'Danny how can you believe in different timelines but not different realities. It's not that hard to believe, I mean look back at when your parents were building the ghost portal. You thought that it didn't exist, let alone your parents creating a portal to it, but fate proved you wrong.' Tucker argued back at Danny, who was too tired to care. 'Look Tuck, I've experienced at least two different timelines and timelines are just based on choices.' Danny looked at his so called 'meat' on his tray and decided to scoop a spoonful to chuck at Tucker landing near his food with a awful splat. 'What the hell man! GET THAT SORRY EXCUSE FOR MEAT AWAY FROM ME!' Tucker screamed and jumped up off the bench and grabbed his PDA, cradling it to in hopes protect it. 'Calm down Tucker, it's just some unidentified,inedible meat. In one timeline that could have gone in your mouth or landed in your meatloaf. Just be thankful the cafeteria gave me this instead of my mum's attempts of a turkey.' Danny smirked at Tucker's horrified face, no doubt remembering the Fenton's attempts at Thanksgiving when he came round. Sam came up from behind Tucker and placed a paper bag over his head a pushed Tucker to sit on the bench again.'It's ok Tucker, you're at the brand new modelling agency with all the new tech and lots of women.' Sam said soothingly to Tucker and turned to give Danny to give him a death glare. Danny rolled his eyes and continued to eat the rest of food until Tucker took off the paper bag.

'Are we still up for Nasty burger after school because i haven't eaten anything from it's greasy tables in 18 hours.'Tucker said holding up his PDA with 18:07 across the screen.'How can you eat a cow that they sliced up and murdered.' Sam murmured under her breath. Danny yawed and opened his bag. 'Sorry I have to visit Clockwork.' Danny said holding a sealed letter for them to see. 'He said that this letter will 'prove' myself and to be honest i'm so confused and tired that i'm just going to ask him directly'. Sam took the letter and held it up to the sun only for it to be snatched by Tucker who also wanted to see what he could read from inside. 'Guys be careful with that' Danny whispered loudly trying to grab the letter back without causing a scene. Danny shoved the letter back in his bag quickly and continued to eat. 'I wonder why he give you a letter to 'prove yourself'.' Sam said in thought and started to eat her salad. 'It's probably nothing too extreme. Besides, he seems like a chill ghost and he hasn't meant any harm to you so I think you can trust him man.' Tucker said with pieces of his mum's meatloaf flying out of his mouth occasionally. Sam and Danny looked at Tucker in disgust. Sam turned to the two boys with a worried look, 'you guys remembered to give in you permission slips for the history trip right.' Tucker nodded but Danny on the other hand stopped eating and avoided Sam's eyes. 'Danny, you did remember to give in the slip to Mr Lancer right?' Danny started to slide down under the bench as Sam glared at Tucker. 'WHY IS IT MY FAULT!'Tucker screamed back. 'Because I gave you one job!' Sam yelled back. Danny decided to go intangible and flew to the toilets to read the letter as well as forge his parent's signature for the hundredth time.

When he was finished the bell rang and quickly made his way to his English class with Mr Lancer. Danny for once was on time and not out of breath which shook Mr Lancer to his core. 'Hey Mr Lancer. I hope it's not to late to hand in my permission slip.' Danny said with a smile. Mr Lancer could only stare back in disbelief, processing what was actually happening as Danny took his seat at the back with Sam and Tucker. Other students filled the classroom's seats with the A-listers at the front. 'Well, as you know all of you will be going to the School's annual history trip as a way to further your understanding of cultures and gruesome pasts'-Paulina and Star looked at each other with disgust while some of the boys on the other hand looked giddy and mischievous- 'as a way to hopefully boost you English grades up.' Mr Lancer looked at the A-listers, specifically at Dash, Kwan, Paulina and Star. 'Due to the increase in Ghost attacks we had to collaborate with Happy Harbour High so some of you will be paired up with them.' Groans and complaints filled the classroom as Mr Lancer rolled his eyes and started the lesson.

After school finished Danny flew into the ghost zone and located Clockwork's lair from his poorly drawn map. Danny landed swiftly and called out for Clockwork letting his voice bounce off the walls leaving Danny to feel small and alone. Danny saw a small light appear behind a clock.'Well this isn't creepy at all' Danny mumble to himself as he started to float towards the small light. He moved to grab the clock to move it but a hand on Danny's shoulder stopped him before he could. 'I would advise you to not touch my clocks Daniel. Who knows when and where you could end up'. Danny turned around with a grin. 'Hey Clockwork I assume you know why I'm here and before you say anything I need you to tell me when my fangs will be fully grown. They hurt like crazy at the moment.'Danny said as he rubbed his cheeks. 'Like I told you before Daniel, they will be fully grown in due time. Sooner than you might think actually.' Clockwork floated towards his main clock and watched it swirl and twist. 'You're wondering about the letter I gave you. Time will give you an opportunity to prove yourself as I said before. You understand why I can't tell anything else but all I can tell you is to keep that letter close to you.' Clockwork said with a smile and turned to Danny. 'Why does everything you say make me more confused?'Danny started to scratch his head and said goodbye. When Danny reached the door Clockwork smiled at his clocks. 'The Observants will not be pleased with this.