A young woman sat alone in the waiting room of the busy New York hospital with her parents who were busy talking on the phones. She sighed, half hoping that this time it would be all over for her brother. He had done this so many times before. The last time they had nearly lost him but he still did not quit popping the stupid pills.

She looked up as she saw the doctor come out. Her parents quickly hung up their phones and looked at them, hopeful they saved her baby boy. He nodded, telling them they were able to save them and that he was luckily going to be just fine.

"Doctor...will he be alright?" Her mother asked, making him nod. "He will but I strongly advise you to get him some help...I fear next time he may not be so lucky." He said.

"Are you calling our son an addict?" Her father asked, still denying it.

Everleigh sighed, rolling her eyes as she messaged her grandparents, telling them her brother lived. She really wanted to say something but knew that she could not.

"Mr. Garrison, we both know this is not your son's overdose and I fear it will not be his last either." The man said. "How dare you." He growled,"I can sue you for slander."

"Daddy...he's right...Jaime is going to die one of these times and I don't want to lose my brother." Everleigh said, her blue eyes full of sadness. "Fine." He scoffed.

Later that evening, Everleigh sat at the bar that her best friend's brother owned. They were all supposed to be celebrating them getting into a college down south,but her best friend, Rachel got into NYU. However, Everleigh was not in the partying mood.

"So, what are your folks doing?" Her friend's brother, Tommy asked. "Nothing...they are coddling him like usual." She grumbled, playing with the cherry in her drink. "And you are pissed?" He replied. "I am at the point where I don't give a shit anymore...I love Jaime, but we all know one of these times, he isn't coming back." Everleigh sighed.

"And what do your grandparents think?" Rachel asked, taking the glass of whiskey her brother had from behind the bar. "Hey, not for you." He said, slapping her hand away.

"Granddad has taken away his trust fund and put it into mine as well as my mom's inheritance." She said, making them get wide eyed. "And how much is that?" Rachel replied. "Around the ball park of 55 million." She smirked.

Tommy choked on the drink, coughing. Everleigh smiled for the first time all night, amused by his shocked response. When her grandfather told her, she coughed as well. But they were the ones who raised her.

"I'm actually moving in there this week for the rest of the summer." She smiled.

Eventually, she let Rachel lead her over to the dance floor. The ginger grinned, seeing a man in a suit with a scruffy blonde talking. The brunette however, could not take his eyes off of Everleigh.

"You have an admirer." Rachel grinned. "What...where?" She replied. "Behind you...don't look, but he looks about 25 and totally hot." Rachel replied. "Suit or street clothes?" Everleigh asked. "Tailored suit...and very, very intersted in you." She smirked.

Meanwhile, two brothers sat at the table talking when the two young women caught the elder's eyes. She wore a short white summer dress that complimented her lightly tanned skin. His brother looked at him,slightly annoyed.

"Elijah, did you hear me, they have a moonstone." His brother, Klaus grumbled. "I heard you Niklaus and I also know that they have Katerina...I will handle it." Elijah replied.

"Tailored suit and very, very interested in you." The redhaired girl smirked.

"Are you going to stare at her all night?" Klaus grinned. "Shut up." Elijah said, watching the blonde suddenly break away, on the phone, "Excuse me brother."

Everleigh walked outside on to the side walk only to find her car had been taken by her father. She shouted, even more annoyed now. Her parents could be cruel sometimes.

"Damn it." She cried.

"Need some help?" Elijah asked, making her turn. "...You're the one who was watching me." She said. "Forgive me...I was coming to talk to you but it looks like you're in a tight spot." Elijah replied. "Yeah...my father threw me out...don't ask...so now I have to find a way to get to the Hamptons." Everleigh said, sounding frustrated. "...I could give you a lift...I promise, I'm not a serial killer." Elijah said, making her look at him, her blue eyes weary. "Are you sure?" She asked. "Of course, it gives me an excuse to talk to you for the next two hours." Elijah smiled, making her chuckle. "Okay...thank you?" Everleigh said. "Elijah." He replied, making her smile. "Thank you Elijah." She smiled.

He opened the door to the car for her and shut it, making her smile. Elijah walked around and got in, making her smile more. It was a very stunning car compared the junky one her parents gave her.

"Thank you." She smiled. "Of course...so, where are you going to college?" He asked. "Uh, a school called Whitmore...its in Virginia." She said. "I know the very place." Elijah smiled, making her look at him. "Is it a good school?"She asked. "Yes...small but I believe you will enjoy being there...However,I would advise against the doors, they're a little dated." Elijah told her. "I was planning on comuting...I'm looking at houses in Mystic Falls, about an hour from there." Everleigh said, making her smile. "Then perhaps we'll run into each other." Elijah smiled, "I am going there myself."

Everleigh smiled as she looked at him, feeling like she was going to see alot more of him around in her life. Elijah did as well,knowing that she had some sort of role to play in his life. He just did not know what.

AN: I hope you all like this story. I will post what I can when I can. For now, I am using either my phone or old laptop that is my dad's. Please remember to review.