
I don't own anything. RWBY is not owned by me. It is owned by talented people. I'm a nobody. Please don't sue me.


Falling Stars

The hover bike was stubby, with a barrel-like body long enough for two people to sit comfortably, and a large plasma-jet engine projecting out from each side near its back. The front had a traditional handlebar control system for the pilot, with the tip tapering to a metal grill, which covered the large air intake for the thrust assembly. The entire bike was painted black and yellow, with a faux-gold trim and orange highlights that resembled flames here and there.

The bike was resting on a cheap wooden cradle that allowed it to sit on its side without scratching the paint or denting the frame, exposing the Dust based lift-field system. It was partially disassembled, with only a couple of small flashlights positioned to illuminate the delicate machinery that allowed the vehicle to defy the bonds of gravity..

Sitting in front of it, a screwdriver in her mouth to free up a hand to hold the delicate lift system in place while she worked a spanner to tighten it down after fixing it, was a short, thin young woman with unevenly cut black and red hair. Her bright silver eyes focused intently on her work, her cute face a mask of concentration as she carefully finished the maintenance.

She was so focused on her repair work that she didn't even notice someone coming up behind her until they called her name, making her yelp and spit out the screwdriver. "Ruby."

She half turned, shock shifting into annoyance as she recognized who had interrupted her. Despite being half sisters they looked little alike, with the other woman being tall and muscular despite her impressively womanly figure. She had a mass of golden locks on her head, the mess well cared for despite being so wild, and violet eyes that all but glowed in the dim light. She was dressed for a day in town, with a brown leather jacket and shorts which showed off her long, shapely legs and impressive cleavage.

As always Ruby's eyes drifted for just a moment to her sister's right arm, which was made of armored metal painted black and yellow like her hover bike. Guilt churned in her stomach for a moment, before she forcefully ripped her gaze away to look her sister in the eye. "Yang… you scared me."

Yang chuckled, before walking the rest of the way over and plopping down beside Ruby, throwing her flesh and blood arm over her shoulders. "Ah, come on sis, you really need to keep an eye on your surroundings. What if I was a Grimm coming to eat you."

Ruby huffed and returned her attention to the hover bike, turning the spanner again, grunting slightly with the amount of force she was exerting. "You know there's no such thing as Grimm."

"I dunno, that story Uncle Qrow used to tell us when he got drunk was pretty spooky."

Ruby rolled her eyes and huffed. "He also used to warn me not to date white haired ice queens, whatever that's supposed to mean."

"Fine, fine, but you should at least look up every once in a while," Yang said. "The sky is falling and you haven't even noticed."

Ruby took in the stars overhead. Patch had an extremely long day-night cycle, with over forty hours needed to fully rotate from dawn to dawn again, and so its inhabitants had long ago decided to follow Galactic Standard Time rather than trying to adjust to the impossibly long days. That meant that, despite being a perfectly reasonable time to be up by the clock the sun had only recently set, meaning that the sky was a tapestry of stars.

A meteor shower was burning through the atmosphere, bringing a small smile to Ruby's face. Ever since she was little she'd dreamed of traveling the stars just like her parents had done, and even the death of her mother hadn't killed that dream, although growing up had made her realize just how hard it would be to actually live it. Having recently turned eighteen Ruby had begun to doubt that she'd ever get to see the universe, especially since she couldn't bear the thought of leaving her sister behind to do it.

One of the falling stars moved strangely, and after a moment her smile widened into a huge grin. "That one's not a meteor! That's a ship!"

"Huh, you're right," Yang said. "That's kinda weird. That's three ships in the last couple days. We don't usually see that many in a month."

"I wonder if they'll need any repairs done," Ruby said. She loved starships and repairing things, and repairing starships was so much fun she would pay to do it if she had the money. Even better, crews were often willing to pay locals to help with maintenance or repairs while they were in port, and she'd become pretty well known around Patch's only spaceport as the best mechanic and engineer the tiny backwater colony had. Unfortunately, the last two ships hadn't needed anything, with the last one being really rude about saying no. Hopefully the latest would be different, not that she was hoping they were having engine problems! She just wanted to work on the ship.

Yang chuckled. "I was gonna head into port and see if there were any bounties. Wanna come with?"

"Sure!" Ruby said. "Just let me finish fixing this up."

"And go change," Yang pointed out.

Ruby glanced down at her oil stained pajamas and made a face. They were some of her favorites, with cute little rosebuds decorating them, but she'd managed to get them dirty enough to require some serious cleaning before she could wear them again, even if she was willing to go to town wearing her night clothes.

"I should probably grab a shower, too," Ruby said. "Just let me finish this up, first."

"Anything wrong with Bumblebee?" Yang asked as Ruby grabbed the screwdriver to tighten down some connectors.

"You need to be more careful," Ruby grumbled. "You pushed the hover system too hard in that chase, and the Dust crystals are getting burned out, and you know we can't afford to buy more. Dust is just crazy expensive out here."

"It'll work out," Yang said casually, making Ruby roll her eyes as she closed up the maintenance hatch and started to put away her tools. "Now go get cleaned up. You might be a Rose, but you don't exactly smell like one right now, sis."

Ruby stuck her tongue out at her sister but ran off anyway, eager to see what starship had decided to visit their remote home.

Author's Note

This is my new story, another White Rose AU. This is a science fiction universe, and while the main focus will be on Ruby and Weiss, we'll also have quite a bit of screen time with Blake and Yang. Let me know what you think about my story, and I hope that you all enjoy reading it!