A/N: Hello there. This is gonna be really bad, but... I really wanted to write it. So, here's my really crappy OTGW & GF crossover fanfiction. I will say, I didn't really ever watch all of Gravity Falls. I watched alot, but not all. If anyone would like to point out any details or refrences I could make, I'd greatly appreciate it! Anywho, Enjoy the story!

(Apologies for spelling errors! The writing software I use doesn't have a spellcheck!)


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Greg happily grabbed another chocolate bar from his bag while his brother leaned on the window, asleep. The little boy glanced up and saw a puff of hair spill over the seat infront of him. Along with that he heard a sigh and saw a pair of knees raise on the seat. He tapped the shoulder of the owner of the fluffy brown hair. He outstretched his hand with a handful of candies, smiling,

"Would you like some candy?"

A girl who looked about 13 turned to look at Greg. She wore a colorful sweater and an equally bright smile. "Candy?" She questioned him, he nodded and held out his hand. "Oh, absolutely!" She took the candy from his hand, unwrapping one and popping it in her mouth. She smiled, showing off her bright blue braces. "Thanks, little dude!"

"My name is Greg! And that's my brother, Wirt!" He said, chocolate circled around his mouth. She chuckled, "Nice to meet you! I'm Mabel!" She readjusted herself in her seat to talk to the chubby seven-year old. "I have brother too! He's my twin," She gestured towards the seat next to her. Greg nodded, and took another bite out of his chocolate bar.

"So," She drew out the 'o' and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, "Where are you and your bro going?"

Greg looked up, trying to remember. He stuttered, "Fa...waterfalls? What did Mom say? Something Falls?" He hesitantly decided.

Mabel nodded wkith fake solemnness, "Could the place possibly be... Gravity Falls?" She said with a small smile.

Greg grinned, "Oh, yeah! That's it!"

Mabel laughed, "We're going there too!" She paused to look at him, "Are you going to see family or..."

Greg turned to his sleeping brother and shook him. "Wirt! Wirt! Why are we going to Gravity Waterfalls?"

"Gravity Falls." Mabel gently corrected, as Greg shook his brother awake.

Wirt's eyes finally drifted open and he started mumbling, "Beatrice? Huh? Wha... huh...Greg? Greg..." Wirt rubbed his eys and pinched his brow. He looked at Greg who was practically sitting on his lap. He picked Greg up and put him back down in his own seat. "Wha-what is it, Greg? Did we get there? We're still moving..."

"They're going to Gravity Waterfalls too!" He pointed at Mabel, who was grinning like a cat.

Wirt stared at his brother for a second, "You mean Gravity Falls?" Greg nodded, Wirt sighed, saying, "That's great." he looked up at Mabel and waved slightly. "Ni-nice," His voice cracked, making him blush. He coughed into his fist and retryed, "Nice to meet you. I'm Wirt, as I'm sure Greg has already told you. What's your name?"

"Mabel. Mabel Pines. Nice to meet'ya!" She gave a quick wave, "So, as I asked your little bro, why are you guys headed to Gravity Falls? Hate to break it to you, but Gravity Falls is pretty boring." Mabel said mirthfully.

"Mabel... would you shut up. I'm trying to sleep." Came an irritated voice from beside her. She turned around to face him, "Sorry, bro-bro! These two are going to Gravity Falls too!" She turned back to Wirt and Greg, who had now grabbed another candy bar, which Wirt was trying to wrangle out of his grasp.

"That's Dipper, my wonderfully nerdy twin brother!" Wirt smiled when he heard a grunt from the boy in question. "Anyway," she continued with a chuckle, "Are you coming to Gravity Falls for family?"

Wirt shook his head, "Uh, no." He hesitated a bit before smiling back.

"Then why?" She said,

Wirt scratched the back of his neck, glancing around nervously. "Um... our parents sent us here on the word from a neighbour that it was good for relaxation. Or something." Wirt remembered what his parents said to him when they told the two of them the summer plans.

"Ms. Daniels said that it's a very cozy small town in Oregon. You'll be there for two-and-a-half weeks. I want you boys to relax and not worry about what happened during Halloween. You seem... frazzled by the experience." Wirt and Greg's mother said, a nervous air in her voice. He knew she was concerned about her boys. Greg told terrifying stories of a dark creature who sought out lost souls for his lantern, talking birds, singing frogs, and an array of other creepy and nightmarish stories. Meanwhile, Wirt kept quiet, never telling his half-brother to stop talking nonsense, but instead looking at his brorther wistfully and being more protective of him than he ever had been in the past six years.

Their mother heard cries from both of the boys rooms at night. Especially from Wirt. "Alright? You boys will have to look after each other. Relax. Have fun. Meet some of the locals, make some friends. I'll see you two soon enough." Their mother said before sending them off on the bus.

"Wirt? Wirt?! Hey! Anybody home?" He was startled out off his memory from a hand drifting in front of his eyes.

"Oh! Um, sorry! Spaced out for a second!" he said apologetically.

Mabel laughed, "Uh, yeah? We could tell!" she said teasingly.

Wirt sighed, "Why are you going to Gravity Falls? You've been there before, I presume."

Mabel hesitantly smiled, "Yeah... We've... We've been there before. For family. We visited our Grunkle Stan and Ford last year. It was... fun." She added glancing over at her brother.

"Oh, yeah... fun." He added with a cold hint of sarcasm. This made Wirt raise an eyebrow, but he didn't follow it up, figuring it was personal.

Wirt wrangled another six candy bars out of Greg's hands before they all finally arrived at their final destination.

Gravity Falls.