AN: I don't own My Hero Academia or the Fate Series. This is a Fanfiction and any liberty taken regarding Quirks and the Nasuverse is to be considered as my concern alone. Please Follow, Fav, Review or respond to the poll if any are up.
Chapter 2: A Leap Of Faith
At the exit of a specific tunnel of Musutafu City, Japan
A standoff.
Toshinori Yagi, aka All Might, the Symbol of Peace was thrown for a loop by this teenager, Izuku Midoriya.
Everything seemed to have pause around them and All Might took a real look at the teen.
His posture. The one of someone that didn't seem to focus exclusively on strength but rather on the refinement of the technique, control and the agility he could get from one's body without hindering the growth.
His tone of voice when he asked this unusual question. The boy had seemed mature, as if that question hold some deep meaning. Scratch that, he wasn't even sure he had seen politician put as much force in their voice before and was it begging he had distinguished in this young man's voice?
Finally came the eyes. All Might had been working as a Hero since he was 18, no even before since he accompanied Nana and Gran Torino before he had started Highschool; so he had seen a lot of gazes directed at him either when people wanted a Hero to save them or a Symbol to shine in the dark times. But here and now, All Might was confronted with the eyes of a teenager that looked at him with the eyes of someone that was about to drown.
"What do you have to sacrifice? Not to be a Hero but to save at least one person?"
Toshinori could understand this question, to be a Hero didn't always mean to be able to save everyone, but this boy wasn't looking at it this way.
He seemed to understand that you couldn't save everyone and wanted someone to tell him what he could offer to be able to save one more person.
It was both admirable and terrifying. He wasn't sure that he wanted the boy to follow such a self-destructive path, but he could admire the resolve of this young man.
"I think I understand your question, Young Midoriya. You want to know what you can do to save one more person because you could not bear the fact that your inaction or lack of strength would cause more people to suffer."
At Izuku's silence, the Pro Hero continued.
"Then, if you considers a career in heroic young man, please think over it. Even I have trouble keeping the world safe and can't always save everyone. If you don't think you can't bare the possibility of failing to save someone then consider joining a support course and assuring that the Heroes are always equipped to deal with rescues."
All Might realize that what he said may have been a little rough or out of place, but another coughing fit was taking over him and he had to get away fast.
"You are young, you should think exactly of what you want to do if you're not sure about being a Hero."
All Might turned around, not noticing how the bottles of Slime villain were loose in his pants nor the grip on his white shirt by the hand of a teenager.
And then they were gone.
Another location of the city
In an alleyway, Katsuki Bakugo was making his way to an arcade.
His two lackeys convincing him that he needed to relax a little and that he could deal with Deku the next time he saw him.
'DEKU!' the mere thought of the quirkless pest made Katsuki's palm ignite, startling the two companions that he didn't even remember the name of. "That fucker!" he said exploding an empty can in the narrow alleyway.
"What the fuck is his problem?! Can't he see that the shit stain is getting in the way?!" he started cursing to the heaven as if it was second nature to him.
"Now, now, Katsuki, you've known the guy your whole life, right?" his most recent lackey asked "Besides what can the Fake Janitor do? I don't think U.A will want him to clean their hallway."
Katsuki was half-tempted to put his hand over the guy's mouth, and ask him he wanted to taste Death for speaking to him in such a way but refrained himself.
"Yeah" Katsuki chuckled "You're right. Quirkless Deku can't do a shit. The World wouldn't let the tale of its future king be damaged by this nuisance for much longer."
A small laugh escaped the other boys' lips and they replied as if they were a choral with practiced ease "DAMN RIGHT! All hail King Bakugo!" and they repeated their little praise until some noises came from behind Katsuki who was too focused into ' into the praises to notice it.
The noise was that of a bottle falling from the sky and the splattering of his contents unto the ground.
When the boys were about to comment about it the liquid raised into the air. The mysterious entity focusing on the scene of a blond middle-schooler who seemed to ignore his presence focusing instead on making small explosion appear from his palms.
"JACKPOT!" was the only warning Katsuki Bakugo got before being swallowed in what seemed like a river of gluey liquid.
On top of a random building, Musutafu City
Izuku had done his fair share of reckless decisions when he was younger: Climbing up on trees, exploring dark forests and abandoned buildings, starting his researches on Magecraft or summon a servant without proper preparations and protections …
But honestly, he didn't expect "Clinging onto a jumping All Might" to enter his personal top 10 of the things he regretted doing the next second he had done them.
But here he was…
In the sky. High enough for his fall to be lethal if he didn't control where he would land; with the number One Hero trying to detangle his grip. (Good Luck with that he perfected his reinforced grip by clinging to the mane of a dragon running at half of its maximum speed.).
When All Might and Izuku landed onto the open roof of a nearby building, he expected that the Pro would start berating him for his foolishness… but instead All Might started to smoke and to cough violently and… was that blood he was sensing?
"A-All Might" he said putting his hand on where he thought the hero's back was, readying his magic circuit for a Structural Analysis.
"Trace. On." was muttered so low that no one heard it but what the aria brought into Izuku's mind eye was making him go pale.
'Musculature damaged at 73% of what was expected; his left lung was crushed flat by a powerful blunt hit and is messing his capacity to breath by leaking a small amount of blood in his respiratory system; his stomach was removed entirely by gastrectomy and his natural reserves of nourishment and fat cells are thinner than a piece of paper.'
The smoke dissipated, and even when he knew what he should have expected, the image of a skeleton with blue eyes and angular features to look at him with a bit of panic and shame was still terrifying for what it implied.
"A-All Might" he didn't know what to say. This was All Might, this was the one that was carrying the world as the number one hero, as the idol of his younger days.
"I-I think I have some explanations to do, Young Midoriya" even if their voices was the same, the tone taken was alien to Izuku, a calm mask behind a lot of fear.
"Y-Yes, I-I have an idea of what is the extend of the injuries you have b-but…"
Toshinori Yagi put his hand on the boy' shoulder and started his tale about how a villain had caused so much damage onto his body six years ago, about why he didn't want the public to know the outcome of the fight nor of his medical status.
"You know All Might. I always imagined what it was to be a hero in this age. I've seen a lot of things when it comes to my family about heroism but I'm not sure what I could expect from this world, from my path when it comes to being a hero. So, that's why I wanted to ask someone who was still into heroics, into the field where people are in danger and needs help."
Toshinori replayed the boy's question in his head and started to form a picture of the boy's story. He seemed to understand the risk of what being a hero was but couldn't asked his family about those kinds of things, so he imagined that the boy was part of a family that was involved in heroics but wasn't alive anymore.
"I see" was all Toshinori could say to not step into the hurtful memories of the boy.
"If you don't have to run away like earlier" the boy said and Toshinori could feel the words stab him in the guts "could you answer me honestly and tell me, what's it like being a hero? Because from my point of view it's an admirable path but I'm never sure if I will ever be strong enough to success where others failed."
Toshinori meditated those words for a good while before responding.
"I think you didn't understand something, Young Midoriya. To be a Hero isn't a straight path with lots of complications on your way."
"It's not?" the boy said, an honest expression of surprise on his face.
"No, to be a Hero is more akin to… a leap of faith. You don't know what or when you will be confronted with something stronger or greater than you. Most of the time, especially in my early career I wasn't sure if I would prevail and save the day. That's why I smile, for myself, to trick my fear and myself into believing that I can do it. After all, those who smile are always the strongest."
And with that sentence, he looked into the boy's eyes with a true smile, the one kind that Nana used to give him.
The moment was honestly one of the best Toshinori had in the recent years but before he could appreciate it some more…
A huge explosion came from a nearby street, not far away from them.
"What the…" All Might was at a loss for words. That explosion had come from where he came from and even throught he had to deal with Young Midoriya clinging onto his shirt, he didn't see a sign of explosives devices or villain activities in the sector.
That's when he remembered that he was carrying a villain in his pocket. And that those pockets had been really light for some reason.
Wait where was Young Midoriya?
Mount Lady didn't think she would come to regret this day.
It was supposed to be the starting point of her career as a hero in Musutafu, an urban city that had a decent rate of hero where she could make a place for herself in the coming month.
Honestly, the day started pretty well. With her gigantification quirk she had stopped a villain that rampaged in the morning and got her share of glory for the day.
Yes, she now had a frustrated Kamui Woods to deal with. But in her defense, it was how the hero business functioned, "the early bird catches the worm".
But at the end of her patrol of the afternoon, she gets a call about another dangerous villain in the area, setting things on fire and creating mass chaos.
When she arrived onto the scene her beautiful features that she trained hard in high school nearly set into a scowl.
The street is engulfed in flame. Fire has sprayed into the street and if nothing is done quickly it will go on to the next one.
She examine her teammates to see if any of them is of use with their quirk.
Kamui Woods is at a huge disadvantage against the scorching buildings and can't approach the villain.
Death Arms is a muscle head, but he knows that you can't punch fire into next week if you aren't named All Might.
Backdraft is super effective with his water-based quirk, but he is dealing with the civilians right now.
Oh, it seems that some of Death Arms' sidekicks are here, but she can't get a good idea of their utility.
She uses her quirk to grow 19 meters more and get a visual on their target.
It looks like a mass of green slime but from what she sees it can't be the origin of the fire so what's-
'Was that a hand?!' Mount Lady focused some more, and she wasn't mistaken.
"Kamui Woods! Death Arms! Target has a hostage, middle-schooler judging by the size. He is the source of the explosions. The kid must be trying to get away from the thing and lost control of his Quirk."
She can see the curses at the end of Death Arms' lips. The situation is more complicated than they had thought, and they will need a hand really fast if they wanted to get the kid out of here alive.
The heroine tried to remember all the scenarios she came across during her training years, but she couldn't find anything, or at least something that wouldn't kill either the boy, the villain or both with her crushing the slime onto the pavement.
In the street behind her, Mount Lady didn't seem to notice the presence of a green haired boy looking at the scene with wide eyes.
Izuku's mind had already understood what was happening the moment he heard the explosion.
Running toward ground zero, he prays that he was mistaken and that the Sludge Villain just opened a bottle of gas and not kidnapped the one person he thinks about.
But when he arrive in the crowd of civilian and look up to see that Kacchan is in the grasp of the same villain from earlier he nearly groans.
"What's happening?" he hears two civilians discussing about the situation
"A kid is apparently being taken hostage by the villain and his quirk is running rampant because he is being suffocated"
Right… More like Kacchan is trying his best to blast the thing away and doesn't realize that there are civilian locations around.
Death Arms is right before him and seems to hesitate to enter the frame, so Izuku decide to give him some option to attack.
"DEATH ARMS!" the pro orientate his head towards him but keep an eye on the situation. "The hostage is a classmate of mine. The explosion can only come from his palms."
That seems to give the necessary motivation to the pro but another explosion bigger than before makes him step back.
"Kamui! Think we will have to wait for a suitable quirk, the kid will have to endure it some more."
'WHAT?! Are those guys serious, I can think of at least four scenarios to get him away with their capacities!'
Just then Izuku saw the eyes of Katsuki, full of fear and desperation and Izuku remembers the words of All Might.
'A leap of faith.' Izuku focus on his magic circuits, ALL of them, and like the hammer of a gun being cocked, he leaps into the fray with two murmured words.
"Trace. ON."
Zelretch's current location, Unknown
On a multiversal television, a joined project of Zelretch and an instance of Noritaka Emiya, father of Kiritsugu, that decided that it was better to make a TV to witness the accelerated end of the world and reach the Root by fiddling with technology rather than experimenting on Dead Apostles; the scene of Izuku's incoming battle against the sludge villain was interrupted by an educational program on Magecraft, presented by none other than Lord El-Melloi II, Waver Velvet, who was a Magician of the First Magic, Denial of Nothingness.
"Today students, we will finish the lesson on Elements with the Fifth factor and it's variants."
The Professor extended his hand and a sphere of magical energy appeared out of nowhere in his palm.
"This is the current state of the Element [Ether] in this world, one of the five Great Element that makes of a magus an Average One capable of using Fire, Earth, Water, Wind and this Element here.
Now, [Ether] is not an element proper, you can't use it by itself. It needs to be combined to have at least some properties. If you don't then it's just a mass of magical energy that allows you to force the actualization of a Mystery.
However, thanks to the research of Lady Animusphere from the Celestial Body branch, we know that [Ether] didn't exist in the Age of God and we got a glimpse of what existed before, something we decided to call [True Ether] and was apparently the foundation of most of the divine entities during this particular era."
With that, the First Magician allowed another ball to form in his free hand, this time more colorful and alien in nature.
"Now, students of the Modern Magecraft Theories department, you all know that the difference between the age of Gods and the modern era is the absence of Divine entities caused by the King of Heroes, Gilgamesh, throwing them out of the world along with their energy with an unknown Noble Phantasm."
Several students nodded, having heard of how their teacher fought against the King of Heroes during the Fourth Holy Grail War through the rumors. No one could confirm if he really had won through an epic battle with his servant or if he just won all of Gilgamesh's treasury through a bet.
All they knew was that their teacher was super badass, and his story should definitely be made into a fanfiction.
"Now, if we can affirm that [Ether] is the result of the disappearance of the divine from this planet and in the [True Ether], what will happen one the Modern era will end?"
A student raised their hand "The [Ether] factor would follow a new line of Evolution. But what could be the end of Modern era or of the [Ether], professor?"
Lord El Melloi II smiled smugly and answered, "I'm talking about removing Gaia from the influence of [Ether], thus we will have a glimpse of what the Magical Energy will be made of after the death of the planet."
The student were in awed, that could be a groundbreaking discovery, only possible thanks to the talent of the magician and the changes he brought to the Clock Tower.
"I already made the first tests in my Workshop and officially present to you the element of the next era: [Grain], the [Space Dust] element."
In the hand of the magician rested a ball similar to the previous one but its color was far dimmer than the others and presented itself as a strange mix between a rainbow hue and a dark grey, as if it was the image of a "white noise" with colors popping every now and then.
"In this world, this element is unstable, and Gaia gets really pissed off when it notices it because it's the equivalent of what a necrosis would be for a biological entity. Look at what happens when I remove the multilayered bounded field that I prepared for Gaia to chew on during this display."
From their sits, the students observed how their teacher took some steps back and the layers of magical energy being removed little by little when suddenly a strident sound came from the ball and it distorted itself before vanishing, as if the world had wanted the thing to suffer and every trace of it to be removed.
"As you have seen it is far more dangerous to experiment on this new element than it is worth, even for me. But for now, I want every one of you to emit at least one plausible theory of what it could lead to."
The estimated professor took a cigar out of thin air and ignited it with the tip of his finger before looking at the spectator rather than his students "That's all, see you next time."
Unknown Dimension
In the Image of the Soul created by the driving force of [Sword] and [Salvation], there was a 'plant'.
A tiny root made out of the Element of [Lightning].
Over the years, the plant grew. Its roots deepen, and it took the form of a tree. This tree rooted in [Lightning] developed, inspired by the life of the 'World made out of [Sword]'.
It couldn't become a [Sword], the concept being too compounded for the Tree to imitate so it decided to grew layers of [Metal] in place of wood.
Today, the one represented by the Tree called upon its entirety, that included the new addition of the now matured Tree. A fruit, small as it was, its nature was far more alien than the rest of the Tree.
The fruit having fed on the magical energy of the World.
A world where the planet wasn't able to defend itself when a new element emerged.
This fruit was made out of [Grain] and shines with every color of the rainbow, all at once.
This is the start of a new era and the Soul of Izuku Midoriya will be the first to enter it.
Sludge Villain Confrontation, Musutafu City
Toshinori had finally arrived at the location of the explosion, the smoke and the giant newbie Mount Lady being good landmarks when navigating the streets in his gaunt form.
The crowd was already big behind the line formed by the police, but he could already see that the situation wasn't good.
Backdraft had his hand full of all the sources of fire scattered along the street's dwelling apartments.
Kamui Woods was in a hostile environment with all the blaze around.
Mount Lady was saying that she couldn't approach the street since it was too small for her to fit in.
Death Arms and his sidekicks were all focused around blunt force which was ineffective against the villain.
The situation was truly damning because unlike Death Arms said, they had the perfect Quirk to deal with the man. Himself, All Might the symbol of Peace was right behind them, but he couldn't do a thing, having spent the entirety of his time today.
He truly felt pathetic, even more so when he felt the eyes of the blond hostage linger toward the front of the crowd. He looked away, not wanting the visage of this boy to haunt him.
It was then that he noticed the soft hue of rainbow at his feet, the light sound of electricity, the odor of metal that he always associated with his friend David Shield. And why was he tasting something acid in his mouth right now?!
"OH NO! STOP HIM!" shouted one of the policemen which prompted Toshinori to look up and he gasped at the sight.
It was Young Midoriya, running fast towards the villain.
'He is as fast as Ingenium! Is he glowing rainbow? And- OH MY GOD- ARE THOSE SWORDS IN HIS HANDS!'
Toshinori's train of thought was finally catching up with the situation but it was too late to stop the kid who arrived before the Sludge villain in a crouching position with his two swords extended, one white representing the Yin and one black representing the Yang.
The hostage seemed very surprised to see Young Midoriya but even from here, Toshinori could see the recognition in the blonde's eyes and deduce that they must be-
The insult was bizarrely punctuated by an explosion that the green haired kid escaped with a sublime backflip somersault before rushing toward the villain with both blades glowing this strange hue of rainbow.
The black one stroke first between the hostage and his Sludge aggressor with a shout of "KANSHOU KIRISAKU!" from Young Midoriya.
The effect of the slash was to completely separate the boy from his slime prison and for his body to fall face first on the ground.
The villain seems to suffer little for what was supposed to have cut off his arms if he were made out of flesh, groaning and swearing to make the boy suffer.
The pros were finally reaching the blonde when Young Midoriya shouted "BYAKUYA MINEUCHI".
Toshinori had seen a lot of way to fights in his life. Be it fists, Quirks, guns or even swords, he had seen all of them; but what Young Midoriya just did was impossible.
The white blade had glowed brightly and instead of cutting the throat of the villain (if he had any), it acted like a painting brush, the glowing rainbow being applied instead of the wound.
And while the wound seems to have hurt the villain greatly seeing as he had screamed to the heavens, it looked like this slash had 'ignored' the fact that a normal human, quirk or not, would have died from just an attack, merely making the Sludge man's eyes roll into their sockets before he fell backward, making a splashing sound.
He just realized that this boy, who seemed to have an electrical quirk when he arrived to rescue him, had summoned swords, applied effects to them that were beyond normal science and run with speed that was beyond strengthening quirks.
'Multiple Quirks…' This thought made All Might's brain freeze and he decided then and there that he couldn't let this kid go away when all he knew about him was his name. He needed to learn everything he could about the boy.
'Either he is connected to All for One, or I just found the next holder of One for All.'
Police Station, Musutafu City
Izuku was a little uneasy.
Maybe it was become he was scolded by Death Arms for intervening in a hostage situation.
'No, it's not that. I don't really care that he through that it was not my affairs, the guy shouldn't have said that I didn't need to intervene and let the pros handle it when he himself asked for someone with a better suited Quirk'.
Maybe it was because the Police insisted that he was brought to the station, nearly hand-cuffed if not for All Might's appearance.
'I really need to thank him. If not for him, they would have arrested me for illegal Quirk usage and Vigilantism.'
Oh, maybe he wasn't comfortable because someone had the bright idea to put him next to Bakugo in the interrogation room and his childhood friend was glaring daggers at him with the fury of a thousand suns.
'Dear god, I'm not going to enjoy this'.
Izuku's saving grace come in the form of a somewhat plain police detective, black hair and black eyes.
"Good evening, young men. I'm Naomasa Tsukauchi, police detective and I'll be in charge of the investigation concerning what happened today. Would you like some tea?"
Izuku replied politely with a "Yes, please" and a nod while Bakugo grumbled a "No thanks", his eyes still trying to burn his skull like that old comic book hero with laser eyes.
"Very well. I'm going to ask you simple questions if that's okay with you. Your names are?"
"Katsuki Bakugo" "Izuku Midoriya" They replied in unison.
"Fifteen" "Fourteen"
"Explosion" "Redacted"
That made the police officer pause but before he could ask the boy to explain himself the other one 'exploded'.
"DAFUQ! You fucking bastard. You lied to me. Damn Quirkless Deku."
Midoriya ignored the rant of the teen who gripped his chair to not punch the other one in front of a police officer, but the rage was there.
"Could you elaborate on your Quirk situation, young Midoriya?"
"I know of your Quirk, detective Tsukauchi. So pardon me but I would prefer that you let me finish before trying to get an answer out of me.
I manifested my Quirk at the age of four after an error in diagnostic, but its effects were varied, and no doctor could properly identify it, so I had to wait until two years ago to finally have someone redact my Quirk into an official form. However, I fall under a peculiar category of Quirk that are secretly kept tight by officials for reasons that I cannot disclose and are only accessible under the supervision of my personal advisor at the Quirk Registry Office or at the director of any Hero Course, I would be entering in Highschool."
Bakugo finally had enough and grabbed Izuku by the collar.
"And why the fuck am I hearing this just now, you damn nerd?!"
"You never asked and the one time I tried to say that I had a Quirk you said, and I quote 'Right, as if a Deku like you could have a Quirk. Everyone said that Tsubasa gramps showed you are Quirkless, so it is true.' Then you blow up an explosion in my face and I didn't try anymore, I had other things to do."
Detective Tsukauchi reviewed the response of the greenette in his head before realizing what kind of registration he was submitted to… 'This kid's quirk is to be kept as secretive as One for All. The people in that list are protected in such a way that All for One never heard of their existence.'
"I see Young Midoriya. I will cease the interrogation on that part but if you can answer me what were your intentions when you decided to jump into this hostage situation."
"I had been attacked earlier by the same villain and even though I was saved by All Might... I realized that the villain had escaped but I knew what this villain was capable of because of this encounter and when I realized that Kacc- I mean Katsuki was being taken hostage, I informed Death Arms of what both were capable off."
"And then?" pursued Tsukauchi not seeing the point of the kid putting himself at risk for this.
"Then Death Arms asked for someone with a more suited Quirk and when I looked into Kacchan's eyes I was already jumping into the fray before I had realized it."
Tsukauchi blinked 'Dear god, he is just like Toshi.'
"I see, but you know that Quirk usage and Vigilantism are crime. Even at your age, you should be aware of- "
"I didn't use my Quirk."
The statement was simple but the fact that his Human Lie detector didn't react made Tsukauchi pose.
"I'm sorry but what?"
"Unfortunately, those question fall under the restriction of my QRP (Quirk Regulation Policies) so I will ask that you contact my advisor to continue but I didn't use my Quirk all day."
No reaction, he needed to contact this kid's advisor if he wanted to make sense of that.
"Very Well. Then, Young Bakugo. I would like you to explain exactly what happened for the Sludge Villain to cause such damage in the street? If he forced you, either by threatening your life or by physical pressure, to use your Quirk?
The blonde seemed to descend from whatever contemplation he was into before addressing him
"The pile of garbage grabbed me from behind, so I tried to blast myself forward by charging explosion backward. When it didn't work, I tried to do the opposite; when it didn't again, I tried to blast its face away before trying to regain some air. I did that again and again until the fucker would let me go."
The detective resisted the urge to facepalm.
'Seriously, the kid has a highly volatile quirk and he tries that kind of thing. I'm sure he didn't WANT to destroy those apartments, but he should be happy that no one died in those conflagrations because the department wouldn't be so willing to cover this up for a youngster with potential.
"I see. I will note that you acted under pressure."
He checked his notes again and decided to bring the kids to the heroes that apparently had a word for them.
The meeting with Kamui Woods, Mount Lady, Death Arms and his sidekicks was going unlike what he predicted.
The wood hero was actually apologetic about letting the kid put himself in danger but the others…
"AND WHAT WERE YOU EVEN THINKING TO ACT SO RECKLESS!" says Death Arms while pounding his giant-size finger into the greenette torso
"That's right" says the new heroine, Mount Lady just behind him "Imagine what people would say about heroes if you had gotten hurt."
Tsukauchi doubted that it was the boy condition that preoccupy the blonde heroine but rather the media catastrophe it would have been for the start of her career if the boy did get hurt.
Meanwhile, the two sidekicks were praising the Quirk of the Bakugo kid and offering him places as sidekick for when he hit the pro scene. Tsukauchi was getting uneasy at the idea of the blonde getting a hero license with his state of mind. It was the second coming of Endeavor with more Boom than necessary, not something you should encourage.
Izuku looks blankly at the two heroes, signs of annoyance at the Strength hero before saying "Seriously… I know that I don't have a license yet, but you clearly said that you weren't going to act unless someone had a suitable quirk."
"THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT-" interrupted the white-haired man
"I could think of at least four ways on the spot for you and the other heroes to get the hostage out of the way.
Mount Lady could have focused a lot of air in her lungs to blow the villain out without having to enter the street or she could have used her giant form hand to apply localized pressure upon the villain.
Death Arms you are specialized in the durability of your arms. If you managed to catch a burning scaffolding two years ago near downtown Musutafu, then you would have been able to charge at the villain and the hostage without problems considering you had the info about the explosions coming from his hands.
Kamui Woods made a good call about rescuing civilians from the blaze but he should have lingered when the situation was getting desperate and use his special move to get hold of the hostage and yank it from there.
If push came to shove than Backdraft could have focus a high-pressure beam of water to literally 'clean' the villain out before he could kill the hostage."
Before the tension could escalate further the door of the police station opened and three people moved toward the assembly of pro heroes, one of them carrying a feeling of doom known as 'a mother's wrath.'
"I~ZU~KU~" said a cheerful Inko Midoriya.
Dressed in a beautiful attire composed of black heels, a black dress with green highlights who cover most of her arms, exposing her shoulders and accentuated her slim figure as well as her curves. The strings maintaining her breasts from being exposed to the world, attached to a black choker around her neck, where a block ribbon complimented her long green ponytail, was bordering the lines between classy and vulgar, giving her an air of confidence and authority. A golden bracelet decorated with a strange rune, encompassed between two bat-like wings was resting around her wrist. [1]
Policemen were already whispering, having recognized the appearance and fashion style of the "Royal Vampire" and the man that was following behind her with long silky white hair.
However, Katsuki was drawing a blank as to who this person was. She seemed familiar with her long green hair in a ponytail but the way she dressed and her general behaviour, it couldn't be…
"Auntie Inko?" asked Katsuki truly dumbfounded.
The woman stopped producing killing intent in waves, just the time to acknowledge the presence of her best friend's son with a smile and a nod, before sizing her son by one ear.
"Now young man, do you have something to say for yourself?" the mother asked her tone of voice feeling more terrifying than all of his Servants starving and her grip stronger than it had any right to be for a normal human being. (Some part of his mind supplied that *hum* bedding with a Servant was bound to have some effect but it was hushed away for his own sanity.)
The scolded boy had prepared his defense however: "He gave me authorization to intervene on the scene" he says, pointing towards Death Arms.
"I DIDN'T-" the harsh rebuttal that the Pro Hero was about to make was stopped by the mother's next word.
"I will ask of you to choose your next word carefully." The voice was cold, icy even. Death Arms was pretty sure his feet were going numb and he didn't know why. "From what I managed to hear you were going to let my surrogate nephew be suffocated because you were either too afraid to get a bruise or incompetent enough to make me question your qualifications as a protector of this city. My son may have acted in a very tight loophole of the law considering Quirk Usage in Public, but it doesn't change the fact that he acted under the framework of the Good Samaritan Law and thus will we all part ways after the details of his involvement are recorded by Detective Tsukauchi and his Advisor."
She finished this by pointing to the detective and the other woman that entered the building with her.
With long black hair that seems to spike at their end, decorated with a white hairband, she would make for a traditional Japanese beauty if not for some traits, such as her blue eyes that betrays some European heritage… and the small sand blonde cowlick that bounce on her hair as if it had a mind of his own.
The woman, seeing this as her cue, introduced herself with a bow which emphasized the grace with which she carried herself… seriously did the strand of hair bend at a forty-five angle as well?
"Good Evening, fine sirs and lady. I am named Sora Tohno and I serve as mister Midoriya's advisor at the Q.R.O. It is unfortunate that we had to meet in such complicated circumstances, but I am certain that we can smooth things out."
Her voice was kind, gentle and she spoke with the dignity of either a maid in a great household or a Lady raised in a rich family… so why could no one get their eyes away from the honest to god ahoge that was put on her as if someone had pulled a prank on her?!
Katsuki was the brave (read stupid) one that decided to ask: "What the fuck is this doing in your hair?"
Suddenly, all of Sora's black hair turned red and levitated in the air… but not the aforementioned piece of keratin structure who acted like it was looking around the room before becoming straight when it "remarked" it was Katsuki who spoke up.
"WE. DON'T. TALK. ABOUT. IT." The voice was now replaced by the raspy sound of some kind of demon.
Everyone got the memo, even the "Never backdown" Bakugo, and didn't comment on it.
Bakugo's POV
After a while the pros were gone and the reunion in close door between Detective Dumbface, Auntie Inko and Ahoge Girl was in progress in one room while Deku, the other guy and Katsuki were left out.
Katsuki wasn't sure what the hell could Deku's quirk be, but did it seriously need all that shit to be done?
He had seen it do quite some things: It boosted his speed; it pulled some kind of swords out of thin air and it made it glow so it could inflict more damage to the slime bastard…
What kind of Quirk could he have? And most importantly: WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO AUNTIE INKO?!
Katsuki always had a soft spot when it came to the woman. She was kind, beautiful and never shouted at him unlike his hag of a mother.
He never understood how Deku could have a dad that was never there and a super cool mother when he was stuck with his wimp father and his twat of a mother who bossed him around like he was their slave, always making him take out the trash and forcing him to go brush his teeth.
And today, Inko was looking like she was made to be the poster girl for a gothic fashion magazine! How did it happen? In fact, when was the last time he saw her? He didn't go to her place because it would be going at Deku's place and he would prefer to die than to go there. His mom was friend with her but honestly, he didn't listen to her 90% of the time, only when she brought the 'dangerous' tone of voice.
Katsuki's two questions needed answers. NOW!
He made to grab Deku's shoulder but the man he was discussing with gave him a look.
He didn't notice the guy at first (nor the Ahoge girl for that matter) because of Inko but now that he was looking at him, he couldn't help but be intimidated.
The guys was standing tall at one meter ninety-one centimeters and with all the black and silver that surrounded his frame, his pale face was giving some kind of cold vibe as if Katsuki was standing near the entrance of a cave that didn't see light and warm of the sun for centuries.
Deku chose that moment to notice his presence and turn around "Yes what is it, Kacchan?"
He glared at the nickname but didn't bother, he HAD to know "What the fuck happen to your mom?"
The two exchange a look before looking back at him as if nothing was weird around "What do you mean, she is just like usual."
"Don't fuck with me Deku. Auntie never dressed like that when we were younger, she always dressed in simple clothes not a robe that must cost at least twice as much as the ones my mom's buying. And she never did that kind of 'murder vibe' trick she used on that Death Arms dude."
Okay, now they didn't look as if nothing was weird, they looked at him as if he was stupid. "She's always managed to do that; in fact I think she has started using it on me since I was eight years old to prevent from or scold me for doing something stupid. As for the dress code… I can only blame Sensei, but she loves it so what difference does it make?"
The man, "Sensei" so he had to be a teacher or something, was looking at him with a stern look but, unlike his mom's glaring inferno, it was a cold measuring one as if he was evaluating every characteristic of him in an instant.
"I presume I shall introduce myself if you aren't going to. I am Vladimir Basarab-Tepes but be free to call me Vlad like the Izuku and my Dear Inko does."
'My DEAR. He seriously called Auntie Inko "my dear", who does he thinks he is? She is married for fuck's sake!'
He guessed that Inko could be lonely since her husband was in another country or something but to say loud and clear that she was cheating in the open like that. 'And why the fuck doesn't Deku react to that!'
"Eh" Izuku said with an unsure tone seeing Katsuki go from wide eyed disbelieve to fuming with silent pondering right before him "Are you okay, Kacchan?"
"How can YOU be okay with him fucking your mom?" he whispered-shouted to Deku, not wanting to attract the attention of the entire police station onto the matter.
"Well…" Deku responded, searching for the right words to such a question "It's a little weird considering the relationship between Sensei and I, but I don't think that is a problem if she is happy with it."
'DAFUQ is this dumbass thinking!' he yelled in his mind.
"As for their 'activities'" punctuated the greenette with a cough "the walls look thin, but they block the noise quite nicely, plus I live on the other side of the residence, so it helps".
"The hell you mean with 'the residence'! Your apartment doesn't even cut the 70 square meters threshold. And what about your fucking dad?!"
Izuku looked at Katsuki.
Izuku generally didn't give this look to people. Seriously, he forced this look to appear only once when Napoléon confused his shaving gel with wasabi. It was a look didn't involve any Magecraft but could make you feel as if you were born to be the Incarnation of the concept of [Dumb].
And he was targeting Katsuki with its full force.
Katsuki nearly crumbled at this but he was a (self)righteous hero that didn't think cheating was an acceptable practice.
"Say something, you fucking Deku."
"…It's been four years Kacchan."
"Four years? Since what?"
And then, as Inko, Tsukauchi and Sora were exiting their little reunion, a miracle happened: Izuku swore.
"Since the divorce and our moving, you dumbass."
The impossibility of the situation made Katsuki's mind go blank and he merely registered Inko saying the word "Dinner", "Ride", "Residence" and "Parents" before he was escorted to the car and got in.
Midoriya Residence, Musutafu
Katsuki's mind finally came back when his door was opened by Inko "Welcome to the Midoriya Residence, Katsuki."
It was SO much bigger than his own house. Even if he hadn't taken a good look, he could tell the thing was huge and could house at least half a dozen people.
"Izuku sweetie, you can go and make dinner for everyone. Mitsuki and Masaru will be there in no time if you start cooking." Inko said with a bit of mirth in her voice.
Deku let a small sight escaped his mouth but stiffened when Inko continued "but that doesn't mean you won't announced to the others what you did today."
'Others' Katsuki pondered 'They must live with other people to afford the rent or something.'
"Yes mom." Izuku made a beeline for what Katsuki assumed to be either the Kitchen or a reserve room for ingredients. "It's your favorite tonight by the way."
Inko was beaming at that. 'Wait, it's Deku who's cooking tonight, ugh, it's going to suck…'
Katsuki was escorted to some kind of dining room where he could see a large zataku, a traditional Japanese low dining table where people eat, made in some good quality zelkova wood. He guessed that up to 12 people could be squeezed around it for dinner.
The rest of the room didn't radiate luxe but it was clean and well maintained with the rush mat of the tatamis being a soft green like they were made yesterday, the walls color was radiant in the yellow and orange spectrum, giving the room a warm and welcoming feeling that appeased even the explosive temper of Katsuki. You could find some flowerpots and pictures here and there mostly of Izuku and Inko as well as other people Katsuki never met.
Inko grabbed some zabutons, Japanese pillows, from a nearby closet and gave him one, letting him choose where to sit. He decided to put himself at one end of the table, so he could face the large kitchen with both electronic and manual appliances.
The kitchen was honestly too big for what it was. It looked like one of those kitchens you could see in hotels or school cafeteria when it comes to size but the design with ceramic tiles in light shades of blue gave it a feeling of calmness and relaxation.
Katsuki mostly noted the size of the rice cooker who could easily contain at least ten kilos of rice and the sheer number of cooking plates on the cooktop.
Shortly after he settled down, Deku came back carrying a closed basket filled with what he assumed to be ingredients and started to clean himself and put on an U.A. "Plus Ultra" apron.
His observation of Deku was interrupted by the arrival of a purpled-haired, blue-eyed woman.
Katsuki, while not especially active in the romance part of a teenage life, could openly admit that the girl was attractive.
She was in her early or mid-twenties and was dressed in a long red accordion skirt and white sleeveless blouse. She carried a green purse with golden embroidery in form of a bird deploying his wings and she wore a small golden chain which carried an equally golden cross around her neck.
"Good evening!" the woman greeted before noticing the new arrival in the room "Oh, you must be Katsuki Bakugo. It's nice to meet you, I'm Martha. Martha Bethaniam but feel free to just call me Martha."
"How the hell do you know me?" he ask, not with how much venom he usually did due to the presence the woman exuded.
Her presence was soothing, like the warm of a river in the summer.
The woman seems to find his question amusing and giggled while pointing her finger at his hair "You surely take after your mother, boy."
'Wait, she is friend with the old hag?' Katsuki felt more and more out of it as the day progressed.
"Ah" exclaimed Izuku from the kitchen, already stirring something inside a skillet. "Good Evening Martha-chan! How was your day?"
"Good Evening to you too, Izuku." Martha responded with a small smile "Well, my boss was greatly satisfied by my performance at the shop and made the employee of the month. As for the church, Father Shiozaki is feeling a little under the weather so his daughter will be assisting me when it comes to catechism lesson for the next few days. Oh, I heard she was aiming for the U.A.'s hero course as well so maybe I will give her some training if that's okay with you."
"Sure, not a problem." Deku responded, already putting the contain of a pot into the oven while Katsuki shifted his attention onto the woman at the word "U.A.". "Can you put the plates please? The usual plus the three Bakugo."
Katsuki's realization that his mother was coming for dinner was crudely answered by the frantic footsteps of someone in the hallway before the door opened, revealing his mother Mitsuki Bakugo with an irate expression on her face.
"KATSUKI! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO THAT STREET?!" his mother yelled at him, sizing him by both cheeks, stretching and twisting them to produce some pain but mostly annoy her delinquent of a son.
"STOP IT YOU OLD HAG!" he yelled, nearly punching her at the audacity of her action. "IT WAS THAT SLIME BASTARD'S FAULT FOR FUCKING WITH ME."
"No, it's not and you know it." This voice was the one of Masaru Bakugo, his father, usually so frail and meek but now it conveyed all the disappointment the father felt at toward his son.
"What?" Katsuki ask not believing the way his father was looking at him.
"Your quirk is like my in this aspect Katsuki, we chose when we detonate our sweat" he punctuated this by exploding his sweat with the intensity and noise of a firecracker. "So when we learned that the entire street was destroyed, not by trashing around from the villain but by fire, who do you think we thought was responsible?"
"D-Dad?" Katsuki asked truly anxious at the serious tone that he never saw before today.
"I'm glad you are okay Katsuki, truly I am. But you will have to understand that if not for Inko and the fact you have a clean record, you would be in jail tonight."
Katsuki let the word of his father sink in. Why would he be held responsible? He defended himself. Villain causes destruction, not heroes. He was a hero not a villain.
Was it because he wasn't strong enough? Because he didn't defeat the slime fucker? Because fucking Deku had to intervene?
Before he could make sense of the issue, his father was already by the kitchen and bowed to Deku.
Japan is a country where the act of bowing get a meaning by the way you bow before someone.
If the bow is short, it's to greet someone. A more pronounce bow, usually around 30 degree is used for formal greeting.
But here, his father was bowing BEFORE DEKU, at 45 degree, something called Seikeirei, a bow that is extremely formal or in this case to express extreme gratitude and humility.
"Thank you for saving my son, Izuku" Masaru said, talking to Deku who scratched his head in a sheepish manner.
"You don't have to bow like that Uncle Masaru. I mean I don't think it was because it was Kacchan that I jumped in… When I was standing in the crowd while Heroes weren't moving, I saw his eyes and even if at the moment I recognized Kacchan, my legs where already moving before I realized what happened."
The moment was interrupted by the arrival of two tall men, one was a brown hair and an imposing bulk while the other was a silver-haired man with tan skin.
"OH! Hey, Masaru buddy!" yelled the brown haired one.
His father's personality returned to wimp when an arm collided with his back in what was supposed to be a friendly gesture. "Nabulio-san." His father voice was pained, so much that he could feel it.
"Oh c'mon man, I told you times and times again to call me Napoleon or at least Nap." The man exclaims; a smile plastered on his face. "You can at least do that. Right?"
His father chuckles lightly at the question and rubs the back of his neck "All right! All right!"
The two men then discuss as if they were old friends and Katsuki's attention is brought upon the other man that entered.
That was the only way to describe the presence of the individual that looks at him right now.
Gray eyes like steel. Tanned skinned that was forged under the sun. Muscles lean and firm under the black shirt that makes some Pro Heroes look like those guys that hit the gym just to keep in shape.
Everything about the man is screaming of some kind of steel aura. Something that was so hot that it could burn you if you approached too close, now cold and sharp enough to cut you if you didn't handle it carefully.
"Is that your son, Masaru-san?" the tan man asks his father, his eyes never leaving Katsuki's gaze.
"Ah, Emiya-kun! Yes, that's Katsuki." His father looks at him with the unspoken request to present himself.
"Katsuki Bakugo" he grumble, to show that he isn't please to be there before smirking at what he's going to say next "Future Number One Hero."
The eyes of the man then turn sharper, narrowing on every visible feature of the blond before…
"…*Sight* Yeah right"
"What's that supposed to mean?!" Katsuki asks with barely restrained anger.
'Emiya-san' sighed again at the teen's behavior before explaining :
"Firstly, I'm going to pass on your personality and motivations. If Endeavor managed to become the number two in ranking, then it's still possible for you.
Now, let's start by your physical attributes. You are short.
It's not a problem of how short someone is for the hero business but rather that you are way too short for what you could expect being the son of Mitsuki-san and Masaru-san.
You really need to take care of your growth now before it can hinder you in the future so watch your meal and diet plans carefully.
Next, there is your habits. From just a look at your hands, I can tell that even if you are a smart kind and work hard on your academics, your main occupations are fist fights and video games with a ratio of three times video games and arcades for one brawl.
As questionable as that behavior is, it doesn't help you be a hero.
Now, let's talk about you being a Pro Hero. Izuku told me once that you can make explosions from sweat that is like nitroglycerin.
Even if that is flashy and impressive, it is ineffective. All a villain has to do is to either cut of the oxygen supply to stop the combustion or to cut off your hands to make you effectively Quirkless.
For the first problem, support items are a way to go at it, but it could only get you so far.
As for the second, even if it doesn't get to the extent of you having a maimed limb, you need to build up pain tolerance to both explosions AND injuries.
I'm not gonna do the work for you so you need to come up with your own training kid but tell me, is 'exploding things' the only things 'explosions' can do?"
And with that he left a stunned and unresponsive Katsuki Bakugo, directing himself to the kitchen.
EMIYA knew something had happened today for the Bakugo to bring their child for dinner.
Or, and more than possible, Izuku had done something that made the kid need to come at the Residence tonight.
He was going to get an answer and fast!
"Master" he says, entering the kitchen where Izuku was finish preparing some buns, meaning that tonight was an Inko's favorite. Conclusion, his Master fucked up. HARD.
"Ah, Nii-san! Good Evening." Izuku responds, far too cheerful for some reason.
"What happened today?" his tone is measured and conveys all the seriousness about the matter.
"I… met All Might today." The younger of the two says.
"Not a lie but don't think that's going to save you from what's coming your way." The former Counter Guardian reply to the news of his master's encountering the number one hero.
"…Yeah. Mom wants me to tell you all during dinner."
EMIYA sighs, far too much today but interacting with teenagers is always a pain in the ass.
"How did it go? With All Might, I mean."
"I… I asked him the question. At first, he tried to dodge it, trying to convince me that if I didn't have what it took to accept that people are going to die because I'm not strong enough than it would be better if I entered the support course."
"I sense a 'but' coming."
"But after I grabbed onto him and we landed on a nearby build- ARGH!" Izuku yelled when his Archer-class servant hit him on the head with a metallic ladle. "I know it was stupid but let me finish."
"You are so much worse than me" was the only reply along with a shake of the head. "Then, what happened?"
"He… he explained to me why he wanted to be a Hero… To be the symbol of Peace and what it was like to be a Hero…"
He looked into the eyes of the greenette at this sentence and saw it. A spark that was dimed by hardships and failures some years ago.
"He said that to be a Hero was a leap of faith, a dive into the unknown in the hope of saving as many as possible when confronted by odds that seems impossible."
Archer smirked at those words. The number one Hero had quite a way of seeing heroics it seems.
That question about his heroic way was something that seemed to haunt his master for the past two years, after the colossal mess that was his fifth servant that was understandable…
Heroism was always something that could be debated in the Midoriya household.
For EMIYA, it was a question of wishful thinking and his blind chase after Kiritsugu Emiya's way of "The many rather than the few".
For Medea, it was all about how screwed you will get in the end.
For Napoléon, the point of heroism was that to be above all the hardships that were on your way.
For Vlad, you could only be called a hero at the very end of your journey, and even there, it wasn't impossible for you to be called a villain.
For Martha, all was designed to give you a chance and it was up to your mortal shoulder to do your best.
And so if his master's smile was anything to go by, he will be a hero that jumps into the fire, prepared and hoping for the best.
"I see" he says with a small smile before grabbing a knife and chopping some pickles to compliment the taste of tonight's meal. "Then I hope you didn't do something so stupid that I need to let the Witch go wild on you tonight."
The young master blush like a tomato "NI-NII-SAN!" then he realized what his word actually meant, and his skin suddenly got a pale complexion and the chibi version of his ghost leaving through his mouth. "I. Am. So. Fucked."
Medea had a hard but pleasant day.
You would think that being a stay at home servant would be an easy and quite boring task, but the reality wasn't what you would expect.
Certainly the day started quite pleasantly, waking up in her chamber and workshop with the sight and voice of her adorable master and, in some way, surrogate little brother.
Then came a refreshing shower to let the remnants of slumber leave her body and take care of her beautiful body.
Finally awake and presentable, she took her place at the end of the table, next to Maria and ate with her usual grace… and appetite, the delicious breakfast from the ex-Counter Guardian EMIYA that she liked to call "Boy".
The term just seems to piss him off and she loves that.
You could think that Medea would be sad to be the only one that remains in the house during the day while everyone else had their jobs, or school in Izuku-sama's case, to attends to but no, Medea was living the Dream.
She could take care of the house as much as she liked, water her plants and herbs in the garden square and do the laundry of her Master with the care and attention of a devoted 'Big Sister'.
Oh, yes. It was a taxing job considering the size of the residence, the specific of all the ingredient she managed to bring back to life from her era as well as the religious devotion she vowed to her cute Izuku-sama.
This seemingly boring life isn't something you expected from a servant and a Magus? Well, too bad for you because that was the life that Medea chose for herself and she wasn't about to care about the opinion of some ruffians.
Though, she could admit that she felt bad about being the only one that didn't bring anything when it came to the living expenses or a form of rent; not that anyone in the residence felt like that, but it still stunk at her pride, especially as a royalty.
And that is how, four years ago, she made a name for herself on the internet as a cosmetic craftswoman under the name of 'Deras' literally 'Fleece' in her natal tongue because if there was one thing that she wanted to remember from her legend, it was the Golden Fleece of the winged ram Chrysomallos.
The fleece in itself wasn't that much of a deal, rarer and more useful ingredient than the hair of a half-god existed during the Age of God.
No, what the fleece represented for her was how she gave up to the curse of love.
All the tasks given by her father to Jason, in order to obtain the Golden Fleece, were largely due to her potions, her magic and her intellect.
The fool would have run like an idiot against the fire-breathing oxen or let his men met their demise against the Dragon Tooth Warriors.
It was her love-sick heart and mind, all of those feelings coming from the goddess of Love, that permitted the Hero Scout to succeed in those endeavors;
And when her father started to suspect something was up and planned to bring down the scum that dare use her, the curse made her act and warn Jason that they needed to act fast.
She put the guard of the demi-god's symbol of Kingship, a dragon of all things, to sleep and grabbed it in the middle of the night.
That was the moment were her destiny got from bad to worse…
She let Jason take it from her hands with a bright smile on her face.
To anyone else, it could seem unimportant and understandable but not to Medea:
Her family always had a good relationship with animals and mystical creatures, Medea more than any of her siblings and the times spent on the island of her aunt Circe, chasing and caring for all sort of animals and creatures, was some of her fondest memories.
Chrysomallos was one of those creatures she cared about. Even though they didn't share that much of a time before his sacrifice, the talking sheep was a 'suave orator' and had his way around puns and other jokes.
And yet, she gave what remained of her friend to that buffoon for a kingdom he didn't gave a damn about.
She relieved those hard times in her mind every moment she didn't have something else to occupy her mind.
Worse of all, she imposed those memories and so much more on her Master because of the Dream Cycle.
Izuku-sama was always there for her and he would often wrap his arms around her during the night when he was still a child, trying and succeeding in soothing her pain.
When they discussed the event of her life, she decided of a new resolve for herself in this world:
She wouldn't let this go. Medea Deras would be the kind of woman that would cling to her Hero and her happiness. Why?
She was a witch. Izuku-sama's witch and she would never disappoint him.
"You disappoint me, Izuku-sama" Medea shoots first among from the group of servants around tonight's dinner with the 'for the first-time' complete Bakugo family.
The dinner tonight was composed of Inko's favorite dish : A burger filled with a homemade minced meat, some oven-cooked potato rösti and two slices of bacon, accompanied by the usual vegetable Marta received from the Church father Shiozaki, namely tomatoes, lettuce and red onions. All of it sized for the appetite of Inko, Izuku and the servants.
To complete the serving of this colossal German dish, Izuku prepared 'some' Knodel, boiled dumplings made out of mashed potatoes alongside flour to give it a firmer body and seasoned with a lot of herb that complement the fat-heavy burger quite nicely.
But no matter how talented the Master was to make her favorite German and French dishes, Inko made it clear to her son that he was to explain what he did today to the whole family and deal with the consequences of those actions.
"But, I…" the teen tries to explain himself but a single glare from his 'Big Sister' was enough to make him shut up.
"I'm not finished." Medea interrupted, her napkin removing the few remains of her burger from the corner of her mouth while the Bakugo child was thinking about throwing the towel down when he finished the first half of his sandwich and nearly collapsing at his first bite from a 'foodgasm'.
"While what you did was indeed heroic and prevented him from dying a stupid death" she says, pointing her hand toward the blond, "it doesn't change the fact that you decided to expose yourself while the situation was not a threat that was unmanageable by Heroes. Thanks to that, we will be on thin ice with Sora-dono and her division."
Napoleon decided to get the message across, "What you did was stupid? Why can't you learn not to do it?" his voice was purposely less serious than what the situation required "Kid, I know exactly what was going through your mind at the time but you decided to wait for that stupid piece of plastic named 'Certificate' to do those kind of thing. You promised and were accepted it after the whole shitshow that was two years ago? What changed?"
Izuku seemed to hesitate for few seconds before saying "I met All Might today."
The Bakugo family (sans Katsuki), and Martha did a spit take with their tea "WHAT?!"
Izuku ignored them and continued "I-I asked him the question… Like I did with any of you…"
"What did he said to that?" the question came from Vlad, his eyes narrowing at his lover's child and Master. The question was a sore spot for him because his legend revolved around the people he killed, not the one he cared about and defended.
"That I got it all wrong. I shouldn't be expecting my journey to start with the Entrance Exam or my first mission as a certified Pro Hero."
"To be a hero is a leap of faith. I should be prepared to save others; not prepare for others to be saved."
A round of laughter came from everyone except Katsuki, who just seemed confused by the non-sense statement and EMIYA, whose tan-skin was showing the small sign of a blush.
His mother was the first to come back with a "Sweetie, that was the most Emiya-thing you said this year."
Medea was failing to hide her smile behind her hand "I don't know if I prefer this over the 'People die when they are killed' or his 'I HAVE LEGS!' when he was 8."
Martha and Napoleon were rolling on the floor. What they tried to say in respond to their Master embarrassed replies of "STOP IT!" were lost in their incoherent laughter.
And those continued the night at the Midoriya Residence…
Outside of the Police Station, Musutafu
Naomasa was just out for tonight when the blond hair of his best friend poke around a corner.
"Psst!" Toshinori hissed from the nearby alleyway, a nervous look on his face, looking left and right like a teenage girl not wanting to be seen at night by her parents.
"Naomasa!" he whispers-yells in the empty vicinity of the police station. "Over here!"
He chuckled lightly at the antics Toshinori could come up with. "Toshi, what are you doing?"
"I-I need a favor from you" the blond stuttered, making the detective raise an eyebrow.
"Okay. What is it? Or more specifically, why are you so worked up about it?"
"It's that green-haired kid from earlier..."
"Midoriya? What do you want about him? He already got an earful from Death Arms and he gave back quite the sass if you ask me, so don't go bite more than you can chew Toshi." He responds with humor, knowing how the All Might was quite the softie outside of work.
"I-I think he has multiple quirks." The symbol of peace reply, nervous sweet on his forehead and Naomasa now notice his friend suit looks crumpled and was put in a hurry. "You interrogated him, right? Can you tell me why I can't find anything on him? I've been shuffling through the files available at my agency. I came up with nothing and Sir Nighteye is still pouting and not responding to my text for ditching our meeting about a potential successor because of the Sludge Villain."
Naomasa understood the fear behind his friend words, All for One's body was never found…
Even when All Might's punch should have ripped his head out of his body you never were prepared enough when dealing with a villain that survived for more than 200 years planning and manipulating.
That and paperwork at the All Might Hero Agency after his sidekick's departure was always utter and complete chaos.
"Toshinori" the use of his full name calmed the man down a bit "The kid is not on files because he is on a classified list at the QRO. The same kind as yours in fact, a rare quirk that no one really managed to point out before two years ago and an accident made it impossible to contest what the kid was saying as false."
"What kind of quirk does he have?"
"Can't say."
"I signed a document the kid's advisor gave me. A particular thing only usable by her department and some secret services that are so deep rooted that they're considered as a fable or urban legends among detective and other law enforcement.
Basically, it makes it that when I talk about Izuku Midoriya's Quirk 'actual' effects, the people mentioned by the 'Geass' as they call it, will be notified of my location for the next 48 hours, the intentions I had when divulging the subject and who exactly my mind considers I am talking to."
"Then why are you telling me about it so freely?"
Naomasa smirk. "I knew that a kid who would deliberately jump into a hostage situation, when you were around out of time and energy, would definitely be someone you would be interested in and asked for you to be included in the allowed to information list on my side.
In brief, I can talk to you about everything related to the 'Geass' up to the point of the quirk. Beyond that, I am forced to arrange a meeting with Miss. Midoriya and Miss. Tohno to allow you in on the kid's quirk."
"What if your sister or anyone else hears about that?"
"If the information is leaked through my side, I am notified first and can deal with it accordingly. If I fail, then the contract punish me."
"Punish you?"
The smile he gave was strained. "You don't wanna know."
The 'apt description' of what Sora Tohno AND the 'Royal Vampire' would do to him if words got out will haunt him for the weeks to comes that's for sure. Toshinori was a soft boy, he doesn't deserve that.
"Okay… If he isn't linked to All for One, then… I would like to push for him to be a candidate to inherit One for All."
"Didn't you just tell me that Nighteye had one for you already?"
"… Shit! I guess I'll meet Nighteye's candidate first… but I would still like to do something about Young Midoriya. To not lose that link with him until he joins U.A. at least. I'll ask Nezu to think of something."
Naomasa sweat dropped at that. There was a way for a Pro Hero to be linked to a promising hero in the making and Toshinori wasn't seeing it.
The two began to make their way to a ramen shop. Toshinori's stomach was still missing and he would get an earful from Recovery Girl at his next check-up, but damn he was dying for some ramen since coming back to Japan.
Midoriya Residence, Musutafu City.
The next morning
EMIYA woke up at 6:30. Unlike the other servants, he wasn't one who laze around in bed and was usually the first to wake up.
What was different this morning however was that unlike every day, Izuku didn't came back from the Dojo to take a shower.
Finding it strange, he made his way toward the Dojo and silently advanced towards the teen who was supposed to be training like usual.
He found Izuku, sweating a lot more than usual, as if he upped his training not to the next level but to the one even beyond.
But the thing that stood out the most to him was that the circular target of archery was riddled with arrows, a LOT of arrows.
Some had definitely missed at first, his Reality Marble confirmed it for him when he looked at Izuku's training bow.
But this time, Izuku persevered. He shot, again and again for hours since before dawn and when he manage to hit a target for the first time in two years, it was like a dam broke loose and he shot volley after volley of arrows into the center.
It was only ten minutes ago, when the last arrow in his quiver was emptied into the bullseye, splitting one of his previous shot in half, that he collapsed onto the floor, a smile on his face.
It wasn't Unlimited Blade Works that told him that last part, no it was the fact that the kid still had this smile, even in his sleep.
"Maybe that's what 'Plus Ultra!' means in this world." Mused the servant, picking his Master up in his arms, ready to let the teen sleep in for the day.
End of Chapter 3
Author's Note: Oh! My! Goodness!
344 Followers and 297 Favorites. 10k views! I love you guys and I'm super happy to see so many people reading the things my mind can come up with.
Sorry for the more than one-month period between the second and the third chapter but you know what it is: End of Summer, looking for a job, the new term, etc. …
In the end, even if I had all the scenes for the chapter prepared, I didn't have the necessary time to finish them or had to stop mid process, making me unsatisfied with a lot of them and making me redo a lot of them (Look again at Medea's passage, I think I'm gonna rewrite it if you feel like it is not clear enough).
By chance, all those unfinished bouts of writing allowed me to plan for a lot of events and characterization (Spoiler: You're gonna love Nezu and watching me troll Endeavor).
As for the actual content of the chapter I decided to have an extended day compared to Manga/Anime because seriously even in a hostage situation they let Bakugo get out scot free and not send to the hospital. The kid, while forced, set the market street in flame for f sake; call his parents at let to check with the insurance.
For Izuku's [Possibility] 'Enhancements', I'm giving an internet cookie and the response to any question that he/she/they have concerning the story if you manage to find where I got the idea from. Hint : You are looking for a video game.
The new element is [Grain, a specific point of "Notes." A relatively unknown of the Nasuverse even amongst the more hardcore fan I know in my friend circle. Don't question too hard on it and let me do the magic with it, I think you are gonna like what I have planned.
Katsuki's fans I'm waiting for you in reviews if you think he was OOC and I'm ready to prove to you that "Aldera Junior High's Bakugo" would not have make a great hero maybe not even pass the U.A. entrance exam if he didn't encounter the Sludge villain.
Izuku's showing his "Emiya-ness" a lot more but I still think I didn't miss the mark too much on his "Deku-ness" if you consider his current lifestyle. And if disrespecting Death Arms is disturbing you because Izuku is acting like a brat, wait until I'm reaching Todoroki, you will understand the concept of Teenager then.
Let's not forget my first OC for this Story: Sora Tohno.
For those who don't understand what she is here is the summed-up version :
200 years ago, the events that gave birth to Quirks happened and the Harem of a certain Satsujinki named Shiki Tohno composed of Arcueid, Akiha, Ciel, Hisui and Kohaku was about to be wiped along with their children.
Arcueid sacrificed herself for everyone, only a piece of hair in the form of an Ahoge with a small part of her Ego protect the decent of the Tohno bloodline.
The actual dynamic in the genealogic family tree is lost to time if people wanna call me out on it. Please roll with it.
The event that led to her intervening and what happened to have servant leading a civilian live will be disclosed during the 10 month of hell and the reunion between Toshinori and Sora.
Final point, before I let you do all the questioning : I decided on what the Omake part of my story will named and it should be coming later than chapter 4.
"The Heroic deeds of Kantonika Street"
Its name having been lost to time during the 200 years after Quirks, this street was named after a random anecdote from one of the local trying to guide a tourist. Today, Kantonika Street is the occupied by a diverse lot of shops, merchants and cafes. It is the domain of Heroics Spirit, normal people and the most absurd of shenanigans.
It's all for me folk, so please fav, review and see you soon.
[1] Saber Alter's dress for Type-Moon's 10th anniversary collaboration with Dollfie. It can be found on the Type-Moon wiki.
Why this because Saber Alter is out from the current roster both for Heroes and Villains, so I wanted her in some way in the story.
In short, I gave Inko her dress and her favorite food /eating habits.