A/N Hi this is a holiday special for the 4th of July, hope you like it, please review!

Tony sat straight up in his bed, at the sound of... trumpets? He rubbed his eyes tiredly, before throwing on some clothes and running to the kitchen.

Steve stood in full costume, on a stack of chairs, holding a trumpet in his hand, while puffing his chest out proudly.

''The he-'' Tony started, but Steve held a hand up in protest. By now everyone else had been woke up and was standing in the kitchen in pure confusion, and a bit of amusement.

'' Language Tony, I won't have any of that, especially not today.''

''Oh boy. Please don't tell me he's going to do this every 4th of July.'' Natasha whispered to Clint who sniggered.

''Guys?'' Said a small tired voice from the back of the room.

Heads turned as Peter walked in half asleep.

''Great job you woke up the kid.'' Clint snarled, before turning back to Peter. His expression softened instantly. ''Sorry Spidey, Mr. Glamor Pants over here is just a little excited about the 4th of July.''

Tony watched as Peter nodded slowly, before glancing over to Tony, and giving a small smile.

''Come on you guys need to get ready! I've picked out you're outfits already; they're hanging in your rooms. We will be having a typical American breakfast of eggs, toast, and bacon. Then we will be headed off to the parade, which have saved us front row seats for. Finally, we will head back home and put on our warmer patriotic clothing, which I have also picked out for you, and we shall watch fireworks together. '' Steve took a deep breath before puffing his chest out again and blowing the trumpet.

The kitchen was soon filled with voices of protest and bickering over plans.

''Right, who cares if we have plans or anything!'' Clint barked.

''You woke us up at six AM just for this?'' Nat gaped.

''These works of fire you speak of; they seem dangerous. Are you sure it is safe?'' Thor questioned.

'' I am definitely not taking part in any of this!'' Bucky objected.

'' A parade really?'' Bruce asked.

Tony opened his mouth to make some sarcastic comment but shut it when he noticed Peter, who was shaking slightly, eyeing him.

''You alright?'' He asked concerned, as he walked over to Peter.

''Yep, fine, just kind of loud, you know, enhanced hearing and all.'' He whispered.

''Alright, everybody go get dressed, you know what this will be good for us. We need to get out and have fun! Just put that thing down would ya?'' Tony gestured toward the trumpet, before putting an arm around Peter, who was now covering his ears.

He ignored their shocked faces and jerked his head to the trembling kid in his arms.

They all knew about Peter's enhanced senses, and quickly quieted, while heading off to get ready.

Steve lowered the trumpet, looking a bit ashamed, but still excited.

''You going to be all right today Peter? With the parade and the fireworks?'' Steve asked.

''What? Oh, yeah, I'll be fine.'' Peter assured.

Both Tony and Steve knew he was lying through his teeth.

''Well, I guess you won't need these then.'' Said Bruce, who had just walked back into the kitchen, dressed in a navy-blue shirt, and white shorts. He even had pair of red sandals on.

Peter looked over to see Bruce holding what resembled a small pair of cord less ear buds.

''Your dad made them for you. They can let sound in at the volume of your choice or block it out completely.'' He explained. ''But if you don't think you need them that's fine.''

Peter blushed, not knowing if he was being played or not.

''Yep, totally fine, go on and get dressed buddy.'' Tony said, ushering Peter out of the kitchen. As soon as Peter had his back to him, Bruce tossed Tony the ear buds, and Tony winked back.