Hello, it's me. And no this isn't a new chapter. I know you've been waiting for a long time now, but it still isn't quite finished yet. But, I can say that the chapters almost done thanks to the help of some good people such as Ninjamon1228, Peng nin, Light He'arth, and TheSaintsFollower. They've been helping out with the plot and once that's done all that's left is to check it for any errors. So it should be soon.
But that's not why I am posting this. Recently I've looked back at some of my chapters for this story and if noticed some grammar errors and for that, I deeply apologize greatly. I don't know if its the piece of junk I write this on or the website, probably my phone, but whenever I transfer my chapters onto here some of the words I've written don't appear. But that's besides the point, you see I wish I could go back and fix these errors, unfortunately I don't have the time to do that and write new chapters during at the same time due to my responsibilities in real life.
That is why I am asking you, my wonderful followers who have enjoyed this story so far despite it's many flaws, to help with that. You see I am looking for any Beta Readers to help fix the previous chapters grammar errors, so if anyone would like to help, please PM me if you wish to help.
I know it might sound like I'm asking you for too much. And I apologise if it seems that way. But I simply don't have the time to go back and fix anything. If you don't wish to help, that is fine. As long as I have your support, then that's all I need.
Thank you for being so patient with me, and I hope that you're all doing well during these times.
P.S: To a certain Guest Reviewer that's been leaving some rather negative, insultive comments. If you've got nothing nice to say, don't bother commenting because I will delete your comment immediately.