"Not a fucking word, boy. Got it?" FP's voice was harsher than normal but then again, this wasn't a normal night. Tonight was the night they stole from the Coopers. The family that taunted the residents of the Southside the most. Jughead nodded, slipping the ski mask on over his face before he and his father, along with Toni, Pea, and Fangs, ducked down low and ran the length of the house on Elm Street. When they reached the front porch, Jughead looked at his dad, who placed a finger to his lips, and Jughead quieted his breathing so he could hear the voices drifting through the house

"Honestly, Elizabeth. It's a disgrace to even think this article is publish worthy," a feminine voice spat, and Jughead peeked into the window next to the garage only to spot a young girl, probably his age, staring down, fists curled tightly.

"I'll do better," the girl said quietly.

"Too right you will. I will not have you shaming this family, Elizabeth," the older woman growled before rising her hand and sending a blow to the girl's face, causing both her and Jughead to gasp. Toni elbowed him to be quiet as the dragon lady whipped her head around, staring out through the open window.

"What was that?" The woman demanded.

"I don't know, mom," Elizabeth replied, and Jughead's suspicions had been confirmed: the cold bitch was her mother. He looked at his dad, who nodded. On his count, Jughead slammed his foot into their door and burst in, the rest of the Serpents right behind him. He watched as the woman grabbed her daughter and used her as a shield.

"Whatever you want, you can have. Just don't hurt me," she whimpered, and Jughead took note of how she completely disregarded her daughter's safety. It was pathetic. But, it meant their job was a little easier.

Watching as Toni and the rest of his friends pulled out their guns, Jughead addressed the woman through his mask.

"We're here for your daughter," he said, willing the woman to put up a fight. He was disappointed moments later as she shoved her towards him.

"Here, take her!" She cried, and Jughead was disgusted with her.

"Mom!" Elizabeth cried, struggling against his hold.

"Don't make this harder than it has to be," Jughead murmured, feeling her trembling form and hating himself because of it. When he had run the gauntlet and joined the Serpents, he hadn't expected to be doing any kidnappings. Yet, here he was, holding a petite young girl to his chest tightly. Soon he heard her erratic breathing.

"Shit, are you having a panic attack, blondie?" Toni asked, but Jughead waved her off.

He looked at his dad, who nodded, and turned his gun onto who he finally understood to be Alice Cooper. A shot ripped through the air and she crumpled to the floor, holding her leg.

"A parting gift," FP said quietly, then, to the group, "we've got to leave. Now."

Elizabeth was still breathing erratically as Jughead swung her up into his arms and darted through the front door and down the street to where their getaway van was. He spotted Tall Boy in the driver's seat and chose to ignore the way he was smirking. The man had been nothing but a pain in his ass since initiation night. FP opened the door, climbed in and held his arms open, allowing Jughead to pass off Betty.

"Please, please, please," she whispered. "Please. Oh, please don't do this."

Jughead felt his heart clench at her frightened pleas as he pulled out a blindfold. Fingers fumbling, and hating himself ten times more, he tied the cloth around her eyes.

"Shh," he murmured gently when she sniffled. "You're going to be okay. I promise, no one will hurt you."

He quickly pulled off his mask and squeezed her wrist gently.

"Just focus on my breathing, alright?" Jughead asked softly. He began breathing deeply and slowly, encouraging her to follow his lead. It took a few tries but eventually, she was able to get her breathing under control and Jughead sighed in relief.

"Good job," he praised, knowing the poor girl must be terrified to the bone.


By the time Tall Boy pulled up to the Wyrm, Elizabeth had fallen silent. Minus the occasional sniffle, Jughead thought she must have gone into shock. He jumped out of the van after helping her stand, and gently eased her off the back ledge. She stumbled into him and he helped hold her steady as she got her footing.

"Ah," she gasped.

"What now?" Tall Boy demanded.

"Do us all a favor and shut the fuck up, man," Jughead growled, before turning to look at Elizabeth.

"What is it?" Jughead asked softly.

"S-Since I c-couldn't see where I was putting my feet, I-I think I twisted it in a hole or something," she admitted in a small voice.

"Shit, I'm sorry," Jughead said contritely. He lifted her up into his arms.

"I'll take the blindfold off once we're inside," he assured her. He then made his way to the bar.


True to his word, once all the Serpents had dispersed, Jughead carried Elizabeth up to his flat, where she was to be held. He hated thinking of it in that way.

"Almost there, Elizabeth," he said.

"What's your name?" Elizabeth asked timidly.

"Jughead," he replied. He rolled his eyes good-naturedly when he saw her lips twitch. At least her mind was off fear and pain. "Go ahead and laugh. The real thing is worse."

"Betty," she replied.


"If I am correct in thinking I'm your hostage, I refuse to be called anything other than my true name. That's Betty," she explained.


He pushed open his door and went and sat her down on his bed, gently tugging the blindfold off as he did so. She blinked against the harsh lights and he immediately lowered the lights til they were a dull, muted glow. He turned to her ankle, assessing it.

"I think you're right about the twist. This looks swollen," he admitted. "Hang on and let me get my first aid kit from my bathroom."

Once he retrieved it, he walked back to her and crouched down below her, resting her ankle against his thigh. He frowned in sympathy when she winced.

"Sorry," he whispered, before wrapping it. Once he was through, he placed her leg back on his bed.

"Why am I here?" Betty asked softly. "If you wanted to hurt me, you would have done so already."

"We don't want to hurt you, Betty, I swear my life on it. We just need to appeal to the Northside and you're our best option," he explained.

She laughed bitterly. "Fantastic. A hostage on both sides."

His heart ached and he couldn't quite explain why.

"I'm sorry," he said remorsefully. When she didn't say anything, he left her alone, retiring to his living room and wondered what the next step was.