Harry Potter and the Dragon of Legend

ESKK: Well here is chapter 2 enjoy and no I don't have anything witty to say here sorry.

(Start Hogwarts Monday Great Hall)

The school was at a buzz when word got out that Harry got himself a familiar and not just any normal familiar either. He got a bloody dragon from what people have read was a thought extinct variant of one. No one had believed it at first until they saw Harry roaming about with the Dragon following him ever loyally. In fact Beau began to make more eyes go torts Harry making him feel like some zoo animal somehow.

But when it came to Draco and his friend as well as a few other Slytherin's… Beau was a good deterrent for such attacks on him. Of course Beau can't stay in the halls like other smaller pets hence why Hagrid was more than happy to keep an eye on him when Harry was at classes. At least until… Beau figured out how to sneak into the castle without Hagrid's notice. So Harry ended up having Beau waiting for him after class by the door as many students who saw him got a surprise seeing the beast laying down waiting.

When it came to meal times Beau was in the Great Hall as well laying down next to Harry's seat sometimes sneaking his head onto his riders lap. The Great Hall was a funny bout as Harry took note to many students who hate there vegetable but did not know how to transfigure it into something else tossing it to Beau who ate it without complaint.

Though there was some problems particularly with Ronald and Scabbers. Apparently Beau did not like Scabbers… at all. In fact Ron at times found himself yelling at Harry whenever Beau saw fit to hunt Scabbers. The rat was terrified of the bigger beast and who could blame him seeing as he was clearly a predator. In fact Harry and Ron couldn't stay near each other if Ron has Scabbers with him. Luckily since Scabbers is in his cage most of the time they were ok. But Ron made it evident to keep Beau as far away from Scabbers as possible.

Right now the group was having breakfast in the Great Hall as Harry had another bout of detention with Lockhart helping him sort his fan-mail. But right now breakfast first problems with 'Professor,' Lockhart later. Beau was with the Golden Trio laying down closest to Harry as they ate their food in peace with Beau. "Blimey Harry he really follows you everywhere." Ron said as Beau was pretty docile around most people with a minor mischievous side to him also.

"Yeah I think everyone know this already Ronald." Hermione said tossing a morsel over to Beau who then stood up and caught it in his mouth with ease. Kind of hard to miss with how big he was after all.

"Still we have classes to attend soon." Harry said as in all honesty he would rather take Potions then DADA with Lockhart still teaching it.

"Of course and once again we will find Beau waiting outside like a good little dragon he is." Hermione gushed and began to scratch his jaw causing him to make a happy growl almost like a purr. It was downright adorable how he could be a menacing and protective dragon one second and an overgrown pussy cat the next second.

Soon owls were heard and in turn the deliveries began starting with the Mail from home and Daily Prophets for subscribers of the Wizarding News. Harry grabbed his and unrolled it and in turn was wide eyed at what he saw.

"Impossible." Harry said as he saw the newspaper page.

"What is it?" Ron asked looking at the paper and in turn Harry shared it with his friends and saw the title of it.

(Start News Article Reading)



During the Summer Months in July Wizards from all over London had claimed to have seen a new species of flightless dragons that could outrun the fastest of brooms. Now this paper saw it fit to look deeper into it and from well-known sources it was revealed The Boy Who Lived London's beloved Harry Potter was the master to one such dragon. It later lead to reveal that an old wives tale of such creatures was not as much a fairy tale as one was lead to believe.

But it would seem London is not the only place in the world meeting with such news. Our neighbors across the pond in the MCUSA (Magical Congress of the United States of America) have also laid claim to sightings of such creatures as well. Even our French rivals seem to have borne witness to these strange yet powerful dragons. The Ministry has begun hunting these creatures to keep them corralled from the muggle world as this advent seemed to have awoken from some sort of long slumber. Or perhaps they are responding to an event and in turn are returning from a long exile.

Could this be the coming of ill omens or perhaps the return of savant at the level of Merlin himself? The Daily Prophet shall do its absolute finest to keep all of our readers updated but one this is for certain of this. Despite Mr. Potter and few others managing to tame these creatures they are NOT for the light of heart. One wrong move may very well mean a death most horrid and painful for those foolish to try.

(End News Article Reading)

Needless to say all eyes were on Beau who saw this as well as it was clear from these pictures Beau was not alone out there. "Bloody Hell." Ron said as he realized Beau wasn't the last of hid kind like they thought he was.

"I don't believe it you're not the only one Beau." Harry said as Beau smiled in response to what Harry said.

"But still it may very well get difficult from now on." Hermione confessed as apparently people had mixed reactions to these old breed of dragons making a comeback from myth.

"I swear this will only get worse." Ron said and then as if a message from fate it got worse… for Ron.

Soon an owl was heard as everyone looked and saw Errol was flying in as a student saw this. "Ron is that your owl?" A Gryffindor asked as Joseph and Elisa looked and knew instantly it was Errol the Weasley family's crazy senile Postal Owl. The nocturnal bird flew in as they all waited for the Owl to land and behold it came in and crashed into the food with the letter in its mouth.

Beau laughed at the scene a bit as he saw Errol make a crash landing. "Bloody birds a menace." Ron said taking the red letter from the Owls mouth. He was of course wide eyed realizing he basically jinxed himself somehow. Errol then got up and took flight as Harry, Beau, and Hermione saw Ron holding the red Letter the owl had delivered. "Oh no!" Ron gasped at what he got as some of the other Gryffindor's saw it also.

"Look everyone Weasley got himself a howler." Came a random Gryffindor as Harry was curious about the 'Howler,'

"Go on Ron open it, I got one from my Gram Once. It was horrible." Neville said as Beau sensed the nervousness from Ron.

Ron began to open the letter as he was expecting the worst while all eyes were currently on him right now. Ron opened the letter with his hands shaking as when he did the charm on it activated. "RONALD WEASLEY!" The letter roared out making Ron dropped it in shock and fright of the angry yelling of his mother. Beau even had to cover his ears from the shrieking hurting his sensitive hearing. The letter then transformed into a mouth as the tirade began. "HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CAR?! I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED! YOUR FATHER IS NOW FACING AN INQUARY AT WORK AND IT'S ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT! IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE WE WILL BRING YOU STRAIGHT HOME!" The letter yelled as Ron nodded in understanding before the letter turned to Ginny. "Oh and Ginny darling congratulations on making Gryffindor your father and I are so proud." Ginny said as Ginny smiled glad the howler was praising her instead of yelling like what Ron got.

The letter then faced back to Ron before it began to tear itself apart. Needless to say many began to wonder what took the Howler so long but no doubt with all the owls flying about delivering reports of the sighting of these Dragons the first one that was sent may have either gotten lost forcing the owl to return. Now that these deliveries had died down Ron's howler had arrived at last.

Most of the Gryffindor's now had eyes on Ron as Harry was surprised while Beau was lifting his head hoping the yelling was over. Hermione of course was giving Ron a judgmental glare as Ron looked away in shame while Harry carefully eased away from their sight right now.

"You deserved it." Hermione said as she wouldn't even humor the idea of stealing her family's car like that. What was worse Hermione was willing to wager that Ron managed to crash the car somehow. Typical of most young boys eager to drive without parental super vision. A crash was imminent especially in a joyride.

Beau looked at Ron and began to laugh at him a bit as Ron glared at the beast who all but despised his rat Scabbers. Worst start of the day of his life thus far.

(Scene Break Hogs Head Pub)

Aberforth was having a slow day as it was not a Hogsmeade weekend for when students would come over to the town on their time of. His pub was having a slow going business day right now as his busy time was Friday's and weekends. In fact he was wagering he would have maybe one or two customer's today five tops. His eyes drifted over to the portrait of his dearly departed sister Ariana Dumbledore. She had died in the crossfire of Dumbledore and Grindlewalds battle on that fateful day.

So as Aberforth had mourned for her he had all but severed his ties with his brother. Mind you he still aided his brother at times like during the war and on a few of his schemes but in the end he hated his brother. As he silently gave his respect for his sister he soon heard the door opened and with it footsteps also. He saw a young woman enter the shop each footstep she made creaking on the old wood. She was clearly dressed of riches as she seemed to value a combination of the muggle and wizarding wear.

It appeared she was wearing a suit modeled after a men's business suit but modified to her curves. She was wearing dress shoes that seemed to look more like boots then anything. But clearly still perfect for both work and casual strolls so it wasn't off putting…. But the way she carried herself as she wore a coat that seemed to be a combination of a cloak as well suggested something… dark about her seeing as the shoulder area of it had some intricate design similar to armor. She wore a scarf around her neck which was odd but then again it was fall. The biggest thing he noted was how she had a fedora on her head and sunglasses fit for business as she took the hat off and fanned herself with it.

"Ah… the Hogs Head." She said walking in with an almost jolly tone to her. "My have I heard such amazing things about this place." She said taking a seat at the bar itself. "Ah my good sir might I trouble you for a refreshment, for a young lady such as myself." She said while she had her hat on once more.

"Uh of course." HE began finding her odd seeing as she had never seen one like her before. He then took note to the demonic eye like crest upon her attire.

"Splendid! Then I ask for your finest to quench my thirst." She requested as Aberforth saw her very odd. But when she dropped some Galleons onto the table he thought nothing of this woman's… eccentric nature here. As the old wizard was getting her drink she once more began to speak as she seemed to be deeply invested with a topic from the moment she began speaking. "So I hear you are the brother to the most illustrious Albus Dumbledore." The woman said as she admired the venue.

Aberforth was surprised she even knew that so either this woman did her research… or she was going somewhere. "He and I aren't on speaking terms." Aberforth said as the woman chuckled to this.

"I would assume so considering the fate of your sister." The woman said causing Aberforth to nearly drop the drink as he served it out.

"Its… not common knowledge Albus and I had a sister." Aberforth said as the woman chuckled and took the drink.

"Yes HAD as in past tense." The woman said taking a swing of her fugal. "My or my, this truly is your best a true taste of nostalgia for me." The woman praised as she enjoyed the beverage she purchased. Aberforth was starting to get quiet angry at this woman seeing the way she seemed to poke at old wounds without a care of others. "But one cannot blame you considering Dumbledore and Grindlewald were having a lovers spat when your sister met her demise." The woman said and in turn if Aberforth didn't have warning signs blaring in his mind he did now. No one and absolutely no one knew about that save for few.

Yes Grindlewald saw himself and Albus as brothers at the time but even he was unaware of Albus true affection to Grindlewald back then. This woman knew much too much to be normal as she finished off her drink. Aberforth was nervous that this woman was more then who she said she was all the while she stood up and once more fanned herself with her fedora. "Well then I must be off as I'm sure that we are both busy people." She said while taking her leave and putting her hat back on.

"Oh… and one more thing." She began removing her sunglasses and looking over to Aberforth. "Be sure to let Albus know that I look forward to meeting him." She said removing her glasses revealing a face he had not seen for so long. The eyes, the nose, and even the cheekbones he looked to the portrait of Ariana and then looked to her double. "I do hope he is ready for what is to come." The Ariana look-a-like said just as black muck or ink like substance leaked from her eyes similar to tears while the white sclera turned black. Her skin became pale white like death and snow's unholy offspring and as fast as it came it returned to the face of Ariana. "Now then ta-ta." She said before taking her leave and putting her sunglasses back on.

"Merlin." Aberforth gasped once he was alone for never had he thought he would see his sisters memory taunted like that. Whatever or whoever that woman was she may have Ariana's face and her magic from what he could sense but she was NOT his long dead beloved sister Ariana Dumbledore.

(Scene Break October 31st Lockhart's office)

It was Halloween as tonight was the Halloween feast and with it Nearly Headless Nick's death day party. Harry was of course invited to, said party with Ron and Hermione but he had to carry out his detention first. So here in Professor Lockhart's office Harry was once currently helping Lockhart sort through his fan mail while Beau waited outside for him. Beau didn't like Lockhart and Hermione was starting to agree with those who disliked him when one considers the chaos his DADA class had been since the start of the school term.

"Can you think of a better way to serve detention?" Lockhart asked as Harry licked another envelope closed to be delivered to the fan who sent said letter.

"Several actually." Harry confessed wondering if he could train bow to lick these envelopes instead of him. But just then Harry paused as they heard a chilling, ghostly voice echoing in the room.

"Come… come to me…"

'What was that? Who had said that?' Those were the thoughts he had as he heard the ominous voice speak. "Alright, well I think that's enough for today. Thank you for all your help Mr. Potter, I shall see you in class tomorrow!" Lockhart said as Harry wanted to sick Beau on this arrogant arse. Harry then smiled and left the room so he could get to Beau faster.


Harry arrived and saw Beau on the defensive looking around as he growled a bit and stood protectively over Harry. If his hunch was right then it seems Beau also heard the unknown voice speaking. "Blood… I smell blood…" The ominous voice spoke again as Beau growl became more prominent almost ready to attack the owner of the whispering voice.

"Let me rip you… Let me kill you…" The voice started again as Beau growled and glared at the wall. Harry knew the voice was coming from the wall and from the sound of the voice it was making its way somewhere in these halls. Harry began to lead as Beau followed but the faster they went the greater the chill had gone down Harry's spine.

Faster and faster the two went, until they both rounded a corner and ran smack into Hermione and Ron.

"Harry!" Hermione called as Beau looked to Ron and left him be neither smelling nor seeing no Ron's rat nearby.

"Did you hear it?" Harry asked as Ron looked confused. "The voice." Harry added as it was clear he was worried.

"Voice what voice?" Hermione asked as she looked to the boy and his dragon.

"I heard it first in Lockhart Office and then again just now." Harry said as he tried to find the source of the murderous voice. "Even Beau is on edge I think he can hear it also." Harry said as Hermione now knew something was going on around here. After all animals have heightened senses that were better than that of humans. So if Harry heard something that could be passed off as the wind but if Beau also heard it and was on edge about it… she knew there was more to the tale.

"Kill… Time to kill…" The voice spoke as Harry heard this and in turn Beau got ready for a fight.

"It's moving… and it's going to kill!" Harry cried out and in turn Beau reacted. Beau knew Harry was going to chase after it and his friends would follow thus he sent a gold beam now called a mag blast and had the trio on his back once more. Beau then made a mad dash to the voice's location to stop it from causing harm to someone in the school.

Hermione and Ron were forced to hang on for dear life as the halls zoomed by them while on Beau's back. Clearly Beau knew where he was going as the slits of his eyes sharpened as if tracking the attacker. Soon the trio and Beau heard movement and in turn Beau drifted on the floor and went for the attack after magging Ron and Hermione off. In turn the trio were shocked when they saw Beau bit down on a giant snake of sorts just as someone in a Hogwarts uniform was running away.

Beau jumped back as Harry was shocked at what he saw before him as Mrs. Norris was seen running to Hermione. "Bloody hell." Ron said as Beau roared and glared at the giant monster in the hall.

"That's one big snake." Harry said as he saw the creature towering before them. Its eyes then focused on Hermione and in turn went for the attack but Beau reacted first and mag the creature back before clawing at it. The Snake like monster eased back before Beau climbed onto its back and bit down.

The Giant snake roared in pain never once facing a foe who would challenge it like this. It slammed its head where Beau was to the walls attempting to force the dragon off it. Beau seeing this and saw it was about to make a successful slam after the first two failed jumped off with Harry on its back on the dragons saddle. The Snake merely managed to hurt itself when Beau got off as it roared at the Dragon that was fighting it.

Hermione grabbed Mrs. Norris who was absolutely terrified and hid with Ron as Beau protected them with Harry's help. Beau roared at the massive snake and then avoided an attack from the snake's tail. The Snake then focused its glare on the two and in turn Beau quickly moved in time to avoid an attack. Harry was surprised as he felt the way Beau avoided it and was now avoiding direct eye contact with the massive snake meaning them harm.

But just as the snake was about to attack again a new voice was heard at least to Harry's ears. "Fall back!" The Voice ordered as Harry heard it.

"But… master… my task." The Beast said in a tongue only Harry could understand as Beau glared at the monster here. But the new voice cut it off as Beau looked around as did Harry trying to find the source.

"Is complete now, make a smoke screen and escape!" The voice ordered and in turn the beast nodded and gave one last glare to Beau with a promise that they would settle this another time.

Soon the Snake thrashed around and in turn caused the trio to duck and cover with Beau as Beau stood protectively over the trio and the grounds keeper's cat Mrs. Norris. With they looked about again the snake was giant gone leaving damage in its wake.

The group looked around wondering where the massive beast had ran off to but that was the least of their concerns right now. "We have to get a professor!" Hermione called out as she kept a grip on the frightened Mrs. Norris.

But her eyes then went to something on the wall and was widened as was Ron and Harry. Beau of course glared at it smelling the blood of chickens from the wall's writing. The group comprised of three humans, one cat, and one dragon all looked to the wall they saw the words written in blood on the wall with the ominous message upon it 'The Chamber of the Secrets Has Been Opened. Enemies of the Heir… Beware'.

Harry the saw something else and walked over to the window to find a line a spiders leaving the window as Harry knew spiders don't act like that under any normal circumstances. But when magic is involved he at least had enough sense to know that something was causing them to do this right now. But before they could move, a pack of students started up the stairs. They stopped when they saw what had happened. Filch pushed his way through until he saw Mrs. Norris held in Hermione's arms.

"What did you do here?" Filch asked as he then glared directly at Hermione. "And unhand Mrs. Norris!" He roared in fury as Hermione then put the cat down and saw as it ran over to her master's safe arms. But she looked to Hermione with promise to repay the debt in the future somehow. "NOW WHAT DID YOU THREE DO HERE!" He remanded once more glaring at the group considering the rubble and damage done during Beau and the giant snakes battle shortly before. "YOU ALL DID THIS DIDN'T YOU!" He accused the trio but before any of them could explain themselves a familiar elderly voice was made known.

"Argus! Enough!" Dumbledore ordered as he pushed through the kids before any more accusations could be made, before turning to face the students. "All students back to their dormitories." He ordered before he turned to Harry Hermione, Ron, and Beau. "Everyone except… you three." Albus said pointing the four out.

"So unlucky I wasn't there. I know the very counter-curse that could have prevented this sort of damage from occurring." Lockhart boasted causing Snape to narrow his eyes at the DADA who may not be telling the whole truth here.

"Alas that still did not explain what had happened here." Dumbledore said as he noted how the damage suggested a fight of sorts had occurred.

"Ask him." Filch said, completely ignoring Lockhart. "He wrote that on the wall. He did it!" Harry shook his head.

"That's not true!" Harry defended as he looked to them. "There was this giant snake monster and Beau managed to hurt it when we arrived!" Harry called out as this got all eyes on him.

"Its true look!" Came Flitwick as he noted the blood stains on the floor.

"Yeah the bloody thing was massive I never seen a snake that large before." Ron confessed as Hermione nodded to them.

"Professor what is wrong?" Hermione asked seeing the frightened look upon Minerva, Dumbledore, and a few other teachers as well.

"Harry, Ms. Granger, and Mr. Weasley… please come with me." Dumbledore said as he didn't want to start a panic with those who were unaware.

(Scene Break at Dumbledore's office)

The trio stood before the head masters desk as they detailed to him what they saw. "Professor you looked worried what was that thing we saw?" Harry asked as Beau managed to enter Dumbledore's office.

"It was a monster I had thought extinct." Dumbledore confessed as he reached for a book from his personal collection. He then pulled out a particular books and in turn opened to a particular page for the mentioned book.

"Bloody hell that's the monster we saw!" Ron identified as he saw the snake creature in question.

"It says here it's called a Basilisk a basic Wizard killer. They say a mere gaze from its eyes can kill a man instantly." Hermione confirmed as she read aloud.

"Yes and I fear that perhaps an old tale may hold truth." Dumbledore said as he handed the book over to Hermione.

"Sir if that thing is roaming the halls… what would happen to the school?" Harry asked as Dumbledore looked away before speaking.

"It would mean we may have to send you all home and close down the school until such a time the Basilisk can be destroyed." Dumbledore said as he knew what had happened before. One attack nearly caused the school to be shut down. Now that another had happened after so long and was discovered by three students… he knew this may very well be the end of Hogwarts as they know it.

"But you can't do that there must be some way to find it!" Hermione begged as even Harry was in shock here.

"Unless we can locate where the infamous Chamber of Secrets is located I'm afraid I may not have much option." Dumbledore said knowing full well only the Heir of Slytherin could control such a monster.

"Chamber of Secrets Sir?" Harry asked catching what Dumbledore said.

"It's nothing my boy… you three best head back to your dorms… after the evening you had I'm sure you are all exhausted." Dumbledore said and in turn he ushered the three out of his office for the evening.

That was until Harry spoke up hoping it may help somehow. "But sir when Beau found the Basilisk there was someone else there!" Harry called out as Dumbledore stopped what he was doing.

"Pardon?" Albus asked as Harry then continued.

"It was a student I recognized the uniform but… I didn't get a good view on who it was." Harry confessed and thus raised red flags in Dumbledore's mind.

"I see… thank you Harry I'll be sure to look into what you saw in depth." Dumbledore said knowing that if it was a student then this made this investigation problematic in many ways as well as delicate when brought up. After all if a Student had managed to let the Basilisk out then that means the search narrowed down to either another Heir appearing or a cursed item made by Voldemort. All in all Albus knew he had to find the culprit and hopefully spare the children a cruel fate. When he was alone he soon sat down and removed his glasses before rubbing his eyes of the wariness within them.

To think he may very well have to close down this school the only position he actually enjoyed having as opposed to all the other ones. But was this the work of Tom or an artifact he left behind. Before he could question it any further an owl flew in from his window and landed on his desk and carrying a letter in its talons. Dumbledore looked to the letter and saw that it was for him and upon opening and reading its contents he was shocked to see who it was from and why he was writing to him.

"Impossible." Dumbledore said hoping it was just a coincidence but Aberforth would never message him unless he felt it was important to take note of.

(Scene Break the next day)

Hermione first chance she got began searching on everything she could about Basilisk particularly where they are known to hide. She also looked up information about this 'Chamber of Secrets,' hoping to stop this beast before the school is forced to shut down for the safety of the students. Mind you she knew it would be the smart move as there is already talk of evacuating all the students after what the Golden Trio had discovered thanks to Beau's speed.

Apparently Hogwarts a History had information about the Legend of the Chamber of Secrets and apparently every other student had the same idea. So while Hermione was on the waiting list to get a copy checked out she opted to study up on the Basilisk and was fortunate to acquire the copies involving it before other students realized what she was thinking.

"So the blasted thing can really kill us with but a glare?" Ron asked as the group had opted to ready outside so Beau can get some air. Luckily the Dragon proved to be a good reading partner as the trip used him as a comfortable spot while he laid down behind them.

"Yeah it's no wonder Beau must have looked away and moved." Hermione said remembering that key detail from before. "His instincts must have warned him and he acted accordingly." Hermione said as this meant if they could blind the Basilisk then in turn it can be brought down as well.

"Well that's good to know then." Ron said as he was just happy to have come out of it alive.

But then Beau raised his head once more as the trio looked and saw him going into the defensive again. "What's wrong boy?" Harry asked as he looked to Beau.

"Oy isn't that Ginny?" Ron asked as he saw Ginny walking up to the group.

"She looks a tad bit pale." Hermione confirmed as she saw this.

"Oh hello Ginny." Harry greeted her as she walked up.

"I… I heard what happened on Halloween and the whole school is in an uproar about it." Ginny said as she looked deathly pale at the moment while she kept something hidden away. "Was it really a Basilisk?" Ginny asked worried for her own safety and the safety of her fellow Hogwarts Students.

"I think it was the books description was spot on." Harry confessed as Ginny nodded and though she was frightened that such a horrifying monster was roaming their school unseen by all it seems she had other fears clouding her mind at the moment.

"Harry I." Ginny began reaching torts Harry only for Beau to shoot up and got between them roaring at Ginny causing Ron and Harry to react. Ginny of course fell on her rump as she scooted away from the Dragon.

Beau roared clearly defensive of Harry as if Ginny was some sort of threat and she was honestly afraid yet partially hopeful Beau would attack. "Beau stop what's wrong with you!?" Harry demanded as first it was Scabbers Beau had a problem with. Now it seems he had a problem with Ginny which didn't make sense as just the other day the two were best of friends.

"Um, Ginny you should probably go now." Hermione said as Harry kept Beau held back from possibly harming Ginny. Ginny nodded and headed off unaware of the fact Beau was aware of her problem while the problem was aware of the Dragons odd suspicion.

(Later Location unknown)

"Blast." A voice without form cursed as he sat in a darkened void. "That mindless beast… first his harmed my Basilisk no doubt under the boy's orders and now it's trying to attack me." The voice cursed as he thought this through. "As I am I don't have enough strength yet to make a comeback and that beast will no doubt be sniffing around for my Basilisk." The voice cursed himself for using the girl's body now.

"Regardless." The entity calmed itself as he began to plan. "Perhaps I can use this no doubt when it gets out that beast had defended others from the Basilisk and managed to harm it… this would put off any plans of shutting down the school." It spot as it began to scheme. "I shall let things play out for now but in the end this school will be purged of all those putrid filthy mudbloods that taint its hallowed halls." The entity said before it return to planning its schemes.

(Later in the Forbidden Forest)

"Beau what is wrong with you?" Harry asked as the Golden Trio was once more gathered in the clearing they had first discovered Beau at. Beau seemed to be pouting right now as it was clear something had him crossed.

"Blimey first Scabbers and now Ginny what is this things problem?" Ron asked as Hermione had to pick a side here.

"Ron no offense but Scabbers Beau didn't like him from the start Ginny is new and every interaction before now the two were getting along quiet well." Hermione said as Ron was shocked by this.

"Are you saying Ginny did something to this overgrown reptile!?" Ron yelled as Hermione had to put her foot down.

"Either that or something about Ginny has gotten Beau on edge!" Hermione yelled back her counter argument as all this chaos could not be good for them right now.

Beau then roared a bit to get their attention before he made a gesture to follow him. "What is it boy?" Harry asked as they followed after the dragon to his hidden den. Beau then began to lead them to a large patch of sorts as it was off as they followed. They gathered around Beau who then went over to a rock and with his front right foot pressed down on the rock. In doing so everyone gasped when they all vanished from sight.

(Scene Break an Unknown Cave)

The trio (Quartette counting Beau) ended up at a similar spot but this time it was smooth stone for landing. Though it did not help for the three 2nd years who were unused to such a form of instant transportation. When the Trio regained themselves Ron was about to say something until he was silenced by the cave they were in.

"Um… where are we?" Ron asked as he saw the cave in question.

"I have no clue." Hermione began just before Beau began to walk forth.

"But looks like Beau knows." Harry said before he walked next to Beau with the other two following close behind the bonded duo.

They began to pass by the statues that began to glow with a golden aura one by one as they came by. "I… I think I've seen this place before." Harry said noting a sense of familiarity with it.

"You have?" Ron asked as he looked around.

"Yeah… in a dream I believe." Harry confirmed while looking around the ruins.

But as they passed by a shadow area a figure walked out carrying a staff and wearing an outfit similar to that of the statues. When they heard the movement the trio quickly hid near Beau when they saw they were not alone down here.

"Do not be afraid." The figure said as he began to walk torts them. "I knew you would return here." The figure said as he walked passed them before turning to look at them.

Beau nodded to the man out of respect as his voice was humble but demanded authority like that of a wise old instructor. "Your Dragon is the one Harry Potter, the Dragon foretold in a legend lost to time." The man said looked to the trio.

"H-how do you know my name?" Harry asked as he looked to the man in question. "Who are you for that matter?" Harry asked as he wanted answers to what was going on right now.

"I am Mortis and for years I have watched you from afar Harry the one has chosen you and brought you here… Dragon Booster." The now identified Mortis said causing the group to look to each other in shock.

"Dragon Booster?" Hermione asked as she had never heard of it.

"It is the title given to the one chosen by the Black and Gold Dragon. When the Dragons returned I knew the Dragon Booster would not be far behind." Mortis explained as this caused Beau to smile to Harry.

"Blimey." Ron said as he was shocked at what Harry gotten.

"Yes the Dragon Booster has not been seen since the twilight hours of the age of Merlin or King Arthur and it is time you began your path." Mortis said before turning around and proceeding to raise his staff up in one hand. He then slammed the pommel of his staff to the ground causing a burst of golden energy much like the one Beau produced to flow through the ground. It flowed to the center of the platforms surrounded by five Dragon like statues with one of them being the one the group came out of.

Once it reached the center it formed a star like symbol much like Beau's bone mark before spinning around and reaching the center of the platform itself. It vanished for but a moment before reappearing while spinning about and releasing something inside it. Then from the symbol an armband… or perhaps a gauntlet rose up and spun around being presented to the one who would wield it.

"The Gold Draconium armor is yours to command." Mortis said as the

"Armor where's the rest of it?" Ron asked only to be slapped by Hermione behind the head causing him to yelp in pain. "But seriously it's a bloody armband I don't see what's so special about it." Ron said before Harry took the 'armband,' and slipped it onto his right arm. He then noticed an indent and then took the medallion and saw it was a perfect fit.

"You must learn to release the secret powers of both you and Beau." Mortis said as Hermione looked to the priest. Mortis then stopped as he looked to the wind that seemed to blow while the Dragon statue with gold eyes responded through said eyes. "It seems the Basilisk is being set loose again." Mortis said looking on as he sensed what was going one.

"Then we have to move now!" Harry said before Mortis stopped him. Harry was about to argue before Mortis reached to a statue and pulled forth a weapon that was clearly made of an unknown mineral.

"You will need this then." He said passing the sword to Harry. "When you are ready… you will know." Mortis said before he vanished into the shadows.

"Wait but." Harry began but then Hermione stopped him from going after Mortis.

"If he's telling the truth then…" Hermione began to which Harry nodded in response.

Harry then flipped the Medallion over and saw the words engraved on the back of it. "Release the Dragon." Harry said as he then figured out how this armband really worked. Harry then jumped back onto Beau's saddle who got ready for what was coming next. "Beau… its time." Harry said knowing it was time to do as the Medallion said. He then reached for the star crest on his Medallion and pulled it off showing it was removable from the slot on the Medallion itself.

"RELEASE THE DRAGON!" Harry invoked as it was as if his voice echoed as he then placed the amulet on the slot on his gauntlet causing it to release a Golden Energy from it that began to lift Harry into the air as it surrounded his very being. This event of course surprised Harry as he never felt such a surge of power before in his life. The energy also went to Beau as soon Harry and Beau were transformed.

Harry was then endowed in an armor that was depicted as being blue, with gold-plated breastplates, gauntlets, dragon-head-shaped shoulder pads, and boots. A blue and gold helmet, that looks similar to the head of a dragon, was attached to his head, it came with a dark-tinted visor that from Harry's perspective worked just as well as his own glasses and luckily the dark tint was making it impossible to see the Harry's emerald eyes and most of his facial features.

Beau was in turn reverted to his true form as the Black and Gold Dragon as Hermione was surprised as not only by the cosmetic and wardrobe change but the fact that it appeared Harry was taller looking to be 17 years of age instead of 12 years of age. They didn't have time to waste thought as they had a job to do now.

(Scene Break Evening Hogwarts Halls)

Cho Chang a 2nd Year Ravenclaw was walking through the Halls of Hogwarts as she was finishing up on her read on the Chamber of Secrets and the rumored Basilisk. As any Ravenclaw she opted to research and learn what she could about the incidents occurring here in Hogwarts. First the attack and then the message and considering what had happened last year Cho wanted to be ready for anything.

But unaware to her as she passed a path bricks began to move from the wall creating a pathway as she passed by. From the darkened opening eyes glowed from within as a quiet growl was heard from the hole. Cho was unaware as the Basilisk began to slither its way out and saw the Half-Blood wondering the halls ripe for the long desired death.

It didn't take Cho long to realize a large shadow from the torches was forming above her. But as she looked to the creature she was wide eyed at what she saw. That was until a gold energy line shot at Cho before pulling her back. The focus was cut off and thus the Basilisk was unable to kill anything.

The Basilisk followed to where Cho was pulled and was met with Beau in his true form and Harry on his back as both dragon and rider glared at the massive snake in the halls. "Are you ok?" Harry asked as not only was his voice different but it seems the armor was enchanted someway to hide his true voice.

"Y-yeah." Cho said as her savior placed her down gently with orders to give.

"Get out of here and find the teachers I'll keep this overgrown reptile occupied." Harry said as Cho nodded and ran off to find the teachers. Once Cho was gone Harry then reached for the hilt of the sword he had no training in and drew the blade ready to fight. Beau and Harry glared at the Basilisk and in turn the visor adjusted itself while Harry kept his eyes away from the Basilisk to avoid direct eye contact with it.

Soon Beau roared as did the Basilisk before Beau charged at the beast with Harry on its back. Beau roared out and magged Harry over the beast while Beau went for the lower part of it. Harry slashed at its head before sliding down its back and getting a few lucky slashes in as well. Beam of course jumped onto its tail while the Basilisk thrashed about and bit down on the tail in question.

The Basilisk roared in pain as it swung the tail around. It managed to knock Harry off its head but Beau let go and magged Harry back onto the saddle. Beau smiled to Harry as he smiled back as the Basilisk and Beau began to circle around each other. Both growled or hissed at the other clearly ready for more. Beau went for the attack and sent a Mag beam at the Basilisk attacking it before charging at the beast. The Basilisk saw it coming and in turn maneuvered its body around Beau's attempt attack causing Beau to miss it. But Harry then jumped off once more and managed to stab the sword into the Basilisk admiring how the blade managed to pierce its hide.

The Basilisk roared in pain from the attack as Harry and Beau smirked at their minor victory there. But before the Basilisk could attack with either sight or tail Beau magged Harry away from it. The Basilisk then roared and attempted to wrap its body around Beau who quickly used the wall to wall jump away from the Basilisk attack. The commotion was no doubt causing others to come investigate and knew there was only so long before the teachers showed up to handle the situation happening right now.


A hooded figure observed the chaos and growled as they saw their basilisk was at a disadvantage. Clearly this masked marauder was capitalizing on it and from the looks of it didn't even know it. He wanted to keep the Basilisk out of sight so he could have the element of surprise for its use.

They didn't have much of a choice and in turn acted quickly hearing approaching footsteps. They pulled out a wand and proceeded to cast the needed spell for their escape plan. "Bombarda." The caster invoked and in turn the wand casted the required spell.


The Blasting Charm was cast and in turn the Basilisk knew what this meant as the charm caused smoke to form from the aftershock. The massive snake escaped back into the pipes in failure knowing this was the second time it had failed its master. Once it was gone teachers began to arrive and instead of staying to be question Harry transfigured a stone into a calling card and left it where it could be found.

He then took his leave and in his place was a card that was addressed to everyone. 'This School and much of London is under the protection of the, Dragon Booster.' And thus those who read it would know that Hogwarts and much of London has someone protecting them from the bad things in the world. And the biggest thing to note this very evening was now the Heir of Slytherin had an enemy who would not sit by and let him murder as he pleases.

(Scene Break Le Fey Industries)

The woman from the pub sat on a desk going over some art depicting the age of Arthur as she smiled to herself. One such image showed five Knights as standing over a five headed dragon as she smiled at the heroic image it portrayed. "Well then… that's two in play I wonder how long before the other three will come into play." She said as she then sighed to herself and took a sip of her wine. "And how long before I can discard this body and the roommate it came with." The woman growled as she looked into a mirror hoping to be rid of this vessel soon before people started asking unneeded questions about it.

"Soon… my new Dragon Human War will begin only this time… I will be the victor." She said before toasting the portrait and what it suggested for her oncoming future. Things were changing but one thing was certain the time of Dragons was returning.


ESKK: Well I hoped you all like it so until next time please review and as I always say ja-ne.