Thank you to everyone for coming along on this journey with us! This has certainly been an exciting one! And special thanks to goldacharmed, Shadow cat 181, Icy Icee, Kajensen07 and Neko Kitsune5525 for the reviews!

It was only about fifteen, twenty minutes later before Dean had to crawl back over to where he'd discarded his shirt and jacket. The room wasn't particularly cold, but resting on a seat of ice was giving him more chill in his bones than he could keep up with. His movements were stiff and jerky as he put his black t-shirt back on over his head, inwardly glad for the excuse to cover up the sight of his bruises and how thin he was.

He was doing much better than when Jacob had first found them, at least. With the help of all the extra food that was around without even having to ask, they could both eat a steady and much healthier diet. Dean had even caved to temptation a few times and asked for meals of his own, hesitant since he wasn't used to that option after years of barely scraping by. Sam refused to do the same, content to eat whatever was provided for them without complaint. Jacob never made a big deal out of either choice, making it easier on them to give in and ask.

Once covered, Dean rested against the ice again, his eyes trailing automatically over to where Sam was laid out on the t-shirt they were using. Jacob, as big as he was leaning on the desk, was reassuring to have around and watching over them after everything that had happened. He always knew how careful he needed to be, and they trusted him. The slight breeze that ruffled Sam's hair was a welcome reminder of his presence even when Dean wasn't looking his direction.

Another five minutes passed, and Dean started to fade out, staring into blank space as the ice helped. He'd have to get off it soon, before the chill sank into his bones, but it felt so nice to have the pain washed away.

To the side, Sam's uninjured arm twitched, and his eyelids fluttered open. It was a moment before he let out a groan, shifting in place and brushing against the melting ice cube sitting next to him.

The second he heard Sam's soft groan, Dean jolted, sitting straight up. "Sammy?!" He darted over to his younger brother, his own pains instantly forgotten in lieu of Sam's.

"Dean?" Sam managed to reply back, his voice just barely audible. His eyes opened, staring right up at Dean. "What… did Bobby…"

Then, he caught sight of Jacob out of the corner of his eye. Sam jerked up, trying to scoot back on the shirt. "Dean!" he yelled out in warning.

Dean caught hold of him before he could get far, and before he could jar his arm. "Sam, you're okay, I promise! It's not Bobby, that's Jacob, remember?" He wrapped his arm around Sam's side to keep him in place so he couldn't hurt his arm, while behind him he heard Jacob carefully sitting upright again, slow and steady. "He got us out, and Bobby won't be bothering anyone again. Not after what he went through."

Sam's chest heaved, trying to calm down from the scare. He blinked at the sling around his arm, then back up at Jacob as comprehension started to sink in. "You… you came for us?" Tears were hiding at the corner of his eyes. Jacob had come for them after all, taken them out of that hellish nightmare. "I knew you would. I knew Bobby was lying about you doing whatever he said."

Jacob's expression flattened for a second. Of course Bobby thought he was in that much control over Jacob. That was why he hadn't been worried when Jacob stormed into the house in the first place. "He thought … never mind," he began, putting the thought aside.

In truth, in all the time he'd known the guy, Jacob was aware that Bobby was an ass. He had simply always thought of him as harmless, even amusing at times. He didn't care enough to do anything but follow along with whatever he said, because it didn't have much impact. Jacob never once realized that it was putting dangerous thoughts in Bobby's head about his role as a "leader." He enjoyed being in charge just a little too much, and Sam and Dean ended up paying the price. With one or two quick words years ago, Jacob might have been able to head off something like this ever happening.

Hindsight really was 20/20. Jacob couldn't help the guilt that steadily crept in like a poison vine, despite knowing he couldn't have predicted this turn.

"Of course I came for you," Jacob said, setting aside his concerns for now. All that mattered was reassuring them. He smiled faintly. "Good to see you're awake, Sam. How are you feeling? Other than that arm, I mean…" Jacob's eyes flickered briefly to the wrappings Dean had so carefully tied around his brother's arm, tying them up in a sling to keep the healing bone steady.

Sam pulled away from Dean, wincing as the shift in position made his arm hurt again. "No… just the arm. He didn't really do much…" He prodded his chest, making sure that he wasn't lying. Dean watched attentively, ready to move the second he saw pain flicker over Sam's face. "His fist was tight, but he didn't crush me… and I don't remember much about the arm breaking, past being dangled in midair. Dean had it rougher before that…"

Dean scoffed. "Hardly. He didn't hurt me."

Sam's eyes were worried. "That's not what I mean." He could see Dean's resistance to Bobby crumpling in his mind, and caving to the human's demands. Dean was a proud enough man that actions like that would break him a little inside. He looked over Dean, seeing the bruises that crept up from his clothing. "And he made up for lost time, didn't he?"

For a long, strained moment, Dean refused to meet Sam's eyes. "I'm fine, Sam," he said quietly. "I'll get over it."

Jacob took a slow breath, his eyes flickering between the two of them. They were both so hurt. All in careless movements by someone who refused to acknowledge that, size be damned, they were people.

At least they were safe now.

Jacob's hands twitched. He let relief wash over him like a slow tide, glad to see his small friends would be able to recover from their physical pains. In time, he hoped they might be able to recover from any emotional ones caused by this incident, too.

In the meantime, Jacob was just glad to see them both sitting up and talking. He paused, then committed to his next action, reaching both of his hands towards them. He was slow and careful as he scooped the brothers onto his hands, watchful every second for signs that he'd hurt or jostled them with his actions.

With Sam and Dean safely in hand, Jacob drew them closer, cupping the pair against his chest in the closest mimic of a hug that he could afford with people smaller than his hand. They were almost hidden from view like that, but Jacob was as gentle as he always tried to be, even if he was breaking the rules about picking them up without permission.

"Sam, Dean, I'm glad you're okay," he began, his tight, murmured voice still rumbling around them. "I'm sorry that I let this happen and ... and I'm gonna do better. I swear."

Despite everything that had happened, it wasn't scary to see Jacob's hands come at them. Sam stiffened, but only as a reaction to the memories that he had of Bobby snatching him up and dangling him by an arm. These hands were careful and warm and safe, and freely offered a security that they'd thought was gone for that terrifying time during the day.

It was rather startling to find themselves lightly held against his chest, though. Not once, in all the time since they'd started hunting with Jacob, had he ever done anything like it.

Dean blinked in amazement, then couldn't quite hold in a smile as he realized what the human was doing, even as the gentle voice rumbled overhead. If they looked up, they could just make out the top of Jacob's shirt from where they were cupped, and his jaw took up their entire ceiling, eclipsing the outside world.

He was giving them a hug, something they'd always assumed they were too small for.

Jacob was actually careful enough to hold two people, both smaller than his fingers and one of them with a broken bone, in the most all-encompassing hug they'd ever had. Jacob, one of the biggest humans they'd ever seen, and he was as gentle as ever even now. It revealed a key part of his soul to the brothers.

Sam leaned into the hug, slumping against Jacob's chest with his eyes closed to listen to the steady heart that beat placidly below the surface, working to keep their immense human alive and well.

Dean reached an arm awkwardly above his head, patting Jacob's chest. "Big softie," he murmured with a smile. He couldn't imagine being afraid of Jacob now, not after everything the guy had done for them. The rage he'd seen in Jacob's eyes earlier would never be for them.

Dean tried to angle his next comment up so Jacob could hopefully hear it way up there. "Didn't know Godzilla was such a teddy bear," he joked, inwardly glad for the security the hug gave them.

The soft-spoken quip made Jacob chuckle. After taking a second to make sure no one was leaning on him, he pulled his hands away from his chest without accidentally sending either injured Winchester tumbling over the side. He paused to glance over their weary forms before ferrying them the rest of the way back to the shirt on the desk. They needed to rest someplace comfortable now that the terror of the day had passed. It was time to heal.

"Only sometimes," he joked back. In truth, Jacob was a softie most of the time. The anger he'd displayed in Bobby's house was a rare emotion, one that left him drained.

"So, uh, you guys want anything? After all that some food might do some good. I can grab you a beer, too. Maybe it'll take the edge off."

"That sounds good," Dean admitted. He and Sam both made their way back onto the bunched-up shirt with stiff movements. Beer would help warm them and let them relax after the last hours, something they needed most of all.

They settled not far from each other, subconsciously afraid to let each other out of sight. Especially after Sam had vanished into the pocket, Dean had been terrified that would be the last he'd see of his little brother. Claimed by a human, stuck in a pocket like an object...

And Bobby offering a deal to separate them…

Dean hid a shudder, glad Sam had missed that part. "Whatever's easiest for food," he told Jacob. "I'm not sure I'll even be able to eat." His appetite fled at the memory of Bobby's "deal." Not to mention, he wasn't keen on Jacob being out of sight long. They were out in the open, and more than ever, that just smacked Dean in the face with how vulnerable they were. He pursed his lips at the thought. "When you get back, knock twice?" he asked, thinking that might help with giving them a warning.

Jacob's eyebrows lifted. "That's a good idea," he replied with a nod, pushing his chair back yet again. He picked up the ice glass he'd brought, thinking a refill would be a good idea in case the brothers needed more ice after their first batch melted. "Be right back."

After he closed his door behind him once again, Jacob noticed that it left him on edge, knowing the two of them were sitting out in the open. They were basically stuck, with Sam's arm in no condition for climbing and Dean's protectiveness of his brother. He'd never leave Sam behind, that much was certain. It was far more likely that Dean would stand up and defend Sam to the end.

Jacob stole a beer from the fridge, thinking that if his stepdad got miffed about it he could deal with that later. He tossed some leftover snack foods onto a small plate, an odd collection of mezedes like the night before, and headed back to them in a hurry.

He was in such a rush to return to keep watch over them that he nearly forgot to knock twice like Dean had asked. After announcing his return, he closed the door soundly and brought the food, glass of ice, and beer back to the desk. "Here we go," he said, shifting a fold in the shirt so he could set the plate closer to the brothers. After what they went through, they wouldn't have to go far to get anything they needed for a little bit. He would make sure of it. They'd earned a break.

"Next time I'll bring you actual dinner food, I promise. Something a little heartier than mezedes and alcohol," Jacob assured them, offering a sheepish smile and trying not to think too much about how battered and bruised the two of them were.

Dean shook his head with a smirk. "This is better than anything we used to eat back in the motel, trust me." He wouldn't mind having something heartier later on, but the spread of food that Jacob had provided them on a whim was close to a feast for the Winchesters. Another dissonance between their world and Jacob's, and a reminder at how lucky they were that they'd found humans like Jacob Andris and Bobby Singer to let them back into that world. "... Thanks."

Sam went to get up, but Dean put a hand on his arm, switching his attention from Jacob to Sam in an instant. "Just… relax?" he asked, giving Sam his best try at puppy eyes. "You need to keep that arm steady. We only just set it."

Halfway up, Sam paused. "Okay…" he said slowly, sitting back down. Then got a huge grin as a thought came to him. "Does this mean I get breakfast in bed?" he asked brightly.

Dean gave him a flat look, going over to the plate. He had mercy on Sam, making sure to grab him the cucumbers, cheese and tomato, while for himself he got the sausage and cheese. With Sam out of sorts, he didn't even make snarky comments about the rabbit food he was eating so much. They had the chance to eat whatever they wanted, and this was what Sam picked?

Placing Sam's food next to him, Dean settled back down and dug through his bag to make the cups for the beer while he waited for Jacob to pour it.

Jacob twisted the cap off the beer bottle, blowing lightly on the mist that formed in the neck of the dark glass container. He tilted it carefully, surprisingly used to the action after so much time with Sam and Dean.

He set the cap near Dean, seeing him working the foil cups into shape once more. There should be plenty there for several drinks apiece if they so chose to drink that much. It'd probably help to get a little buzz going. If it didn't soften the pain in their bodies, it might work to place a haze over the pain in their minds. They'd been through too much, more than anyone deserved.

Jacob sighed quietly and set the bottle aside, leaning forward to rest his chin on his crossed arms once again. With such a devastating turn of events, the plan to stay at his family home for just a few days was derailed completely. There was no way he could make himself carry them out of there to some random hotel to try to find a hunt. Not while Sam was out of commission as far as climbing went for however long it took to heal.

"So ... what next?" he asked quietly, looking between the two of them for some sign of a plan. He'd defer to what they wanted to do, since it was they who had a better idea of how long they'd need.

Dean paused in the middle of filling up the cups, a strange expression crossing his face. He shared a glance with Sam, handing off the first beer. He didn't like what he had planned, but after the events of that afternoon, it didn't seem like they had a choice anymore.

Without Jacob around, they were vulnerable. They couldn't stay out in the open anymore.

He got his own cup filled and sipped it, letting the warmth fill him up from the inside. "With Sam's arm out of commission, we can't risk taking any road trips," Dean said regretfully. "It's too easy to get jostled in the car, and even the vibration from driving is twenty times worse at our size. So getting him to Bobby's is too dangerous."

He sighed, glancing around the room before looking back up at Jacob. "We saw a place in the walls that I could make into a home just like the one I have back at our old motel," he let the human know. "It's out of sight, and it'll be safe if you're not around."

Dean pointed towards the small entrance they'd tracked down, not far from the dresser. "Right through there, probably not three feet along the wall." His finger trailed along the wall, pausing where he thought the nook was hidden. Despite everything else, he didn't think twice about letting Jacob know where the hidden home would be. He'd earned their trust tenfold since they'd met, and today sealed that in stone when he stood up for them against one of his old best friends.

Jacob scanned the wall near the floor, trying to pinpoint where the hovel might be. He couldn't see any outward signs on the wall itself to tell him what the layout was within. That was a good thing. If Jacob couldn't see it knowing what to look for, then his mom and stepdad definitely couldn't.

Turning back to Dean and Sam, he offered them a faint smile. He didn't want them to have to hide away so much; it wasn't right or fair that they spent so much of their time in the dark, concealed from everything. But it was necessary for them to be safe.

"That's a good idea," he said, warming to the idea in spite of himself. "That way you'll have your own place whenever we come back here." Jacob had to admit that the thought of someone building an entire home within the walls of his home sounded pretty cool, even if the reasons were unfortunate. "You'll have to let me know if you need any supplies to make that work."

"Oh, trust me," Dean said with a shadow of his own fleeting smirk back in place, "you'll hear all about it."

The more he thought about it, the better the idea sounded. They would have a base of operations if they needed it. A safe haven to rest in for when Jacob wasn't around, and a place to stash their stuff.

It wouldn't be fair to ask Jacob to never come back to visit his family. Sam and Dean would never want to keep him away from his mother and stepfather. They'd lost their mother as children, and their dad was in the wind. They didn't want to make anyone else feel that separation. Now they'd have a place where they could relax and be themselves when Jacob was with his family.

Dean sipped his beer again as he mulled it over. "Yeah…" he murmured to himself. He tossed a glance over his shoulder at Sam, who was nursing his own drink. Sammy's arm was held in place across his lap while he sat on the shirt, hopefully healing straight.

"This is the right thing to do."



And we've made it to the end of another Brothers Lost story!

Sam and Dean had a rough time, but they're back with Jacob, and they have time to recover now. Where their path takes them later, no one knows. More will be coming in the future! Fans of BL, keep an eye out for A Time To Heal in the next poll!

The next story to post will be A World of Secrets, which will start our Brothers Unexpected storyline with a kiddo Sam and a kiddo Jacob!

Upcoming schedule:

August 11th: There's No Place Like Home ends

August 14th: The first part of Aftermath: A Series of Consulted Shorts posts

August 15th to August 24th: Posting hiatus

August 25th: A World of Secrets begins posting

Leave us a review to let us know what you think!