Hi, guys! Thank you for reading my story and for everyone who favored and followed it. I'm so happy with all the comments, and as I didn't find a way to respond to them personally I'll just put my response in here.

First I wanna say thank you for everyone that just said they liked the story in the comment, for everyone that said they liked the chapter or just asked for an update. You all help me so much just showing your appreciation for my work.

I was gonna put the responses to the comments in here but it got unreasonably big, so I just relocated it to the end notes, if you want to read it just go down there, and I talked a bit about the future of this story, so if you are curious just take a look.

Good reading!

P.S. If you received more than one notification, saying it because I did, it is because I found some grammar errors after I posted so I edited and corrected the errors, I think I got them all.

September, 2007

Harry sighed as he put his book down, he has been trying to concentrate for hours but his mind kept wandering, and the magazine in the coffee table - Forbes - seems to be taunting him. No, it's just Sirius that left it there just to taunt him, he has been exasperated lately with Harry and his indecision and nobody to complain, since Ilvermorny is in the middle of term and Remus has his classes there, it's just Harry and Sirius in the house.

And Sirius has been back in england to some meetings of the Wizengamot, and in gringotts to talk about some investments for the entire week, so Harry has been on his own, but he is certain that Sirius put that magazine in there before he left just so he wouldn't be able to forget about the fact that both Sirius and Remus have been trying to get him to approach his father.

But he had seen plenty of his father in magazines tv programs and all kinds of social medias, he was a playboy and Harry had already seen various claims of pregnant women or mothers of young children that claimed he was the father. It always took only one dna test to prove that they were lying, and always after money.

Harry didn't want that kind of press, neither he wanted or needed money, and he didn't want to Tony to just talk to him like an obligation and for them to have a strained relationship. He wanted to get to know him, the real Tony Stark, and as a celebrity in the wizarding world, he knew that what the press portrayed was usually what got them more views, not the truth, or the entire truth.

And that was what he said to both Sirius and Remus when they brought the subject up, but a month ago, in the middle of august, 2007, Remus was looking up the site of Stark Industries and saw an announcement to an internship with Miss Potts, the one who everybody knew was practically co-CEO with everything that Tony pushed for her to do in his place. Even if she was, officially, only his Personal Assistant, it looks like she needed an assistant of her own.

Remus said it was a chance for him to get relatively close to Tony, without all the problems and suspicion that would come with the fact that he was his son. Before they could argue much the place was filled. And Harry thought that it was the end of the discussion. But in the last month the longer the place was filled before getting vacant again was nine days.

It had been five days of the last assistant getting contracted and Sirius didn't get tired of reminding him that in a few days he would get a new chance.

And as Harry has been studying at home doing his classes online, and was getting his SAT in january, he had a lot of free time during the day, and they lived in Malibu in the coast - it was a house that Sirius' family already had, but Harry was certain that his godfather chose it for them to live just because it was in close proximity to Tony's Stark company and his house, that everybody knew was in Malibu even if they didn't knew where - Harry was close to his possible job.

After taking the magazine away from his immediate sight Harry finally managed to concentrate in his book in physics - the STEM classes has always been his favorites, since elementary school in england - and took the assistant job out of his mind for at least a day.

Two days later Harry ended looking at the Stark Industries site again, and in the next day they would be holding interviews for the position again, and the minimum age for the internship was fifteen.

Harry sighed and separated a deep blue dress shirt and a black jeans for the more formal look for the interview the next day.

He woke up 7AM the next day, the interviews would start at 9AM so he got ready and called a taxi to get to the company. He got to the front of the company at 8:10 AM, he went to a coffee to get breakfast, and drank a coffee since the americans couldn't make a proper tea.

At 8:50 AM he went into the company. He passed the receptionist with an dubious look directed a the teenager when he said he was trying for the job position, but in five minutes he was in the elevator going to the third floor, where Miss Potts office was and she was conducting the interviews.

When he got there he was directed to an waiting room with some ten more applicants, he is definitely the youngest in there, and one of the only two males.

The applicants went in and came out, after some two and a half hours he was called.

When he entered her office she looked up from what looked to be an applicant's file and in seeing him blinked.

"Aren't you a bit young to be applying for the internship?"

"Which means that I'm too young to be within Stark's 'strike range' for bed partners and him to be too old to be within mine." Harry said with a smirk as he seated in front of her desk.

Pepper took a moment to process that and the corners of her mouth twitched.

"So, first job?" She asked as she opened the resumé that I delivered her. The only thing in there that wasn't entirely truth was his name, that he changed because of the possibility of becoming known as both Stark and Potts were publics figures that he would be in close proximity. So the documents read Hadrian Evans.

"Yes, I've been living off of my parents inheritance for some time," and he had, Harry didn't let Sirius pay for everything, even if the man wanted to "and as I'm getting my SAT in january and I don't really want to go to college until I'm eighteen I thought that this would be a good opportunity at getting real life experience before that."

Pepper hummed while she read. Then she looked up.

"And your parents are okay with your plans?"

"They never actively been a part of my life before, so I don't know why they would care." He'd rather have them believe he is just a 'trust fund baby' with parents that are the typical 'hands-off rich folk' kind of parent instead of looking more into it.

"Okay, so, what course do you want to take, and what college do you intend to go?"

"Physics, and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. And my first option would be MIT." Physics has always been one of his favorites and one of the Masteries he had was in Magical Theory, and he knew that Physics would help him understand more of how magic worked.

As the interview kept going Pepper started looking more giddy, Hadrian apparently had everything needed to be the perfect candidate for the job.

Harry got the email confirming that he got the job later that day, he would start the next day.

Now to talk about some specific comments.

A guest asked if I ever thought about pairing Harry/Peter, and I must say that I haven't considered it, but it is mostly because I don't want to focus in any romance, I am not very good with feelings so I know that if I try to write anything close to romance it's gonna be really weird. Besides that, I haven't really thought about any pairings, excluding Tony/Pepper, so it's an option, maybe I'll ask for you all to vote, but that's for the future.

Moving on, SkylerHollow asked why Harry was preoccupied with people asking why a seven year old was living alone if he had the amulet that made him look like a seventeen year old. The fact is that this amulet is based in an amulet I read about in another fanfiction, and it only works for certain amount of time, I just couldn't find a way to explain this aspect and don't make it sound weird.

Doctor Dandy called Harry dumb compared to both his parents, and well this is my Harry not cannon Harry. Not insulting JK's Harry, but sometimes he really acts dumb and I feel like he could do much better but he just doesn't push himself very much. But here he is a genius, even if it's not like some fics where Tony's son is just as smart and can keep up with him like Bruce, but both of them, even being genius still had to go to College, so I will try and be reasonable about this.

plums said that the last 6 sentences of the last chapter deserved more and had more potential and I agree, but I have some things set about how many chapters I want in this fic and what to put in each one. The trial chapter was already a bit too big and I want to focus in Harry and Tony, not the wizarding world, at the moment. But there will probably have a sequel.

A guest asked if Harry will be smart and if he will have siblings. I already said he is smart. And as for siblings, maybe Peter, as Peter is practically Tony's son, along with Harley, but as I already said their relationship is undecided. Morgan will probably exist in the end (because I hate the ending of Endgame with a passion, so it will change). And there is the possibility of Peter being Tony's biological son, but I think Harry is enough of unknown son's Tony has out there. Or maybe not, I'll make a vote out of this one day.

And MargaritaS said she preferred that I showed the Harry/Tony relationship instead of the wizarding world side of things. And as I already said I do prefer it too, so in the next chapters there is only that, you'll see it.

Well, thanks for the comments. And thanks for reading to my ramblings.