With my shopping list is now complete, it's time to build my facility to create the virus. But first, I have to find the perfect place to build it. The location I've chosen is Antarctica due to cold and remote setting.
Underneath the ice is H.E.L.A-9. A former research facility previously by Umbrella Inc now owned by Olympus Solutions.
The place is off-the-books to avoid suspicions from privy eyes. It housed a massive cloning chamber that could produce hundreds of clones from the fifty available models and numerous bio-weapons, a virus library where hundreds of viral agents are stored, archived and used, testing areas, alien cryogenic storage facilities, resting quarters for crew(human and androids), and disposal facilities with inter-dimensional portals.
The place is combination of the Umbrella Prime Facility from "Resident Evil: Retribution", the Alien spaceship in "The X-files: Fight the Future", the Cloning lab from "The 6th Day",
A crew consisting of 120 human staff (50 Males/70 Females) and 50 Androids (From Cyberlife) to operate the facilities. They are loyal zealots who believe that humanity needs to evolve to prepare for any unknown events.
For clones, DNA cloning templates from selected healthy and sick (Neither physical, mentally and psychological) individuals are used as test subjects.
They will be used to test the combined versions of the viruses until the perfect one is created.
Stage 1
A cloned specimen(s) are injected with the viral agent and placed in either a testing area to observe the side effects to make improvements or a cryo-pod where the virus will possibly bound to produce and cultivate antibodies or more diverse samples.
Stage 2
Using an advanced 3-D bio-fabrication machine, We'll remove, store, modify and combine the viruses properties (like the Green Poison) to achieve the desired outcome.
Stage 3
Once the desired virus is created, two test runs will be conducted. One in the mock CGI world (similar to The Matrix) to get predictions and results. Another in the real world in our controlled facilities nor our pocket dimensions to back up the data produced from the first test run.
Stage 4
With testing now completed, the finished virus is cultivated and mass-produced for global dispersal.
Cities are selected for mass spread at a limited time. (For example, New York, London, Hong Kong, New Delhi are selected due to large population numbers during celebrations such as New Year's Eve.)
Stage 5
After a delivery method is chosen, Loyal individuals will received an unmarked package from a trusted courier. The package contains an inhaler, a cartridge for the inhaler that's contains the virus payload, and a bottle of water that contains nano-machines designed to stimulate and prepare the body for virus transfusion, and instructions on how to use.
Stage 6 (Final Stage)
Once the virus has been inoculated, a brief incubation period will continue up to three to four days, after that, the virus will start to effect. By the time, patient zero starts to show itself, One will be ten thousands or One million.
The WORLD will never escape what I unleashed.
By the time, they'll find my direct involvement, it will be too late.