Salutations! Javier here bringing you a brand new story which I couldn't get my mind off for a while now, Now unlike my two other stories (RAMB and Fairy Overlords.) this won't be worked on as much as I work on the others, think of it like a side thing that I would work on if I couldn't think and do this instead. Now that doesn't mean I won't take this story seriously as well. Now as always both Skyrim V and Rising of the Shield Hero don't belong to me, Skyrim belongs to Bethesda and RSH belongs to Aneko Yusagi and always R & R.

"Speech" or "Quote Unquote"
*Action* (yes I know I don't use this but I weirdly like to put it here just in case.)
[Spell Name] or Spell chant

Chapter 1: Not your average day but then again when has that ever happened?

As the crimson sky with strange wave-like spirals spread slowly across the blue sky of Skyrim, Three humanoid figures, two of whom were armored in black armor while the other armored in crimson were surrounded by a monstrous horde, the taller black knight gripped his weapon and Cried



Helijarchen Hall

As the warm golden sun shined across The Pale a certain household's residents began began up to a new day, Suddenly a loud boom could be heard from one of the rooms and smoke started pouring out of the windows.

"By Sheogorath's underpants!"

"Honey language!"

"Sorry dear." The front door opened and a strange creature stepped out, he was an Argonian although toad-like due to his wide head unlike other Argonians in appearance, he had scales like any other Aragonian although his were slightly reddish-brownish, he also had small but clear blue eyes and two large horns with two rings fastened on and smaller horns on his forehead, He wore a white apron with a red shirt underneath and brown trousers all of which were smoky and had several burn-marks luckily they didn't seem severe.

"Just leave the cooking to me dear, just get yourself cleaned off." a flesh-like and feminine hand rubbed the shoulder of the Aragonian affectionately before the sound of pots and pans being cleaned and used could be heard.

"At least I tried you know." He then noticed a man wearing all brown except for his undershirt hurrying towards him

"Ah, Courier what is it this time?" The Courier held up a hand as he breathed heavily and inhaled deeply before he proclaimed

"Arch Mage Tatsuo Vasukir The mage's college has sent you a letter, they say it's urgent and it should be for your eyes only." He then handed the letter to Tatsuo before hurrying away which was surprising since the Courier usually hangs around for a bit.

"Ok what is it this time."

Dear Arch Mage Tatsuo Vasukir

There is a dire situation that demands you're attention and we cannot do this without your final decision on it, the others are ready to be dispatched as soon as you get here and finalize everything, we implore that you bring you're finest equipment as well as bring the staff of Magnus along with you.

We think this problem is similar to the magic Anomalies that have been occurring over the last seven years although the effects seem to be on a grander scale although we are not sure.

You may also bring anyone else with you so long as you can trust them and they will not be hesitant to keep this quiet from the public, we do not need the entirety of Skyrim panicking from this.

And no, this isn't our fault this time.


Mirabelle Ervine

'I wonder what it could be.' He placed the note inside his pocket before he went inside his house

"Dear you didn't change your clothes." A human woman with long brown hair and dark brown eyes, Caucasian skin and had faint makeup applied, she wore a similar apron but wore a brown fur dress and brown leather shoes, She also wore a golden ring with three amethysts on her ring finger. She sized Tatsuo's appearance before she wacked him over the head with a wooden spoon repeatedly.

"Ow! I was going to Ow! Change but Ow! I just got a letter from Ow! The College Ow! Lydia honey, That really hurt!"

"Don't be such a milk drinker dear," Tatsuo grumbled something incoherent as Lydia asked "What did they say exactly?" Before Tatsuo could tell her what the letter contained an axe suddenly flew past him nearly clipping his horns and his wife's right ear, they looked behind them and saw a teen human girl with short brown hair and Caucasian skin, her eyes were a shade of chocolate brown and she wore leather pants and a white midriff which exposed her four-pack as well as small scars. She also wore black shorts made from wolf fur and leather boots.

"Sorry mom, dad I moved the target up on the door and I was practicing my axe throwing skills." She fluttered her eyes innocently holding a small axe behind her back.

"Lucia what have we told you about throwing axe's around?" Lucia pretended she hadn't heard her mother before Lydia began pulling her ear.

"Ow! You said to ow! Do it in the Ow! Cellar!" Tatsuo shook his head swearing that there was some irony going on before he felt arms wrapping around him

"Hey dad!" Tatsuo turned his head and saw his other human teen daughter smiling up at him having similar hair as well as as her sister but instead it was longer and her skin was slightly fairer she also she wore a long blue dress and brown shoes.

"Hey Sofie," he stroked her hair as she let him go "No time to talk, College called but tell me about you're day." Tatsuo walked passed the bickering mother and daughter as Sofie trailed him telling him about what had happened

"Well since I went to the market early morning I managed to sell most of my baked goods and flowers."

"That's great to hear by the way you must let me taste you're famous Argonian tarts i've heard that people have been asking for more of you're tarts." He opened the door to the houses armory before being greeted by an armored man who waved.

"Good day Sir Gregor." Gregor saluted the Argonian as he pounded his steel armor in earnest.

"Aye, hello my thane just fixing up me armor before I head out for my patrol, what are you doing here?"

"Just gonna grab my armor and my wifes the college has called for assistance and as Arch Mage I cannot simply ignore it."

"Understanable, well since i'm done imma go check on my dear Oriella before I head out." Tatsuo recalled how Oriella and Gregor were expecting a child and currently Oriella was staying in the upstairs

"Okay then take care old friend." Tatsuo patted Gregor's shoulder as he briskly headed up.

"Lydia can you come here for a sec?" Lydia came into the armory casually munching on a bread

"What is it dear?"

"Are you busy today?"

"Hm.. not really unless you count cleaning up the house when it's your daughters duty."

"You mean our, after all she's got you're killer instinct." Lydia rolled her eyes before she walked over to her mannequin and donned her Ebony armor and Deadra boots.

"How'd you know I was going to ask you to come along?" Lydia let out a chuckle as she sharpened her twin ebony blades Hellhound and Wolf

"I know you too well dear, besides you need someone as lithe as me to back you up, and besides your always using your hammer Volendrung and sometimes you miss so you need someone who can excellently use a bow and duel wield blades as me." She struck a strange pose as Tatsuo donned his own Ebony armor, he placed Ahzidal's boots of waterwalking in a sack which he got from a cupboard the boots despite not being a fitting match to ebony armor but it had uses so he wouldn't leave it just in case, he watched her do the pose for a few minutes before coughing.

"Yeah right, pretty sure Lucia can do it better." He immediately felt his wife glaring down at him and turned away shyly praying to Stendarr for mercy before grabbing Volendrung and polishing it before removing The Staff of Magnus from its glass casing before strapping it to his back.

"Hmph, at least I know how to cook." Tatsuo placed a claw over his heart and feighned a pained expression.

"That's a low blow even for you."

Sofie (who had changed into similar attire as her sister exposing a similar four pack.) and Lucia then came in.

"So you two are going out?"

"Indeed take care of the house while we're gone." Lydia instructed as she grabbed a large sack before she headed out.

"Listen to your mother girls, and Lucia don't forget your chores and Sofie do remind her ok?" Sofie nodded and grinned at her sister who huffed before Lydia came back inside rucksack in hand (possibly having food and other equipment.)

"So are we headed directly to the College or are going somewhere first?"

"Since the letter said I can bring anyone else I can trust and there's one person I feel could be of help."

"Who is the other person? Wait let me guess Mjoll? Teldryn Sero? Farkas?" Tatsuo grinned before he walked past her and headed to the cellar to instruct his daughters further in case they don't come back.

"Is it Aranea?" Tatsuo shook his head as he opened the cellar door and went down

"Hello dad!" Sofie and Lucia waved before they blocked and jabbed their daggers as their trainer struck with a similar dagger, said trainer was a dwarven made automation known as the Steadfast Dwarven Sphere, it had been adjusted to be more suited to train people and not seriously injure people, thanks to the help of Calcelmo (who almost took away said automation until being persuaded by his nephew and Tatsuo.)

"Alright girls I need you two to take care of the house while we're gone, if we don't come back you two know what to do got it? I also need one of you to take care of Vasukir Toys alright?" Despite being the dragonborn Tatsuo spent his seven years of retirement making toys and opening a store where he sold them and going on excursions if any of the Jarls ask of him, as well as doing his duties as Arch mage and of course training so that he doesn't lose his touch most of the time training with Lydia and his daughters.

"I'll take care of it dad! Besides it's been a while since I've worked there anyways" Tatsuo rubbed Sofie's head as Lucia asked glancing uncertainly at her father since he asked them to take care of the house which he only does if he has a hunch he won't come back. (They also stopped training momentarily making the dwarven automation return to his sphere form.)

"How'd you know you won't come back?"

"You never know in this cold, harsh land we live in for all I know, me and your mother will end up dead and thrown into a river."

"You sound like you've seen that happen." Tatsuo shrugged and muttered bandits before he hugged both of his daughters tightly

"I love you both." He then released them and headed up feeling scared not for himself but for his family before headed to the armory one last time to bring some of his shields just in case and handed Auriel's Shield to Lydia who also placed it on her back, she nodded and checked Tatsuo so that he wouldn't fall over from the weight then grinned, eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Let's get going then."

Several minutes Later

Fort Dawnguard

"I thought we were going to the College what are we doing here at Fort Dawnguard?" Lydia's previous excitement died down heavily as they walked up to the castle as several of Tatsuo's fellow vampire hunters waved him welcome before they continue patrolling in case of a surprise vampire attack.

"We're here to pick up that someone I mentioned." Lydia crossed her arms and shook her head

"And let me guess you won't tell me who it is." Tatsuo put a clawed finger to his lips before he opened the door to Fort Dawnguard and they headed inside.

"I still don't understand how we got from our home to fort Dawguard, Do you even know how we or technically you did that?" Tatsuo shook his head knowing full well he didn't know himself only knowing it took a simple thought as well as a "picture" of the place he wanted to go. He then passed by some of his comrades who clapped him in the back and welcomed him back

"No no guys I'm here to ask a friend for some assistance."

"And you're going to need it." Tatsuo turned around and saw the leader of the Dawnguard and an old friend Isran.

"How do you know about this?"

"Several scouts that I sent out to search for vampires noticed something strange coming from the west, the sky began darkening and turning crimson, some of them suggested the work of vampries but from what Serana has told me vampires don't have or know the ability to do that," he then crossed his hands and looked at Tatsuo knowingly "I assume you're here for Serana is that correct?" Lydia looked at her husband hoping it wasn't true but to her dismay.

"Indeed although Lydia here is great at combat she's not as magically inclined as Serana is that's including me although I know more spells I only know a few combat spells and mostly practice in Illusion and alternation magic, and I kind of lack practice with some of them despite these past seven years."

"You mean despite being Arch mage of the College in Winterhold and how do you know if she's been using magic after all this time?" Tatsuo nodded slightly ashamed but knew he wasn't wrong.

"That's because you train with that cumbersome hammer of yours dear." Tatsuo looked away pretending to not hear the comment.

"Because I know her and she never uses melee weapons often." before he heard another familiar voice.

"So you've come to meet me again after so long Tatsuo." He turned and saw Serana former vampire now vampire hunter although she still was clad in her usual outfit when she was still a vampire but now she wore a full red dawnguard she walked up to the Argonian and gave him a hug which surprised him and infuriated Lydia who luckily instead of retaliating turned away and pretended not to see what had just occurred.

"Woah you hugging, me especially? What's next huh? Well anyways it's good to see you again." She released him from her hug and nodded.

"Indeed so I hear you have need of me?" Tatsuo nodded briefly slightly glancing fearfully at Lydia who walked up to Serana and surprisingly shook her hand.

"So you're the famous Lydia Tatsuo talks about?" Lydia looked surprised and turned to Tatsuo who was speaking with Isran and several others, glancing at the chatting ladies waiting for them to finish.

"What do you mean?" Serana smirked

"During our travels long ago he wouldn't stop talking about you, he even told me you would be the perfect mother for his daughter whom I assume he adopted since he told me she was a human, he also would often talk about your beauty and told me if I found you pretty, I should hug him I took the bet as you can see." Lydia nodded blushed slightly before Tatsuo walked up to her and gave a quick peck on her cheek.

"Alright Serana, Lydia are you ready to head out?"

"Ready as we'll ever be." Lydia nodded agreeing with Serana Tatsuo was slightly surprised by their fast friendship but also glad that they got along quickly.

"Then let's go." He then said his goodbyes to his comrades before Isran placed a hand on his shoulder.

"May Stendarr guide you friend and good luck."

College of Winterhold

"Ah Arch mage we're glad you're here, come they're all waiting in the Arcanaeum." Mirabelle bowed and lead the group to the Arcanaeum making some small talk before opening the door and entering the library which was full of scholars, students (most of whom looked new) and other staff members, One of whom was waiting at the top of the stairs.

"Ah Arch Mage welcome, I assume you're here because of the letter?" Tatsuo nodded as the Orc known as Urag gro-Shub

"Alright people we can begin now." Lydia and Serana stood in the sidelines as Tatsuo and the rest of the staff gathered around the table that had been set up with a map in the middle of the room.

"Arch Mage we've been getting reports of a magical anomaly happening near The Reach just west of here, now normally we wouldn't be gathering here for something small but this magic anomaly is bigger than we've seen in years." He pointed near Karthwasten before paused for a second, J'zargo (who was now a Scholar of Destruction magic since Faralda had retired.) sighed loudly

"Come on already is it a large threat or not?" Urag gave him a harsh glance

"If it wasn't I wouldn't call all of you here, the reason it being a big threat is because otherworldly beings are appearing out of this anomaly and the sky around the area is turning crimson and spreading spawning more of these beings and no, there are no records that I could find about this." He then looked at Tatsuo with a determined look

"I see you have the staff of Magnus but I must ask how do you want us the college to respond? After all the people don't see us in a kind light." Many of the members began talking

"Yeah why should we help Skyrim?"

"They'll only blame us for this if we even intervene!"

"The Empire could, no should take care of the proble-" Suddenly the table was shattered as Tatsuo slammed it with Volendrung as he roared loud enough that it could almost a considered as a Thu'um.

"ENOUGH!" Stunned silence filled the room as Lydia quietly snickered whispering to Serana

"Been a while since I've seen and heard him this angry, I've got to admit I'm slightly aroused." Serana gave her a wide-eyed look and scooted away from her muttering incoherent things glancing between Lydia and Tatsuo worriedly.

"Normally I would agree with you, yes Skyrim doesn't like us but that doesn't mean we can't do the right thing, if we do nothing we're no better than what they call us." He sighed picking up Volendrung.

"I'm sorry for my outburst everyone I-" Urag held up a hand

"It's alright Arch Mage," he turned to everyone gathered and bowed his head seemingly ashamed "He's right people, if we listened to what they called us we all wouldn't be here, the college itself wouldn't be here but I believe that if we do this people might change their minds about us."

"But what if they don't?" Urag turned to the speaker and acknowledged it with a small nod

"Then at least we know we did the right thing instead of ignoring them." Several others muttered before they all nodded and turned to Tatsuo who cracked his knuckles grinning at their change of heart.

"Alright here's what we need to do."

The Reach: Karthwasten

"For Skyirm!" Lydia cried slashing a monsters face before bashing another one with a shield as Serana blasted several with chain lightning and reanimating some of them

"I've never seen creatures like these before." They monsters they were currently fighting were two headed dogs although they had sharp horns protruding each head and their eyes only held malice and emptiness and their claws were sharp luckily it seemed their bodies weren't as strong as the rest of them

"And these Draugr look," Tatsuo stabbed the glowing red eye of an armored "draugr" with Dawnbreaker before it blasted damaging the rest of the "draugr" causing most of them to ashes while others fled before felled by Lydia's arrows who then pulled out her blade to slash another monster coming for her neck "Strange but at least Dawnbreaker is working." He slashed at the oncoming dog monster before it caught fire and turned into charcoal

"Give the signal already!" Lydia sliced the heads of several "draugrs" before bashing more monsters with her shield

"If it gets serious I will!"

"IT'S GETTING SERIOUS ALREADY." As Serana and Lydia stood back to back slashing and blasting the monsters Tatsuo blasted some of the flying ones (which seemed like mutated crows.) with [Incinerate] before Serana used Ice storm clearing a path as they sprinted towards the center of Karthwasten

"We need to get up there." Tatsuo pointed to the largest swirl on the crimson sky that was slowly spreading

"How do you plan on doing that?" Before Tatsuo could tell them a loud roar could be heard nearby before a giant draugr burst from a ruined house and a host of monsters poured out from other directions before they knew it they were surrounded from all sides.

Gripping his weapon Tatuso cried

"DUH NEH VIIR!" Suddenly the ground beneath them quacked and purple light flashed before they were lifted into the air by a large rotting dragon

"Qahnaarin I have answered you're call, where are you?"

"On top of you Durnehviir we need you're assistance." Tatsuo glanced at his companions who were shaken and stared wide-eyed as they were high in the air

"Of course what is it? And can you get off me?"

"No can do, There's currently a crisis and we need to get to the magic anomaly in the sky." Durnehviir glanced up noticing the crimson sky and the strange creatures that were trying to attack him but to no avail.

"Alright then Dovahkiin, I shall allow you and your party to ride me and I shall take you up there, I hope you have a plan." Durnehviir began heading upwards as the rest of the mages from the collage began their assult on the monsters thanks to the signal Tatsuo told them to look out for (since he had originally told them to evacuate the village beforehand before leaving him and his party to deal with the rest before heading up to destroy the anomaly with the staff of magnus

"Lydia, Serana I need you two to protect me and Durnehviir from incoming threats as I blast the damn thing with the staff you got it?" they both nodded having recovered from their original shock

"Incoming." Durnehviir warned as he blasted a few flying monsters with his frost breath, a few dodge it but were quickly felled by firebolts or arrows. Tatsuo glanced down and saw that the rest of the college were holding up well against the monsters.

'Now for my part.' They drew close to the large spiral before Tatsuo withdrew the Staff of Magnus and blasted the sky with the beam which began arching larger and larger surprising Tatsuo before he felt shaking behind him, Lydia as well as Serana's eyes widened as they saw a giant three headed horned dog charging towards the mages luckily they seemed to be doing damage to it but it didn't stop it's charge, they turned to each other and nodded before Lydia nocked a deadric arrow and fired whilst Serana fired [Incinerate] at the beast, to their surprise both of their attacks combined and struck the middle head of the beast and promptly exploded finishing the large monster. (since it had already taken enough damage thanks to the mages from the college)

"What the-" Suddenly golden light enveloped all of them and Tatsuo felt the staff of magnus falling from his grasp before they all including Durnehviir vanished from Tamriel leaving nothing but the staff of magnus and clear blue skies.

"Where did they go?!" the mages cried looking around Karthwasten and the skies as Mirabelle walked over to where the staff of magnus had fallen and held it tight.

"Everyone, it's time to head back to the college," she walked past them as they looked at her dumbfounded and outraged.

"But the Arch-Mage!" she glared at them, tears glistening

"We need to prepare a funeral for the Arch Mage and his companions." She hoped Urag was up to tell Tatsuo's and his companion's fate to their families.

Castle Volkihar

'I wonder how Serana is doing.' Valerica thought as she tended her garden after centuries of it waiting for her care again.

Suddenly she felt violent shaking as several pots and stone arches as well as gargoyles fell to the floor and shattered, luckily she had fallen on her lavender flowerbed and was cushioned from a hard fall.

"What's going on?!" she rushed to where the soul carin portal was and to her shock the area around it had crumbled and the portal itself had closed itself.

"I got a bad feeling about this." She quickly rushed to the library hoping for some answers.


"RAPHTALIA! Naofumi cried as her sword shattered and Glass held her at knife point (or really Vassal fan point.)

"Naofumi," Glass lifted the chin of Raphtalia with her fan "Why don't you use that flame shield of yours?" when he didn't do it immediately she turned to him glaring

"Unless you are mockin-" Suddenly a loud roar could be heard surprising both the Shield Hero's party and Glass herself as they looked up and saw a large zombie dragon flying over them before it changed directions and headed straight toward them.

'Not now!' Glass raised her fan to strike the dragon but then it seemed to know better then started to rise and go higher before arrows rained nearly hitting glass as she dodged and sliced a few before they heard

"ZU HAAL VIIK!" Naofumi felt a strong gust of wind he felt his shield trying to leave his grasp but saw Glass's weapon fly from her grasp and from her expression he could tell she wasn't expecting that unfortunately she recovered quickly and strangely grinned at something behind them, Naofumi turned to see and was on immediately guard at what he saw.

A large black knight without an inch of skin showing who also had a strange aura surrounding him giving him the illusion of spikes and horns and fiery eyes protruding from the helmets darkness to his surprise he saw a reptilian tail swishing back and forth but what he didn't like was the large spiked hammer the figure wielded.

"Are you the one behind this?" voice asked Glass as the dragon landed behind the black knight and to Naofumi's surprise he saw people on top of it. One of them was another black armored knight but it was slightly smaller and slender as well as the "additions" on the chestplate making him think it was a female while the other was most definitely female although she wore red armor and he couldn't see her face due to the hood save for her glowing eyes.

"Maybe but I'm surprised I didn't know that there was another hero from another world, I would've figured you would destroy the heroes to save you're world here but I assume you are here to stop me because you believe I'm the one behind this, Perhaps you can give me a challenge. I've been disappointed with the heroes of this world here so far." She pointed her fan towards the black knight.

"Tell me your name." The knight lifted his hammer in the same manner she did

"Tell us yours first, I'd rather get answers without violence." Naofumi slowly walked over to Raphtalia who stared wide-eyed at the dragon and Filo quickly ran to Naofumi's side

"Master should I attack the dragon or the fan lady?" Naofumi shook his head

"Don't attack anyone yet." Filo nodded but still glared at the dragon.

"My name is Glass and now for your name."

"Tatsuo Vasukir and now we want answers." Naofumi's eyes widened recognizing that the name was Japanese.

'Wait how is this guy from Japan?'

"Unfortunately i'm afraid I must simply refuse to answer you. May we begin?" Naofumi knew what she was implying and "Tatsuo" apparently did too as he readied himself

"I was hoping to avoid this." He then charged albeit it looked like he was deliberately going sloppy and missed a swing.

"Too slow." Tatsuo replied with a chuckle

"You're right but I made you look." Suddenly the dragon breathed an icy breath that caught Glass off guard before the others with him began firing strange projectiles before "Look out!" Raphtalia cried as the Knight dropped his hammer and pulled out a shield from his back in quick succession.

"Impressive you managed to stop my attack." He then used the shield to push her before he cried

"FUS RO DUH." Suddenly Glass was sent flying unfortunately she recovered quickly once again, Noafumi checked Tatsuo's stats and saw the exact same thing as Glass which was basically nothing and that concerned him, before he came face to face with Tatsuo.

"Are you alright?" Before Naofumi could reply Tatsuo's hands began glow and a yellow ball appeared before Tatsuo thrusted towards him suddenly he felt revitalized and healed.

'Was that a healing spell?' Tatsuo did the same with Rahptalia and gave her thanks but it seemed that Tatsuo couldn't understand her as he said

"Take this." He pulled out his sword from its scabbard and tossed a strange sword towards Naofumi's direction, he knew he couldn't use it so he handed it to Raphtalia who quickly grabbed it and looked at it in awe at the blade which almost seemed like it was made of fire before she got up.

"I'm ready Mr. Naofumi."

"Me too master!" Naofumi knew he had to make a temporary alliance with Tatsuo so he glanced at Tatsuo who nodded

"Lydia, Serana, fall back." Tatsuo's companions who were holding Glass back stepped away quickly before Glass had struck them as they got beside Tatsuo.

"Finally a challenge albeit a mere one, Rupture-Stance Rondo: Tortoise Shell Cracker." A neon purple blade appeared from her fan before it blasted towards Naofumi who managed to block it.

Filo then appeared behind Glass and tried to strike glass who quickly blocked it and to everyone's shock slammed her through the ship.

"FILO!" Rahptalia cried before the ship began tilting and groaning.

"Oh no.. That's not good." Glass sounded guilty like she spilled some milk on the carpet

"I think I overdid it a little, the ship is falling apart." Naofumi rolled his eyes but before he could sarcastically reply She leaped off the ship.

"We'd better find a new place to fight, you'd better follow me, if you want the wave to end that is." Tatsuo turned to Naofumi slightly confused with the change of character.

"We better follow, we have no choice."

"What about the rest of the people unconscious here?" Naofumi wanted to leave them with sinking ship but he knew he would be blamed for their deaths no matter how much he didn't really care about being blamed for it.

"I know that look Tatsuo, go after that woman we'll deal with the rest." The other black knight stated before she walked up to Myne and put her over her shoulder and did the same with Motoyasu, before Naofumi saw Tatsuo jump over.

"Raphtalia!" they followed suite, when they landed Filo was already standing and Tatsuo was already engaging glass.

"Master Hammer guy healed me."

"I know Filo he did the same with us." As they watched the fight Glass sliced at Tatsuo who blocked it with his hammer's handle before exchanging a few blows himself most of which got deflected but the ones that managed to hit made the hammer glow green and to Naofumi's surprise sweat began forming on Glass's forehead.

"You're hammer drains stamina, I admit clever on your part but you still won't beat me." Naofumi turned to Raphtalia who understood and vanished before reappearing behind Glass slashing with the blade that Tatsuo had lent her unfortunately she blocked it in time.

"Too sl-" Before she could continue Tatsuo slammed his hammer on her gut causing her to cough out blood and sent flying before she crashed to the ground.

"Impressive, Finally a real chall-" Before she could continue she was suddenly imprisoned in a chained up sphere made of shields.

"Shield Prison!" The sphere was then lifted off the ground before

"Iron Maiden!" a large iron maiden appeared and trapped Glass in before it shattered surprisingly leaving Glass slightly scarred but otherwise fine as well as slightly disappointed before Filo tried to strike her being blocked once again and tossed away before the dragon that was with Tatsuo flew above before it cried.


The dragon breathed a strange purple breath on her before landing and breathing an ice breath as Tatsuo cried

"YOOL TOOR SHUL." He breathed fire on Glass who stumbled before Filo (who had recovered.) and Raphtalia, Tatsuo and Naofumi rushed in and attacked.

"Air Strike Shield." A green shield slammed into Glass who was busy blocking Raphtalia and Filo as the same time the green shield hit Glass Tatsuo slammed his hammer behind her causing her to cough out more blood.

"Finally, cough I'm truly impressed let's-," a loud clock-like sound could be heard around she sighed "It seems our time is up." She began floating upwards before she paused mid-air

"Until next time, and Naofumi I hope to see you're flaming shield soon I gotta say you're party has caught my attention." Before she vanished in a golden flash they heard her last words to them.

"I look forward to our next encounter." then sky turned back to normal before the dragon landed giving Naofumi a good look of him, the dragon looked decayed whilst his wings looked withered that he was surprised that it had flown earlier, spikes jutted from his back and one his horns curved back like that of a ram while others pointed skyward, yellow drool dripped from his mouth unto the ground although it seemed unintentional and most likely was similar to how sleepy people or babies sometimes had drool coming out of their mouths.

"Qahnaarin I have ill tidings to tell," Naofumi was surprised that the dragon talked although he didn't understand why the dragon called Tatsuo Qahnaarin perhaps it was a nickname? "We are no longer in Tamriel, I felt my connection with the soul cairn vanish, this does not bode well with me although I am thrilled with my freedom, The ideal masters will not." Naofumi didn't recognize the terms the dragon used, when he thought about it he then realized that Tatsuo and his company came from another world like glass during the waves.

"How would they respond Durnehviir?"

"Not too well I persume, then again they have never left their realm nor interacted with anything that directly involved them but I myself don't know what they will do."

"Qahnaarin, I shall leave you for now, I want to enjoy my freedom for a while, call me if you need me." Durnehviir then took flight then left them roaring in what seemed to be a roar of triumpth and joy before disappearing on the horizon, Tatsuo waved goodbye before he then walked up to Naofumi who immediately went on guard before Tatsuo slowed and removed his helmet revealing a reddish-brown scaled lizard head with pupil-less blue eyes and two large horns fastened by rings and smaller ones on his forehead although he looked like a lizardman he seemed to have more horns and slightly rougher looking then the Lizardman he had seen with the Slave Trader.

"Let me formally introduce myself," he placed his hammer on the ground and placed his hand on his chest bowing briefly

"My name is Tatsuo Vasukir at your service." Naofumi was surprised to say the least but he didn't still know if he could trust him.

"Naofumi Iwatani." Tatsuo held out a hand and Naofumi shook it albeit slowly.

"Raphtalia, um here's your sword back." She handed back his sword and although it seemed he didn't understand her, he still thanked her before he placed it back on its scabbard.

"Filo thank you for healing me!" Tatsuo smiled probably understanding her gratitude despite not understanding the words.

"You're quite welcome," he then noticed Naofumi's expression as Naofumi looked at him unsure if they should continue to converse with them "Ah I'm guessing you're not sure if you should trust me or not." Naofumi nodded briefly

"It's quite alright, after all I am still a stranger to you." They then heard footsteps and saw two of the others that were with Tatsuo.

"We managed to get all of them off unfortunately some of the debris from the ship hit some of them," The other black armored one removed their helmet revealing a beautiful woman with brown hair and dark brown eyes.

"They're unscathed and were still unconscious before several villagers as well as soldiers came by and we told them to nurse them back to health, they're near the largest building we could see before we went to look for you."

"Thank you Lydia dear." Naofumi didn't understand why Tatsuo called the woman dear but before he could ask Raphtalia asked

"How did you two carry them? I mean there were a lot of us on the ship and I don't think you would have the time to bring them all off since the ship was about to crash." Lydia looked at her perplexed before Naofumi realized he could only understand them and translated her question.

"Well besides me carrying the ones I thought looked lightest, Serana here resurrected some help to carry them." Suddenly a soul eater appeared behind them although it looked ghostly and to Naofumi's surprise was the one that he had recently killed which surprised Filo and Raphtalia and angered Naofumi.

"Why did you bring it back to life? Are you trying to kill us all?" Then "Serana" snapped her fingers and the Soul eater crumbled to dust.

"Sorry but the ship was falling and this thing was the biggest thing I could use to transport the others." Naofumi could see sense in her statement unfortunately Raphtalia didn't understand her.

"But that doesn't excuse the fact you used Necromancy." Raphtalia stated Serana removed her hood revealing a beautiful pale face with black braided hair and crossed her arms.

"From what I can tell you just accused me of necromancy, I performed no such thing, I leave that up to my mother and the mages of Winterhold, I only reanimated the corpse to help not didn't bring it back to life I only animated the body not give it a soul." Her glowing eyes glared at Raphtalia looking insulted that she had suggested she used necromancy.

"Sorry for Serana's behaviour Raphtalia was it?" Naofumi translated before Raphtalia nodded "She's had bad experiences with the undead and necromancy but," Tatsuo glared at Serana "Don't pair the college with those filth they went down a dark path and although we don't discourage it we don't generally like it and try to distance those who practice it with us so please Serana. you've seen the college do they seem like Necromancers to you?" Serana seemed ashamed

"They don't, *sigh* I'm sorry for saying that."

"It's alright, Now I have bad news for both of you." He addressed this to Lydia and Serana who raised their eyebrows in curiosity and worry.

"What's wrong?"

"We are no longer in Skyrim or Tamriel as a matter of fact." His companions looked at him hoping he was joking unfortunately his expression said he wasn't joking.

"How do you know? And why?"

"I'm not sure how we, as for why we're in another world, Durnehviir confirmed my suspicions from the start, as soon as I saw Glass, the strange corpse of the creature you reanimated Serana as well as the the strange clothing and people we saw on the flying ship as well as the short conversation I had with Glass, and I don't mean any offence you three," Naofumi nodded, it wasn't the most insulting thing anyone has said and it seemed to him Tatsuo didn't mean it as insulting.

'Wait since when did I start trusting a stranger.' He shook his head remembering before he looked to Raphtalia and Filo and remembered they were strangers to him once upon a time before he got along with them.

"Another world, hm.. after soul cairn I didn't except to end up in another one."

"How did you end up here?" Naofumi wanted to know how they came here and if they came willingly or not, not that he cared for he always knew how those transported to another world would normally say.

"I wish we knew," Tatsuo sighed leaning against his hammer arms crossed in thought "One minute we were in our world protecting a village from a monster horde closing that magical anomaly that vanished in the sky earlier. the next minute we see a flying ship, unconcious people and a woman with fans as weapons." Now Naofumi was surprised, they didn't come from a modern world like he did? Or died there? It confused him before Filo tugged on his cape.

"Master what are they saying?" she had turned into her human form which from the shocked faces of Tatsuo as well as his companions that they weren't expecting that.

"Wait wasn't there a large bird there?" Tatsuo rubbed his eyes and shook his head before he declared.

"Now I've seen everything." Naofumi then had a question he had wanted to ask Tatsuo since he had seen the dragon speak to him

"How was that dragon able to talk? And why did it speak to you with respect?"

"I assume dragons don't speak here?" Naofumi shook his head albiet as far as he knew at least "He's name is Durnehviir or at least that's what he calls himself anyways I'll spare you the details but at one point he was known as the strongest dragon since he has never been felled in battle until I beated him fair and square and it wasn't easy especially with the help of Serana and her mother, when we were about to leave Durnehviir approached me and considered me an ally and fellow dragon and told me I could call him if I needed but what he wanted more was freedom from his prison." Tatsuo sighed "You see he was tricked into guardian an immortal being because he was promised that he would be helped to be stronger, ultimately he was betrayed and forced to live, turning him to what he looks like now." Naofumi shook his head from the long explanation but then Durnehviir's story kind of reminded him of his slightly.

"What did they say Naofumi?" Naofumi wasn't sure if he should tell them or not but he looked at Tatsuo.

"You may tell them." Naofumi told the story to them, Raphtaila covered her mouth shocked while Filo looked indifferent.

"Dumb drag-" although Naofumi knew Tatsuo wouldn't understand her he still found her reaction rude


"But it's a dragon master! Filo's mortal enemy." He put a hand on his chin in thought

"So Filolial's are rivals to dragons, was that the reason why you were eager to beat that dragon during the race between me and Motoyasu?" Filo nodded

"Yeah Spear's dragon was dumb and slow." Filo smirked and wilted when Raphtalia asked

"But that dragon didn't seem that bad right Filo? Filo shook her head

"But he did smell bad." Raphtalia giggled before she turned to Naofumi

"How were you able to understand them Naofumi?"

"Yeah, how Master?" Tatsuo glanced at them and seemed to be observing them for a moment before looking away and began discussing things with his female companions which he couldn't hear.

"Honestly I'm not sure but-" before he could continue he heard many footsteps behind them before he heard

"You!" he saw the captain of the royal guard approach them as well as the guards who had left and joined him to take care of the waves earlier

"You stole some of our troops!" Naofumi sighed as Tatsuo and his companions got near them to listen although he doubted they could understand.

"Took you long enough to get here." He sighed

"I should have expected as much." Tatsuo put a hand in his shoulder and leaned whispering as the squad leader tried to explain to the Captain of the royal guard why they weren't with them and instead with the shield hero

"As they say the cavalry comes after the disaster has passed, grumpy pile of scrib jelly looked like they've been through a fight even though they just walked here must have been that poor fashion sense, am I right?" Naofumi smirked at Tatsuo's slight jab at their "fashion" sense

"Where are the other heroes?" Naofumi turned to Lydia (whom the captain had ignored as well as Tatsuo's group immediately assuming them to be with the Shield hero.) who relayed what she told them earlier and Naofumi translated

"The heroes you love so much are over there in the biggest building shouldn't be hard to find them but who knows." The Captain glared

"You're soldiers and the surviving villagers are nursing them back to health, I would've told them not to bother but-" Before he could continue the captain shouted

"Retrieve the heroes and bring them to a hospital!" the soldiers nodded and headed towards to the largest building they could see.

"But sir there are more seriously injured people!" The captain ignored his soldier retorting

"We prioritize the heroes for the future of our country, for the good of the world!" Naofumi shook his head unable to handle the captain's bull seeing as how the other heroes were of no help in the latest wave as well as how weak they were."

"I'm not liking the tone of this guy." Tatsuo hissed and Naofumi agreed wholeheartedly as the Captain turned to them.

"If you think you are a hero," Naofumi grounded his teeth "Then you have the right to come with us!" Suddenly Tatsuo appeared in front of Naofumi but he was facing the Captain

"You better watch yourself pal." The captain looked flabbergasted before he glared

"Can you speak something I can understand Sir!" Tatsuo was unamused before he cried

"GOL HAH DOV!" a golden breath covered the captain and his men causing them to stumble before they shook their heads.

"What is it you need sir?" Naofumi as well as the rest of his companions were shocked by the sudden change of the captains behaviour although he sounded like he was subdued and calmed.

"Why do you need Naofumi to come with you."

"He's the shield hero, he's a criminal and scum but since he and his party were the only ones who were conscious, we need to bring them to the king." Tatsuo glanced at Naofumi

"Why is he a criminal?"

"It's because he attempted to rape the princess Malty of Melromarc." Naofumi felt angry but then was surprised by the next question.

"Was there solid evidence? Words are not evidence enough, people can lie even royals." The captain paused in thought.

"N-no sir but." Naofumi's eyes widened.

"No buts, that's all I needed to hear. Now then take us to the king and tell your men to not bother us and I hope you will forget whatever I asked and told you." The captain nodded

"Aye sir, alright men let's move it!" they turned heel and marched away

"How did you do that?" Raphtalia as well as Filo asked while Naofumi translated their question to Tatsuo.

"And how did you managed to make them understand you." Tatsuo sighed crossing his arms

"I used one of the abilities, one of my more useful ones in avoiding conflict and convincing people, beasts or dragons, it's called Bend Will shout." Naofumi translated to the others.

"You used mind control?" Tatsuo nodded

"Not really although sometimes I wish I could, I just made him my temporary ally and got info from him. Unfortunately this is onnly temporary as they will soon forget what had transpired." He then looked at Naofumi with a serious aura around him since he couldn't see his eyes under his helmet he guessed he was staring at him with a serious look.

"I want to help you, clear you're name that is." Naofumi knew he couldn't hope but he had to ask.


"I suppose I should tell you but first let's follow them before they get too far," Naofumi nodded before they followed the knights to Melromarc, as they walked passed crumbling village, several townsfolk saw Naofumi (or the shield hero as they know him) and gave their thanks while some cheered, Raphtalia and Filo beamed at him before Tatsuo continued

"You see although I didn't end up in a new world and almost immediately accused of a crime I didn't do. I experienced the same accusations for as long as I've been myself, Truth be told I was accused of a crime I didn't know I did or what is was although it must've been bad if I was immediately knocked out and my head was placed on the chopping board." Naofumi's eyes widened "And another time I was accused for murder a murder of a partner do you want the long version or the short one? I wouldn't mind telling either one."

"I'd rather hear the truth."

"The long one it is then." As Tatsuo and his companions followed Naofumi to their wagon which they got on whilst Filo pulled it along to follow the knights, Tatsuo told Naofumi the story of how he was accused of murder because he tried to do the right thing, he began by telling Naofumi how he had travelled to Markarth (which he explained was a city with a lord or Jarl who ruled it.) and witnessed a murder happen on the town square, after the event happened a man approached Tatsuo and told him he was investigating the murder since it didn't seem like any old crime since Markarth is known to not have many crimes or rather public crimes that happened in broad daylight.

After this had happened, A man who was named Eltrys and Tatsuo teamed up after speaking with him about how one of the victims dropped a note, eventually the guards got suspicious of them but they managed to find enough evidence to conclude that the murder was more complex than it was but before they could do more, Eltrys had been murdered by the guards who immediately accused Tatsuo who could no nothing not because he couldn't beat them but because one of the leads of the conspiracy was one of the most dangerous man currently in prison, the Lord in Rags or known as the leader of the forsworn (whom Tatsuo explained men and women who followed the old ways and were basically murders and thieves.) which he had been mentioned in a journal from the one who sent the mercenary to teach Tatsuo a lesson as well as hired the guards who murdered Eltrys and placed the blame on Tatsuo who only became a wanted man unless he was imprisoned which he was.

"Sorry for the long tale, to cut it short in the end I managed cleared my name in Markarth, I still can't forgive myself for letting another man who wanted to do good die."

"How did you clear your name?" Tatsuo looked at him

"It wasn't easy although I sometimes wished I could've done it differently." Naofumi waited for Tatsuo to explain but after a few minutes he didn't so he didn't pry Tatsuo glanced at him before sighing.

"I had to kill the Lord in Rags in order to win my freedom and for my name cleared." Noafumi was surprised he told him what's more was he didn't sound happy he did it rather regretful he did it.

"Even if he was the leader of thieves and murderers he only did what he thought was right for his people and I killed him, what scared me the most was what if I had hesitated more people would've died because of my hesitation."

"I understand if this doesn't concern you, I'm glad it doesn't. One less thing on your plate but I hope to help you clear your name whatever it takes."

"Why? We barely know each other much less know what I've been through." Tatsuo nodded as he looked up at the sky perhaps in thought.

"Indeed I don't know but not knowing hasn't always stopped me from helping someone, I've always told myself even after my retirement that the day I stop helping is the day when helping endangers my family once again." Naofumi was surprised that Tatsuo had family and guessed Lydia as well as Serana was part of that family like how Filo and Raphtalia were his.

"Are Lydia and Serana part of this family of yours?" Tatsuo nodded

"Serana has been a long-time friend same goes to Durnehviir, Lydia well she's my wife." Naofumi did a spit-take and glanced at Lydia who had placed the large rucksack on the wagon's floor beside a smaller one which Tatsuo had told him it was his. She was currently sitting behind the wagon glancing off to the side probably to look out for nearby threats.

"You have kids?" Naofumi couldn't imagine what they looked like.

"We do, and judging by your look of concern, no our kids are normal they're both adopted,"

"So tell me, why carry do you carry that shield? The captain called you The Shield Hero, is the shield your signature weapon? Or is it an item you can't get rid of preventing you from using anything else?"

"The second guess was accurate although it's more like a cursed item, it won't allow me to use a blade to defend myself and bashing won't help me survive, so Raphtalia is my sword."

"You use her like a sword or as you're sword?"

"As my sword since I can't really use anything than a shield I have too."

"I guess the shield hero name isn't just a title."

"I wish it was, then I could use a blade." Tatsuo nodded sympathetically

"I understand after all Lydia is my bow mostly because I have very terrible aim."

"Uh-huh." Naofumi smirked before he realized for the first time someone who was respecting him and casual with him instead of treating him like scum.

"But why help me? You barely know of my struggles, the pain I've been through?" Tatsuo nodded

"I want to help you because I know a true hero when I see one, after all a true hero isn't without his or her struggles, hardships and to put it simply pain, even if you tried to hide it I can tell from your body language, the way you spoke to the captain and of the other heroes as well as the first time we spoke I could see you didn't trust me perhaps even now, it's understandable but it's clear you can still trust I can see it in your companions."

Naofumi wasn't sure if he should be concerned that Tatsuo could easily read a person especially since he'd been trying to hide the rage inside or glad that he saw something that his allies saw in him.

"Alright we have arrived all of you are to remain silent until we reach the castle!" Tatsuo shook his head annoyed by the captain's tone once again but Naofumi was indifferent after all who besides his other allies in Melromarc would approach or talk to him?

To say that someone other than him made people uncomfortable in Melromarc was understatement, as they walked past several townsfolk went silent and stared at Tatsuo who was looking around observing everything, some of the local kids looked at Tatsuo (who now sat beside Naofumi.) with childlike awe while regular folk looked at Tatsuo and back to Naofumi almost like in disbelief how a strange and intimidating black knight was alongside the shield hero.

"Never been to a city this big and full." Serana muttered as she sat in the back looking around flinching when people looked at her direction, before shaking her head muttering something under her breath whilst Lydia was looking at the city with slight interest and occasionally tried speaking with Raphtalia unfortunately they couldn't go anywhere since they couldn't understand each other as well as the captain kept noticing and demanding silence which Tatsuo replied with a snarl each time the captain tried to silence Lydia and feigning grabbing his large hammer which scared the captain into silence as the approached the castle.

"So, you have calmed another wave.. shield." The king of Melromarc said giving Naofumi a disappointed and disgusted look.

"We are in your debt." They knew that he wasn't honestly indebted to them but he decided to remain silent

"But how did you grow more powerful than the other heroes? Although whatever answer you give me you will undoubtedly lie but I do want to hear it." The cruel grin the king gave Naofumi ticked him off but before he could retort, a loud roar could be heard off to the side surprising and startling the everyone inside.

"Don't worry I'm right here." Naofumi nearly tripped surprised by his voice before he realized he didn't see Tatsuo.

"Is he invisible?" Naofumi thought as he tried to look for Tatsuo before he was he was tapped on the shoulder.

"Hmm? What's wrong Shield? Too nervous to tell me?" Naofumi glared but knew the King was startled by the roar due to him slightly shaking he then heard Tatsuo ask.

"I'm right beside the king what did he do and what do you want me to do?" the king looked baffled

"Where's that gibberish coming from?" Naofumi grinned evilly before he looked away pretending to be innocent

"I don't know, perhaps someone wants to scare you because you were willing let innocent people die and blame everything on me when I've been helping you sorry lot, perhaps the gibberish is saying to vault you off your seat." The king looked outraged and breathed heavily.

"That's preposterous why and who woul-" the throne was suddenly lifted up the ground making the king vault off his seat and land on the ground near Naofumi in an almost kneeling position as the throne was quickly placed back down and Tatsuo was briefly seen before he lifted his hand which looked like he was casting something before vanishing again.

"You know I was going to offer to protect your dammed country if you knelt to me, luckily I didn't have to and you knelt for me," he leaned close to the king who was still groaning in pain on the floor as the guards surrounded Naofumi pointing their halberds to his face which he ignored.

"I'll "help" protect your country then." Then Naofumi and his party left leaving baffled guardsmen and an angered king who shouted as they left.

"NEVER SHOW YOUR FACE HERE AGAIN OR YOUR HEAD WILL BE ON A PLATTER!" which Naofumi ignored before laughing out loud.

"You know what? I'm not going to help you clear your name with that piece of trash." Tatsuo suddenly appeared beside Naofumi who managed to control his laugh

"Perhaps you can help convince the queen if she isn't trash like her husband."

"Indeed although this is not the first time I've seen trash on a throne." Naofumi looked at him slightly intrigued before he saw a woman in an elegant gown and wearing a crown with a fan covering her mouth near the bottom of the steps.

"Zir, very nize work out there.." Then she noticed Tatsuo

"Whoze iz thiz zir? I did not zee him before." Naofumi walked past her determined to get out with Tatsuo without any interruptions before Melty appeared in front of him blocking their path.

"Wait!" she looked the same as the first time he met her but he still considered here a corrupt and filthy royal despite her help from before.

"You have to go back and talk to father!" Naofumi was surprised whilst Tatsuo was confused

"What?! why the hell would I do that?" when she didn't reply quickly enough he walked passed her not wanting her to ruing his good mood after seeing the king be humiliated and gestured Tatsuo (who was looking or sizing up mostly likely at the woman at the stairs.) to follow him before they walked out of the castle, Naofumi ignoring Melty's pleas.

"What was that all about?"

"Some royal trying to convince me of something, why were you looking at that woman?"

"Something made me feel suspicious of her, so I sized her up unfortunately I couldn't seem to read her quite well." Naofumi then asked how Tatsuo got in and the events that happened, still chuckling at the part where the king got humiliated.

While they were talking whilst returning to their companions, Melty felt frustrated with the shield hero before the woman placed a hand on her shoulder.

" do not be frustrated with ze zhield hero, ze king is the one to blame here."

"I know but *sigh* nevermind then but who was that with him? I don't recall a large black knight with him." The woman didn't know what to answer but still said.

"I do not know Mz. Melty but I could feelz a powerful aura around this strange new companion of hiz."

"Is he a threat?" The woman grinned behind the fan.

"Like ze shield hero iz a threat to hiz enemiez, I feel the same way with him as we both zized each othzer earlier." Melty looked concerned remembering the large hammer on the black knight's back before she left the woman to get some guardsmen to accompany here to convince Naofumi to speak with her father again.

Alright that is all for now folks I hope you all liked it so far.

Do not worry I'm still working on chapter 2 of the remake of RAMB and chapter 6 of Fairy Overlords just some writers block blocking me from continuing them which this story helped raise it a bit which I will take advantage of and continue the other chapters of my other stories which I have not abandoned despite my lack of activity due to classes being back on as well as the writer's block which I I explained earlier

And yes I decided to follow the manga of ROSH instead of the anime but I may mix the two and maybe the light novel if I get the chance to read it soon.

And also Tatsuo who is my main character in skyrim isn't like most Skyrim Oc's who are op as all hell and serious (unless he/she needs to be.) but he will have his own unique traits not often seen with other skyrim crossovers with their OC as the dragonborn. (I also made a few mentions to mods although they aren't specifically said and just referenced, their mostly lore friendly mods, figure out which mods I mentioned briefly if you can :D.)

Also I like to think Bend Will allows some sort of mind control to the target as well as give the ability to who do not understand each other to understand each other temporarily almost like the spell that Therese used to allow Raphtalia and Filo understand her albiet temporary as I mentioned.

Also the reason why Tatsuo helped Naofumi would be explained more next chapter the story will also involve the others places in Tamriel although i won't spoil how :3.

I also want to point out that Tatsuo is not going to be nor ever be a Mary sue. his weaknesses and more of his faults will be revealed later but not intentionally on Tatsuo's part that is.

Anyways I hope you all liked it and I will see you next time in The Hammer and the Shield! (also RAMB and FO.) P.S I also edited a bit and fixed some things but I still think there are still some sentences I messed up on and forgot to add the appropriate comma so sorry! I will make sure the next chapter doesn't have as much errors! ;;