Hello everyone. To all the new readers, you can just skip this part and head straight to the story. For all of you who already read this and decided to reread it again. Hello again. During this time as I write "Doki Doki Literature Club: Beginnings". I decided to redo "Truth and Reality". As I did my own reading I thought I fixed the grammar problems, but no I didn't. Not only that, but I also thought that I could do a little bit better than before, so here I am. Redoing the story. I'm not saying that it's going to be completely redone, I'm just updating it as I thought of things I want to add to it and make some minor changes. Other than that the story is the same. Every once in a while I'll update the chapters one at a time as I continue working on "Beginnings". Thank you all for reading both stories and I hope you're all doing well.

Chapter 1: Welcome to the club

Nothing to see, but endless darkness. Everything covered in darkness. A voice echoing from the deep darkness of space.

?: "Wake up … Hey wake up! Listen you need to save them. You promised you would. I'm sorry that I wasn't any help, but still I'm doing the best I can. So please you got to save them from themselves, you got to save them from their Despair. You're the only one who can. I'm sorry that I have to break my promise to you, but it's the only way. You're the only one they can trust and you have the power to save them. Don't worry you're not alone, I'll do my best to help out, but you must know your past. Knowing your past will create your future. I'm leaving it all to you now. It's time to be a fucking hero!"

*Alarm Clock Rings*

Opening his eyes, yawning from his sleep MC finally awakens. He rubs his eyes and sat up, shutting off his phone's alarm, only to yawn some more.

MC: "… What was that about? What a bizarre dream?" He stretches' himself only to yawn again. "Oh well, it's time to get ready for another boring day of school." He gets off his bed and headed straight to his private bathroom. He went ahead and brushed his teeth then took his morning shower. After he finished up he puts on his school uniform and fixes his dark brown hair. When he saw that he was all set, he grabs his backpack and he heads downstairs to get himself breakfast. He takes a look on his phone for time.

"Still got time to cook breakfast before I head out. Hmm, what to make? Might as well just cook eggs and bacon?" He went the kitchen and cooked his breakfast. After he finished cooking them and ate it, he puts his dishes in the sink. "I'll wash them when I get back from school." He grabs his backpack and exited out of the front door, making sure he locks it since he's the only one living in the house as both his parents are off on a business trip.

*Sigh* (Wonder how long they're going to be gone this time? I mean it's not so bad, I get the whole house to myself meaning I could walk around in my underwear, but still there are times when I do feel lonely.) He walked down the street to where his school is located, but saw that the cross light is about to change if he continues to walk. (I should probably run for it, so I can make it, but I'm not feeling it today.) Just as MC gets closer to start crossing the street right before it changes. He heard a familiar voice calling out to him.

?: "MC wait up!" He looks behind himself.

MC: (Oh lord it's her running up to me with no care in the world.)

?: "Oh good you waited for me." She breaths heavily.

MC: "I only stopped because the cross light changed." He says with a sassy tone.

?: "Your mean."

MC: "Yeah yeah, but it's your fault for getting up late." (Sayori, my childhood friend. We've been together for years when we were kids. Mom would say we were inseparable. Until one day I just stopped seeing her. I don't remember why I stopped seeing her, but on the bright side whenever we do see each other around school we would wave to each other when we cross paths. I remember as kids she would always have a bubbly personality. Even now she hasn't changed one bit.)

The cross light changed and the both of them continued their way to school. Both of them said nothing to each other. It stayed in awkward silence until one of them spoke up.

Sayori: "So MC have you decided on a club to join yet?"

MC: "No I haven't."

Sayori: "But why?" She says in a sad tone.

MC: "I'm not interested in any clubs."

Sayori: "But you promised you would."

MC: "I don't remember making a promise like that?"

Sayori: "But you did. You promised that you would absolutely join a club this year, but not just any club. You would join my club."

MC: "Ok now I know you made that last part up."

Sayori: "Maybe?" She avoids eye contact from him only to look at him again. "Just look for club at least."

MC: "Fine I'll try." He says with annoyed look on his face, while Sayori gives him a big smile.

As they continued walking to school they finally made it and both headed their separate ways as both of their classes are on the opposite paths. Sayori turned around to MC's direction.

Sayori: "Don't forget to look for a club to join!" He looks back to her cute face.

MC: "Yeah I will, don't worry!" Both turned around and headed to their classes. After a long day of school has ended. All the students began to pack up before leaving class, expect for MC. He remained behind lost in thought about today.

(Hmm that dream I had last night. What was that all about? I know it was just a dream, but why does it feel so real? That voice kinda sounded familiar and what does he mean about saving them from Despair? Save who exactly? Why do I feel a sense of déjà vu?)

Sayori: "MC wake up. Hheeeellllloooo!" She waves her hand in front of his face.

MC: "Woah! Sayori?"

Sayori: "Finally, you weren't responding to me."

MC: "Oh sorry, I was lost in thought." He looks around the classroom and notices everyone else is gone. "Nobody bothered to tell me class was over?"

Sayori: "Guess not?" She looks around the empty room. "Anyways did you pick a club yet?"

MC: "Yeah I was thinking of the Anime Club."

Sayori: "Oh that's good. Wait no it isn't!? I wanted you to join my club."

MC: "Now why would I join your club?"

Sayori: "Because, uh my club is fun!"

MC: "Ok so tell me the real reason why I should join your club?"

Sayori: "Uh because …" She struggles with what to say next. "I … sort of … promised my friends that I would get you to ... join us. Heh heh."

MC: "Damnit Sayori, you shouldn't make promises you can't keep."

Sayori: "I know, I'm sorry, but still please come to my club room. We have cupcakes."

MC: *Sigh* "Fine I'll go check it out, but I can't guarantee I'll join. Got it?"

Sayori: "Ok!" She grabs his hand with a huge smile on her face and leads him to the club.

MC: (Oh lord. With a smile like that could I ever say no to her?)

Sayori: "Come on let's go! This way!"

She drags him up some stairs to where her club is located. When they reached the upper floor, MC couldn't can't shake the feeling that he's been up here before. Despite it being in the same building a couple floors above his classroom. MC knew that he never once step foot in this floor before, but the feeling he has bothers him.

MC: "Hey Sayori?"

Sayori: "What's up?"

MC: "This club of yours, it's called the Literature Club right?"

Sayori: "Yeah, but how did you know that?"

MC: "Oh … I recall you telling me that before remember?"

Sayori: "Did I? I don't recall telling you?" She tries to remember if she did tell him or not, but couldn't so she just went with it. "Oh well, but yeah it's the Literature Club and I'm the Vice President." she says confidently.

MC: (Knowing her, she probably joined because, she thought it would be fun to start a new club. Despite it being about literature. I honestly can't see it, but at the same time I'm happy for her.)

Sayori: "We're here!"

MC: "So this is where your club is?"

Sayori: "Yup and now I'm going to introduce you to all our members." Just as she grab's the handle of the door.

MC: (Kya!) He felt a sharp pain in his head. (What the hell? My head.)

Sayori: "MC is everything alright?"

MC: "Y-yeah I'm ok, nothing to worry about." (Can't let her see me this way.)

Sayori: "Well if you say so?" She opens the door and enters full of energy. "Hey everyone fresh meat is here!"

MC: "Sayori what the hell!?" His face starts to turn red.

Mystery Girl: "Oh what you brought a boy here? I thought this would be an all-girls club, but instead you brought me some useless man meat."

MC: "Useless? Never." (This short girl with pink hair? Have I seen her before?)

Mystery Girl 2: "Natsuki you shouldn't be rude to out new guest."

MC: (Natsuki? I guess that's her name, but who is this tall girl with purple hair and why does she seem familiar?) He looks into the tall girls eyes like he met someone close to him. She is the tallest in the room, but also slightly shorter than MC.

Mystery Girl 2: "I'm sorry for her rudeness." She bows.

MC: "It's alright don't worry about it."

Mystery Girl 2: "Hm!?"

MC: "What's up?" The tall girl looks into his eyes.

Yuri: "S-sorry, but have we met before?"

MC: "N-no I believe this is the first time we're meeting."

Mystery Girl 2: "I'm sorry, it's just ... it feels like I have met you before?"

MC: "That a fact?" Both stare into each other's eyes.

Natsuki: "Hey Yuri stop with the lame pick up line already. This is starting to get painful."

Yuri: "P-p-p-pick up line? I'm not doing anything like that." She takes a step back from MC with red cheeks.

MC: (Yuri?)

The door opens again.

?: "Sorry for being late everyone." MC looks behind himself to see a girl with coral brown hair and emerald green eyes.

Natsuki: "You're always late Monika."

Monika: "Sorry about that."

Yuri: "Were you practicing piano again?"

Monika: "Yes, unfortunately I'm still not good at it yet." She looks behind the girls and sees MC. "Oh hello Michael I didn't know you would be here?" She gives him a warm smile.

MC: "Hey Monika?"

Monika: "What brings you here to the Literature Club?"

MC: (Don't tell her Sayori brought you here. Don't tell her Sayori brought you here.) "Sayori brought me here." (Shit!)

Monika: "Oh so your Sayori's friend that she's been talking about?"

MC: (Roll with it.)

Sayori: "Wait you two already met?"

MC: "Sort of, we had class together last year, but we never had a proper conversation."

Sayori: "Ohh and I was planning to have you meet her. Curse you school." She shakes her fist at the ceiling.

MC: "So Monika, what brings you here? Are you a member of the Literature Club?"

Monika: "Of course, I'm the Club President."

MC: "Really? I didn't know that?" (Monika. This feeling I have? Have we spent time together before? Why am I so calm talking to her? Normally I would be a nervous wreck, she's beautiful, smart, confident, and athletic. A girl way out of my league. Most guys would run in fear from looking at her emerald green eyes, but here I am, standing in front of her like any other normal person.)

Monika: "Okay everyone introduce yourselves to our new guest."

Yuri: "H-hello I'm Y-Yuri, it's a pleasure to meet you. I hope we could get along with e-each other?" She says nervously while fiddling with her hair, avoiding eye contact.

Natsuki: "I'm Natsuki. Try not to look down on me or else I'll show you something you'll regret."

MC: "I'll keep that in mind."

Sayori: "You already know who I am, I'm your childhood friend and the Vice President of the Literature Club."

Monika: "Now then, it's your turn to introduce yourself."

MC: "Right. My name is Michael, it's a pleasure to meet you all." He bows his head.

Natsuki: "Michael? I thought your name was MC?"

MC: "Oh no that's just my nickname Sayori calls me. My full name is Michael Conner, Sayori just uses the first initial of my first and last name together." Yuri puts her hands together.

Yuri: "Ahh that's really creative Sayori."

Sayori: "Thank you."

Yuri: "The letters MC is also a shorter way of saying Main Character when writing a story."

MC: "Really? That never occurred to me?"

Sayori: "Neither did I? I just thought it was a cute nickname for him."

Natsuki: "With a nickname like that you could be a Main Character of some lame Visual Novel."

MC: "Ha very funny."

Sayori: "Well with all that settled lets eat some of Natsuki's delicious cupcakes." She walks up to the desk holding the cupcakes.

Natsuki: "Now hold it right there! I made them so I'll get them." She walks up to the desk to retrieve them.

Yuri: "While she gets the cupcakes, I'll get us tea to go with them." She walks towards the classroom closet.

While Natsuki gets the cupcakes and Yuri gets the tea set. Monika and Sayori arranges the desks in a circle. Meanwhile MC stands near the corner observing all this occurring.

MC: (Have I seen this all before? These girls ... have I already met them before? No that's not it. I know for sure this is our first time meeting, but yet. It feels like I've known them for years?)

Monika: "Okay Michael feel free to sit anywhere you like." She says as she takes her seat.

MC: "Well I guess I'll sit here then?" He sits next to Monika as Sayori sits next to her as well.

Monika: "Oh your going to sit here?"

MC: "Yeah, is something wrong?"

Monika: "I just thought you would sit next to Sayori that's all, but that's fine?"

Natsuki handed a cupcake to everyone while Yuri checks on the tea. By the time Natsuki gave MC one she looks at him intensely. While MC examines the cupcake he couldn't help, but admire it's design. The frosting on it looked like a black and white cat. Half of the face was black while the other half is white with yellow being the eyes. After taking a good look at it MC notices Natsuki staring at him.

MC: (Why is she staring at me? Is she waiting for me to take a bite?) "Well here I go." He takes a bite out of it. "Oh wow this is great. It's sweet, but not to sweet. Thank you Natsuki." She blushes a bit before she looks away.

Natsuki: "It's not like I was going to be upset if you didn't like it or anything, but thank you anyways." She keeps avoiding making eye contact with him.

While he continues to eat the cupcake. Yuri came back and poured everyone a cup of tea. Just when MC finished his cupcake he took the cup of tea and took a sip.

MC: (This scent, it feels so nostalgic, but why?) He continues drinking his tea. "This tea is great. Thank you."

Yuri: "Y-you're welcome." She moves a strand of hair behind her ear.

Monika: "Now Yuri you don't have to try too hard to impress him."

Yuri: "Th-that's not wh-what I'm trying to do." She covers her face with a tray.

Monika: "So Michael what got you curious enough to visit the Literature Club?"

MC: "Sayori forced me to come here." (Damnit I did it again!)

Sayori: "What! No I didn't." Everyone starts laughing.

Monika: "Well thanks for coming to visit, make yourself at home. As the Club President it is my duty to make sure everyone has fun and participates in the club activities."

MC: "That reminds me, weren't you the President of the Debate Club?"

Monika: "Yes I was."

MC: "What made you decide to leave and create this club, when you could easily be the President to any other clubs?" Monika takes a sip of her tea before setting it down.

Monika: "I left because I wanted to get away from all the debate all members had with each other. I wanted to create a club where we all could have fun. The reason why I decided to start the Literature Club is because I always wanted to express how much fun literature can be."

MC: "I see."

Monika: "Unfortunately there aren't that much people interested in literature. Don't get me wrong or anything, I am grateful for Sayori, Yuri, and Natsuki joining, so I shouldn't really complain, but it would be nice to have more members." She looks at him. "Oh sorry for rambling about this."

MC: "No don't be. I think its wonderful that you wanted to do something your passionate about."

Monika: "Thank you." She give him a big smile.

MC: (I could see why they're happy to see a new member, but I doubt I could keep up with them.)

Yuri: "Michael, may I ask what kind of books you enjoy reading?"

MC: (Crap the only thing I read is Manga.) "Oh I don't' really read much except for Manggaaaa." He starts muttering the last part.

Yuri: "I'm sorry what was that last part?"

MC: "Nothing" He notices Natsuki's eyes lit up after hearing the word Manga.

Yuri: I see not much of a reader?" She looks down to her feet.

MC: "But that could change right?" She looks back up and for a split second MC could see her eyes sparkle with happiness. "Wh-what about you? What kind of things do you like to read?"

Yuri: "Hmm" She closes her eyes and set her tea cup on the desk. "I love to read novels that build deep and complex fantasy worlds. The level of creative craftmanship behind them amazes me." She goes on about novels as MC gets completely lost about it, but he couldn't help, but smile at her passion for reading. "Recently I started reading horror books."

Monika: "Really I never took you as the horror type?"

Yuri: "I know, but I couldn't help it if the writer makes me think or takes me to another world, I just can't put it down."

Natsuki: "Uhh I hate horror."

Yuri: "Why is that?"

Natsuki: "Because I … oh never mind."

Monika: "Oh that's right you like to read and write about cute things?"

Natsuki: "W-w-what? What gives you that idea!?"

Monika: "You left a scrap of paper on your desk last Friday. It looked like you were writing a poem. After reading it I couldn't help, but smile about how cute it was."

Natsuki: "Why I you ..." She looked like she was about to snap until Sayori hugged her from behind.

Sayori: "Your poems and your cupcakes are so cute just like you."

Natsuki: "I'm not cute!"

MC: "You write poems? That's amazing."

Natsuki: "No! I …"

MC: "I see not a confident writer? That's understandable."

Yuri: "I agree, sharing your poems takes a lot of courage. I would die if I had to share my poems."

Sayori: "Aww, but I wanted to read both your poems."

Monika: "Hold it Sayori. You just gave me a great idea. Why don't we all share our poems together?" Everyone except Sayori had a shocked expression. "Lets all write a poem at home and read what we wrote tomorrow."

Sayori: "Great idea!"

MC/Natsuki/Yuri: (Not a great idea!)

Monika: "Amazing idea I know."

Natsuki: "How about no!?"

Monika: "Come on Natsuki you'll be fine." Sayori tries to comfort Natsuki, but she groans.

Natsuki: "Fine"

Monika: "What about you Yuri?"

Yuri: "…" She fiddles with her hair.

Sayori: "Come on Yuri. Pllleeeeeeeeaaasssss." She gives Yuri the puppy dog eyes.

Yuri: "... Oh alright."

Monika: "Alrighty then how about you Michael?"

All four girls looked at MC as he looks at them all.

MC: "There's a problems about this?"

Monika: "Oh don't worry about it. You'll do fine."

MC: "That's not it. It's just .. I'm not a member yet."

Monika: "Oh that's right? Sorry about that. Would you like to join us?"

Sayori: "Yeah! Join us MC."

Yuri: "It would be nice if you did."

Natsuki: "Do as you like." All four of them wait for his response.

MC: (It's happening again. Why do I feel this again? This feeling? Have I gone through with this before?)

"Carve your own path."

(What?) He looks back at the girls waiting for his response. Thinking less of what he just heard, he quickly made his decision. "Alright, I'll do it." He said with confidence.

Monika: "Oh you don't want to?" She makes a sad face followed by the others.

Yuri: "I'm sorry to hear that."

Natsuki: "Hmph"

Sayori: "MC?"

All Four Girls: "Wait a minute! What!?"

MC: "I said I'll join."

All their eyes lit up. Sayori jumped on to MC giving him a big hug while jumping up and down.

Yuri: "For a moment you scared me." She puts her hand on her chest.

Monika: "Alright then that makes it official. You will be our fifth member of the club. Alright girls lets greet our newest member altogether now."

All four girls gathered close to each other getting ready to welcome their new member.

All Four Girls: "Welcome to the Literature Club Michael!" MC smiles hearing that.

Monika: "Okay everyone, I thinks this is the perfect time to end todays club meeting. Don't forget to write a poem before tomorrow's meeting."

Everyone Else: "Right!"

As everyone packs up Sayori walks up to MC.

Sayori: "Hey MC since we're here want to walk home together?"

MC: "Sure it's been a long time since we walked home together."

Sayori: "Ok" She says enthusiastically.

The two of them said their goodbye to everyone before heading out. After a long walk back home, MC and Sayori ended their conversation about … uhh?

MC: "And that is where Vegans come from." He says with a smirk on his face while Sayori burst out laughing.

Sayori: "What does that even mean?" She wipes the tear off her eye.

MC: "Yeah I don't know myself. Just thought I share that with you." They stop at front of his house. "Guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

Sayori: "Yeah I'm looking forward to seeing your poem." She continues to walk forward since her house is further up. "Don't forget about it."

MC: "Yeah, yeah see you later." They both waved to each other goodbye before he enters his house. "Oh boy." He says exhaustedly. "What a strange day? Why do I feel like I've been through all this before?"

He heads up to his room to drop off his stuff before heading backdown to the kitchen to cook dinner. He cooked himself chicken for dinner and while it cooks he decided to use this opportunity to wash his plate from this morning. By the time he finished washing them, he checked the chicken to see if it's ready yet. When he saw it wasn't he went to the living room to see what Anime he could watch on Netflix.

"Ooo I didn't know they had Black Butler in here? I know what I'm watching." After getting the first episode ready he went back to the kitchen to see if his chicken was cooked. When he saw it was finally finished he grabbed a drink and his dinner and walked to the living room to start watching his Anime of the day. After finishing his meal and watched two episodes, he cleaned up his mess and headed back to his room to start writing his poem.

"Hmm WTF am I supposed to write? Hmmmm." As he continued to think of what to write, he decided not to think too hard about it and just wrote whatever came to mind. "Ahh finished. Hmm not bad if I do say so myself. Wonder if this will impress any of them? Well guess I'll find out tomorrow? Time to get ready for bed."

He grabs his towel and heads off to his bathroom to shower the day off. When he finished he decided to read some Manga before calling it a day. "Aww man I wonder how my poem will do compare to theirs? I shouldn't think about it too hard and just go to sleep, but still? whatever I need to rest now." He turns off his lamp and shut his eyes. Soon enough he drifted to sleep. Unaware of what's to come. For this isn't the end, but only the beginning.

End of Chapter 1