Danny watched nervously as few words were exchanged by the pair. There were some questioning looks, happiness he guessed, that crossed them both until Conner made quick steps towards them. Megan walked behind Conner not quite matching his pace but matching his enthusiasm.
They made their way over with both parties facing each other, sweets spread across the table and grinning like mad men. They devoured the sweets especially Danny and Tucker playing 'Chubby Bunny' resulting in a soft milky paste on the grass from where they both tried to eat what was in their mouth. Sam merely rolled her eyes when they threw it up. There was howling laughter when Megan snorted out her water all over Tucker causing Conner to slightly choke on a cola bottle. There where dizzy smiles all around, oblivious from anything and everything around them.
Conner felt happy and dazed, a feeling similar to when he was freed from Cadmus. This feeling however made him feel lighter like he could fly at any moment. He didn't know how to explain it or what it was but something told him that it was because of Danny.
Their temporary haven was cut short however by the teachers. Groans of disappointment erupted from the bench but were drowned over by a wave of cheers fro their peers.
''If you want to keep in contact you have my number Conner, so if you're like passing through Amity Park or something we could meet up or something. It's up to you whatever you know man like you can do what you want.'' Danny was fumbling with words and found is hand returning back to his neck.
''I'll text you tonight.''
Danny stood dumbfounded at Conner's confidence as he walked towards his bus. He could have sworn that Conner smiled with a slight blush but Danny was to focused on the possibility of Conner texting him.
He wanted to text him.
He dragged his eyes from Conner as he disappeared onto the bus back to his friends. They looked as happy as Danny, perhaps even more.
'What's that look for? Let's just go guys, my feet hurt from all this sitting.' Danny mumbled a lame excuse walking past his friends, feeling the rising heat of a blush come onto his cheeks for a second time. He could feel his friend's watchful eyes on him which only embarrassed him more as he quickly made his way towards Mickey and the rest of the nerds standing at the front of bus.
Sam and Tucker shared a look of pure childish glee, running up to Danny they linked arms with him, swinging slightly as they went past the A listers like they use to when they were younger. One by one they filled the bus seats, sitting in their usual self designated seats but Sam had other plans.
Her combat boots thumped as she past seat by seat, row by row, eyes of awe and wonderment followed her as she moved to the back of the bus. She sat proudly in the middle seat at the back, Pauline's throne, overlooking the entire bus and smirked wickedly. Tucker recognised that look in her eyes. It was the devilish excitement she got when she went against authority or disrupted the natural order of things and this time she did both.
She patted the seats next to her watching her friends push each other playfully to grab a seat, both laughing loudly as they landed with a satisfied thump. The A Listers shared looks of disgust and any remarks were quickly silenced by Sam's threatening gaze, mutters of 'freak' and 'weirdo' passed through the A listers as they sat.
The trio shared a look between one another and started giggling together as Dash freaked out over gum he accidentally touched, begging Kwan to pass his hand sanitiser over. Danny looked out his window as he calmed down and looked at the bus as it started to leave the car par. A warm feeling of belonging washed over him. One he hasn't felt since in a long time.
Danny felt wanted, loved and normal.
Feeling the shaking engine of the bus he smiled again, watching the other bus turn the corner. He knows he should feel sad but the thought of Conner's parting words chimed softly in his head like a song, like a promise.
That alone gave him joy that he's never truly felt before.