Chapter 16

So I first, I want to say Thank You to all of the people who are enjoying my story. Second, with everything going on in the World I've been busy writing my own Novel. Well anyway I hope you like this next chapter. I think I'll be wrapping this story up. I very much enjoy the interaction between Hades and the Demigods. I think he was under used so here I decided to use him.

Annabeth was getting really tired of being here. Yes she was happy to be with Percy and Nico and of course she loved the Architecture of the Castle but she missed her home. Percy was busy protecting Harry and Nico was busy making the Slytheryns lives miserable. But The Ravenclaws and the Hufflepuffs really didn't do much. There really wasn't much for her to teach and protect them from.

As she was walking through the corridor going to the Ravenclaw common room she heard a loud POP! Sound Behind her was standing Hades the lord of the Underworld. She quickly got to her knees, she knew only Percy would diss the gods by not bowing but then he has earned that right and they knew that but she wasn't Percy Jackson. What she didn't know was the Olympians held her to the same esteem.

"Lord Hades! What can I do for you?" Annabeth asked. She was kind of afraid for this was the first time she was in Hades presence by herself. "Annabeth, please stand. I can't talk to you when you are on your knees and well you deserve to be honored as well." Hades said. She quickly stood up not knowing where this conversation was going.

"Annabeth, you are probably wondering why Hecate isn't guiding you demigods and I am. It's because Yes she is the goddess of Magic but she didn't create this world I did." Said Hades. Annabeth was floored by this revelation. "I don't think I am understanding why you are telling me this and not Nico or Percy." Said Annabeth. Now that caught Hades off guard. "Annabeth let's sit for I have some explaining to do." Hades then created two seats out of the Shadows.

Hades pondered where to begin so he decided to start from the beginning. "As you know when Zeus, Poseidon and I divided up our Realms well you could say I was Angry. I'm the Oldest and I got stuck with the worst Kingdom to Rule. I thought I should Rule over everything. Well I decided to fix that problem. I created a Hidden World which Morphed into this World. What made it the Magical World is well let's say a certain daughter of Hecate caught my attention during one of the Months when my beloved wife Persephone isn't with me." Hades paused. This News was really starting to give Annabeth a headache.

"So let me get this straight you sired a child with a Demigod daughter of Hecate and that started everything?" asked Annabeth. Hades shook his head Yes. "Well I found out this Child was a Legacy of both mine and Hecate. She wasn't a Demigod bur she wasn't a Mortal. She was something in between. Blessed by both of us. So since she had Magic I thought best to put her in this World. And I talked to Hecate and we decided that she should be the one in charge of this Land since she is the goddess of Magic. I'd be a watchful protector." Explained Hades.

It took all of Annabeth's willpower to absorb this information. She may have been overstepping herself now but she had to know now. "Lord Hades, who was this Girl?" asked Annabeth. Hades' eyes burned with anger but he did answer knowing that Annabeth needed answers to protect Harry from Tom Riddle. "She was the Ancestor to the Peverell Family who in turn Harry is related too." Hades answered.

Now that was some news to Annabeth, Harry Potter was related to Hades. "Annabeth, I could Order you not to and curse you if you did but I am asking you to please not relay this information to anyone else. But I do need you to research some information. It's not easy to come by information but I know Wisdom's daughter can get it done. Search for anything you can on the secrets of Horcruxes and the 3 weapons of Death. I know Harry guards one of them but the Fates won't allow me to divulge any more information than that." Finished Hades.

Hades then disappeared in a cloud of Darkness and when Annabeth stood up the chairs melted away as well. She had a Mission inside of a Mission (A/N I got the Mission inside of another Mission from One of my Favorite TV shows Chuck, Can anyone tell me which episode it was on and what Season). Annabeth ran to the Library and on her way she full on hit Percy and both of them landed on the ground.

"Whoa that Wise Girl, where are you headed in such a hurry?" Percy asked. Annabeth opened her mouth after a few breaths. "I just had a rather complicated Conversation with Hades and he gave me something to do for him that will greatly make our mission easier and will protect Harry." Annabeth answered.

Now it was Percy's turn to be surprised and maybe a bit confused but that's what happens when you are dating an Athena Girl. "Annabeth that's the third time Hades has showed up, what do you think it's all about?" asked Percy. Percy then saw Annabeth stammer for a quick second, so fast that anyone else but him wouldn't of noticed but he knew his Wise Girl. "Annabeth if you know something than you need to tell both Nico and I." Percy said.

Annabeth was stuck. "Percy in all due time I'm sure Hades will reveal more to you but he has specifically asked me not to say anything about our conversation. You are busy protecting Harry and Nico is making the Slytheryns and the Toads life a nightmare. This is my turn to help where I excel at Research." Explained Annabeth. Percy wasn't happy but He chose to trust Annabeth now and forever. "Okay Annabeth I'll trust you but I can't help but wonder if Hades is hiding some much helpful information that could make this mission go faster so we can go home." Said Percy. Annabeth finally saw it, Percy missed his family. Not being able to see his Mom or Paul and especially Estelle. Thus Mission must be driving him crazy. Annabeth was the only one who could see through the mask that Percy was usually wearing. "Percy, I promise the information I was just given will help and I promise you will get home and then you and I will be off to New Rome to live out the rest of our lives in peace. Please be patient with me." Annabeth said in a hurry.

"Annabeth you are the only one I trust." Said Percy. Then she kissed him a Deep Loving Kiss that stole all of the breath away from Percy. "I have to go to the Library and you should be getting back to Harry. Come see me later for a Date Night." Said Annabeth as she went into the Library.

That's Chapter 16. Hope you like the twist I put into this. Hades being the Creator of the Wizarding World.