A wounded Asgardian warrior lay on an infirmary bed while the king's healers did their best to treat his wounds before infection spread. While most of the injuries had completely healed, there was one that had refused improvement. The gash had resisted both practical medicine and mythical spells; He was slowly bleeding out.

This damage was caused when Erik, the warrior on the bed, was impaled by an enemy's sword in the midst of battle. It was deep and had rendered him useless in battle. After an hour of watching the battle play out, unable to defend himself or help defeat the enemy. He had lost consciousness and was carried away by medics. He had not woken since then; it had been nearly two days.

As the healers tended to Erik, Allfather Odin surveyed the troubling scene

"Something is wrong. This man should be fully recovered by now," Odin muttered to Ingrid, the head physician of the infirmary who stood beside him. She wrung her hands but remained silent for the moment.

Considering her vast knowledge of various ailments, a couple of thoughts occurred to her. "Perhaps the make of the blade is causing complications. And there is a possibility that the blade was poisoned…" she informed Odin. The tired man stroked his beard, nodding in reply. Not knowing what more they could try to bring the Asgardian back to full health or what answer to give her king, she ran a hand through her frazzled hair, trying to think of other options.

As they were discussing other procedures and spells to help the fallen warrior, a new presence grabbed Odin's attention. Heimdall, the sentry had approached with intent to offer his wisdom, suggesting another solution to the issue at hand.

"My King, perhaps it would be wise to extend our search to outside of Asgard. Other beings may have knowledge of what ails him…"Odin gazed to Erik before giving Heimdall his full attention.

"…Very well. What other options do you suggest then? What have you seen that could possibly help us?" Odin asked. "We have the best physicians in the nine realms, so even I doubt your clarity on this matter." Odin commented, arching an eyebrow.

"There is a woman on Midgard, gifted in the healing arts. I haven been watching her closely, and though she is young, her gifts have granted her ease in dealing with ailments our ladies may scarcely treat. She is a human, yes, but she shines above her kind in both skill and heart," Heimdall explained. A shadow of disdain appeared on Odin's face at the mention of her mortality.

" A human, you say? You forget yourself in making such a proposal. Asgard is no place for her kind," Odin responded angrily, but alas Heimdall did not back down.

"There may be no other options in this case. And one mortal will scarcely make a difference in your kingdom, sire," he calmly retorted. Odin rubbed his temples before returning his gaze to Erik. "How powerful is she? Do you truly believe she can help?" he question, softening his tone and keeping his gaze on Erik.

"Yes, I believe she can," Heimdall answered. Odin closed his eyes and sighed, struggling to summon courage for his next command.

"Send someone for her. I'd like to see her power for myself," Odin ordered, sending Heimdall away. The sentry bowed before he left the infirmary in a hurry. He hadn't realized how much the young woman would defy expectations once she arrived on Asgard. The effect she would have on her new friends, partners, and superiors would surprise them all.

Most of all, there was a difference she would make in the life of a man who had always been an outcast, a man who kept everyone at arm's length but only to pull her in close. This man, a prince, who only knew jealousy and resentment towards those who loved him, would allow her to teach him how to fall in love.

This would be the beginning of Loki's healing.