The city of Metropolis… IS UNDER ATTACK!
Godzilla rises from the ocean and quickly starts attacking skyscrapers, burning neighborhoods, destroying tanks.
Godzilla is at Metropolis and is about to stomp on a cat stuck in a tree. The foot crushes the tree, but as it is lifted up, the cat is gone: for SUPERMAN HAS SAVED IT!
Superman: No creature is too small for me to save.
As he feeds the kitten with a glass of milk; smiling with a perfectly white grin.
Meanwhile Godzilla is doing a suplex to LexCorp Tower.
Godzilla lets out a mighty roar; only to see Superman standing on his nose.
Superman: I can do better!
Superman uses his Super-Breath to blow Godzilla into a nearby building. Godzilla quickly gets up and is enraged.
Godzilla raises his claws and swipes at Superman twice; but Supes just crosses his arms to show that he was unphased.
Godzilla chomps onto Superman; but Supes pushes his mouth open.
Godzilla begins to charge his Atomic Breath. Superman sees the glow from down his throat. So Superman flies out of his mouth and immediately clams Godzilla's mouth shut. However the Atomic Ray explodes within Godzilla; becoming the Nuclear Pulse.
The blast hits Superman. The radiation does some harm to Supes, but his healing factor repairs the damage instantly and he gets back up as he absorbs sunlight.
Godzilla sees the Daily Planet and fires his Atomic Ray at it. Superman stands in front of the building and tries to block it. The radiation of the ray begins to burn through his solar aura, and his suit and skin begin to burn. However Superman begins to fly into the ray.
Punch punch punch punch punch!
After one more mighty blow, the ray is destroyed.
Godzilla swings his tail around to whip at Superman. But Supes catches the tail and spins around and around; spinning Godzilla like a fan-blade. He throws the kaiju into orbit, flies into orbit, and punches him back into the earth: with Godzilla landing into a desert.
Godzilla gets up again and charges at Superman. Superman easily dodges. Godzilla bites, swipes and punches but misses every attempt.
But while he does this, he charges his Red Spiral Ray. He blasts Superman at point blank and Supes falls onto the sand hard. Godzilla goes up to him and crushes him under his feat.
But Superman punches Godzilla's foot so hard that it sends him airborne for 3 seconds. Supes then flies around the world multiple times. As Godzilla gets up he sees the faint trails of Supes flying past him. He tries to hit them, but like before he can't do anything.
Now traveling faster than light; Superman strikes Godzilla straight in the eye, piercing his skull and destroying his brain. Godzilla falls down with Superman the victor (and in kaiju guts).