Prologue: Mojave Wasteland

Notes: I just want to thank the one person who has shown great support for this story, he is the one who made the covers, oc and overall helped me build the infrastructure of the story so go to BattleDroid1106 and show him some love, I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for him, he's a very good writer and an overall awesome guy.

Alright to anyone who wants, I have two-three spots for ocs Open, a Scientists, a ghoul and an Assassin. If anyone is willing to partake in this awesome story just comment down your oc or tell me how I'm doing go ahead.

If anyone has any idea of what I should do with this story don't hesitate to comment down, I'm taking all the suggestions I can get

Also note this will almost be an entirety of flashbacks on certain points along with Jaune meeting everyone in his Inner council

-Flashback 30 Years Prior to Current Events-

Jaune is running through the emerald forest without his signature sword and shield named the Crocea Mors and why did the lovable dorky knight done gone into a forest full of Grimm without a weapon or even his clothes, yes indeed Jaune Arc is running through a forest in his blue and white striped boxers so reason why Jaune even is in the forest is because weeks ago Cardin Winchester had blabbed to the entire school about Jaunes fake transcripts to which the entire school turned against the Knight.

Team Rwby was the first to turn against him with Ruby Rose, Jaunes First Friend, stared at the Blonde Knight felt extremely sad that she was lied to and hated him with Yang and Weiss threatening him with death if he ever came near them while Blake openly admired Jaune for what he is doing and even tried to help him.

Next was Jaunes very Team with Nora heart broken that her 'fearless leader' lied to get in even nearly attacking him with her hammer to which Ren forcibly held her back though he to felt betrayed by Jaune though he just doesn't want Nora being kicked for killing someone and with Ren being the voice of reason he calmly asked Jaune to stay away while Pyrrha was the most shocked of this revelation because Pyrrha wasn't the one Jaune confessed his false transcripts was to Ozpin himself.

While ozpin already knew about the false transcripts he confessed that he allowed the blonde through because Huntsmen and huntresses should be about quality then quantity because the amount of skill determines how much they can protect humanity.

Anyway Pyrrha felt so betrayed at the Blonde Knight that she literally threw him out of the room and threatened to kill him if he ever came back so Jaune slept and Team CVFYs place until he could get back to his feet, you'll wonder how Jaune got a second year team to help him is because Velvet is actually Jaunes childhood friend and any friend to Velvet is a good friend to Coco, Yatsu and Fox so upon rehearing Jaunes predicament while velvet was disappointed by Jaunes actions she decided to help him earn his way into beacon and coco wanted to help with yatsu and fox dragged into helping without there consent.

So as that wasn't bad enough even though he's getting a lot of support which was letting Jaune stay at beacon of his own free will until Johnathan Arc has called then disowned his own son for being such shame and dishonor to the Arc Clan however Jaune was extremely broken because of this with the support of Blake and Team CVFY he was able to partially get over this until that moment arrived.

Jaune was walking through the front of beacon where two lines of students of all years split throwing profanities at Jaune with trash even though Jaune was forcibly stripped to his boxers to walk in embarrassment while cuffed behind his back and two atlas troopers behind him gripping his shoulders to move him towards the Bullhead Docks, it was due to the fact that Jaunes transcripts was made public the Atlas Military was forced to take action and arrest The Blonde Boy and branded him a extreme traitor.

James Ironwood walked in front and hands behind his back like he normally does under the many gates of the would be Huntsmen and Huntresses as well as Specialist Winter Schnee behind him several steps also contemplating but felt very sad that jaune was being arrested for a very minor infraction as well as the only crime he committed which could warrant a slap on the wrist and lecture however she was ordered to cuff him "Come Specialist, let's get this convict in a cell" James said without remorse which caused Winter to flinch at the words while Jaune just frowned even more until everyone stopped throwing insults and trash with James stopping that made his men stop.

Headmaster Ozpin stood in the middle path gripping his cane hard while glaring so darkly that one would think to NOT EVER get in this mans way which even caused James to sweat nervously because the half cyborg soldier never once seen Ozpin this mad or even slightly mad and that is what scares everyone "what do you think your doing James?..." Ozpin asked but underneath those calm very casual sounding words lays a dark feeling of bloody murder that caused every student to have shivers down there spines even Jaune and he has his hands in cuffs, James felt the coldness of that statement and such he clears his throat turning his head to look at Winter who was shaking nervously under Ozpins dark gaze.

James returned Ozpins gaze giving his own hardened glare while on the inside Ironwood is shaking like a leaf because he's never seen the Headmaster like this before "I'm doing what you overlooked, I'm arresting a hardened criminal" Jaune flinched at the word however ozpin felt a twitch to his eye almost complying to his Inner voice to shove his cane up the generals ass "James, you don't have jurisdiction in vale nor do you have authority to arrest MY students...unhand him NOW..." ozpin said the last word so dark the world almost went crumble under his word "Ozpin, he's a criminal and the fact you saying that is making beacon look like they are harboring criminals" "he's not one if I allowed such actions" James blinked eyes opening wide to hear that ozpin willingly allowed Jaune into beacon WITH false transcripts.

"Now James, three things might happen depending on your choice 1: let Jaune go and let by gones be by gones or 2: Arrest then pull all atlas personal out of vale or 3: fail to comply with the other half of option 2 and be forced to go to war with vale and values allies which as you can assume means the other two kingdoms..." Ozpin threatens gripping his cane hard hoping James will do the right but to even Ozpins surprise James did the exact opposite, James glares back gripping his right hand hard though due to his right side being robotic no blood can be accidentally drawn "he's a criminal ozpin, it's my duty to take him in" "in a land that's not atlas...your choice has been made...I want atlas withdrawn from vale by tomorrow or you WILL regret coming across with the likes of ME..." Ozpin said even darker then before prompting the atlas crew to walk past ozpin, The Headmaster spoke very softly that Jaune only heard as he walked past him "I'm sorry Jaune..." Jaune mearly said with a forgiving smile "it's fine Oz...Ive accepted my fate..." Jaune has explained with ozpin sucking in some air silently happy and glad to have known such a noble warrior.

Back in Ozpins office he dismissed Glynda Goodwitch for the day to her surprise though anyway the grey haired man walk towards the windows holding an old jeweled necklace that starts to glow brightly and a voice fills the room, a voice ozpin hopes to never hear again "well well well...if your using the Necklace I made you back when we were together then you MUST be desperate...what IS it Ozma?..." Ozpin gripped his cane looking behind him hoping no one is listening in " you remember the Arc Clan?" "Arrivals Clan?" Salem asked curiously as she wondered what ozpin wanted to do to the Arc Clan "yes his, Arrivals Descendant has been falsifyingly arrested but Atlas is being troublesome...I want you to send Grimm to stop them"

Salem was stunned to a silence for ozpin to request a Grimm attack on humanity with his consent which mean Ozpin REALLY is desperate "why is this one descendant so special Ozma? The Arcs May have been hailed as a decorated Warrior Clan from our time but they are expendable and I know you know about that...why is he special and I'll consider your request...".

Ozpin groaned lightly retracting his cane and putting it on his desk slowly sitting down on his weird looking chair "I promised The grandmother of the descendant that I look over Jaune and one look at the boy when I interviewed him...I can tell that will do as much as the First Arc did...unifying the nation" Salem chuckled lightly obviously agreeing with the Headmaster in several accounts "you always had an eye for detail Ozzy...very well I'll send Hazel and a legion of Nevomores" "Thank you" Ozpin said despite almost puking at saying such thing to his worst enemy, he is still an honorable man who knows to put aside his pride for the greater picture even Salem is a woman of her word "...I have a feeling the world is gonna end" "just get Jaune Arc" Ozpin said with a comical tick mark on his forehead hearing laughter on the other line.

Within the Atlas Bullhead going towards on the Major Atlas Flagship with several smaller Jet Bullheads flying beside the larger ship to act as guards, James walks to the bridge with Jaune forcibly sat in the chair next to the door with Winter Schnee standing beside him as a guard "tell the flag ship to prep a cell" "yes sir" the two pilots they said starting to punch a few buttons until red lights starting to fill the room with James looking around "status?" The pilot nodded looking down at a console before gulping at the information "sir! We horde of Nevomores are flying directly to us!" "WHAT!?" James shouted turning to the right seeing hundreds of Nevomores flying right towards them roaring "Evasi-" James started to order but they were quicker throwing out Series and legions of feather projectiles flying towards the bullhead cutting through the jets and hitting major areas of the bullhead "Mayday! Mayday! We're going dooooooowwwwwn!" The Pilots shouted as the bullhead starting tipping downwards intent to crash the ground.

Two hours passed as Jaune gasped waking up from a forced nap getting up seeing a blanket on his body "Finally awake I see" Jaune turned his head to the right seeing a large man sitting by a fire with tanish clothing with rolled up sleeves and scars on his arms "who...are you?" Jaune asked the giant of a man who smiled at the question "names Hazel, you are?" "Jaune Arc..." "I can sense a defeated tone Jaune, you feel that you aren't worth it?" Jaune looks down surprised that this giant knew that about the blonde just by hearing his voice so the Blonde Knight sighed and nodded getting a frown in return "do not think that way my boy, everyone holds a purpose. Be it a baker or a farmer, you attempted to be a Huntsmen and while you failed to do so doesn't mean you should give up infact I used to be a Huntsmen until a certain someone got my sister any case you hold purpose somewhere don't let it be for naught" Hazel has explained sagely seeing the fire in Jaune bursting into an inferno of determination prompting the boy to stand up "your right! I shouldn't let this keep me down, I should see this as an opportunity to better myself!"

Hazel smiled even more nodding at the boy as his determination grew even more almost as passionate as himself "yes boy, now go! Go and become the warrior you have always dreamed of becoming!" Jaune looked over and nodded starting to run towards the forest but stopping turning to face Hazel "thanks Uncle Hazel, you should come by and see mom...she misses you" Hazel smiled seeing Jaune run through the forest then he pulled out his wallet opening it to reveal three figures, A younger Hazel by 17 Years with two woman.

One of the woman is actually Marigold Arc who's Jaunes Mother and she had long wavy blonde hair and holding the arm of the younger Hazel while the other woman was Hazels Dead sister who looks extremely like himself but a more woman "sure kid...Been a while since I've seen Sister Marigold..."

Hazel frowned knowing Jaune needs this so he pulls out his scroll typing in a number then speaking into it "Lady Salem...unfortunately I was unable to find Jaune Arcs Body. He may have been scorched along with the rest of the bullhead...yes My Lady, I'm sadden by the death of a promising Huntsmen" Hazel hangs up saddened until something clicks at his head then turned in alarm "JAUNE!" Remembering That they are in the emerald forest

Now Jaune is running through the forest with a determined look in his eyes ready to face the world and live up to the Arc name and while he was disowned by his father Jaune still carries his name with immense pride, jumping over a fallen log he continues his running until he hastily stops in front of a large ravine almost falling into it "woah!" Jaune commented then turning to find several Beowulf's coming straight for him "ROARRRRR!" They roared at him gearing to take the blondes like causing Jaune to face the ravine gulping 'well it's either die by falling or die by Grimm...well falling is atleast letting me die by my terms...' Jaune sucks in some air before he runs and jumps the ravine in a swan like die falling fast down towards his rocky end closing his eyes—

-Location: Nevada, Mojave Wasteland, Near Freeside Northgate-

Floating about the heavily cracked and dusty road that used to be used for cars to drive on now only serves as a way for travelers to walk through to the town of freeside, Rodsworth is a Designed robot by the General Atomics International and he was scavenging for supplies to take to freeside to sell "I'm the man before the mast🎼 That ploughs the raging sea🎼 And on this simple subject🎼 Will you please enlighten me🎼 Common sailors we are called🎼 Come tell me the reason why🎼" Rodsworth is singing out a Sea Shanty as a way to pass the time until he stops seeing a cloudy smoke enveloping in the air in front of the Handy Robot "What in the hell?..." and like that a boy no older then 17 appears through the smoke and plummets onto the ground

"CHEESE AND RICE! WHAT THE FUCK!?" Rodsworth exclaimed in shock to find a boy naked with a pair of boxers covering his indecency along with a multitude of wounds covering his body so the Handy Robot looks around with his three robotic eyes wondering if there's anyone around then floats towards Jaune.

Jaune slowly wakes up to see himself staring at the dusty ceiling of a cracked building slowly lifting his head to see a strange robot with a bulky upper body and one wheel talking to another robot hovering above the ground with three arms, the robot of three arms was hovering in front of a counter working on something as the bulky wheel robot who had the face of a black and white cowboy "gotta say partner, I didn't expect you of all people to save someone out of the blue." The wheel robot said allowing the Handy robot to reply "same to me, ever since my first family abandoned to the safety of Vault 22 I've been reluctant on helping another human but the human I saved was different and not because he came from a smoking portal in boxers and covered in wounds. He held the fire of a true leader and warrior"

Victor chuckled at that fact looking over at Jaune who was no awake and stared with fear coming into his eyes and his mouth agape "aha! Our mysterious traveler has finally came back to the world of the living!" Victor wheels over Jaune swinging his arms lightly with Rodsworth watching with his two back eyes looking "what are you!?" Jaune asked or yelled really though gripped his head coughing due to the damage that his lungs, Victor chuckled raising his right hand to introduce himself "I am Securitron 1126 but my Creator calls me Victor" Rodsworth turned around and hovers towards Jaune also introducing himself "I'm Unit 3837 but I was called Rodsworth before the war"

Jaune peaked his interest at the 'before the war' which the blonde naturally assumed is why they were here it's because of the war going on "who's winning? This war I mean?" Victor and Rodsworth looks at each other obviously knowing this boy didn't come from there world if they didn't know about the Great War that plunged there world so The Handy Unit is the one who should break the news "there aren't any winners Sir, no losers just survival. The Chinese Communists bombed the United States in a last ditch effort to claim the very last of the oil supplies" Jaune hitched the breath in his throat eyes widening severely upon hearing that some group killed possibly millions of people just for fossil fuels.

"Well in any case Partner, your currently in the abandoned Robco building east from freeside by several clicks so if you want to arm yourself with some weapon supplied by the Gunrunners, we are willing to supply you with some caps" Victor explained then started explaining the immense danger the Mojave Wasteland ranging from dangerous animals to feral ghouls and all the way to the NCR and Ceasers Legion. After explaining everything Jaune was shaking like a leaf feeling he's gonna die in a whole week but Victor raised his spirits abit "oh don't worry buddy! Rodsworth and myself will be beside you till you figure out what you want to do" Jaune looks over at the Handy unit who hovers back to the counter grabbing something with his pincer arm then hovers "here you go sir! It's the Mk 6 Robco Pipboy, latest in the top of the assembly line...before said line was blown up by atomic bombs" Rodsworth had informed Jaune about the Pipboy.

The blonde man reaches to the Pipboy which the robot gently placed in the mans hands upon fumbling with it for several minutes then hooks the personalized computer onto his right wrist, pushing the glowing orange button the Pipboy turns on "woah..." "indeed sir...oh wait you have yet to tell us your name" Jaune looks over nodding and introduced himself "names Jaune Arc" "well Partner, what do you plan on doing?" The Securitron asked to which Jaune gets up walking to the destroyed window looking down to find himself on the third floor of the abandoned to overlook the desolated wasteland "...let's change this world and make it into a better place..." Jaune said steeling himself for his new found goal

-Flashback End-

Jaune wakes up slowly at the dusty ceiling of a broken down house in a town that used to be called Sanctuary Hills within the former Commonwealth of Massachusetts or currently the commonwealth, Jaune gets up from his dirty bed to walk towards the lit window covers pulling them apart to see the town bursting with activities even this early in the morning and within the distance at the outskirts is the Pridwen belonging to the former Brotherhood or Steel to the current Red Brotherhood after bringing together the Brotherhood of the East and the Brotherhood Outcasts.

But also in the distance landed on the ground is the greatest machine ever build by the NCR called the Helicarrier with enough supplies and munitions to support 30 Thousand Soldiers and vehicles.

"Hey ?" A man entered the bedroom, this man was wearing a blue and yellow vault jumpsuit with the number 111 on the back and he was wearing two light leather armor right and left arm, he is Nathen Burke aka the Sole Survivor of the Pre War World "it's time to continue our campaign to retake the country" Nathen exclaimed allowing Jaune to turn around and smile, Jaune is a 47 Year Old Man who's goal is to retake and unite the former America after Jaune learns of the horror the old government did "Yeah, let's blow the enclave off of the map..." Jaune commented with a snicker

Woah! Who would've guessed the Raging Gentle Giant Hazel is Jaunes Uncle through his mother! Ain't that a kick in the pants and such a twist! Ahaha anyway people may be confused on there first introduction but let me clarify, Jaune has shakily gotten out of his sleep so his memories may have rattled so he may not have remembered Hazel as his uncle

Anyway sorry if this is a bit shorter then usual but I needed to get the first chapter out, I promise the next chapter will be longer.

Poll 1: who Jaunes romantic interest be?

Option 1: Piper Wright(FO4)

Option 2: Cait(FO4)

Option 3: Curie(FO4)

Option 4: Veronica(NV)

Option 5: Velvet Scarletina(Rwby)

Option 6: Blake Belladonna(Rwby)

Option 7: Coco Adel(Rwby)

Option 8: Nebula Violet(Rwby)

Option 9: Lady Thorn(NV)

Option 10: Sarah Lyons(FO3)

Poll 2:

Option 1: Recruit Hazel?

Option 2: Kill Hazel

This is the Glossary of Jaunes army so if you don't want to read it then skip it but I'm putting this at the end of all chapters for reference material

Fallout NV, 3 and 4 Military Charter-

Jaune Arc -President of the NCR- Jaune Arc was teleported to the Mojave Wasteland after being branded as a Criminal by Atlas for trying to fake his way into Beacon, he meets Rodsworth who helps Jaune on his quest to bring peace and security to the Mojave. Jaune becomes a Soldier seeing the flaws of the NCR then he comes a Ranger serving in the Ranger core for over 20 Years then he was elected as President however upon doing so the NCR has been purged of corruption almost overnight allowing Jaune full control of the military and upon doing so the Mojave sees the NCR much more under Jaunes Leader ship and even willingly joins the army.

Presidential Cabinet-

Preston Garvey -General of the Minutemen- Preston was glad when Jaune and Nathen saved him and the group of settlers from Quincy and with Jaune assisting Preston to rebuild the Minutemen then tried to get Jaune to take the rank of General, Jaune convinced that the Minutemen needs a man like Preston who's goal is the truth of the Minutemen though Jaune allowed the Minutemen ally with the NCR

John Hancock -Mayor of Goodneighbor- John Hancock at first of skeptic on Jaune when he first arrived in good neighbor but when Jaune assisted bobby on a heist then turned on her he liked him enough to leave goodneighbor and follow Jaune and to find Jaune to have taken his town motto and turned it into his army's, well John sees the commonwealth or the entirety of America coming together

Nathen Burke -Sole Survivor of Vault 111- Nathen is the only pre war survivor of Vault 111 And on his vail quest to find his kidnapped child he meets Jaune and the soldier assisted Nathen on his quest. After recruiting the Railroad, Institute and the Brotherhood Nathen saw Jaune as the future that this broken nation could infact come together once more

Heavy Fighters-

Strong -Super Mutant- Strong may not be as intelligent as his super Mutant brethren in the commonwealth but he's a loyal soldier to those willing to assist his quest to find the Milk of Human Kindness until he was rescued by Jaune and Nathen along with Rex

Lily -Nightkin and former Assassin- Lily was a Nightkin under the 'Masters Army' Banner and served faithfully for many years until the Master had been killed by the vault dweller of Vault 13, Lily lived in Marcustown for many years until she meets Jaune and he was a splitting image to one of her long 'lost' Grand son so she follows him like a doting grandmother while she acts like a monstrous swordsmen with a Vertibird Blade Wing

X6-88 -Courser- X6 is considered the strongest courser within the Institute with a highly impressive track record until his last orders had put him on Jaune arcs path and to save being surprised is an understatement to find Jaunes goals extremely similar to the institute and therefore joined him on his noble quest

Craig Boone -NCR Sniper- Craig is a former NCR sniper for most of the time in the Mojave using his skills to assist a small town within the mouth of a Dino creature until he meets Jaune and reconsidered rejoining the NCR hoping they have changed and to his surprised they did

Fawkes -Former Vault 87 Resident Turned Super Mutant- Fawkes was a former Vault 87 Resident before the Great War until he quickly learned that he was a test subject to the most evil weapon created by the Government, the Forced Evolutionary Virus, until he as saved by the Lone Wanderer Fawkes traveled the Capital Wasteland without purpose until he met a man almost scary similar to the lone wanderer who's named Jaune Arc

Ryan Blake -Enclave Veteran- Ryan is a former Enclave soldier and a reformist going against basically everything the enclave wanted to do so he defected with Sigma Squad Traveling the Mojave until he meets Jaune Arc who's goals are basically the good version of the enclave but with a better leader so Ryan shall follow Jaune to the death -Submitted by Typical_Assassin

Blue -Titan Guardian- a mysterious soldier from another world Blue came to earth in a bolt of lightning within the Mojave Wasteland unsure of how he got there until traveling he sees the Mojave like his own world but far more dangerous until he assists Jaune Arc as his time as a soldier against the Powder Gangers -Submitted by Xo_Blue

Adam Jensen -Ruthless Puppet Man- Adam was the only survivor from Vault 79 and actually had a psychological break during his time of isolation with only a puppet as his only weapon and turned into a ghoul by the radiation, he kills without purpose until he meets Jaune Arc -Submitted by Me!

Robotic Warriors

Rodsworth -Commander and Jaunes Companion- Rodsworth is a Robot Created by General Atomics International to be a Multi Chore Robot until the Great War now Rodsworth has no one to serve until he meets Jaune Arc, after Jaune came from a portal Rodsworth now serves him wholeheartily -Submitted by Battledroid1106

Victor -Securtron- Victor is a uniquely personality based Securitron to act like a cowboy of the old west and was infact the second Securitron recruited by Jaune

Yes Man -Commander Securtron- this Securitron was tampered by a casino owner named Benny to assist the man to overthrow house but was foiled by Jaune then killed, Yes Man or Smiley has Jaune calls him is recruited by Jaune to assist the NCR

Emblem:(Incomplete)[Send Ideas]

Known Factions that Joined the NCR-



Brotherhood of Steel

Remnants of Enclave

Super Mutants



NCR: Soldiers Snipers Rangers Heavy Soldiers Institute: Synth Soldiers Coursers Synth Animals Robots Eyebot Assaultron Sentrybot Liberty Prime Protectron Securtrons Red Brotherhood: Scribe Initiate Knight Paladin Knight-Sargent Knight-Captain Knight-Commander Super Mutants: Super Mutants Super Mutant Brutes Super Mutant Masters Vehicles: Vertibird: M-21 Tanks F-71 Jet Light Predator Tanks Rail Tank Missile Launcher Tank FN 191 Warthog

Specialized Squads-

Sigma Squad: this is a former Enclave Squad thatnhad deserted the Pro 'Human' Group before they had been recruited by Jaune. Led by Ryan Blake

Arc Squad: this is a squad or soldiers consisting of humans, ghouls and synths trained and led by personally of Jaune Arc

Ranger Squad: This Squad consists entirely of Veteran Rangers who's capable of dealing down a whole squad of coursers, Led by Craig Boone

Hound Squad: this is a tracker squad consisting of Super Mutants and Nightkin Led by Strong and Fawkes


Bioscience: they are tasking on studying the way of life which includes people, flora, Mutants, ghouls etc but they have also been dealing in creating Synth Gorillas

Robotics: this division is tasked on building more and more robots of all kinds

Medical Division: as the name entails they are tasked on healing and keeping the population healthy and happy

Constructing Division: this division is mainly tasked on building or repairing stuff, guns, vehicles etc within the armies

G&M Manufacturing Division: This is the Guns and Munitions Manufacturing Division as they are tasked of building more guns and ammo for the NCR



Unique: these are guns that has special effects to the victims Silver Submachine Gun: this Gun was modeled after the famous silver machinegun used by the Silver Shroud Spray n' Pray: this machine gun is unique because it's the only machine gun capable of utilizing rapid speed fire of explosive bullets Kellogg's Pistol: This Gun once belonged to the heavily ruthless Kellogg but once he was killed Jaune took it as a way to redeem the merc by using it against those who deserves the bullet Alien Pistol: this Pistol is the strongest energy weapon on earth even when the gun isn't from earth it outclasses whatever energy Weapons earth has Cryolator: built within the walls of Vault 111 the overseer had built it under the pretense of free time but was locked away after completion All American: This is a Assault Carbine within the confines of a vault though it's look is more Camo rather then the default black Red Glare: this Launcher is shown to only dwell in the divide used by the ghoulified former military soldiers, it's capable of heat tracking Experimental MIRV: this is an experimental weapon Jaune was creating capable of digistructing multitude of mini nukes with only one Regular: Missile Launcher Submachine Gun Gauss Rifle .44 Pistol 10mm Pistol Assault Rifle Combat Rifle Hunting Rifle Combat Shotgun Fat man Mini gun Gatling Gun Institute Laser Weapons Laser Rifle Plasma Rifle Service Rifle .45 Auto Pistol 9mm Pistol Anti Material Rifle Assault Carbine Hunting Shotgun Plasma Defender Grenade Machine Gun Chinese Assault Rifle Alien Atomizer Alien Disintegrator


.308 Caliber .38 Caliber .44 Caliber .45 Caliber .50 Caliber 5mm Rounds 5.56 Rounds 10mm Rounds Shotgun Shells 2mm Electric Cartridge Mini Nuke Missiles Plasma Cartridge Fusion Core Fusion Cells Alien Blaster Rounds Cryo Cell Flamer Fuel .22LR Caliber .357 Caliber .45 Auto Round 9mm Round 25mm Grenades Micro fusion cell Alien Power Module

Power Armor:


Super weapons:

Food Items:

Meat: this is meat taken from slain cattle animals or dangerous animals in the wild Boutfly Meat Bloodbug Meat Brahmin Meat Deathclaw Meat Radroach Meat Mirklurk Meat Molerat Meat Rad Scorpion Meat Stingwing Meat Synthetic Gorilla Meat Yao Guai Meat Ant Meat Fire Ant Meat Gecko Meat Boxed: this is food pre packaged in the Pre War World and such cannot be made again Blamco Mac and Cheese Cram Dandy Boy Apples Fancy Lad Snack Cakes InstaMash Institute Food Packets Pork n Beans Potato Crisps Potted Meat Salisbury Steak Sugar Bombs Yum Yum Deviled Eggs MRE Organic: food that is found growing in gardens or in the wild but can also be planted again Bloodleaf Brain Fungus Carrot Corn Foodpaste Mutfruit Melon Gourd Glowing Fungus Hub Flower Mutated Fern Flower Razor Grain Silt Beans Tato Broc Flower

Drink Items: these are drinks found in both major ships of the NCR and many of them are enjoyed by the soldiers of all kinds

Nuka Cola Nuka Cola Cherry Nuka Cola Quantum Beer Bobrovs Best Moonshine Bourbon Gwinnett Beer Institute Bottled Water Purified Water Rum Vodka Wine Absinthe Atomic Cocktail Coffee Moonshine Rum and Nuka Scotch Sunset Sarsaperilla

Medical Supplies-

Blood Pack Addictol Stimpak Antibiotics Buffout Jet Psycho Mentats Calmex Daddy-O Day tripper Fury Jet Med-X Mysterious Serum Overdrive X-111 Compound X-Cell Anti Venom Doctors Bag Medical Supplies Super Stimpak Adapted Biogel

Captive Monsters: these are creatures found in the wasteland all across America but Jaune has figured out a way to captive and tame these wild beasts

Deathclaw Radscorpions Molerats Mirelurks Mutant Hounds


Pridwen: this is an airship built by the east Brotherhood of Steel In hopes to help those of the wasteland, while less in size, Troops and munitions that's only capable of a major offensive Troop Amount: 3 Thousand Brotherhood Soldiers Vehicles: 20 Vertibirds, 10 M-21 Tanks Defensive Weaponry: Point Blank Pipe Cannons New California Republic Helicruiser: the Heli is known to be four times the Size of the Pridwen and holding far more Troops then the airship could, modeled after the sci fi Heli Carrier of Marvel. This craft has been built to deal an extended war for months maybe a full year Troop Amount: 30 Thousand Soldiers consisting of Ghouls, Humans, Super Mutants, Nightkins and Synths Vehicle Amount: 500 Vertibirds, 250 F-71s. 300 Light Predator Tanks, 300 Rail Tanks, 200 Missile Launcher Tanks Defensive Weaponry: Anti Air Craft Missiles, Anti Infantry Cannons Misc: Molecular Relay aka Teleportor

Jaunes Office:

Items within-

Pip Boy: This Pipboy was once said to have been owned by the Famed Lone Wanderer who saved the Capital Wasteland, Jaune keeps the pip boy on an alter next to his desk as to remember the greatest hero in American History Platinum Chip: this platinum isn't just some poker chip but instead it's a module that holds the state of the art robotics code that can implement the hidden subroutines of every robot. This chip is on Jaunes desk...somewhere Snow Globe: Zion National Park: This snow globe is a Knick knack of the National Park Jaune went with a caravan until he assisted the tribes there and killed a tribe that's a sub group of ceasers Legion. This globe is sitting at the right edge of his desk Snow Globe: Lonesome Road: this globe was shown to be in the Divide where the old Nevada Military Base was nearly destroyed by Jaunes old rival, this globe is sitting next to the other globe at the right corner 5 Star Bottle Caps: Jaune always loved the These caps as they were unique within the precisely Bottle Company and he collected them until he was severely disappointed at the prize so he keeps a few around as an eye pleaser Punga Seeds: in the country side location called Lookout point there's only one location there on the west coast to get these seeds and there highly valuable Piece of Jaunes Brain: after retrieving the seeds then he found out that his head was cut open then sewn together so a few days to find out that the ferry driver was the one he cut his head and blown that guys head off without surgical tools, then he took his brain back. The jar is located on the other corner opposite of the globes Garden of Eden Creation Kit: this kit is the pinnacle of resettlement technology which is meant to help the outside world but hardly any vault was willing to give one up or knew where it was located so Jaune found one and keeps it on a pillar alter until he can use it to help people

Executive Orders-

Order 1187: The completely destruction of any technology that may have fallen into the hands of an opposition group with follow up directives including but not limited to: the destruction of said opposition group and assassination

- Order 3878: Capture of a single wanted individual through the mass arrest and threatened execution of a civilian population. Follow-up directives include scenarios for removal of witnesses, body disposal of civilian casualties, and suppression of communications.

- Order 3345: The infiltration, and elimination of key apposing individuals who would see the rise and integration of the New California Republic fail. Follow-up directives include scenarios for removal of witnesses, body disposal of apposing agents, and suppression of communications.

- Order 9980: In the event of a Kingdoms declaration of war, any and all individuals or transports belonging to said Kingdom within the established borders of the New California Republic shall be detained and consider as a potential fret. Follow-up directives include scenarios for the release of detained individuals, continued imprisonment, and execution.

- Order: X-01: The completely genocide of any opposing group or species that is seen by all members of the commanding council as a fret against the Republic. This order can be carried out by any means necessary, with the united agreement of the commanding council.