Okay I got inspired by a story of what if the byzantine empire or eastern Roman empire suddenly found themselves in Game of thrones so can you help with this I only seen a couple of clips on YouTube but now the history also I read about much about Byzantine warriors but if I miss anything tell me, please. ho and the island I will create does not exist okay here I go.
On the island of Gyaros in the City of Byzantium capital of the Roman empire also the first house that has territory outside of Westeros. A single man in his thirtys is standing on the balcony of the royal palace, wearing a cloth tunica that looking to the west watching as the sun goes down this person's name is Alexios Justinian the first, Emperor of this Roman empire which spans from Esso, and Sothyos to Westeros.
Sighing he heard giggling. Turning around he saw his son and daughter the next generation when he passes "well, well what do we have here?" in a funny voice which was responded by the cry's of laughter from his children.
Landry the first his first child has brown hair like his with greenish-blue eyes while younger sister his daughter who looks more of her mother. Her name is Theodora a name form his ancestor's wife. Chasing after his children through the halls of the grand palace it's many-colored tiles, paintings and statues made it different from the many other palaces of the known world.
"Come out, come out wherever you are" Alexios called out looking around before seeing the two hiding behind a curtain. walking silently he quickly unraveled the curtain surprising the children who were hiding.
"There you are!" he said grabbing the two of them screaming in happiness while he lifts them up.
"Okay you two, it's getting late its almost time for bed." Alexios said which was responded by unhappy goring "We have to?" Landry wined as he is carried to their room.
Alexio's nodded setting the two toddlers on the bed "Yes, a leader and a warrior must rest when leading his people." suddenly a female voice joined the conversation.
"And he must have the wisdom to now between war and peace." His wife said looking as beautiful as ever her elegant facial features, light peach skin complexion, and deep brown eyes, with thick dark brown hair with a crown on her head. she is wearing a tunica that showed her decent-sized cleavage and slender toned physique. (imagine Lara croft of the shadow of the tomb raider in Roman Toga)
"Yes, mamma," both of them said getting under the covers "Can we have a bedtime story."
"Yes a story, a story."Theodora clapped excitedly
Both parents look at each other debating if they should tell them a story or just do it tomorrow before relenting.
"Alright One story then off to bed," he told them, going to a bookshelf as his wife tucked them into bed. He looks at each one of the books he had until. Picking a rather large one looking at the title he sighed as memories of those times to come back to him like a tone of bricks remembering how that sadistic boy tried to murder his father, remembering how he risked his life defending the walls of Kitezh and remembering how he became the emperor of his father's empire when he died during the first battle of Winterfell, Alexio's didn't realize he was gripping said book before walking back to the bed.
"You all tucked in, my little birds?" he said seeing his children in their twin beds.
"Yes, papa," they said. he sits on the edge of the bed with his wife, opening the book he began to read "This story is called a song of ice and fire," opening the book "Before you know the story you have to know the origin of our house." as his children look at him with wonder.
House Justinian are descendants of the people of the Roman Empire which in the beginning started as a republic but overtime our ancestors expanded their borders reaching great heights to achieve that no other people could dream of, taming the barbarian tribes, beating rival empires but with expanding their realm, corruption, decadence, degradation, and civil war took hold.
Over time it began to eat away the once-proud empire, even when great figures tried to stem it but it wasn't enough as Disease spread throughout the Roman empire while Barbarian kings saw a perfect opportunity to pillage and rape taking all but the eastern half of the empire which is trying to survive. Until My ancestor Justinian, the first brought the eastern Roman Empire into a golden age for one last time taking back all the land of Africa to parts of Italy to Rome herself but tragically internal strife stopped him from conquering the former provinces.
Worst of all the Plague returned and the empires from the Far east were on the march. when he passed away little by little the eastern roman empire started to turn to dust like the desert sands but something strange happened on the Island of Gyaros. Justinian descendant Marius Justinian son of Maurice when his father was murdered by Phocas who declared himself emperor it was pure luck that he lived when his family was murdered only he escaped how he lived is because of his fathers best friend who is a Senator realizing who he was he took Marius under his wing.
Hiding from the tyrant he changed his name From Marius Justinian to Marius Tatius learning the political field quickly he gained allies until suddenly he heard that the Persians launched an invasion forcing him to join the Roman Legions. Fighting in many battles he quickly rose through the ranks becoming the youngest General in history, But Marius became frustrated on how Phocas just ignore his duties as a leader and being more of a tyrant, murdering his own people as time went on territory became lost even with Marius as he tried to protect the empire his father built.
Until Heraclius, the Elder marched his armies to Constantinople and overthrow the tyrant proclaiming himself as emperor and the first thing he did is go on the offensive stopping the Persians in their tracks. on the other hand, Marius was fighting the Slavs and Huns in the north scouring several victories securing the northern borders before going to the east fighting the Persians with Heraclius managing the empire.
Years later After the wars with Arabs, the Emperor learned of Marius's heritage but instead of executing him, he orders him to govern an island in the Atlantic near Britannia called Gyaros. it was the size of Cyprus, Malta and Hibernia combined, taking his third Legion of twenty thousand men with him he sailed to govern it, Why he sent him there is unknown but what he did now is that it was the only western Provence that didn't fall during the collapse of the western roman empire.
Arriving he met with the fifteenth, nineteenth, and thirteenth legions with more colonists with a couple of nomad tribes who were loyal to the eastern roman empire. after three years of waiting for governing, while he ruled Marius gathered many bright and brilliant people who were branded heretics by the church and hid them in his domain until his dying days.
Until one day a storm suddenly hit the island, it lasted for three days and two nights until it subsided. looking to the north he saw two landmasses he didn't recognize taking the third legion he unknowingly his fleet landed on the island between westeros and Essos creating a base on the islands before continuing sailing through the narrow sea unknowingly landing in the mountains of Vale setting a fortified village into the mountains over time the village became a settlement then a full-fledged port city.
We didn't stop there our house also landed in Sothoyos rebuilding it ruins to their former glory and conquering the primitive tribes continuing inland to the city of Yeen conquering all of the northern coastlines over time. the Senate itself decided that our ancestor to become Emperor which at first he refused but after he died his son Leontius reluctantly agreed and his first degree is to reform the theme system as some of it will cause internal strife.
Then he took a servery of the army, which came to a great disappointment most of them were seriously underpaid even during his father's campaigns he tried to keep them from desertion and the most frustrating is the Religions prosecution and division in the empire like in Constantine era so he gathered the leaders of each religion to his palace to discuss a peaceful end to the violence after seven day's and seven nights they finally came to an agreement but Leontius didn't stop there, he separated affairs of state from the Church Seeing that some of them were to..Extreme.
Next, he allowed any who were Philosophers, mathematicians, artisans, Architects, Astronomers, smiths, and physicians are free from prosecution, and allowing the Great library to the public laying foundations for the golden age of all Romans for years to come.
Lastly bringing pride and reorganization of the army seeing that each theme has a small or medium-sized army to garrison the province but not enough if a theme decided to rebel against him.
integrating these troops into the Roman mobile field armies leaving just enough soldiers for the themes but it isn't enough remembering his father's tales about the Avars, Huns, Persians and other barbarian kingdoms who fight against Rome, he started to conscript the tribes from those lands into his armies putting in several reforms to put their strengths to use in battle. As for the money to pay them, he taxed heavily on the rich and creating laws that can help stabilize the kingdom but he knew, it's still not enough.
Two years later he launched an Expedition of fifty-five thousand men into Esso.
His army landed in the ruins of old Valyria claiming it, also rebuilding them over time but when they marched inland they encountered a couple of men and women wearing only rags seeing their state Leontius took them into his camp and was disgusted on what the strangers told him. they told him that they were actual slaves from the 'free cities' it confused them hearing free people enslaving other people the escaped slaves continued to talk to each other until an army appeared from Mantarys.
Hearing that an unknown people were settling in their lands enraged the so-called 'free city' and in that rage, an army was sent, but when they met the roman expedition it was destroyed in a matter of hours, making the leader of the Romans lay siege to Mantarys. the people inside thought they were safe because of the cliffs but us Romans found a way like the Siege of Masada engineers built a ramp using oxe's to move a great siege tower with battering ram ready to bring Mantarys walls crashing down which it did taking the city, and Freeing the slave who lies within and taking anything valuable in the process.
Leontius knew he can't fight a war of attrition so when the ambassadors from other cities arrived he negotiated, the remaining free cities would keep their slaves and Reluctantly buy slave soldiers from Volantis to use in his expedition and colonist's later on during his reign but as free men and women lastly they would keep Mantary's and sign a non-aggression pact, grumpily the cities signed.
His army followed the river beating back Dothraki attacks in the disputed lands who thought it would be an easy victory. Climbing Andalos mountains Leontius came upon the port city of Braavos with its great metal statue of an ancient Greek warrior of old, marching on his army set camp on the river's edge. Until was met by an army of Mercenaries, not wanting to end this in bloodshed. He sent envoys with a translator to their leaders to tell them they are not invaders and come in peace to trade, which ended in a peaceful manner thankfully, a historian wrote.
'The envoys spoke in strange smooth language as their Esso's guide translated for them telling us they didn't come to conquer but to trade, while we ask where they came from they told us theirs from an island near Sothoyos and Valyria. We decided to let them in our city but under guard, if they are lying."
After much tense negotiating the Romans and Braavosens agreed happily I might add because of the most beautiful silks they brought, it was the fine piece cloth they ever have seen it on pare with the far east. Founding the most protected trade route in history how. when he got back Leontius would order a building of forts on important positions to protect the caravans from Dothrakii raids,(with funding from the Iron Bank) calling it the silk road making Braavos twice as wealthy having two important trade routes on sea and land, as for the Roman Expedition they returned home by sea using a ship called a galley to get back also to avoid suspension from Westeros.
As a final reform for the army, he brought up a new Legion system but this time based on the Military manuals, the Strategikon and the Tactica but also during his expedition he learned much about his journey in Esso's, they had to adapt just to survive even though they kept to part of Essos that was green they had to deal with raids and logistics to deal those problems they had to think like nomads hunting, tracking, repair their own armor and rationing supplies making him write the 'Ekstrateia Guerra' on about warfare in unfamiliar lands thus an army must be like nomadic one to survive.
Over the years our people didn't meet with the natives Westeros for centuries and in those centuries we entered a golden age until Ironborn came that's were our story begins.
Our sigile the twin-headed eagle represents hope, strength, and freedom of our people giving us the quote 'above the storms we conquer in defeat we adapt'
It was a sunny day in Byzantium as the city is bustling with activity, Emperor Tatius the first is in the Royal Palace front yard his graying hair showing his age as he is in deep in thought on several reports of unknown villages to the fortresses outside their frontier territories.
The fourteenth legions speculators spotted movement on the western pass's he thought
Tatius Justinian was a man who wants all the facts, being prepared, and finding the truth. He got reports of sightings of barbarians walking along the hidden roads leading to there settlements. The newcomers probably discovered it by chance but it could be possible to lead to them in discovering their presence in the region.
To make matters worse the island forts were attacked by pirates with a squid insignia on their sails but while he was deep in thought he didn't notice a man came standing behind him the shade hiding his face. He looks 20 years old still in his youth wearing Lamellar armor with a spatha on his left hip it took 2 seconds to notice someone behind him.
He turned around his hand is on his spatha in case it was an assassin also wondering how did this person get past the Vangarian Guards but as the young man stepped into the light it was revealed that it was his son Alexios who is smiling brightly in the sun "Father!" he said.
Realizing it was his son Tatius Relaxed "Alexios!"
"It's good to see you again." he started to walk towards his father before speaking again "Well, how do I look? Every inch the Roman soldier?"
You look fine, my son." he said with pride "Welcome home! Welcome home." hugging him in the process taking a few steps back he looked at him on how he has grown over the past three years since he left to join the Legion.
"Do you know where you are to be posted?" Titus
"Alexandria." Alexios sighed
"Ah, Alexandria. That's a quiet province. Your mother will be pleased."
"I didn't join the army to bask in the sun and sea winds, father. I want to fight. Like you did. for our people."
"All in good time, my son. All in good time." he reassured "Remember, not all your enemies will be found on the battlefield." confusing his son
"Father?" hearing footsteps both of them turned to the sound seeing it is Flora Tatius's wife and the mother of his child Flora originally came across the summer seas on a swan ship as a warrior which been under attacked by pirates, alone she survived drifting on a piece of wood until his father's dromon saved her from certain death.
"Alexios!" she said fast walking to him. As she hugged him tightly before letting go.
"Let me look at you," she sighed. "So handsome..."
"Mother, please..." Alexios responded embarrassed as his mother puts her hand to his cheek while he gently moved her hand away from his cheek.
Still Smiling she spoke to him "come inside, you must be tired from all the walking."
until Tatius interrupted them "He will rest soon enough, my love," walking forward speaking softly to her "For now, I wish to speak with our son alone."
"fine," then she looked at her son " I'll make Dinner." before she left Alexios noticed something is troubling his father.
"Is something Troubling you, father?" he questioned
"We will talk in good time." before continuing"For now, let's see what you've learned." waist
Walking with his father into the house he saw nothing has changed one bit the marble floors were still there walking to a large wide space perfect for training strapping on their oval shields Alexios pulled out his spatha then going to the middle of the room so they could fight.
"Lets what have you learned."
Alexios decide to go first directing his oval shield to break his father guard feeling metal against metal he broke his guard leaving wide open then slashed his waist paring the blow aside his father counterattacked which Alexios blocked a strike that was for his head pushing the blade away he struck again over time the fight is getting more furiosity as the two were trading blows.
He dodged a strike until he parried again he rammed his shield at him making the man stagger seeing an opportunity swung his blade at Tatius again who caught it with his own but he didn't see Alexios's shield hitting him again and again before singing his blade at his neck but not touching his skin looking at his father he saw him smiling "Looks like the son has finally surpassed the father."
Removing the blade from Tatius's neck both of them went to the weapon rack putting the shields down"Its a sad and proud day, the day a son first beats his father." he exclaimed examining his spatha while his son pulls off his ridge helmet as his father continued talking.
"You may have mastered the sword, but never rush to meet the world with sword drawn," he exclaimed sheathing his blade "Always come open-handed first."
He sighed "Walk with me, my son."
"I heard rumors that there is great unrest in Byzantium." Alexio stated.
"Yes. these are uncertain times we live in. Attacks on our forts are proof of this."
Alexios puts his helmet on a desk looking up he saw his father's Centurion black lamellar armor and oval Scutum with the Chi-Ro emblem in all its full glory. Behind the Scutum is two Pilum's as he starting to remember the days when he was a small kid how his father tell stories of how he went too far off lands called Essos and Sothoyos combating many foes like the slavers who wanted to in slave their people, to the Dothraki raids even the savage Sothoyos tribes. His father said it was one of the hardest battles he ever fought gaining the respect of the Dothraki under his command in the process.
Walking away from the armor he saw Tatius opened a red box on the porch which has a beautiful view of Byzantium houses, villas and including the Circus Maximus it almost took twenty years to build also the Great Library it was built before their people came to this world it was said a roman builder went to the original Alexandria in Egypt was inspired by the great library so he built replica on Gyaros.
it is also said that during Caesar's civil war the builder's great-grandson was able to smuggle books from Alexandria and grandson after him the academy of Gondishapur. Taking his eye off it, his father took out a knife with an insignia of a centurions face-mask.
"I'm giving this to you, as your grandfather once gave it to me."Tatius said giving him the knife, "when your time comes to command men of your own, Think back on what I'm about to tell you." as Alexios draws the knife the inscription on it read XLDMCTUS.
"Legend says that Damocles was a great warrior, a revered leader in a vast army. During a massive battle his cowardly commanders abandoned slain Damocles arrived in the underworld, Nemesis, the goddess of revenge, was enraged at how the brave hero had been treated. She allowed Damocles to return to the world as a vengeful spirit-a ghostly, black-armored centurion who would hunt down and kill each of the generals who had wronged him. To this day, many commanders carry a dagger with an image of Damocles on the scabbard. This dagger reminds them to always look after their men, or risk the Black Centurion returning from the dead to avenge their selfish mistakes." he ended the story with a grim voice
Alexios was amazed something like that is still around even when almost all the pagan worship has almost disappeared but it still somehow survives but only a small percentage of the population still worships the old gods.
"Father I-" but Alexios was interrupted by the bells but these weren't ordinary bells but Alarm bells hearing footsteps behind them they turned to see a messenger who is out of breath. "My lords."
"What going on?" Tatius asked
"One of the fishing villages is under attack by pirates my lord flying unknown colors."
"What about the forts garrison near the village is the Ripenses stationed there. are they still holding out?" Alexios said he knew his father placed forts around Gyaros shores and unlike the Ripenses of the past, these ones are better armed, better trained, and have minimum wages ever since their economy got better.
"Yes my prince, but the heathens are trying to get in, the garrison pleading for reinforcements. Also, we received a raven from Kitezh, one caravan just being raided by a barbarian in the river lands called 'House Frey'.they were escorting a merchant who wanted to travel deeper into unknown territory because of the barbarian tribes in the area until they were attacked by killed may but were eventually overwhelmed only he escaped. "
Tatius knew of house Frey and its leader Walber Frey and his disgusting habits of marring to young women his spies told him they control most of the region taxing whoever travels their way with tribute if the travelers cross there a bridge or in their territory. House Frey controls a castle-like Bridge making themselves rich but their riches made them greedy and cowardly.
"You did well telling me this," Tatius he said putting a hand on the man's shoulder before storming out of the room Frowning heavily while his son grabbed his helmet and followed.
" You there, Give this man some water and food he's earned it. And get my armor ready" he told one of his servants who nodded as he quickly does as he is told.
"Alexios you're coming with me to get rid of these raiders, It's time to show me your combat prowess on the battlefield, also send a raven to General Theophilos of the fourteenth legate to attack that damn bridge. It is time for us to teach those who assault and murder our people will pay a bloody price."
"Yes Father," Alexios responded
On Alexios's face is the expression of excitement all that training, all the marches, all the shouting, he can finally test himself on the battlefield with his father's elite soldiers but as he runs to the Raven post he started to think if he will make a mark in history.
In the fishing village of Kephallonia is in complete chaos buildings were burning because of the ironborn who are trying to get into the fort but the garrison is more stubborn then they thought. The leader of the raiding party Griffon the butcher is not a happy man.
Griffon was born on the iron islands who in their very blood raid on the villages of the coasts of Westeros killing in his path. Remembering his first kill from the day his father brought him on a raid, over time he became an experienced warrior and also brutally killing any who resist building a small fleet in the process. Until one day when one of his ships returned back battered and bloodied he was furies.
The survivors told him theirs a strange fort on the island thinking it was the Dornish trying to expand their borders out to sea, but when attacking the fort they suddenly realized it wasn't the bastard lovers but instead a trained, disciplined force who wore chain mail with strange armor that looks like dragon scales speaking in a language the ironborn never heard of. Before the crew returned back to their ship one of his men managed to get into the fort without being detected sneaking around he was able to steal map then run back to the ship.
After they finished explaining his first order of business was to cut off the limbs of the captain then throw him overboard. second, he would raid this new land and the riches with it. returning to the ironborne islands he scratched up whoever would fight beside him but because Balin GreyJoy decided to rebel he could only get about four thousand men to join his raiding party creating an army of six thousand and five hundred men.
Setting sail with his new fleet he went southeast taking them four days his men were getting sacred when they finally saw land and better yet a village ready to plunder, when they rowed to the shore he can see people running for the lives to a stone-walled fort is where Griffon is besieging right at this moment.
"Come you lazy whores!?" he yelled to his men who are trying to get up the ladders many ironborn were getting shot by arrows killing many. Climbing the ladders many of the raiders used their shields as cover for the defenders dropped rocks making several men fall. "FOTIA!" the man on the wall screamed as the archers fired another volley of arrows killing many of Griffons men one of the arrows literally pierced through his shield.
A raider tried to run through the hailstorm of arrows but an arrow stuck in the eye killing him insistently. the ironborn who were climbing met a grizzle end when Griffon saw soldiers throw small objects which suddenly burst into flames making them fall to the ground rolling in pain.
"What in the seven hells is this!?" one of his men said seeing men being burned alive as one of them went into sea thinking it would douse the flames instead to their shock the flames spread onto the water and worse enough the moral of his men diminished slightly as for the ones made it to the top fought in brutal hand to hand combat.
The Romans fought hard knowing if they get in the villagers would pay the price. As the Ripenses held their ground slicing or stabbing into steel and flesh.
The Kentarchos, leader of the kaplhallonian garrison killed his fourth raider by relieving him of his head. deflecting a sword strike he slices open another raider's stomach with his spatha before an arrow went past him forcing him to use his shield. Seeing his men fighting on the walls of the fort trying to keep the invaders out.
Fortunately, they didn't bring proper siege equipment or experience for that matter but the heathens outnumbered them seven to one using their advantage to the fullest attacking them from all sides as he redirected a stab using his left shield arm using its edge to buckle the raider weapon before cutting him in half.
Fausta is in his thirties already gained plenty of experience in the Sothoyos and Esso's campaigns leading his cohort in those hellish jungles and deserts. He thanked God he made it only to be posted to the coastal fort which is garrisoned by Moira that numbered eight hundred and two seventy men if you count the militia part-timers who were also veterans of the many campaigns.
The man's thought was interrupted by another barbarian who tried to stab him, sidestepping it he smashed his shield edge to man's neck, crushing the raider windpipe which is silence by spear tip stabbing right in the back by a Ripeness. Shoving the raider of the spear the roman looked to his Kentarchos who nodded before moving on to face the incoming enemy.
Fusta's getting tired of this damned invaders ran to the nearest ladder he first saw, lunging he stabbed the nearest savage in the back before grabbing the siege ladder pushing it off the wall hearing the Ironborn screaming until hitting the solid ground. Sensing danger he leaped back from diagonal slash and blocked a downward one making his opponent wide open as he quickly cuts the raider chest open killing him instantly.
"Kentarchos!" turning his head he saw Captain Boril Kutan. Boril is a decedent of Bulgarian colonists who came with Marius, he served under his command for many years and right now coming to him battered but alive and well thankfully.
"What is it, Boril?"
"It looks like their pulling back to their ships. Probably to make camp in the village." getting up he saw Boril was right the damn pirates are pulling back but not leaving ether probably to plan their next attack.
Scanning the field he saw what looks like the leader who is wearing black leather armor with chain mail glaring at them with pure anger, so deciding to rub it in their faces Fusta piked up a Pilum He threw it with all his might. the pilum went into the air striking the person in front of a leader who used it as a meat shield.
Griffon the Blucher was seething his cannon fodder were getting killed more quickly than expected to force to signal a retreat. Seeing a spearheading towards him he grabbed the nearest person to use as shield skewering the poor guy but he didn't care as he lifted the corps off of him as men tried to help him
"Get off me!" he yelled in anger shoving back the helping hands. Getting back on his feet he heard a loud sound, making him turn to the direction of the sound he saw something that made his blood run cold. An entire army by the looks of it marching towards until stopping.
Turning to his first mate he began to give orders.
"Flint get the boys together were leaving this tragedy." he ordered, " order the useless slave to attack while we escape but we'll back men I'll promise you that they'll pay a hundredfold!?"
Aye Captain!" his first mate said to him plowing the horn to retreat while the rest of his arming gets in position to protect their only way to escape.
Tatius is at the head of his third roman Legion with Alexios in the Comitatenses it was kinda tradition for his family even though their royal blood one must go into legion as regular soldier or cavalrymen if want to better know your people is in warfare it proves that your true self combat.
"So these are the Kako's who attacked our people four days ago," he said looking army of pirates he saw their banners sigil of a big tentacle sea creature.
"I can see the heathens stopped attacking the fort to face us," General Vitallion said, "but it seems a third of their forces are retreating back to their ships."
General Vitallion and Tatius met when they first joined the man of roman descent was walking past the barracks until something caught his eye. he saw a young man being picked on by some new recruits at first thought Tatius was an ordinary guy trying to make a living. He quickly intervened 'diffusing' the situation with a couple of bruises here and there but the bullies backed off.
They became best of friends after that ordeal but soon shocked to now that the young man he saved is Tatius Justinian hell he almost bowed to him because of his royal blood. Overtime when they got older their friendship grew into one of the brothers even when he became emperor and Vitallion became one of Rome's best Generals expanding the empire.
"Then you'll take the Cataphract with the light infantry to intercept them if any escape then they will bring more to these lands. While I'll destroy the main force attacking the fort." hearing 'yes sir' the General carried out the orders.
As the Comitatenses and Limitanei , marching in Ublong formations with three heavy infantry columns on the left and right flanks. Lastly crossbowmen in front and archers behind the heavy infantry who were in the back of the formation.
Tatius got a good look at the Greyjoy and he is not impressed, it was mostly an unorganized mob then professionally military if they had true leadership then it might be a challenge but this will easy like breathing, unsheathing his spatha pointed it forward.
"PROKATAVOLI!" the commanding officer yelled as the army moved forward march, keeping in formation six ranks deep while the Varangian guards in reserve for the right moment to strike.
The raider, on the other hand, yelled their war cries before charging headlong while the third of their army is trying to escape to their longships. Seeing the ironborn charge at them with the intent on killing them but they were not dealing with an ordinary Westrosi Levi army.
"TOXO'S, FOTIA!" (crossbows, fire!) the Kentarchos ordered which the crossbowmen complied as they fired their bolts at the incoming enemy, killing many of the raiders before pulling back passing through the Roman spearmen who lowered their spears at the enemy after the last crossbowmen pass them.
They'd braced for impacted as the two armies clashed, Roman lines held under the pressure of the Ironborns savage assault some of them jump over their comrades to get over the shield war instead the fools got stabbed to death.
Alexios stabbed a man in the neck before retracting his spear. He was training for this for his entire life and this was it a real battle as he blocked a blade before driving his spear deep into the mans lower guts piercing his chain-mail armor putting his right hand on his weapon he drove the spear deeper making the raider drown in his own blood before kicking him off.
Then he felt something wet on his face taking a quick look he saw the spearmen beside him head split open until another took the dead men place hearing some of the roman spears break under an angle or destroyed by raiders weapon forcing them to pull out their own short swords since there spatha's were long. Seeing their cohorts Kentarchos blew his whistle commanding them to create a small opening to pull back of the formation.
Tatius give the signal for the Hippo Toxotai to move on the right flank of the battle, there horse moving fast as the creature could while their riders on horseback fired their arrows on the Grey joys exposed flanks weakening them just enough for their spearmen to push forward. "Frontline, Push!" with a hard shove the Comitatenses pushed the westrosie making the enemy front line fall on their comrades behind them.
"Spears!" hearing the order they threw their spears into the enemy ranks before pulling out their spatha's to continuing deeper into the enemy's ranks.
Seeing the battle lost some ran for the lives like Griffon men but Tatius on the other hand charged with his Varangians right behind him slaughtering anyone who was trying to escape or better yet capturing the one responsible he got a lot to answer for. Before he charged he ordered his Varangians to kill the grey joys in a frontal assault where the fighting is thickest while the rest of his Bucellarii Guard Cavalry slaughtered them like sheep as for the archers they fired into enemy ranks but far enough to not hit their own.
While the battle is going well near the fort. The Cataphract who is led by General Vitallion charged to the beach with his light infantry close behind. Barakia cursed under his breath seeing some of the ships already set sail. Pulling out his blade gave out a war cry as the ones who were trying to push their longs ships into deeper waters to escape.
When the enemy saw the Cataphract, it was already too late as they saw armored faceless horse riders who cut down any who stood in their way also shooting arrows from their short bows while the Antesignani entered the village encountering more of griffons men engaging in close combat like their legionary ancestors before them blocking the blades strikes then stabs with there Gladius's but as light infantry having only chain mail caused them to lose men as the battle lasted a few more hours Vitallion soldiers killed the last of Griffons and capturing four ironborn longs ships with its important cargo within the ships hull.
As in the Fields, it was full of bodies as the Romans finish of the last raider showing to mercy before standing victories. As the battle was over the thirteenth gathered their dead so they can receive a proper burial on their own.
It's almost dusk as the Romans tend to their wounded and they're dead. Two Varangians guards stood outside the Royal tent making sure their emperor is safe, while Tatius is sitting on his chair looking at a map of the whole of westeros taken from a barbarian who tried to destroy it, while a surgeon is sewing a wound he got on his arm from a raider got a lucky hit.
"How many dead?" he asked General Vitallion seeing his son sitting on the right side of the tent staring at the ground "we lost seven hundred and eight men, with two hundred men and eighty-nine wounded. The three hundred and the fifty mostly came from the Forts defenders who bore the brunt of the assault.,lastly, we found ten villagers dead and eight wounded." he finished with a sigh.
"It's good to now we didn't lose too many men and all but what those who escaped?" Alexios said standing up "they dared attack us."
"And we will Alexios," Tatius replied "we will, but first we have to find where they came from. on what we can gather, Westeros has a pirate problem who seems to have the same sigil to the ones who attacked us." taping on a couple of islands on the map they have.
"These islands seem to be where they're based.' muttering out loud.
"Then what are we waiting here for?," Alexios growled, " Let us sail they're and end them once and for all."
"Calm yourself Alexios," Tatius said sternly "If you let anger cloud your thoughts then you'll do something foolish in battle."
Calming down he looked at the map again seeing the many houses some with even weird names like 'the wall', the twins', and 'the Dread fort' with many others.
"My emperor if I may, what about General Theophilos's legions," General Vitallion questioned, "It would not go unnoticed if an army like ours to be discovered?"
Vitallion was right if they took the twins what then. House Frey is in position between the northern and southern kingdoms and their only city is in the Vale which is in their mountains. "Then I'll talk with their Rex, but dealing with senate will be another matter" Tatius grumbled dealing with the Senators is always a headache but it has to be done, he may be emperor but the senate have the power of the people.
The Senate was created to reassure the people that the roman people that he will not be a tyrant like Nero but a benevolent and just leader, good thing Tatius was able to get them on their good side but it took about seven years to do it. Turning his head to the Roman General began to give a suggestion.
"What about our navy general? Can our ships survive the journey to Westeros."
Scoffing the General replied "They can your highness. Our ships can withstand any storm in any sea." making the emperor chuckle as he shook his head before looking in Alexios's direction "Son when we set sail your staying in my Legion for while."
"Father?" he said in confusion
"I heard you fought bravely beside the Comitatenses during the battle even when you are in thick of the fighting but still need a lot to learn."
Alexios smiled inside but he always knows that theirs still much to learn if he will become Emperor one day but he is surprised he was supposed to be transferred to Alexandria not joining a campaign.
"Father...I must protest," he responded trying to find the words to talk to his father " I Don't want to disrespect your father but I was supposed to be stationed in Alexandria. the Magister Militum Esso's would not allow this.." but he is cut off by his father by the hand.
"Then I will send Raven that you will be under General Vitallion legion for now on. I feel you will learn much from him," he explained to his son who is surprised, he heard the stories of General Vitallion who fought on the Esso's frontier protecting it from Dothraki raids until his legion was sent to Sothoyos it was there he faced a large army of tribesmen who united under one king who launched a full invasion of northern Sothoyos defeating the Legions in two important battles until Vitallion arrived at the city of Yeen. Seeing that he was outnumbered fourteen to one he scavenged what's left of the Legion troops that survived also recruited tribes who are enemies of the southern tribes.
Thanks to their help he pulled the impossible and destroyed the sothoyos tribe's army at the walls of Yeen as well as capturing the brother of the sothoyos king suing for peace in the process cementing their rule over northern sothoyos.
Alexios was pulled from his thoughts when hearing his father's voice "Alexios are you listening to me?" as his father staring at him expecting him to answer. straitening himself the prince gave a respectful bow "Yes my lord."
"Good, then you're dismissed." giving a respectful bow Alexios left the royal tent leaving Vitallion and Tatius alone, looking at the map of the westeros only for the emperor to break the silence.
"Vitallion, can you do something personal for me?" Tatius said sincerely
"Yes my Emperor?" he exclaimed expecting him to give another assignment because it was common for an Emperor to give a General an important mission but this time it would be very different then the normal assignments this time.
"I want you to watch over Alexios for me." making Vitallion almost choke on his wine he was drinking
"Pardoned me Brailies I don't mean no disrespect but Why me? you could hire anyone with experience with a sword or even royal tutor."
"Ah yes I could but you are the next best thing, old friend. You have more experience than all of the generals in the Roman army."
"Not all the Generals."
"Oh, well How many of them launched an expedition into Dothraki land, how many defended the city of Yeen , convinced the northern tribes and defeated the largest army of Sothoryos tribesmen at the battle of Zamyos river, how many of them went into of the Jungle of death and returned alive." he listed Vitallion achievements
" Theophilos was with me on the expedition into the Zounkles tou Thanatos," the roman general add.
"The point is you are the perfect person that would not use my son for their own gain or kill him by sending him into a foolish death." Tatius knew that he can't trust all of his generals. He still has enemies in the senate who were always jealous of how long his family has been in power Hell the 'years of blood' is proof of that.
Vitallion thought long and hard one it would help his career, to make his friend indebted to him but if Alexios dies under his watch it will be a major blow to his military reputation worse it may cost him his life. Sighing he finally spoke "Alright I'll take him under my wing but under the condition that he has to earn that place," he requested "Agreed."
"Agreed," Tatius said finely before leaving as well. "Vitallion, before I forget, take your legion to these 'iron islands' and put an end to them once and for all." giving a serious tone in his voice and eyes. The grizzle general stood to straighten his back bowing his head to his emperor "Yes, your highness."
"Good, Gather the men were returning to they will be welcomed as heroes, Tomorrow we sail to War." as his General left him to tell the men while he took a look of the map looking at the kingdom and the feeling of that it will be the greatest challenge the roman empire faced in its hundreds of years and know new opponents will face the great eagle.
Okay, this my first game of thrones story and what the roman threw literally Greek fire grenades that's right incendiary grenades in ancient times I found it out on discovery channel also get this the Eastern Roman Empire didn't just buy silk from china they basically smuggled silkworms back to Constantinople creating their own silk with the knowledge on how to make it, Damn it's like somebody stole the secret of a Vault of gold bars!
I wonder why theirs no amulet arslan seki crossover or better yet Drifters game of thrones crossover, or Amulet arslan, a crossover would be so much better maybe even a Sengoku basara arslan senki crossover that would be sight.
Dromon- a Byzantine warship
Kentarchos- a greek word for centurion