10 – The Rain Arrives

"Tori-chan~ I miss you!" Byakuran cried dramatically, tearfully holding the phone to his ear as he did so. "It's not as fun without you! Visit me in Italy, or better yet come live with me!"

"That's not happening Bya." She deadpanned, ignoring the ongoing chaos with Reborn, Fon and Tsuna. She convinced Reborn to let Fon help with their tutoring – not that he was happy about it. He stayed silent whenever she asked him something before completely giving up and cuddling the sulking toddler. "I still haven't finished playing matchmaker with Cerise and Tsu-nii. And, papa wouldn't let me even if I wanted."

"Tori-chan! Pretty please!" He sobbed. "It's boring without you."

"No." She'd just managed to escape the clutches of an old pervert who was trying to corrupt her mind with filth that she wasn't going to say she enjoyed.

"Why not?! I'll have everything for you!" He blabbered continuously, only to squawk indignantly when he heard the dial tone. Frowning, he recalled her, only for the speaker to robotically voice


"This number does not exist. This number does not exist."

"She blocked me! Irie!"

His redheaded friend looked up, meeting the dejected puppy eyes of his friend before methodically returning to his work. He didn't understand how they became friends – what with their clashing personalities – but he somehow dug up enough patience for him. Now, hearing him act like such a child, that patience dwindled into but a dust bunny, rolling away quickly.

The less he knew the better honestly.

"Irie!" He choked out, rushing forward to hug ginger. "Help me!"

He sighed, pushing his glasses up his nose with an annoyed glare. "No. I'm busy."

"B-B-But Tori-chan!" He wailed, hoping to find comfort. "She blocked me! Blocked me of all people!"

"I don't blame her honestly. I continuously do the same to you whenever you get on my nerves."


An angered voice rose from the adjoining room, breaking their eardrums. "SHUT UP!"


Walking past her cousins' room, she titled her head in curiosity as he frowned, lips curling downwards as his stare became cloudier as thoughts ran rampant within his mind.

"Nii-sama?" She called softly, slowly kneeling next to him with worried eyes. "Are you alright?"

"Hi-chan… what do you think love is?"

"I don't know." She hummed. "Why ask though?"

He hesitated, leaning against her, shoulders slumping in relief as she leant against him. Despite how busy she was with those toddlers of hers, she never failed to make time with him even if she had to bribe those babies – Lambo and I-Pin really, Fon and Reborn would get their revenge once they were tutoring him.

"Could you tell me?" He repeated firmly but softly.

She spectated his stormy eyes, uncovering the uneasiness that he felt and smiled softly, running her lithe fingers through his hair, twirling it around methodically as his eyes relaxed somewhat.

"To me love is… something out of my reach I suppose – or so I thought." She admitted quietly, eyes glazing over, reminiscent of the her before the little suit-clad baby stormed into their lives unannounced so many months ago. "I was content with Tsu-nii, mama, papa and even uncle but I was lacking something that every teenager went through."

"Hi-chan…" He breathed, eyes pained as he realised that even through all the determination of protecting him from his bullies, she had no one outside of the little safety net that never failed to catch her. Perhaps he was selfish and strived to monopolise her because she was always there for him whenever he needed her. And yet, he failed as a cousin – no, he reaffirmed, her elder brother and not protected her from the loneliness that consumed her little by little.

"But my sun and storm blazed through, leaving the walls I constructed destroyed and allowed me to see that is was alright to leave, to expand my little circle." She continued, eyes alight in delight. "I'm missing something else but for now, I'm content with everything that has happened. I'm grateful for the things that have taken place because Reborn arrived." She paused, eyes lifting to the ceiling thoughtfully. "I suppose that's what love is to me. It's something I didn't realise I needed and now that I have it, I will protect it with my dying will."

"Me too." Tsuna admitted quietly. "It's because of that crazy baby of yours that our lives have gone the way they have and I'm begrudgingly grateful for him."

"You don't ask me topics like this, what brought this on?"

He chuckled, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and nuzzled her cheek fondly. "I've realised you were right about Kyoko-chan."

"That you were jealous because she had everything you wished for?" She deadpanned with a slight smirk.


"If you truly liked her, I wouldn't meddle." She stated sincerely. "When Tsu-nii loves someone, it's a very beautiful thing."

"When Hi-chan loves, it's an amazing gift." He finished with a warm but small smile. "It's what helped me."

She stared at his genuine smile, eyes watering ever so slightly that he realised what she went through to protect him, to keep his heart through it all.

"Thank you." He finished tearily, holding her tightly as she silently cried, allowing her to relish in the comfort that was finally relinquished to her.

She was strong, he knew, but even the strongest needed someone to lean on. Hitori had never been failed when it came to love from them all, but he knew she longed for the one who had always refused to give it, that left her as a young babe and never once looked back.

'I promise to protect her with my dying will.' He thought determinedly, eyes flashing amber briefly, the colour settling into a small circle around his iris.

Unbeknownst to either, his flames – while still sealed – had prematurely escaped somewhat and brushed against her own, purring contently when it intermingled.

It was home.

They had once protected its defenceless host, now, it was time to protect what is theirs without question.

It ignored the bright colours attached to its core, dutifully keeping their attention on their bonded.


Reborn and Fon clearly overheard the conversation. No matter how quiet the duo were, Reborn and Fon would never fail to hear a word outwardly spoken – inwardly as well in Reborn's case, the little sadistic tutor that he is – and something akin to fury licked against their flames.

"I'm surprised Tsunayoshi still does not understand how clearly flame sentient he is." Fon mused thoughtfully, dark eyes taking the scene and decoding every twitch and movement. "Perhaps that is why Vongola Ninth sealed his flames."

"That idiot Iemitsu had a hand in it as well. Worried that Tsuna and Hitori would form a guardian bond." Reborn expanded lightly, ignoring the amused look on his fellow Acrobaleno. "However, that is not the issue. Hitori is still seeking another guardian."

"And with how potent her flames are, you doubt they would go for a flame user like the ones you've picked from Tsunayoshi." Fon deduced cleverly. "I also take it into account that you also prepared Hitori for that route as well."

"She has no need for incompetent users that can't protect her." He rebuffed. He didn't want to admit he was right. He still had his pride as a hitman and he'd be damned – not that he isn't already – if he'd let Fon of all people catch him.

"What do you propose we do then?"

He frowned, dark eyes surveying the cousins before sharing a look with his fellow guardian. "Hitori's flames are clearly picky with what guardian she desires to bond with and seeing as we have bonded with her, it wouldn't be unsurprising if she also bonds with another."

"Seeing as you have thought so much for the topic, you already have someone in mind then." He concluded. "It's not Skull."

"Why would I bring him?"

Fon smiled. "You do have a soft spot for him."

"I will not hesitate to send the video to every single mafiso." Reborn threatened coldly. Their Sky had oh so conveniently banned them attacking each other unless it was a spar and she was there to referee.


"I've already sent a message."


The loud exclaims of exuberant, tired yet determined shouts echoed throughout the base, the sound trailing to a young blonde who stared stupidly at the message in his hands.

Namimori. Tomorrow.

There was only one person that dared talk to him like that…

"Dammit Reborn, kora!" He exploded, sky blue eyes narrowing in anger. Dialling the number, his face darkened as the other waited until the dial tone was about to take over.


"Drop the bullshit, kora!" He roared, attracting the attention of surrounding victims who paled when he shot them a death glare. "What do you want, kora?"

"Just get to Namimori." He repeated knowingly. "You'll be pleased."

"Reborn if you don't –" He stared blankly as the only sound now accompanying him was the finished call. "Dammit, kora! Fine, Tony, book me a ticket to Namimori!"

"Ye-Yes, sir!" The underling yelped, sprinting off to the nearest computer.

They already were dead tired in training, just who was the monster that caused their times to lengthen. There was no time to rest anymore okay! Not even a minute!


Hitori raised a brow at her surprisingly behaving toddlers. I-Pin and Lambo always behaved since she became their mother, but Reborn and Fon were mischievous little troublemakers and seeing them so… compliant was almost scary.

Tsuna very clearly shared the same sentiment, shuffling closer to Cerise who backed away from the angelically smiling duo.

"What are you two planning?" She mused, eyes narrowing playfully. "Not a massacre?"

"Hi-chan!" Tsuna admonished, shivering as he squeaked. "Don't encourage them!"

"They wouldn't do that."

Cerise and Tsuna sweatdropped, sharing a look that they both interpreted as disbelieving. If she ever said the word, what day and who it'd be finished quicker than saying 'No'.

"Let's go." Cerise motioned, pushing him away firmly. "Hitori can deal with those two demons."

As though hearing her words, an inconspicuous bun and bullet rang past her face, ruby eyes widening in fear as Tsuna grabbed her hand and booked it without looking back.

He had no argument to placate them, Hitori was the only thing in the whole wide world to calm those two little monsters down and he had no fear of saying that he would run with her say so.

"Reborn, Fon." She sighed, grasping them and holding them in her arms. "You never behave this well, so what evil deeds have you done?"

"It's nothing evil." Fon assured gently, smile in place as he shared a look with Reborn.

The one arriving was perhaps both the easiest and hardest to convince. But they had faith in her skill as a sky. Even that army cretin wouldn't be able to resist her charms.

"Reborn, kora!" A voice bellowed, startling her.

Hitori clumsily turned around, only for a blonde-haired toddler to jump atop her head as he glared at the fedora-wearing toddler that had a challenging smirk.

"Oh dear."


"What'd ya call me for, kora?"

"Excuse me, but could you get off my head." Hitori interrupted, reaching for the collar of his shirt to stare at him in surprise.

His blue eyes darted up to her own. He blinked once, twice, rubbed his eyes and gaped.

"What the hell, kora?!"

When did Reborn and Fon bond with a sky?!

*Throws confetti* And here is the last of our little guardians for the adorable Hitori! One of you used your deducing skills and guessed correctly early on with great timing! I hinted many chapters ago and I do suppose that I made Fon very easy to guess, but I wanted a challenge and Colonnello proved the greatest challenge for our protagonist. So, as I've skipped uh...just give me a moment to consult someone. *Walks away into a room and locks the door.*

Five Minutes Later

Er yes, so I've skipped episode ten and eleven so Dino will be making a comeback soon and Byakuran! And Tsuna has a little heart to heart with Hitori that will make sense later on, writers promise. It's a relatively short one because I want most of the interaction for our group to be in the next chapter.

I hope you enjoy this chapter and future ones! Leave a review!
