So, what prompted this? Basically, I love the almost father/daughter dynamic between Clint and Wanda in the movies. I was sad we'd probably never get to see it again, as Endgame will probably be Hawkeye's final appearance in the MCU. Before I knew it, I had this halfway planed.
This story will largely be an MCU fic, but it will incorporate some elements of the X-Men universe. One in which becomes very clear in this chapter. Hope you guys enjoy it and tell me if you think I should continue or not.
Sokovia, 2006
Clint Barton was on his way back to the rendezvous point to meet up with his partner, Natasha Romanoff, after a successful mission. Another mission, another scumbag put in the ground. Clint was just looking forward to getting some shut eye on the journey home when a shout drew his attention. Clint quickly raced towards the sound and stared, horror and rage welling up within him.
A young girl, not even in her teens, was on the ground, in a ball as three men surrounded her, kicking her violently. As the girl let out cries of pain, Clint was reminded of his newborn son Cooper back home. Clenching his hands into fists, Clint walked onto the scene.
"So it takes three men to beat a little girl?" Clint demanded and the three men stopped, looking over their shoulders at him.
"Stay out of this stranger. This does not concern you," one of them said in accented English.
"It became my concern when three grown men decided to beat a little girl," Clint said as he approached them. "Walk away and no one has to get hurt."
"She is a witch! We will exterminate her!" another of them snarled, pulling out a gun and taking aim at Clint. "If you interfere, we will do the same to you!"
"If that's the way you want it," Clint said evenly, clearly not backing down.
The man fired but Clint dodged the bullet. Ducking, Clint sent a kick to the man's knees, knocking him off his feet. The man lost his grip on the gun and it went flying into the air. Clint caught it and fired, getting one of the men in the chest. As the other rushed him, Clint elbowed the man in the face, sending him down. As they stood up, Clint saw other men crawling out of the shadows, some of them wielding weapons like metal pipes of wooden clubs.
"Really? All this over a kid?" Clint asked his tone of mix of incredulity and disgust.
"She's a witch," one of the men who Clint had first come upon said. "She will die. And unless you walk away, so will you."
Suddenly, the girl let out a terrified wail and something happened. Red energy seemed to burst out of her, destroying the walls of the buildings it touched. The weapons the men were holding were completely destroyed as they and Clint were all thrown back. Several of them hit their heads on the sides of buildings, getting knocked out. Those that didn't jumped up and ran for their lives.
Clint landed on his side, grimacing in pain as the girl retreated into the corner of the alley. She curled up into a ball, obviously terrified as she cried. Clint stared at her for a moment as he understood. This girl had powers somehow and the Sokovians were scared. And her fear was making it difficult for her to control her powers. Grunting, Clint pulled himself to his feet and cautiously began making his way over to her. She looked up at him, terrified, as he held up his hands.
"I'm not gonna hurt you, okay?" Clint said as he knelt down to her level, so she could see his eyes. "I'm Clint. What's your name?"
"Wanda," she said softly in heavily accented English, her eyes red from crying.
"Where are your parents?" Clint asked gently.
"Mama and daddy gone. Pietro run fast, don't know where," Wanda said, trying to make him understand.
It was clear that her English was still a little choppy and Clint didn't know much Sokovian. From what he could understand, her parents were dead and Pietro, a relative, had either left her or gotten separated from her. Either way, she was alone in a country that was terrified by her and her powers. Clint was under no illusions that if he left her here, she wouldn't last a week.
So, Clint came to a decision. It was a decision that he might regret later on, but right now, in that moment, he couldn't do anything else.
"How'd you like to come with me?" Clint asked and she looked up at him. "I can get you somewhere safe; somewhere these people won't hurt you anymore. What do you say?"
Clint held out a hand, hoping she'd take it so he could get her out of here. After a moment, Wanda cautiously reached out and took his hand.
"Safe," Wanda said slowly.
"That's right, let's get you somewhere safe," Clint said relieved as he wondered how he was going to explain this one to Nat and Fury.