Summary/disclaimer: Time for another chapter of Scavengers and Snippers. Enjoy the 900-word chapter. I don't own GL, Aniplex, Konami and Gainax do.

Yoko was no stranger to war, she hated it, but she knew people fought. She knew it was part of life, she readied to fight for the moment.

Zephyr looked up before it looked towards the horizon before a Grapearl dropped down.

Then another, then another and then another. Yoko lowered her rifle.

"Grapearls?" She asked, Seth's voice came a second later, his voice narrow.

"They're not Grapearls…" Seth said before the leader, a green and sliver Grapearl, pointed its finger at them. She could see it was covered in spikes and had a giant black skull like being in robes and a bladed weapon.

"Look boys, we got another Gunmech for the boss… And there's a cutie on it as well… I call this a good damn bonus." The pilot of the Grapearl said before Zephyr reacted.

Yoko didn't know if it was Seth or Zephyr, but the Gunmen raised its rifle and shot the lead Grapearl, the Gunmen slid backwards.

Zephyr put its rifle back and then drew its axe which split as another blade formed on the other side of the blade.

"I think I'm getting the hang of this… I didn't draw the axe, I did form that other blade, though…" Seth said before the Grapearl got up before the chest of the stomach had a hole.

"Oh… You, damn stupid scrap heap… Kill them, get the girl…." The leader of the group ordered before Zephyr lowered Yoko to the ground.

"We're handle them, you can damage those 'gunmechs'?" Seth asked with amusement before the Grapearls rushed ahead.

"Your see." Yoko said before she rushed for cover, Seth chuckled and patted the console.

"Ok, Zeph, you're the Gunmen, you know how to fight better than I do… You're the first Gunmen I've seen speak… Think you can help me deal with these damn bandits?" Seth asked, the cockpit lit up and showed the Grapearls.

Zephyr lit up the lever which looked like a hand could slip into. Seth trusted the mech and slipped his hand in, he gasped as energy seemed to wash over him.

"Well… This is new… Ok, I got you… You got me?" Seth asked, he heard nothing, but he realized he had at least a small grasp on how the Gunmen worked.

The first Gunmen fired at him, every bullet that came from the mech shook it and forced Seth and the Gunmen back.

That was before one of the mechs swung its rifle at him. Zephyr grabbed the rifle before kicking the mech back and then tugging the mech towards him.

He threw the Gunmen to the ground before he reached for the axe.

"You doing this, Zeph?" Seth asked, he looked to see Yoko lining up a shot with her rifle.

"She's either brave, crazy… Or both." Seth said before Zephyr was knocked to the ground and then the Gunmen blocked another swing of the rifle.

It brought up it's axe and slashed the Grapearl before kicking the damaged mech to the ground.

"Ok, you've got some moves, Zeph… I just wish I could help you… I barely know what these switches do…" Seth muttered, he continued to try and use the triggers to dodge around the bullets and swings of rifles.

He sighed and continued to look around, he jerked at the controls when one of the Grapearls went to swing at him.

He watched the rifle get cut in half and once again if it was him or the mech just defending itself. He wasn't a pilot for god's sake, but he did know enough about Gunmen to know there was a connection between Gunmen and pilot.

And he was starting to feel his connection, he heard a voice come in over the Gunmen's radio.

"Seth, you good inside of there? Zephyr looks like he's putting up a good fight… That you?" Yoko asked, Seth was forced to dodge another kick before he parried another punch.

"I'm not even sure what I'm doing, Yoko… I'm either good… Or I'm lucky… I'm honestly thinking Zephyr is just protecting itself and I'm along for the ride… If I'm doing this, it's blowing me away…. You good down there? I'm surprised you have the guts to fight these guys with just that rifle." Seth stated before one of the Grapearls tried to tackle him.

Zephyr brought up its knee and then kicked the mech back which slammed into a rock which knocked it to the ground and caused it to spark.

"I can handle myself, Seth, thank you… But I'd go for the core of the Grapearls, go for the face on their chest… That's how you damage them enough to take them out of the fight…" Yoko said as she started to line up a shot with the 2 remaining Grapearls. One of them was going down now… Just one more.

She aimed down the scope.

Author Notes

Phew, another chapter done! I'm sorry about the short chapter, next chapter will be in 2 weeks and will be a bit longer. I also want to point out Seth isn't supposed to be perfect at the controls yet, so there's that. Next chapter will show the other half of the fight and will show Yoko and Seth bonding more. Until then, Lighting Wolf out!