SIX MONTHS LATER. She sat in agony and semi-blindness amid chaos. Then as she began to recover her consciousness, she found herself crouching by a pillar some distance from where she had been standing: she saw a place where tables and chairs were all upside down, there was an enormous explosion.

It was as though a fist of orange flame had decided to punch its way out of the main building. Windows shattered. Smoke and fire rushed out. Thousands of pieces of glass and steel, a deadly rainfall, showered down. Alarms - shrill and deafening- erupted. A huge bite had been taken out of the side and the roof of the building.

Natasha coughed because of the smoke that had begun to enter her lungs. "Are you alright?" Slowly, there was a low voice of a male voice; sounds really worried.

Natasha was holding her ear-comm, emphasizing the instrument in her ear, so she could hear more clearly. She coughed again, her eyes burning hot from the roaring smoke.

"Natasha .. are you alright?" The voice came again; louder than before.

"I'm fine. Just got hit hard enough against the wall." Natasha answered in a hoarse voice. Slowly she tried to get up from the corner holding on to the pillar for support. Her body felt as if I had been bruised in every corner, yet her wobbly legs gave it away. She was back to her position, sat helplessly on the floor, with insufferable pain both in her legs and her back.

The man grunted. "I should have been there with you." Natasha rolled her eyes.

"Take care of your arm first." Natasha peered back from behind the wall where she sat helplessly.

"I did feel better."

"Feel better my ass. Even last night I could hear you whining in pain in your sleep." another sound; clearly a man's voice, different from the first voice in Natasha's ear.

"If only I hadn't broken my arm on last mission, I would definitely be there with you guys." That first man's voice was annoyed. He even grunted loudly, loud enough to be heard in Natasha's ear.

"Guys, "Please stop talking. We're in the middle of a gun battle." This time the voice was clear as a woman but it only sounded more hoarse and deeper, accompanied with the sound of laser gun being shot.

Natasha scanned the room behind her. She held her breath, straining to hear with every ounce of her concentration.

She could hear footsteps approaching towards her. Lucky for her, the steps that sounded only for one or two people maximum. Every step they took, she could hear the sound of cracking glass being stepped on, the sound of wood breaking when stepped on. And the sound was getting closer to her.

When the long muzzle of the weapon was aimed at her, she picked up the muzzle quickly, got up quickly, elbowing the person very hard; able to dizzy the person's head. She kicked that man, knocked his head with the weapon. She threw her widow's bite to the other direction, poked another armed guy's head with his weapon, hard enough to knock him unconscious.

"While you guys bickering, I knocked two people down in east side." Natasha informed other people in her ear.

"Thanks Natasha, that was what I had in mind," said the other girl as well. Another grunted and gunshots heard in Natasha's ear, then she heard the voice coming back, "North side cleared."

"Okay. Here me out, guys. All cleared, Rocket and Nebula, meet Widow in the lab, cover her as she secure the package."

"Roger that, Rogers." Oh he swore he could hear Natasha's smirk through the ear comms. "Alright guys, meet me at the east side third floor. Gotta need that back up."

"You have ten minutes before the security guard back to catch you up. Hurry, and be safe."

Steve Rogers sat at the compound, the New Avengers Facility's conference room. For a year now, this place had been operating as the new Avengers Facility led by either Natasha and himself; mostly Natasha.

Natasha had regained her strength; she again gathered the remaining superheroes such as Rocket Racoon, Nebula, Captain Marvel; which seems hard to contact because she was always outside the reach of galaxies. Several times they did joint missions, with the help of James Rhodes or Rhodey of course. With Rhodey's position in the government, it was enough to help them find out some information about their missions. Or simply asked them for help for missions.

Usually as a pair of excellent duo teams, Black Widow and Captain America could complete the mission alone. But sometimes it doesn't hurt to get additional help from Rocket Racoon or Nebula. Although most missions were completed by Captain America himself. Didn't know what got into him, but every mission he did seemed to be a tool to redeem himself, as well as a tool to make his brain continues to work without having to think about other things that were not necessary, such as the fact that this could be the end of time; as most people believe.

For the most part, Natasha would remain at the Avengers Facility, while others will go on missions. Natasha would act as a team control or simply their quarterback, which was tasked with overseeing or acting as a second eye for them, she would help to direct or coordinate them while they were on missions. In addition, with Natasha at the compound, could help collect other information needed, or just waiting for news from Captain Marvel who was still on duty out there, or even waiting for news there could be little information about the existence of Bruce Banner.

Steve Rogers felt someone patted his shoulder. And when he turned his head, he found Rhodey with his hands folded in front of his chest, smiling at him. "Turn off the earcomm," he said, pointing to his own ear, instead of the device in Steve's ear. "I've never seen you so worried about Natasha," he said in a slightly mocking tone.

"What?" Steve rolled his eyes. "I'm just doing my job."

"Job my asss!" Rhodey snorted, emphasize the s in the last word.

"I'm serious, Rhodes. I just don't want anything to happen to them because I'm the one who can't go to work."

"Who told you to break your arm." said Rhodey again, still mocking. "And don't worry I won't tell her."

"It's been a long time for Natasha to return to the field. She's usually here, as a QB, and I don't think I'm good as one."

"Yeah, that's just because you said that she was safer when she was here." Rhodey pointed out the room with both of his hands. "Seriously, Cap. What danger we, she could possibly get?"

"I never said that. I mean, I'd better be out there, on a mission. It's better to have one agent hurt, who has super soldier strength and fast healing abilities."

Rhodey shook her head, and raised his lips in a smirk. "All right, anything that can help you sleep well, Captain." Rhodey chuckled and put back his ear-comm. "And by the way, if she heard you talking like that, she would kick your ass."

Steve averted his gaze from Rhodey, and looked back at the screen in front of him. His hand put the earcomm back into his ear. When the earcomm was back on, he could hear Natasha's melodic voice. "Package secured. Return to compound in three hours."

Steve nodded his head accidentally, even though Natasha couldn't see him nod. "Okay, be careful."

As was known, in the absence of Captain America in duty because of an arm injury he suffered, forced Natasha as Black Widow must return to field duty. It was just because of concerns from Steve Rogers, made them had to bother contacting Rocket Racoon and Nebula as additional reinforcements. After the mission was completed, and the package was successfully secured, the biological weapons were returned to S.H.I.E.L.D or what was left of S.H.I.E.L.D, of course, with the knowledge of the government.

After that, Rocket Racoon and Nebula returned to duty around the universe as they usually did. They would only stop on Earth about once a month, no more than a maximum week. Joining the new Avengers team made by Natasha, making both Rocket Racoon and Nebula must report to the compound regularly, as their monthly check up.

Natasha had just come out of her room, hair still wet from a morning shower, when she found Steve Rogers was very clean and neat; in a pair of jeans and a tight black T-shirt that wraps every muscle. She saw Steve sitting at the dining table, with the TV on, broadcasting the latest news. In front of Steve was a plate of toast with peanut butter on top. Oh, of course she knew it was peanut butter, lately she and Steve were both craving for a peanut butter sandwich.

Natasha walked to the refrigerator in the kitchen, took a carton of milk and poured it in the glass next to Steve; his glass. She took a sip, then sat down next to Steve. Lately, their relationship increased to the limit where there were no restrictions on the use of cutlery together.

"What's the news this morning?" Natasha asked. She cracked her neck a bit and stretched her arms. She still felt sore from her muscle, mostly on her backside and her arms. She literally had a swollen bump on her backside, from a bruise she got when slammed down on a wall by her attacker.

Steve looked a little surprised by Natasha's presence, then smiled as he looked away from the TV. "Morning, Nat." Steve, then handed the plate of sandwiches to Natasha, which she gladly accepted. This peanut butter sandwich spoke a lot like it was their thing. Because really, they both liked it very much.

Steve pushed the button on the remote control and the volume of the TV raised up. The screen was showing a reporter who was preaching about The Wall of Vanished, which had just been built in a downtown park, close to the town hall.

For a year, governments from all over the world finally managed to record the many victims who died or disappeared as a result of the Thanos attack. And to commemorate this, every city in the world agreed and has built a monument containing all the names of people who have been reported as victims.

The Wall of the Vanished is a memorial to fallen citizens planted in every city in the world, who turned to dust or went missing after the events of Snap. The Walls of the Vanished were erected and consisting of a large number of marble slabs engraved with the names of people who died or disappeared as a result of the Snap.

"They will announce officially The Wall of Vanished later this afternoon." said Steve, chewing on his sandwich. Natasha took a deep breath, she walked and sat on the sofa, next to Steve.

"The data collection finally finished, huh?"

"Rhodey invited us to attend the inauguration," Steve said as he watched Natasha staring at a TV screen that displayed rows of monuments lined in a large courtyard.

"Invite us as Black Widow and Captain America, or as Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers, huh?"

"What is the difference?" Steve asked quietly. Of course he knows what's the difference. The names that will be displayed would include the real names of some of the Avengers team members they had reported. And if only the world didn't know who they were besides their moniker's name, they were actually the closest friends of Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers, and not just as a sidekick from Black Widow and Captain America.

"Of course it makes a difference." Natasha answered softly. It seems she did have the same perspective with Steve.

"I will follow your choice, it is up to you to be present as Black Widow or as Natasha Romanoff."

"If that's your choice?"

"I'll be Steve Rogers of course."

"Exactly what I thought. We will go together right?"

Steve nodded, snatching his glass from Natasha's hand, he took a slow sip of those fresh milk. "Of course."

That afternoon, they were really present at the inauguration of The Wall of Vanished. And because it is open to the public, besides them, of course many other visitors came. Many families of those who were victims attended and witnessed the names of the victims; pay their last respects, because this monument was the closest thing to them as a funeral for the victims.

Natasha stood in front of one of the walls, as her hand gently stroked the wall with the name Wanda Maximoff engraved there. Indeed, Wanda was a Sokovian, but she died while fighting with the Avengers. So instead of putting the name Wanda in her hometown, Wanda's name was displayed in the same city as the Avengers Facility.

"I see, you have found Wanda." said Steve beside Natasha. Along with her, he placed a bouquet of flowers for Wanda; juxtaposed with several other belongings belonged to other victims, which had been placed by the victim's family.

"Oh Ronald, why are you leaving us so fast. You were only five years old, you haven't even been able to ride your two-wheeled bicycle, you just took one of your teeth off." Softly heard sobs of other family, who stood behind them. The wife sobbed in the arms of her husband. Natasha paid attention to the names of the other victims, her eyes scanned bunch of the names engraved on the wall. Ronald Montgomery plastered in the lower right corner on the same board with Wanda's name attached.

She and Steve did not know any Ronald Montgomery, but the mother's sobs were enough to slice Natasha's heart. Bringing her memories from the past about Wanda, about the small family she had while she joined the Avengers team. A small family that she never thought she would get while working as a crime justice.

As he watched the tears dripping from Natasha's eyes, Steve ventured to gently embrace Natasha's shoulder. He rubbed her shoulders with care, mimicked what the husband did to his wife who was crying hysterically behind them.

As if she didn't want to be a spectacle, Natasha erased the trail of tears on her cheeks and looked up, raising her head that had been leaning against Steve's broad chest, looking at Steve's direction; watching his hard jaw, sharp chin, and a little of the stubble on his chin that he hadn't had time to shave.

"I didn't see James' name."

Steve nodded slowly, his eyes still attached to Wanda's name engraved on the wall. "I registered it in Brooklyn, most likely his name will be on the NY Wall of Vanished."

"You haven't seen it?"

"It will be inaugurated next month." Steve said simply.

"Don't worry, I'll be there with you, when it's done. I'll accompany you to visit him." said Natasha slowly then kissed Steve on the cheek, more precisely to his clenched jaw, because that was the only height she could reach if she didn't tiptoe or if Steve didn't lower his head a little.

Day after day passed just like any other day passed, with Natasha stayed at the facility and Steve being outside fighting crime. Sometimes Natasha would be in an orphanage. And that's where Steve just believed that Natasha could indeed multitasking.

How not, sometimes during the day she would be in an orphanage, looking after some children, even willing to sponsor donations for some children there. She would be there, just helping out, or sometimes she was there entertaining children by reading books or teaching them a number of things including how to defend themselves or just play together with them.

Natasha helped government agencies and took care of the children of victims of decimation who lost their parents. Although initially it was only an input from Steve to fill her spare time by helping the orphanage, but after going through a long debate in her, Natasha also realized this. Basically, she would've made sure all of these children grew up with a family, which is something she never had.

And today was quite tiring for Natasha. A child there, had a fever high enough to wet his pants and was troublesome enough to wet the mattress. She and some of the orphanage nurses had to look after the child, even though it should not look like taking favorite, while the other children also need their attention.

Quite tiring until she could feel aches in the back to her waist, due to a child asking to play piggyback with her. If she didn't agree with all this from the beginning, she wouldn't be crazy enough to let a child use her back as a playmat. But by listening to the cheerful laughter of the little girl while playing with her, more or less it reduced her annoyance.

She just laid down on the couch that was comfortable enough for her back, when Steve appeared with a cup of warm tea in his hand. "Here," he said while smiling as he handed the glass to him. "Helps relax the body, smell the aroma, smell good enough to relieve fatigue."

"And since when did you act as a therapist?"

Steve chuckled, "Copying Banner's habits, of course. When he left the facility, he left his aromatherapy tea, too. Enough to help on a tough day." Steve pointed at the counter in the kitchen, where Banner used to hide all his aromatherapy tea.

"Thank you." Natasha took a sip of her tea, a nice aromatherapy tea, in a cute cup she never thought The Facility had it.

Tea can be a chatting companion, a dining companion, or even just a friend to relax in the morning or afternoon. Drinking tea in the afternoon could make relaxing time more enjoyable. Tea did not only has a distinctive taste and aroma, but it was also stored various benefits for the body.

Have you ever felt calmer after consuming tea? Yes, one of the benefits of tea was that it can deal with stress. Tea contains the amino acid L-theanine which could reduce the stresses. Regular tea consumption was known to cause reducing the hormone cortisol which was produced when stresses happened.

"Pepper came for a while and visited, gave this to us." Steve pushed an invitation to Natasha. There, laying on top of the coffee table, were two invitation cards. In pink rectangular shape, with 3D embossed floral pattern on top, and a big Monotype Corsiva of "Tony and Pepper".

"WHAT? THEY ARE GETTING MARRIED ?" cried Natasha in surprise.