Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh, or any of the characters.
Why does love Hurt
Anzu sighed, pushing shocks of brown behind her earlobe; her teeth peering from under her plush lips, as she nibbled the impervious skin absentmindedly. The light scrapping of pencil lead rubbing against the white, notebook paper, intermixed with the repetitive gurgles emitting from the Sensei's parched throat.

Allowing a soft breath to flutter from her pursed lips, she permitted the writing utensil to slip through her forefingers, smacking loudly as it rolled down her auburn desk, covered in rugged markings, engraved in the cinnamon tinted bark. Tilting her head, she propped her arms atop the rectangular desk, equidistant from each of the students aligned tables, set in parallel formation. Furrowing her brows she trailed her index finger down the table, creating small circles aimlessly.

Looking through thin lenses, the sensei placed the tome within his lap, lowering his blue framed glasses as he surveyed the classroom with hazel orbs. Quirking a fair brow he stood up, his hand immediately catching the dense book, before placing it atop his desk.

" How many are not yet completed?"

His dour, husky tone hummed through the isles, as the students tilted their heads upward, various raising their hands high in the air. Quietly he counted the raised limbs, his thin lips moving as he added the amount of unfinished students.

" Alright, the rest of you that are finished may leave class." He stated, scanning through the blissful teenagers as they shuffled around the room, tossing books, papers, and pencils in their bookbags hastily. The students exited through the halls, chattering loudly as they ranted on about their upcoming weekend.

Sighing, Anzu pushed her way through the throngs, located affront lockers and classrooms. Quickly she ran down the gray, cemented stairs, leading into a field of luscious green grass, sprouting newborn plants, miscellaneous in ethnicity. The mammoth transportation's tinted in a bright yellow drove along the school area, the thin narrow doors stumbling open as kids ran up the small thin pathway, entering the buses before finding a comfortable seat.

' Another boring day...' Grimacing lightly she pressed her flushed cheek against the thin sleek glass window, allowing an elite view of pedestrians strolling quietly down the occupied roads.
Frowning she studied the reflection peering through the mirror. Letting a deep heave float from her parted lips she donned on her pajamas, before slouching into the chair affront the mirror. Tiresomely she dragged the pale blue comb threw her wavy tresses, emitting a scent of strawberries with a tint a lemon. The bristles along the comb glided through her silky locks lithely, adding a light glossy appearance to slide over her auburn tresses. Smiling lightly she put the brush aside, as she walked over to the large, narrow bed, covered in a silk linen blanket.

' Hopefully tomorrow won't be as boring....'

Her slender fingers circled the knob under the viscous light, engulfing half the bed within it's enticing light. An eerie crackle creaked from under the rusty knob as she twisted it swiftly, allowing the room to become consumed with obscurity.
Marik aimlessly sauntered through the isolated streets, his lids concealing his mystified amethyst orbs, as they remained shut, allowing his long lashes to flutter over his cheekbones. His hands slithered down his lean, muscular torso, shoving into the depth of his pockets as he walked wearily through the sleek coated roads. Tilting his head upwards, he inhaled the ethereal mist flourishing through the night sky. Small beads of water splattered atop his flushed features, sloping his slumped neck.

' Yami........'
Anzu walked down the stairs, her slippers smacking lightly against the carpeted floor as she entered the living room. Her mother ransacking the kitchen with quick movements, her upper torso slouched downward as she scanned the refrigerator.

" Anzu is that you?" " Hai, Kaa-san."

Smiling brightly she wiped the sweat from her brows, gripping a dark red wash cloth, as she ruffled her apron. " Could you please do me a favor?"

Breathing heavily she nodded in consent. Her mother laughed lightly as she handed her a thin slip of paper, covered in sable scribbling.

" Thankyou so much." Tiresomely she leaned against the counter, her wavy brown tresses stumbling over her slumped shoulder.

" Just go to the market down the block, and please be careful sweety."

Nodding, Anzu shoved the piece of paper into her blue sweater, before quickly exchanging her shoes, and heading hastily outside.
Marik crossed his arms as he leaned against the brick wall, his right leg overlapping his left as he coaxed into a pleasurable position.

' Baka Pharaoh.....he'll pay for destroying my yami....but how can I get close enough to him...... in order to complete the spell....?'

A light bell dangled rapidly over the sleek glass door as an elderly man slowly exited the market, carrying a large bag of unwanted storage. Wearily he lifted the bag of debris and filth, allowing it to stumble into the large rectangular trash located in a covert area. Clad in a white apron, and light gray pants, he wiped the arising perspiration from his furrowed brows. His bushy mustache covered his flushed lips as he spoke softly under his breath.

Opening his eyes Marik eyed the man with disgust. His taut lips curving into a thin line as a light snarl erupted through his parched throat. A svelte silouhette appeared, running rapidly in his direction. The man lifted his head, his hands molding into the thin apron, wiping his palms thoroughly.

" Anzu it's good to see you, but what are you doing out so late?"

He waved his hand, signaling the young girl in his direction as he greeted her properly, bowing respectively with his hands tucked behind his slouched back. Mimicking his motions she bowed, mumbling a quick greeting before situating into an upright position.

" My mother needed some groceries." She stated, unheeding the blond haired Egyptian engulfed in the shadows, as he remained under the corpulent canopy, concealing his upper torso, as his deft ears listened intently to the conversation between the young girl and elderly man.

' She could be of some use..........' Chuckling inwardly he threw his head back, his throat vibrating as he laughed with humor.

' My plan seems to be working faster than I expected.......'

Author's note: This is my first Yu-Gi-Oh fic, so please understand why it may not make sense. This will end up being a Marik/Anzu fic, but it may take awhile since Marik isn't that flexible to work worth, especially when it's dealing with romance. So please be patient. And remember to Read and Review!