Dragon Slaer: Thanks.

South Down: Well, it does take place between Seasons 21-22.

Guest: Eh, still not a big fan of that ship.

Nicole980: Yeah.

Walter Bryan Cranston White: No; this is.

The following day, Stan stepped down as student body vice president. He simply told PC Principal it was "no longer necessary".

Meanwhile, Kyle and Heidi had both left the hospital. Once they did, they were greeted with the news that their fundraiser had been a rousing success. Even though the video presentation had been ruined, once it had gone online, it had gotten millions of views within days, with the number growing every hour. Money donated to the fundraiser had skyrocketed.

That wasn't the biggest news, though. Apparently, the video had even managed to reach those in office. Since President Garrison was on the run and no longer able to make decisions, they had apparently decided to take Kyle's advice to actively help the people suffering in Canada, whether by repairing the damage or taking in those left homeless. When Kyle heard the news, he actually shed a few tears. He knew it would never fully undo the damage he'd caused, but that he was finally making a positive impact was enough for him.

Meanwhile, Heidi had stopped hearing from Cartman. The most of it was that Butters had taken her aside to tell her on Cartman's behalf that her ex-boyfriend had decided to wait until Heidi went back to ask him for forgiveness, and maybe, he would accept it and take her back. Heidi had no plans of doing that, so that was the greatest news ever.

She and Kyle still weren't exactly on speaking terms, though. Kyle no longer scowled when he saw her or turned away whenever she entered the room, but she could still feel the barrier between them, even if it was weakening. A part of her was still sorrowful that their relationship wasn't like it was before, but she had hope.

Perhaps, with time, they would be able to be friends once more.

Francis was packing his things in his locker when he noticed Nelly shuffle up to him. "Hey," She said, sounding uncharacteristically nervous.

"Um, hello?" Francis replied, equally unsure.

"So. . . uh, it turns out Kelly was the one who spread the rumors about us being back together," Nelly said, rubbing her knuckles together. "She said she saw us sitting near each other at the jungle gym and just assumed the worst. She apologized."

"Oh," Was all Francis said.

There was an awkward silence between the two. "Look, when I accused you of starting that rumor, I was just kind of scared," Nelly explained. "I was afraid if my girl friends thought I was back together with you, they would turn on me."

"Okay," Francis replied.

"I should've known better than to have just rushed in and assumed the worst," Nelly went on. "I've dated you for a while, and I know you're not the kind of guy to start rumors behind someone's back. There's no excuse; I'm sorry."

"Thanks," Francis whispered. "You didn't have to be scared of the girls turning on you. You're a loyal person; that's part of why I liked you."

Nelly blushed. "So, uh, if you want to talk more, I'm always free on recess," She said, flicking one of her pigtails to the side.

"Sure," Francis replied, nodding. With a shy smile, Nelly turned and headed outside for recess.

The conversation hadn't gone unnoticed by Stan. After Kyle and Heidi had left the hospital, it had become increasingly common for boys and girls to start talking with one another; not out of obligation or because the student body presidents made them, but because they wanted to. Even him and Wendy, when they had the time, had taken to chatting about mundane things with one another. They weren't dating, at least not yet, but they weren't on bad terms anymore.

It seemed Kyle and Nichole had had a bigger impact on the school than they expected.

Speaking of whom, Stan rushed down the hallway and outside, scanning the playground. After a few moments, he spotted Kyle and Nichole, sitting on the merry-go-round. They weren't alone; several of the boys, as well as Ike, were there, too. Smiling, Stan rushed to join them.

Kyle and Nichole had gone back to hanging out once he'd left the hospital. However, Kyle was now more open to talking with Stan, and Stan, in addition, had started hanging out with Nichole as well. Once he did, he'd started to find out why Kyle seemed to like her so much; Nichole was indeed a fun person to talk to.

"Hey, what's up?" Stan asked as he took a seat next to Kyle.

"Oh, nothing much," Kyle replied. His eye still had traces of blood from where his vessel had burst, but it had begun clearing up.

"Nothing much?" Tweek asked. "Thanks to you, our countries probably won't be going to war anymore! Yeah, the President hasn't been caught yet, but that also means he won't be around to mess up all your work! No more people are gonna have to die now!"

Kyle managed a weak smile, but it soon faded.

Stan frowned. "You know, Heidi told me about what happened before Cartman showed up on the bridge," He informed him. "About how you thought you would never be completely fixed."

"Oh," Kyle said bluntly. "That."

"You don't actually believe that, do you?" Stan asked. "That you can't be fixed?"

Kyle's mouth was a thin line. He looked all of his friends in the eyes, then let his eyes wander around the playground, gazing upon all of his schoolmates.

Finally, his eyes landed upon Heidi. She was standing by the swings, surrounded by several of her girl friends. The same ones who had despised her not to long ago, were now chatting and laughing with her, no trace of antagonism in their voices, nor from Heidi. She looked the happiest he'd seen her in a while.

A small smile appeared on his lips. "You know, I don't think it matters if I'll ever be completely fixed," He whispered. "Because as long as you're all here with me, how broken can I be?" With that, he pulled Stan, Nichole and Ike close to him in a group hug.

He shuffled a bit when Craig joined the embrace. Followed by Tweek, then Butters, and Token, who placed a hand on Nichole's shoulder. Soon, all of the boys had joined in.

Kyle closed his eyes and smiled, and a tear of joy slipped from his eye. As he hugged them all close to him, a whisper escaped his lips.

"You're all my Super Best Friends."

The End.