The Dursleys were a perfectly normal and perfectly respectable family. There was Vernon Dursley who, while he was slightly rounded, was known as a man who loved his wife, did his job and looked after his son. Next was Petunia Dursley. Petunia was well liked around the neighbourhood. She would volunteer at the school when someone was needed and would sometimes bring some baking for the children to eat. The son of Vernon and Petunia was Dudley Dursley. Dudley was known as a kind boy who would look out for the little guy. Dudley would always intervene when he saw bullying and was well liked among the children. While the Dursleys were known for all these good things they were also known for one other thing; their niece. Alex Potter was a wild child. She was often seen with a hawk, running around in tattered clothes covered in dirt and her hair was a long mane that always had flowers in it. When the neighbourhood saw little Alex who even at a young age was running around like a maniac getting into all sorts of trouble, they pitied the Dursleys and told them how sorry they felt for them.
Vernon POV
Around when Alex turned seven Vernon was called into his boss's office. Vernon felt a bit nervous as he had no idea what this was about. Vernon knocked on his boss's door, walked in and sat down. "Good afternoon sir. May I ask what this is about?" Vernon said nervously.
"Oh, dont look so worried Vernon. I have called you in here to day to tel you that we are opening a new branch of Grunnings in California I would like you to be its manager." Vernon was shocked. This was a tremendous opportunity. "Thank you for this opportunity sir, but since I would have to move to America, may I have some time to discuss this with my wife?"
"Of course Vernon, but while you're discussing it be sure to mention that your travel expenses will be fully payed for along with a new house and a new car. After a talking for a bit more they said their farewells and Vernon rushed home to talk to his wife about it. "Pet! You wont believe what happened at work today." he said excitedly.
"What is it dear?" Petunia answered.
"I was offered a management position in a new firm opening in America!" Vernon replied.
"Thats great dear , but wouldn't we have to move to America?"
"Yes but if I do accept, they'll pay for all travel expenses, a new house and a new car."
"Hmm, that does sound quite good."
After discussing the pros and cons of accepting the proposal Vernon and Petunia decide to accept. Vernon called up his boss and told him that he accepted the job and they began the process of packing after explaining to Dudley their decision. While they were doing all this, they did not once think of Alex.
Alex POV
While the Dursleys were doing this, Alex was doing something else entirely. Contrary to what everyone else thought of her Alex was not a stupid troublemaker. She was an intelligent troublemaker. Alex was particularly knowledgeable in the study of plants and animals and had an inexplicable grasp on the Greek language, both ancient and not. While these talents could be considered normal, she also had a few other talents that could not be considered normal.
"Now, all you have to do is fly over there and shit on his car." Alex said earnestly to a flock of birds. The voice that Alex was speaking in was not her normal voice. If anyone had been listening in they would have heard a noise that sounded vaguely like rushing water, rustling leaves and the stampeding steps of thousands of animals.
"Yes Wildling." The birds twittered back. Alex smiled a manic smile as the flock flew over and bombarded her uncles car. Alex skipped over to Number 4 Privet drive, her flowery hair swaying in the wind. As she opened the door she shouted to her uncle "Hey Uncle! This massive flock of birds just took a dump on your car."
"Oh its you girl." Her Uncle said in an indifferent tone "We're moving in a week. Be ready by then." He then walked off ignoring her like always. Alex sighed in annoyance before what he had said clicked in her brain.
"Wait, we're moving? Where?" Alex asked.
" California" Her Uncle answered.
We're going to America? Awesome!" Alex smiled. "Bye Fam. I have to go inform my minions." Alex rushed out the door and sped down to the local woods. As she ran through the woods to the clearing that she used for her meetings the trees around her groaned and shook, reacting to her wild presence. When she reached the clearing she called out using her voice which she had instinctively known as the 'Η φωνή της άγριας' or the Voice of the Wild "Come creatures! Both great and small! Mammal, bird, insect! Let all come and for a moment calm the Wild in your hearts! Come!" As she finished for a moment there was silence, but that was quickly replaced by the pounding of animal paws, the buzzing of insects and flapping of birds. The birds arrived first; there were birds of prey and birds that were prey all flying together and flying in peace as they landed on the branches. Next came the insects; they came in great swarms both buzzing and skittering they came to a halt on the trunks of the trees. Last arrived the land animals, both hunter and prey together, they stopped at the base of the tree's.
"Creatures! I have an announcement. I am going to be moving across the ocean to America and I have come to ask you what threats I may face there."
An ancient looking hawk flew down and landed on Alex's shoulder.
"Wildling, you will face many knew threats in that land, but there will also be a greater number of allies there. Also there are those there that are like you but different as we would not bow to them, but other forces of nature do."
"Like me? What am I and what are they, Fading Feather?
"We have been forbidden to tell you Wildling, but I believe that the one who forbade us may tell you, weak as he is."
"Who has the power to override my orders to you, Fading Feather?"
Fading Feather smiled a hawks smile. "You are only the princess of the wild, not yet the Queen" He answered cryptically.
"Well fine don't tell me." Alex grumbled. Suddenly she smiled an evil smile. "Hey Fading Feather."
"Wanna come with?"
"How are you going to convince your relatives to let to you take me?"
"I'll either threaten them with many horrible pranks or bribe them with the promise of less pranks."
"This is going to go so bad."
Vernon POV
The Dursleys were eating a nice celebratory meal when Vernon heard a squeaky, devilish voice. "Heeey Unncle?
Vernon turned towards his infernal niece. "What." He asked flatly.
"I'm allowed to bring Fading Feather right?"
Vernon was about to say no when he had a thought. "What will we get out of it?" The infernal creature smiled.
"I'll spend most of my day away from you while we're in America, and as an added bonus I won't prank you." Vernon thought this over. 'We wont see her much and she wont bother us, hmm.' "Alright niece, you have a deal."
The little thing smiled again and rushed away after shouting a quick thank you, and the Dursleys turned back to their meal once again forgetting she exisxted.
Alex POV
Alex spent the rest of the week reading up on the sorts of creatures and plants that she would find in America but she knew that she would need to check the local library when they got to America. She was happy to find that they had numerous species of wolf and fox, at least one bear and a great variety of birds. When it came time to leave she shouted a last farewell to the creatures of surrey, called Fading Feather to her and rushed to her relatives car where they were just finishing their preparations to leave. When she got there she saw the briefest flash of disappointment and disgust go through her aunts eyes and knew that she had been hoping that they would be able to leave without her. She felt a surge of anger towards her relatives but managed to push it down when she saw the plants around her shake as if the wind was going through them. Alex sighed as the plants calmed once more and got in the car. On the way to the airport her relatives were chatting amicably pretending she didn't exist. Alex hated how her relatives treated her; in some ways she thought it would be better if they physically hurt her instead of acting as if she wasn't there because while what they did didn't leave bruises she had barely any human interaction as other people as they stayed away from her fearing her wild personality. Sensing her melancholy mood Fading Feather nuzzled her and said "Do not worry Wildling, you will always have me and I will neverleave you." Alex smiled as his words pushed away her mood and went back to watching the scenery fly by.
This is my first story so please give me some reviews and don't be to annoyed if its terrible, not that I expect it to be. This story shall be focused on Alex though I will do some POVs of other characters. This won't be Dumbledore or Weasley bashing, but it might be Hermione bashing because I hate her guts. Also tell me if you can guess who Alex's Godly parent is, you won't get a prize.
Thanks, Demi-Hermitcrab.