Shinsou knew he didn't belong. His quirk was all that people looked at and cared about.

A brainwashing quirk? He could get nowhere in life. Even if he never used it, people will still hate him. Would use him as their scapegoat. Nothing he did would be able to convince them otherwise. Not even wearing quirk suppressing cuffs all the time would be able to do anything, in fact, that would just convice everyone that he really was a criminal.

Shinsou hated how it all turned out.

And when he finally met someone who didn't really mind his quirk, who offered him warmth and kindness that he hadn't received in so long, and then he just to fuck that up as well.

All he knew was fire. The bright orange flames, licking at his skin. The pain that ran through his veins, and all that he could register was that it hurts it hurts it HurtS IT HURTS -

It turned black, and Shinsou didn't know how long he had passed out from. Or what he passed out from. Heat exhaustion or from inhaling carbon monoxide.

Or if he was even alive in the first place.

It was bright. Way too bright, when Shinsou opened his eyes, and found himself lying on a bed. His head was throbbing, but he still pushed himself up. He had no idea where he was, and he was starting to panic. His breaths came in faster, and leaned forward, trying to calm himself down. Panicking would do him no good here.

"Hey, calm down." Two warm hands were placed on his shoulders, and gripped him tightly. "Breath in deeply."

Shinsou looked up, to find a green haired boy with a freckled face looking back at him. On instinct, his tried to push away, but the boy was strong than he looked, "I'm not going to hurt you. Just... calm down, okay? Then we'll talk."

It took Shinsou quite some time before he stopped shaking so violently, and he warily eyed the green haired boy who reclined in a chain in front of him.

"So... I'm Midoriya Izuku. Fourteen years old. Male."

Shinsou just looked at him weirdly.

"Uh... you're supposed to respond? That's what the handbook of making friends said -"

"Handbook of what now?" Shinsou gawked.

Midoriya looked at him with a serious gaze, "There's a book at the library called How to Make Friends."

Shinsou just looked at Midoriya like he was an idiot.

"Why would you need that!?"

"I never made any friends before. I had one friend, but we were friends since we were babies so I really do not know how to make friends. You seem smart, how do you make friends?!" Midoriya asked.

"I... I have no friends."

"Oh. Sorry."

Midoriya looked at his feet, before he glanced at the ceiling, tapping his feet as he wrung his hands together. He was fidgeting so much, and Shinsou could tell he was doing his best to avoid staring at him.

"Shinsou Hitoshi. Fourteen as well. Male, obviously." He rolled his eyes. He didn't know why, but being around this boy... it felt like he no longer had to put up the walls that he had surrounded himself with for the past few years.

"So... where is this?" Shinsou asked.

"Oh. This is my home! An abandoned apartment, said to be haunted by ghosts." Midoriya snorted, "As if they exist. You think you'll be okay for a while? There's something I gotta do."

"Sure." Shinsou replied hesitantly, "What are you doing anyways?"

"Nothing much. Just killing one more of Endea-fucking-vor's lackeys called a fucking Flamethrower of all things. Piece of shit." Midoriya spat, a crazed expression creeping onto his face in a way that Shinsou did not like. "He pushed my best friend to the ground once cause he saw him standing up for me."

And Shinsous realised something.

This was not the same dorky kid that had no idea how to make friends.

This kid was a killer.

And Shinsou didn't mind. His logic made sense.

A man hurt a child. The man was a pro hero.

Surely that man was deserving of death, right?

"Yeah, go and kill em." Shinsou nodded, "But do you know who set building on fire? The one that I was trapped in?"

"Oh. Shitty dumpster trash bin fucking Endeawhore." Midoriya shook his head, "Chasing a fucking thug who could control the keratin on their nails, of all things. Mother fucking piece of shit."

Shinsou growled.

Another pro hero.

Another shitty pro hero that destroyed the world, put people down, destroyed things with no regard for other people's lives.

He hated it.

He wanted to stop it.

His parents were shit to him because of his quirk. People with flashy quirks could destroy anything they want, and they could get away with it.

It wasn't fair.

"I know that expression. You hate it too, don't you? Quirk discrimination. Heroes being utter fucking shit balls." Midoriya grinned, his sharp, pointed canines showing. "Quirks are what controls the world now. You have a flashy quirk, you get anything you want. It's utter trash." He spat, "Criminals, bullies, heroes, villains, civilians, as long as they have a quirk, they will treat everyone else like fucking crap!"

"Stay as long as you like." Midoriya moved to turn around, "I assume you don't have anywhere to go to?"

"No... actually..." Shinsou growled, his heart hardening as he let all his pent up emotions out. "I want to rip this society apart. Everyone called me a villain my whole life cause of my fucking quirk. I can't even defend myself. Society is fucked up. You're killing one of dumpster trash's lackeys? I want in."

Midoriya snorted, "Stay in that bed until I get back. Then we talk, Shinsou Hitoshi. You better keep those fucking bandages on."

Apparently, after he was done ripping Flamethrower a new one, and left the mutilated corpse in an alleyway, he had done his research on Shinsou. He had come home with a whole folder of paper, confusing Shinsou to no end until he realised that it was reports from somewhere and he did not want to know how the heck Midoriya got his hands on them.

"So. Dad's Shinsou Hakara, mom's Shinsou Ryuko?"

Shinsou nodded, holding a steaming cup of cocoa in his hands.

"Alright... Brainwashing quirk? That's cool. People are jackasses." Midoriya snorted, tossing the entire folder away. "If you wanna stay, sure. But I'll let you know, once you make your first kill, draw your first blood? There's no turning back from that. I think I can train you to handle yourself in a fight, and your quirk should protect you should your physical skills fail, but killing is another things all together."

It was Shinsou's turn to snort, "There's nothing left for me. I'm a mistake. People call me a villain. They want a villain so badly? They get a fucking villain. I don't wanna give a shit about what others think about me. I want them to feel exactly how I felt ever since I was god damned fucking four."

Midoriya smirked, "You better damn well learn fast. I'm giving you three days to learn the basics. Bandages stay on. You got fucking second degree burns. If you don't want your skin to fall off, you better not scratch em."

Midoriya had accepted Shinsou surprisingly quickly. It hadn't taken long for Midoriya to start talking about his old classmates that bullied him for being quirkless, and for bullying his best friend for standing up to him.

He found out that Midoriya had killed his own mother.

Because she hurt his friend for being sad, and crying.

Shinsou didn't particularly care. People like that, hating their own kids for their quirks, or lack of a quirk, were fucking despicable, in his opinion. Like what kind of power you had made a person who they were. Shinsou was happy. He had finally found a person that accepted him for who he was. The other man with a scarf, yes, but even then he hadn't been so happy, so comfortable around the man than he had even been around Midoriya.

Shinsou was in the middle of a very heated conversation with Midoriya on the most painful and brutal way to mutilate someone, when suddenly, they heard a thump on the door.

Midoriya hissed, eyeing the door viciously, grabbing his knife off the table and stormed to the door.

He yanked it open, only to find no one.

Midoriya grumbled under his breath, until he saw someone lying on the ground, unconscious. A blonde, with blood leaking out from a wound on his gut.

Midoriya begrudgingly dragged him into the house, before he heaved him up gently, and ordered Shinsou to clear up the room that they used whenever any of them got hurt.

"Also get the fucking needles and the alcohol."