that he wanted a bit of company on a high spot he picked to help record and document the event with Rotor while he's with the others."

"I can't wait either," Chris replied, "my friends and I looking forward this, it's been a while since we've all last got together, as well as enjoyed time together when we were kids."

"I bet that Helen will be with the others too?" Sonic asked, earning a small blush from Chris when he heard the girl's name, earning a teasing grin from the hedgehog, "I seem to hear it's quite a perfect time for getting together with someone close at something like this."

"Uh, yeah, sure I guess." Chris answered, while Tails teasingly nudged Sonic on what he was doing, Sonic and the others having learned that, for sometime when growing up, Chris and Helen had been growing closer.

"Still," Tails spoke up, "it's great that some of our friends and family will be coming to see this."

"Couldn't agree more buddy," Sonic nodded, "for some reason, I believe this will be quite an event we're sure to remember."

That's one way to start, but there more for what's to come for Sonic and friends!

A head's up that the story, and others to come, will be loosely based on their respective franchises, featuring characters and elements from their various media (games, comics, TV shows etc.)

Hope you spotted and recognized several alien guest star cameos who have appeared (as well as wield a Green Lantern ring), and I promise you, like this chapter, they've all got big roles for this adventure and more to come!

Until next time, True Believers, Excelsior!