Chapter 4

Reread the first part of Chapter 3 (the dream part) and read the first three paragraphs in the A.N. section below in that chapter, I changed a lot of major details. Ignore this message if you read Chapter 3 after the 23/7/19.

Disclaimer: I do not own Toaru Majutsu no Index or Shinyaku Majutsu no Index or High School DxD or any of their characters.


Kuoh Academy…

Multiple glares of hatred that was filled with murderous intent was focused on a boy poor right now. Ah, how did it go so wrong? It was meant to be a fresh how did Kamijou Touma's first day at his new school go so downhill? The answer was the guy sitting to his left who was currently trying to show Touma some porn magazines.

When the unlucky teen had first showed up, Issei immediately shouted out his name. Seeing the way Touma and Issei knew each other, their teacher placed him at the back of the class with Issei.

'How on earth did Issei think that it was a good idea to bring his porn magazines into class?' Touma looked up at his teacher up at the front, either ignorant or ignoring the presence of porn in his class. 'And why hasn't Kenzaki-sensei confiscated it yet?!' Touma's internal rambling was brought to a halt when stares of disgust were shot at him again. The girls in his class had no doubt heard Issei's extremely vivid descriptions about the porn magazines, why they were staring at him and not Issei?

"Such misfortune." Touma could only smack his head against his desk, hoping that it would hide his face and that it would ward off any attention. It didn't. The unlucky teen overheard something a girl said,

"Ugh...can't believe another one's joining them, the Perverted Trio is becoming the Perverted Quartet."

And now you could basically feel the depression coming from Touma. He grimaced at the thought of joining Issei and his two friends, Matsuda and Motohama. It's not that they were bad people, they were just too damn perverted.

Although the boy was feeling a slight hint of familiarity and nostalgia. After all, wasn't the Delta Force, a trio consisting of Touma and his two friends, Tsuchimikado Motoharu and Aogami Pierce basically the same thing as the Perverted Trio?

The only difference was that the Delta Force was a lot more violent, two of their members were involved in stuff a normal high school student shouldn't even know about and that there was no Girl of Steel Walls to balance out the trio's perversity and stupidity...and the Perverted Trio had an unhealthy and extreme obsession with the female body. That wasn't to say that the Delta Force wasn't interested as well, but they were more focused on the tropes and types and the personalities instead of the physical aspects.

Touma raised his head to focus on the teacher and what was written on the board. He wouldn't want to risk staying back another grade, he had to ask Accelerator for a favour to avoid staying back in his first year due to his basically non-existent attendance and his poor average grades.

'Hmm? This all seems pretty easy.' It was stuff that he had already learnt from his old school back in Academy City. After seeing this, Kamijou simply sat idly, daydreaming and hoping that the day would end soon.


Gremory Rias and her Queen, Himejima Akeno was calmly walking towards the gate of Kuoh Academy. After bumping into that spiky-haired boy, they had arrived at the gate where two people were already gathered.

"Sona, any signs of the intruder?" The red-haired girl spoke first.

"No," Another voice replied. The owner was a slim, petite and black-haired girl. This was Sitri Sona, also known as Shitori Souna to the human world.

"The intruder is gone, whether or not they entered the school is unknown and the entire barrier is gone."

Rias raised an eyebrow at that. Usually when someone broke through a barrier, only a hole would be made. It could be compared to a wall, if you were invading a walled fortress, would it be more efficient to just create a hole, saving more time and effort or would you just tear down the entire thing?

"The entire barrier?"

"Yes, the entire barrier is gone now so we can't exactly pinpoint what entrance the intruder used." Ahh, it made sense to Rias now, it was for stealth reasons. Sona continued on.

"I already ordered my peerage to double check on any other barrier, I assume you did the same?"

"Yeah, everything else is intact. Did you find anything?"

"No, nothing has been reported missing or destroyed."

"?" A confused expression made its way to Ria's face.

That was weird. Why break a barrier if you weren't going to do anything. The only reason you would do that was if you wanted to taunt someone or if it was an accident.

The former was unlikely since there was no message given or any actual taunts, just a broken barrier while the latter was even more unlikely. How do you possibly accidentally destroy a barrier created by one of the strongest magicians ever, seconded only by Merlin himself?

"For now, I can try and get a temporary barrier up. It won't be as good as the original one, but it'll suffice for now. In the meantime, can you contact your brother and get his bishop here?"

Rias grimaced in reply.

"He's just gonna panic about the intruder and go all overprotective over me though."

"Well, if I was your brother, I would panic about the intruder as well, not anyone can just completely destroy a battier created by one of the greatest magicians ever to live."

Rias let a sigh escape her in response.

"I guess you're right."

"Good. Now back to class, you've still got classes."

A groan escaped the redhead this time.

Azazel's apartment…

"Shemhazai! Come in, come in! The door's unlocked."

A man in purple came through the door and entered the pentroom. This was Shemhazai, one of the leaders of the Grigori.

"Azazel, I'm extremely busy so why did you tell me to come here? And why aren't there any defense setup here? There could be spies or assassins you know?"

"Ahh, don't worry. Here, sit down, you want anything?" Azazel gestured towards the table where he was sitting. Shemhazai took a seat.

"No, I'm fine, now hurry up, out with it, I am busy today."

"Right, so remember my message when I told you about the new kid I picked up?"

"Kamijou Touma, the spiky-haired kid right? I just encountered him at the elevators. What's so special about him?"

"Did you notice anything off about him?"

"No, he's just a normal kid."

"What about his magical power?"

"Non-existent." Azazel flashed a knowing look to Shemhazai. The man in purple widened his eyes in response.

"Impossible. How can he have no magical power? Even the average humans have some, albeit very little. Almost every if not all living creature has one." That was true, even the living dead had some. Magical power was provided by the soul, for him to have any, did the boy have no soul?

"Hehe, you finally got it. Took you awhile eh?" Unlike Azazel, Shemhazai was not amused.

"Who is he? It can't be a Sacred Gear, is it?"

"No, no, this is much more interesting. Hell, this is probably more dangerous than the Longinus Spear."

"Explain." Shemhazai quickly responded.

"Hehe, eager aren't we? Anyway, from what the kid told me, his right arm can negate anything supernatural. That's why my defenses are gone now. Literally just took one step through the door and boom. A state of the art barrier gone in an instant. I didn't bother to put it back up since he's staying here and would probably negate it again and again and again every time he entered and left the apartment."

Shemhazai merely deadpanned at Azazel in response.

"Are you serious? He could be lying you know, an ability like that doesn't just come out of nowhere. It was most likely just a trick or something. You probably slacked off on your barrier like you do everything else."

"That's why I tested it out when he was asleep. It checks out. Anything with a supernatural origin was destroyed with no trace remaining, with no exceptions, although some required more time in contact with his arm than the others. Anything enchanted loses every supernatural feature they have. Hell, I even tested it on myself, if I had kept holding his right hand for even a few more seconds, I probably would've died and disappeared."

Shemhazai dropped his jaw to the ground in response.

"What?! This is big. How did you even find this kid? How has anyone not find him sooner, anyone with common sense would want him on their side."

"Oh, I just found him by coincidence. As for how no one found him, I did a little digging. I searched up his name. No one has the name Kamijou. Kamijou Touma doesn't even exist in the system. Facial recognition and name doesn't give anything. He's a complete and utter ghost."

"I'm assuming you want to train and recruit him? He could be a spy you know." Azazel grinned in response.

"No, he doesn't feel like one. He's too kind and I've checked out his possessions. Although I can't access his memories for some reason and he is pretty secretive about his past. Either he's a very good actor and can hide things very well or he's just a normal kid with an extraordinary ability. My money's on the latter."

"An amateur then. Are you going to get someone to train him and try to recruit him? This could affect our attempts for peace with the other two factions. They could see it as preparation for another war considering we already have two Longinus users."

"Relax, Michael and Sirzechs would do the same if they were me. He doesn't need training as well, despite his personality, he's experienced. I can tell. The first time I saw him, he knocked out a stray devil with two punches without a scratch on him. Also got a pretty aged scar on his body."

"Impressive, for a supposedly normal human anyway."


"So what do you want to do with him?"

Another grin appeared on Azazel's face.

"Hehe, I have an idea."

'This should be good.' Shemhazai sarcastically thought.

"Do you remember the Sacred Gear remover I made a few years ago?"


'Finally!' Touma celebrated inside his mind. 'Classes are over and I don't have to handle anymore perve-' Whispers suddenly surrounded the unlucky teen walking outside of his classroom and into the hallway.

"Hey, isn't that the new pervert?"

"Ugh...he should just go die."

"W-w-wait! I'm not one of them! I swear, I'm not a pervert!" Touma's cries went unheard. The unlucky teen fell to his knees and did something completely new.

"Ahh, God, I know you're real! I apologise for the one time I punched one of your Archangel so please! Forgive this Kamijou-san!"

If the boy was attentive enough, he would have noticed someone nearby who flinched at his words and quickly escaped the vicinity.

"H-hey, Kamijou-san?"

"Hmm?" Touma looked up from his kneeling pose to see Issei. "Yeah, what's up?"

"M-maybe you should stop kneeling and praying. You're creeping out a lot of people." Touma realised where he was.

"Geez, not only is he a pervert, he's a weirdo as well?" Tears came flowing out of Touma's eyes in responses to those cruel words.

"Such misfortune!" He cried out.

"H-hey, stop crying. Let's go get some lunch man." And so, for the next minute or so, Issei was forced to drag our beloved hero across the floor to the cafeteria.

A few minutes later…

Touma and Issei was now eating lunch in the cafeteria, with the rest of the Perverted Trio doing God knows what.

Whilst they were eating, Touma noticed something odd. 'Ehh? That girl is looking at Issei pretty intensely. What's up with her?' He noticed a white haired girl at the corner of the cafeteria, staring only at Issei.

Touma elbowed Issei.

"Hey, Issei."

"Hmm? Yeah, what?" Touma pointed to the corner of the room.

"Look over there. There's someone who keeps staring at you."

"Ehh?" Issei looked up from his food and towards where Touma was pointing. "What are you talking about? There's no one there."

"No look, there's a girl right thereee?" But the girl was now gone.

"Huh, are you sure you aren't imagining it?!"

"No, I swear, there was a girl right there, staring at you."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, buddy." It was obvious that Issei didn't believe Touma. 'But it was the truth, who was that girl?'

The bell rang and it was time to go back to class.


Ahh, the long and tedious and boring school day was over and now, Touma was currently outside of his temporary home.

As he slowly opened the door, using a key provided to him to unlock it and walked into the pentroom, Touma was planning to confront Azazel about the barrier and the potential supernatural beings residing at the academy.

The boy looked up to see the man himself, standing there, looking like he was waiting for Touma for a very long time.

"Ahh! Touma, you're back. Wanna go help out a bunch of random folks who you don't know for absolutely no rewards in another city?"


"...Wait, really? I was half joking, was gonna pay you and all but wha-"

"No no no, wait! Pay me, I was joking!"

"Nope, too late! Now hurry up, the car's downstarts outside the entrance." Azazel made his way to the door.

"Ehh, wait what?"

"It's bring your random kid you found on the streets to work day. It's time to visit the Grigori HQ like you always wanted! It's gonna be a fun time!"

Touma merely let a sigh escape his mouth.

"Such misfortune."


So this came out pretty late, I wanted to wait until after the latest new novel of TAMNI was translated. The novel has some new information about Kamijou's power and I'm trying to incorporate them into this story, sorry for the delay.

For the record, Kamijou thinks the DxD verse is just his original world with more phases and modified ones, he doesn't actually know he's in another universe.