Author's Note: This story has elements from 'Shinmai Maou' and 'Bleach'. Leave immediately if you don't wish to read it but don't insult the story. Constructive criticism is accepted.
Chapter 1: I Go To School!
Issei Hyoudo is not a normal human. No. He is far from it. He is a freak of nature. He is a hybrid of four races. Yes four. Human, Devil, God and Dragon.
His father Jin Hyoudo, until the birth of Issei was the only surviving human from the 'Hero Clan' that died in a war several decades ago against Devils.
'Hero Clan' was a clan that consists of Superhumans trained to battle Devils or anything that might bring harm to humanity. Jin was their Ace with the rank of 'SS-Class Hero'. The clan was blessed with 'Magic Resistance' by Shinto Gods: Amaterasu-omikami, Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto and Susanoo-no-Mikotoo. In other words, the Shinto Trinity. About 50 years ago from the current timeline, Devils from Old Satan Faction attacked the 'Hero Clan' as the clan had been a hindrance to them for a long time. Every single heroes were slain except one: Jin Hyoudo.
Jin was the only survivor. No, rather he wasn't given the chance to save his clan, his family. The reason? His opponent: Sapphire Marbas, a Legendary Ultimate Class Devil on par with the original Lucifer, took their battle to a separate place far away from the battlefield. There, the two of them fought with their all. Jin transformed into a red western dragon of a length of overall 20 meters, while Sapphire removed her limiters to continue their decisive battle. Unknown to the duo, several deities serving the Shinto Trinity emerged and killed all the devils before burying the dead bodies of the heroes.
Now the question is, 'How did Jin transform into a Dragon when he is a human?' Simple. He is half-dragon and half-human. Another interesting fact is that, the Heavenly Dragons, Ddraig and Albion both are his grandfathers. His mother was Albion's daughter (who, surprisingly was ¾ human and ¼ dragon), while his father was Ddraig's son. His parents unlike theirs had always believed in peace and thus had fallen for each other. Once the news of Ddraig and Albion being sealed into Sacred Gears: Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing, well, needless to say, they face-palmed and laughed at the sheer stupidity of their parents. Anyway, Jin Hyoudo is the descendent of the Heavenly Dragons and so is his son Issei Hyoudo.
Returning to the battle… the fight between Jin and Sapphire was interrupted by a minor god from Shinto named Rufissi and thus had become a 'Triple Threat'. The clash of the three of their powers caused a dimensional space (not Dimensional Gap mind you) to unravel and suck them in. While trapped in an unknown dimension the three of them soon grew fond of each other. The ancient evil dragon Ignis (who coincidentally was his uncle) appeared and the three of them together defeated it causing a dimensional space to unravel yet again providing a way home. 20 evil dragons soon appeared and Jin threw Sapphire and Rufissi into the barrier to send them back to the human world. Jin was then stuck in the dimensional space fighting against the 20 evil dragons. While he was trapped fighting in the dimensional space, Jin drank the defeated Ignis's blood and used the power he gained to defeat the 20 evil dragons.
Eventually Sapphire and Rufissi made it back to Jin. The three of them then had sex, and Sapphire got pregnant with Issei. Issei was then transferred to the womb of Rufissi, in order to give birth to and raise Issei in Takamagahara. Rufissi's decision to transfer Issei from Sapphire's womb to her's brought chaos among the Gods of Shinto Faction. Amaterasu managed to calm down the entire faction and gave her the permission on the condition that she would raise Issei in the human world for the first five years, then bring him to Takamagahara for training to be the 'Shinto Hero'. Rufissi reluctantly agreed since it was better than the death of both her and Issei. She then returned to the human world and told the news to both of them. They were happy, but Sapphire knew she would be searched for by the Old Satan Faction and if they found out about Issei, then he would be killed. So she went into hiding. She self-exiled herself to the depths of the Underworld in a place that was only known to Jin, Rufissi and Sapphire.
Thus Issei Hyoudo is a freak of nature.
Rufissi as agreed, moved back to Takamagahara with both Jin and Issei after the latter's fifth birthday. Seeing Issei, the entire Shinto faction couldn't help but fawn over him. While he was a bit sad leaving behind his only friend back in the human world, he was soon back to a happy kid from receiving the endless amount of love and affection from the gods. When he was told of his heritage as a human/devil/god/dragon hybrid at the tender age of six, he was scared at first but was soon determined to become strong and control his powers when 'Ama-nee-chan' or 'Amaterasu-omikami' told him that she and her brothers would help him control his powers and train him to be the 'Shinto Hero' just like his father.
He spent the first three years learning how to use and control his powers as a 'God' even if he was going to be a minor one. He gave everyone quite the scare when he literally punched a hole through fabric of space itself opening the infamous 'Dimensional Gap'. Thus he was concluded to have powers related to 'Space Manipulation'. They were shocked again when he literally stopped time. He then tried slowing down time and fastening it. They worked! The Shinto Trinity were in cloud nine knowing that Issei wouldn't be a minor god but a major one, making the Shinto Trinity into Shinto Quartet. Thus he was given the title: Shinto God of Space-Time. His parents on the other hand felt old and worried. Old because of the bullshit that happened and worried for their son having more duties and responsibilities.
There was a change though. His left eye's iris had turned into a golden inorganic clock face while his right eye remained normal. He found it cool and still does.
They were quite fortunate that Issei was a quick learner, absorbing everything like a sponge. Thus he learnt everything taught to him and managed to control his powers of a God in three years.
The next three years were spent learning his powers of a dragon. His father cried and wanted to kill himself when he learnt that his son had the Longinus: Boosted Gear. The Sacred Gear that contained Issei's great-grandfather's soul; the Heavenly Dragon Ddraig. Ddraig himself had his brain short circuited when Issei told him that Ddraig was his great-grandfather. Ddraig was overjoyed and whenever Issei came to him, he would always grin widely and tell him of his adventures all the while training (read: torture) him. By the end of the three years, Issei had unlocked Balance Breaker and evolved it a few times. He could also transform into a hybrid of human and dragon. He also inherited his father's iconic 'Banishing Shift', an energy attack that can send anything physical or magical to Zero Dimension. In other words, he can erase anything from existence.
At the end of his Dragon training, he was introduced to his other mother Sapphire. The first two months were spent bonding with each other and then the next three years were spent learning Gravity magic from her, which he held a great affinity for as well. At the end of his nine years of training, he was given blessings from the Shinto Trinity, thus receiving portions of their powers. His affinity for fire, water and gravity had strengthened and he had several other abilities as a bonus. Then he spent another year training at the Royal Realm. That is where he received his own Holy Sword from.
The Royal Realm is where the Soul King lives. The Soul King is the ruler of the Japanese Afterlife employed by Amaterasu. The guards protecting him are called 'Squad Zero' or 'The Royal Guard'. There Issei was given his personal Holy Sword, forged using the Asauchi by Oetsu Nimaiya, who is known among the Shinto Gods as 'God of the Sword'.
Issei's Holy Sword is like a Shinigami's zanpakuto thanks to its origin being that of an Asauchi; except that he did not have a zanpakuto spirit. He does have Shikai and Bankai though; but speaking in 'Zanpakuto' terms, his 'Shikai' is a constant release type 'Kido' based zanpakuto. His Holy Sword goes by the name of "Yamato" or "Great Harmony" as his soul is equally distributed into four parts: Human, Devil, God and Dragon.
Unsurprisingly, Yamato's ability is the same as his. Yamato is a Space-Time zanpakuto and as such is able to cut through anything, even the very fabric of space itself and stop time. The only things capable of stopping Yamato's strikes are objects powered by demonic/divine power equal to Issei's own or greater.
His Bankai however had caused Oetsu Nimaiya to freak out as Bankai does not have two forms. Both of them having different names and representing different powers respectively. One was the full unleashing of his Devil Powers and the other was the full unleashing of his God Powers.
Issei had managed to learn and copy all the Kido spells, offensive and defensive and had managed to copy 'Flash Step'. He learnt the combat styles of Shinigami which are: Zanjutsu, Hakuda, Hoho and Kido.
Once his training was done in the Royal Realm, he returned back to Takamagahara and was welcomed by his family, which extended to the Shinto Trinity. He then spent another year learning and mastering the additional abilities he gained from the Shinto Trinity all the refining his own set of powers.
At the age of 17, Issei Hyoudo was officially made 'The God of Space-Time'. He also can transform into a full dragon and ended up pissing his father off when he turned into a dragon that was twice larger than Jin's own (who was a Heavenly Dragon class dragon) and several times stronger as well. Ddraig told everyone that without his powers, Issei is close to Ophis thus making him the third strongest being in existence surpassing the entire Shinto Faction. And adding Ddraig's power would make him as strong as Great Red but not stronger than him, which Issei was fine with as he wants to protect, not dominate (he said that glaring at Ddraig in the Boosted Gear).
Since the time for Issei's debut hasn't come yet, he was told to enjoy his life living as a human. He had to place four seals on him to make sure the Devils residing in Kuoh not notice his power and also to make sure the humans don't die from the sheer density of his aura.
Thus Issei Hyoudo is not a normal human.
Issei stared at the ceiling as he lied in the futon thinking back on his life thus far. His training was done, he was officially made a God of the Shinto Faction and given the title of 'Shinto Hero' despite not doing any heroic activities.
"True, you haven't done anything heroic, but that isn't to say you won't do anything in the future. For now, just introduce yourself as a New God if any supernatural beings ask who and what you are."
That's what Amaterasu-sama said to him when he asked the reason for giving him the title of a hero.
Issei sighed and shuffled, slightly disturbing one of his children. His children consisted of a Siberian tiger: Shaela, his first 'daughter', who is seven years old and the first of his family and is the mother to three cubs; two male and one female, each 2 years old, named respectively: Dreyar, Gorge and Saephy. These three are his grandkids.
The second addition to his family was a male Bengal Tiger: Miller, his first son and the father of his aforementioned grandkids. Miller is six years old.
The third addition to his family was a Maine Coon Cat: Shella, his second daughter, who is four years old.
The fourth addition to his family was a three year old male Red Fox: Shiki, his second son.
The fifth addition was two year old female Hudson Bay Wolf: Kurumi, his third daughter.
Simply put, he has five boys and girls as kids with the addition of two boys and a girl as grandkids. He raised all of them since they were born and as such sees them as his own children. Shaela is the one he slightly disturbed.
"…rawr…? {…what's wrong…?}" Shaela sleepily mumbles looking at him in concern.
"Ssh! Nothing's wrong,I'm just thinking. It's okay. Sleep tight." Issei gently says petting Shaela on her head. Shaela quietly stares at him for a few seconds before going back to sleep.
Despite having a husband and kids of her own, Shaela has always been the one to sleep with him. The others have their own rooms and thus slept there. That isn't to say that he has a rocky relation with them; no, Shaela is just overprotective of him despite knowing that he is way stronger than her. He concluded it as her motherly instincts, but who is he to deny his daughter's love? Besides, she knows him best among the others as well.
Issei gently draped his arm over her and snuggled into her side, with Shaela instinctively doing the same, and fell asleep.
I'm so lucky to have them all by my side.
Anyone who would dare harm them would be killed no questions asked.
Two days later on an early Monday morning, Issei stood in front of the mirror adjusting his tie as his children watched him. His medium length brown hair was tied into a small braid at the back of his head.
"Okay, I know all of you are well mannered but I'm saying this again, be good boys and girls and don't leave the house. I don't want my human neighbors to freak out seeing you guys. Got it?"
"Yip!/Rawr!/Bark!/Nya! {Yessir!}" were the replies along with army salutes he received from his children. He had developed a spell that allowed him and the animals to understand each other, so they can converse with each other freely like true family.
"Good. There's an illusion spell set up around the perimeter of the house, so feel free to walk around the garden. And DO NOT eat the koi fish, otherwise you won't be having dinner tonight. ALL of you. Got it?"
"…yip…/…raw…r/…bark…/…meow… {…yes... sir…}" were the sad replies he received.
Issei frowned. "Good." He doesn't like his children to be sad, but he doesn't want them to do several things that he doesn't prefer. "Well, how do I look?" He asked turning around. His family stared at him for a few seconds before replying in positive except Shaela.
"Rawr, rawr, grrr, rawr! {Get rid of the eyepatch you look stupid!}"
"You don't want me to wear the eyepatch?" He asked. The others stayed silent for a second for nodding with Shaela. "But how will I hide the clock?" Shaela raised a paw and he crouched before her.
Shaela gently tugged on his hair and covered his left eye, that held the golden inorganic clock, with it. "Rawr! {There!}" She happily roared.
Issei looked back in the mirror and smiled. "Oh hey! I do look better like this! Thanks a lot! Come here all of you!" He opened his arms and hugged everyone before patting them on the head. "Well, time to go! See you guys later!" Issei got happy cheers and waves in return as he shut the main shoji doors and left his house (which is a giant traditional Japanese mansion btw).
Issei will be starting as second year transfer student at Kuoh Academy. If he is right, he'll be attending from the third week of the first semester of the school year.
Here's to hoping I have a peaceful high school life.
[Yeah right. As if anything has gone right for you.] Ddraig snorted in his mind.
Good morning to you too old man.
[I'm not old!] Ddraig snapped back at him. Ddraig, as sad and funny as it sounds, has always been sensitive about his age.
Right. You're ancient.
[Why you little…!]
"Oh! There it is!" Issei said as he reached the gates of the school.
[Don't ignore me!]
"…" Issei didn't say anything, instead opting to walk past through the gates in the building towards to office. He tuned out the grumblings of Ddraig and instead approached a student.
"Excuse me miss, but where is the office? I need to finalize my transfer." He asked a girl. She appeared to be quite tall with long black hair that reached the back of her knees. She turned around and he caught a glimpse of heterochromic eyes under square semi-rimmed glasses. His eyes widened slightly before returning to normal. A devil eh?
[Told you.]
Shut it old timer.
[Why you-!] he tuned out the rest of Ddraig's ramblings as the devil spoke.
"Ah, you must be the transfer student I presume?" She asked.
"Yes that's me, Issei Hyoudo. Would you mind leading me there?"
"Sure. I'm Tsubaki Shinra, a third year and the Student Council Vice-President." She said as she made a 'follow me' gesture.
"Thanks!" He received a nod as he followed her towards the office. Eventually the two of them stood in front of the doors to the Student Council room. "Eh?"
"Please hand over the papers. You'll be informed about your class and given your schedule here." She said knocking on the doors.
"Come in!" A muffled voice came in from the room.
Issei pulled out his papers and handed to the vice-prez as she entered the room and waited outside.
"Please come in Issei Hyuodo." A strict voice called out to him and he diligently entered the room standing before the table of the Student Council President. Sitting behind the table was a petite girl with bob haircut and violet eyes under square rimmed glasses. Another devil!
[This room reeks of Devil.]
Thanks for pointing out the obvious!
[Hush you.]
"Hyoudo-san, I am Souna Shitori, the Student Council President. You'll be attending Class 2-C and here is your schedule." The petite president said handing over the class schedule to him. "Please come to us if you need any kind of assistance."
Issei bowed and received the papers. "Thank you. I'd like someone to lead me there."
"Very well. Tsubaki." She nodded at said person and received one back.
Tsubaki tapped on the mic and spoke, "Will Yuuto Kiba of Class 2-C please come to the Student Council Room?"
"Your escort will be here in a moment's notice." Souna said. "Please take a seat until then."
"Thank you." Issei slightly bowed and sat on the chair checking out his schedule.
Two minutes later, a knock was heard from the door followed by a muffled voice. "I'm here, kaichou."
"Come in." Souna said and the doors opened to reveal a blonde bishounen. "This is the transfer student. He'll be attending your class. Please escort him to your classroom." Souna said waving her hand at Issei.
"Very well." Kiba nodded and looked at Issei with a smile.
There's the infamous lady killer smile!
[Is he gay?]
What the hell Ddraig?!
[Why is he flashing that smile at you then?]
Wow you can say things that make sense!
[Shut up.]
"I'm Yuuto Kiba. A pleasure to meet you Hyoudo-kun." He extended his hand to Issei.
Issei stood up and shook hands with Yuuto. "A pleasure to meet you as well Kiba-kun." He then turned back at Souna and bowed again. "Thank you for your help kaichou, fuku-kaichou."
Souna nodded. "It's no problem Hyoudo-san."
Without any more words, Issei left with Yuuto leaving the Student Council room and headed towards his class.
"Tsubaki." Sona called out as she watched the doors close.
"Did you see that?"
"Could he be…?"
Tsubaki asked tentatively.
"Hmm… not now but… let's mark him as ours shall we?"
Tsubaki nodded.
Sona paused and looked at Tsubaki with narrowed and surprised eyes. "Don't tell me you're crushing on him."
"Well Hyoudo-kun, we're here. Wait for the teacher to call you okay?" Yuuto said opening the door to Class 2-C.
"Alright." Issei replied and weirdly scrunched up his face as the whole class squealed.
"Kyaa! Kiba-kun is back!"
"He's looking as dashing as ever!"
"Marry me!"
"Have my babies!"
Issei recoiled hearing the last one.
What the-
[-flying fuck?!]
"Alright class! Calm down! We're having a transfer student in our class!" The teacher said calming the class down.
The door slid open and a female teacher with bob haircut and brown looked at him. "Ah! Come in! Come in!" she then noticed his face and said, "So you heard huh?" She then deadpanned, "Expect more."
Ahh… there goes my peaceful high school life…
[I'm gonna be scarred for life won't I?]
Issei calmed down and entered the class… only for the squealing to start again.
I'm the only boy other than Kiba?!
[Yup! You're on your own partner!] Ddraig said returning to the depths of Issei's soul exiting his mind.
"SILENT!" The teacher roared shutting the entire class up. She rubbed her temples and said, "Please introduce yourself."
Putting on a stoic face Issei deadpanned, "I'm Issei Hyoudo. Pleased to meet you." The teacher sent him pitying look and turned to the class.
"Any questions for Hyoudo-kun?"
Please no. Issei looked at Kiba who wore an empathetic look.
Yuuto mouthed the words: 'Please endure it. There's no option.'
"I do!"
"Go ahead." The teacher said feeling an incoming migraine coming.
"Are you single?"
"Yes." There were a few squealing girls in response.
Another raised her hand. "What do you like to do in your free time?"
Issei internally raised an eyebrow. "I like to paint or train in my dojo." He noticed Kiba perk up.
"What do train with?" KIba asked raising an arm.
"Depends on my mood. Sometimes I train with a sword, sometimes I refine my hand to hand combat skills or sometimes I do target practicing with a bow and arrow."
"That's so cool!"
Kiba smiled. "Then how about we spar later today at the kendo dojo today?"
He looks… giddy, like a kid about to receive his birthday present…
"Sure." Whispers broke out about the spar and Issei noticed someone typing in her phone.
Great. The rumor mill is gonna run at full blast now.
Another girl raised her hand. "Where did you transfer from?"
"Greece." In a way it was true, as he sometimes accompanied Amaterasu on her friendly meetings with the Greek Goddess of Earth, Gaia. Oh, the heaven he experienced from being cuddle buddies with Gaia was something to look forward to.
"Were you born there? You look Japanese."
"I was born here. Moved to Kyoto when I was five, then went to Germany, Italy, Greece and then finally came back here."
The teacher clapped her hands and said, "Okay enough questions. Hyoudo-kun, please take a seat in front of Kiba-kun."
Issei nodded as he headed towards his seat and ignored the whines from the female population of the class. He made eye contact with Kiba and received the message: 'Welcome to Hell on Earth.'
Issei sighed as he sat down on the shade underneath the tree beside the old school building. He opened the bento he made and dug into it, annoyed at the elementary schoolers around him. Yes, Elementary Schoolers. He will call them that.
They were so annoying! Thank god I was able to sneak out before any of them noticed me.
[You alive partner?]
I wanna die.
[What about your 'kids'?]
Never mind.
[A devil is staring at you.]
Noticing the stare, he looked at the window of the old school building and saw a crimson haired girl with blue-green eyes staring at him with slightly narrowed eyes.
His eyes moved to her hair. That's one heck of a color.
[She is likely to be a devil from the Gremory Clan. Crimson hair is one of their iconic features after all.]
He then looked her in the eye with his uncovered right eye and waved at her. She looked a bit surprised at first and then her lips twitched upwards slightly before she turned around and left.
Issei shrugged and went back to eating.
Rias turned around and let an amused smile grace her features just in time for a knock to resound in the clubroom.
"Come in." The doors opened to reveal her childhood friend and rival Sona Sitri, or as is known in the school, Souna Shitori, followed by her queen Tsubaki Shinra. "What brings you here Sona?"
Sona adjusted her glasses and stood by Rias's side near the window and glanced down to see her future peerage member eating his lunch. She then looked at Rias and said, "I've placed my eyes on him Rias."
Rias now intrigued, raised an eyebrow. "What? Is he a Sacred Gear holder?"
Sona smirked. "No."
"I feel like there's a 'BUT' coming…"
"His left eye has an inorganic golden clock in it. Surely that screams abnormal to you doesn't it?" Sona took satisfaction at the gob smacked reaction Rias gave and smirked.
Rias regained her composure and frowned. "How are you sure that the clock isn't a contact lens?"
Sona straightened up and seriously told, "The 'second' hand in the clock was moving and the 'minute' and 'hour' hands were right at the time I saw him."
Rias groaned. "Great! A time controller! Geh!"
"And Tsubaki is crushing on him." Sona said redirecting the attention.
Issei adjusted the protective gear he wore as he exited the changing room with the bamboo sword in hand while the helmet was under his arm. He took his place on the mat across Kiba who was ready and in position.
"Sorry I'm late."
"It's okay." Kiba said with a smile under the helmet. He looked at Issei and frowned. "You don't look comfortable in that. Is the size too small or big for you?"
Issei shook his head. "Nah. It's just that I've never worn these stuff during training and had always used a real sword instead of a bamboo sword."
Silence descended in the dojo once everyone digested what he said.
"You can't be serious!"
"There's no way he's saying the truth!"
"H-Hey, h-he's lying right?"
Issei frowned and shrugged off the protective gear. He rolled his shoulder and sighed. "There! Much better."
"Are you sure you don't need them?" Kiba asked with a frown.
Issei smirked. "Dead sure." He twirled the bamboo sword in his hand and rested it on his shoulder. "How about we raise the stakes? Let's do this freestyle with me without the guards while you wear them. How about it?" He cocked his head towards the onlookers and said, "It would also quiet them down if I defeat you right?"
Kiba smirked back and said, "Very well. Freestyle it is." He looked at the referee as Issei stood in his position and said, "Murayama-san, please start."
Murayama looked at both of them and sighed. Issei was standing lazily with his sword in one hand while Kiba stood with his left side facing Issei. He held his own sword behind him with both hands. She raised her hand, Issei slightly bent forward, and brought her hand down followed by a loud crack as Issei blasted off of his position covering the distance between him and Kiba in the blink of an eye.
Issei diagonally swung his sword from his right aiming to strike at Kiba's ribs.
Yuuto looked surprised for a moment at the speed before he successfully managed to block the strike with a grunt. His eyes widened. He's strong! And he's using a single hand!
Issei backed off and held his sword diagonally in front of him.
Yuuto took off going for an obvious horizontal double handed swing. Just as it was about to hit Issei, he simply blocked the strike with the handle of the sword. Upon closer look Yuuto realized that Issei had been holding the sword with only his middle and ring finger pressed against the palm. Yuuto was too surprised to block the strike to his head that nearly gave him a concussion. What the hell?! He barely managed to block the downward strike and even then he grunted as his knees almost gave out.
In the following ten minutes, there were only the sounds of grunts and smacks of bamboo hitting body followed by some stomps, all originating from Yuuto. Issei barely broke a sweat and Yuuto was already panting for breath.
The entire dojo was quiet as the audience watched with baited breaths to see who win. Issei and Yuuto were standing away from each other taking an unsaid break. Issei had a grin on his face while the others couldn't see what was underneath Yuuto's helmet.
This is bad. He's still holding the sword between his middle finger, ring finger and palm. He's barely broken a sweat and yet here I am panting already. I'm damn sure he's not an ordinary human. Buchou needs to know.
"You're not bad Hyoudo-kun. You've barely broken a sweat." Yuuto complimented.
Issei smirked. Buying time eh? No matter. He shrugged. "When you've trained under life and death situations, this kind of spars wouldn't break a sweat."
Then why am I in this state?! Yuuto really wanted to retort but held himself back. "Let's finish this Hyoudo-kun. One strike to determine the victor."
"Call me Ise. You've earned it. And… a final strike eh?" Issei took a breath and held the sword with both hands, leaving a small gap between them, finally taking a proper kendo stance. His lips were set on a thin line and his eyes narrowed. "Come at me then." His voice sounded deep and low sending shivers down everyone's spines.
Yuuto took a calming breath and dashed at Issei with his sword pointing downwards going for an upwards diagonal slash. With a grunt, Yuuto used his remaining strength and slashed at Issei and the next thing he knows, he's on the ground, his left shoulder aching a lot while his sword lied beside him snapped in two. And a single word: 'Ryoudan' echoed in his ears while the visage of Issei's left eye stuck in his mind. He passed out shortly after that.
Koneko hardly expresses any kind of emotions. She's been like that ever since she had been taken in by the Gremory clan after that incident. From that moment onwards, she vowed to never show any kind of emotions, scared that it would make her appear as weak. So imagine her surprise when, for the first time in several years she showed an emotion. Even if it was shock, she did show it. But that's a different matter altogether. What shocked her was the fact that a human defeated Yuuto, who is a devil.
The human hardly broke a sweat and it was clear, even to her that the gap in skill level between the two of them were huge. When the human proclaimed that he had trained without protection using a freaking real sword, just like everyone she too believed he was joking. But as the match kept on going, it was clear, the human spoke the truth AND he was going to win. And win he did. Faster than they both could see, the human brought down his sword and with a single strike defeated Yuuto, who not only was a devil but was times faster than a human could ever be. He even broke both of their swords with that strike and… what's 'Ryoudan'?
I must tell buchou about this. She thought as she watched the hum -no, Issei Hyoudo pick Yuuto up with ease and run away towards the infirmary. I doubt he's a human.
When news spread out, that the transfer student Issei Hyoudo, defeated the Prince of Kuoh, Yuuto Kiba without breaking a sweat, Rias didn't believe it thinking that Yuuto let Issei Hyoudo win on purpose.
But when Koneko rushed into the clubroom panting with wide eyes and panic written in her eyes, it finally hit home that rumor was true. Her knight had lost. To a human.
"Issei Hyoudo-senpai defeated Yuuto-senpai single handedly." Those were the words that came out of her adorable rook before she left for the infirmary.
Rias exchanged a glance with Akeno and headed towards the infirmary. Within moments, the two of them reached the infirmary and opened the doors to find Issei beside an injured Yuuto.
Yuuto weakly smiled at her but… his smile looked genuine, not like the fake one he wears around everyone. "Buchou…" he called out to her and she rushed to her knight's side. Issei still wearing the kendo clothing, quietly left the room. "… I lost." Yuuto was grinning.
"How?" Rias asked and noticed the pack of ice resting on Yuuto's left shoulder where the skin was blue. What did this to him?!
"He overpowered me with a single strike. He fought the entire match with one hand, no…" he shook his head. "…no, he fought the entire match with two fingers and palm. He's strong. A LOT. I can barely move my arms now. My bones rattled every time I blocked his strikes and near the end of the match when I suggested that a single strike would decide the victor…" Yuuto shivered, "… for a moment I thought I was going to die." Yuuto then smiled and relaxed. "Funny thing is, I didn't even see him strike. It was too fast, even for me. All I saw was a ticking inorganic golden clock, felt pain and heard two loud snaps one after the another followed by a word. Ryoudan." Yuuto looked at Akeno. "Akeno-senpai, what does Ryoudan mean?"
Akeno frowned and racked her brains for a few seconds.
"It means Bisection."
Everyone including Koneko jumped when Issei stealthily opened the door and said the meaning. Rias saw Issei look at Yuuto and bow, "I'm sorry for using such a deadly technique against you Yuuto. I kind of gave into my instincts and battle lust. I sincerely apologize."
A deadly technique?
"It's fine Ise-kun. I haven't had this much fun in my entire life." Yuuto said with a soft smile.
"How about you apologize by training me?" Yuuto's question surprised everyone. Issei smiled widely.
"Excuse me Hyoudo-kun." Rias said with a cough gaining Issei's attention. Rias saw that Issei's left eye was hidden underneath the bangs on the left side of his face.
"I'm Rias Gremory, a third year student and the President of Occult Research Club. Yuuto's president." She introduced herself. "The one behind me is Akeno Himejima, my Vice-President." She pointed at Koneko. "She is Koneko Toujou, a first year student and a member of my club. We're all pleased to meet you."
Issei smiled. "Pleased to meet you as well Gremory-senpai, Himejima-senpai and Toujou-kouhai!" He replied bowing to everyone.
When Issei bowed, Rias caught a glimpse of his left eye and was finally able to see the clock there. She looked at Akeno who nodded at her indirectly confirming that she too had seen the clock.
Rias decided not to approach the matter now. Issei was Sona's target, so she wouldn't pry into his matters too much.
"Do you mind if I call you Ise?" Rias asked Issei.
"Of course not! Go ahead!"
"Okay Ise-kun, can you tell us more about this… 'Ryoudan' technique of yours?"
Rias was surprised to see Issei lose his cheerful aura and gain a more serious one; and she couldn't help but conclude that his serious side was quite intimidating.
"'Ryoudan'…" Rias shivered hearing Issei's deep and low voice. "… simply put is a sure kill technique that literally bisects your opponent. It's the reason my master named it Ryoudan, which means Bisection. Well, that's what my master said hehe~!" Issei ended sheepishly rubbing the back of his head with a goofy smile.
Rias and the others released a breath they didn't know they were holding in at the sudden shift of Issei's intimidating aura back to being a cheerful, happy-go-lucky one.
Issei pulled out his phone and grimaced. "Well Yuuto-kun, I'll let you know the details about our training tomorrow." He opened the door and grinned. "I've got my kids to looks after! See you tomorrow!" With a slam of the door Issei was gone leaving a quiet room.
Wait. Everyone's eyes flew open wide as their brains finally registered what he said.
"He's got kids?!" Everyone except Koneko exclaimed looking at each other.
"Who's got kids?" Sona asked entering the infirmary with her peerage in tow.
Rias snapped her head in Sona's direction and walked up to her. Rias pointed a finger at Sona and said, "Ise-kun is a father!" She pulled her hair in frustration for reasons unknown and screeched.
"Wait what?!" Sona asked bewilderedly losing her composure.
"H-h-he said 'I've got my kids to look after! See you tomorrow!' He's a FATHER at the age of freaking 17!" Rias screeched again. "And you know what's worse?" Rias glared at Sona freaking everyone out. "I don't even know why I'm frustrated about it! Arrgh!"
Sona looked at the other members of Rias's peerage and saw them nod their heads in confirmation.
"I think I'll ask him directly tomorrow." Sona rubbed the bridge of her nose and sighed. "And someone please stop Rias from imprinting her face on the wall."
Rias screeched one more time before she was knocked out.
Issei cackled as he heard Gremory-senpai screech and yell in the infirmary and speed walked out of the school towards his home.
[You sure gave her the shock of a lifetime didn't you?]
Hello to you too old timer. Issei sarcastically replied getting grumbles in return. And yeah I did. I didn't expect her to screech and yell like a lunatic though.
[Women are hard to understand Issei. Remember that.]
Issei paused and questioningly looked at his left hand. Who are you and what have you done to my dumbass great-grandfather?
[You little…!]
Sona sat on the nurse's chair digesting everything she heard from Yuuto and Koneko about Issei Hyoudo. Night had fallen by the time both Yuuto and Koneko were done explaining the event from their perspective.
So far, what she could gather is that, Issei is NOT a normal Sacred Gear wielding human. No, in fact Koneko confirmed that he did not have a Sacred Gear. The things that described his abnormality are: the golden inorganic ticking clock in his left eye, his abnormal strength (which according to Yuuto is borderline High Class Devil level), his random shift in personalities and his skills with the sword.
Sona sighed and rubbed her forehead. This is so troubling!
Oh! Then there's the fact that he's a father. Sona internally groaned.
"Arrgh…! What happened?" Rias said waking up from her slumber. She rubbed her eyes and looked around the room noticing the presence of both peerages. "What's everyone doing here?" She asked confusedly.
"You don't remember?" Sona asked with a twitching eyebrow.
"Remember what?" Rias cutely tilted her head.
"Ufufu~! Buchou, you lost it after you heard Ise-kun say that he's a father." Akeno said in her usual manner.
"Wait that wasn't a dream?!" Rias exclaimed.
Just as Rias took in a breath and was about to screech again, Sona slammed her hand on Rias's mouth glaring daggers at her.
"Don't. Screech. Got it?" Rias whimpered and nodded. Sona slowly removed her still glaring at Rias and nodded. "Good. Now either keep quiet or screech in your clubroom. This is an infirmary."
Rias nodded and scrambled away from Sona to Akeno's side. Sona is scaaaaryy!
Sona sighed. Great. I've even lost count of how many times I sighed. She sighed again. Dammit!
"Haa… I guess I'll have to look into the matters of Issei Hyoudo deeply now."
"Please do." Rias said. "Eeep!" only to be glared at by Sona.
Sona is so scary!
Sona was frustrated. Using her sources, she dug up Issei Hyoudo's life history and found everything he told about himself to be true. His pictures showed that he had an amber colored left eye and a soft chocolate-brown colored right eye. The clock isn't there!
He did live in Kyoto for a year. He did move to Germany, Italy and Greece. He was homeschooled as his family constantly changed countries due to his father being a professional photographer and a painter. His mother is a housewife and at the moment is accompanying his father with his journey letting Issei live on his own back in their old house in Kuoh.
That's it! I'm asking him about this tomorrow directly.
As Issei expected, he was called to Student Council room before the classes started and found himself face-to-face with both the entire Student Council and Occult Research Club members.
"You called for me kaichou?" Issei asked as he entered the room. He wasn't deterred neither when all eyes fell on him nor when the doors closed behind him loudly creaking.
"Yes I did Hyoudo-kun. Please take a seat." Sona said with poorly hidden bags under her eyes.
Don't tell me she didn't sleep digging up my entire history last night. Issei really wanted to laugh but held himself back. As told, he took a seat facing Sona who tried her best (and failed) to look intimidating.
"Surely you've met my friend Rias Gremory and her club members yesterday, did you not? In fact you sparred and injured one of her club members, did you not?"
Ahh… so she's trying to guilt trip me…
[They are ridiculously stupid.]
"Yes I did. And I also apologized to Yuuto-kun for injuring him. I also accepted to train him as a part of my apologies. Is something wrong?" Issei innocently (not really) asked.
"Yes and no. No, because the reason I called you isn't because of that. And yes because they mentioned something… intriguing about you." Sona pushed her glasses up reflecting light off of them. "Is it true that you're a… father?"
She's making it sound like something bad.
[She thinks you're a criminal who forced yourself on a defenseless maiden, took her virginity, knocked her up and took responsibility of your actions.]
You're talking about yourself aren't you?
[*whistles innocently*]
Holy shit someone kill me!
"Hyoudo-kun?" Issei snapped out of his daze and looked at Sona who looked like she wanted to crawl up in her bed and cut connections with the world. "Are you okay?"
"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just reminiscing." Issei said waving his hand. "Anyway, you asked if it's true whether I'm a father or not, right?" He received a nod. He smiled widely and said, "Yes I am! I'm a father AND a grandfather!"
Sona and everyone in the room blanched and stared wide eyed at him. Rias was about to screech again until Akeno slapped her hand over Rias's mouth.
Sona's eyes looked like they would pop out of their sockets and she was ghostly white. A few fainted on spot and Koneko looked at Issei as if he was worse than dirt on the ground. Yuuto looked as if he got rejected by his crush.
"It's true!" Issei exclaimed standing up and pulling out his phone. Tsubaki looked ready to commit seppuku. Issei opened a picture and showed it to Sona. "See! These two big Siberian and Bengal Tigers and their cubs are my kids and grandkids." He swiped to the picture of a wolf and a fox. "The red fox is my second son and the wolf is my third daughter." He swiped to the picture of a Maine Coon cat and said, "This is my second daughter!" He pocketed his phone and grinned at Sona with his arms spread wide. "See? One big family!"
While Sona's face gained back its color, it was set in a deadpan stare on Issei who was still grinning like a Cheshire cat. Rias passed out standing and Akeno didn't know whether she should laugh or cry at how stupid they were being. Koneko on the other hand looked ashamed, as if she committed a crime and thus was staring at the ground. Tsubaki was also looking at Issei with a deadpan stare. Yuuto silently chuckled.
Deciding to rile them up more, Issei sat down on the chair and said, "Don't tell me you were expecting me to be married to some unknown woman and have kids with her at this age." Issei said dryly.
"Would you be surprised if I said yes?" Sona replied with her eyebrow violently twitching much to Issei's amusement and she seemed to have noticed it as well.
"Kaichou…" Issei said narrowing his eyes. "…don't tell me you didn't sleep last night imagining me having unprotected sex with a faceless woman and then having faceless kids." When Sona coughed and looked away with a blush, he lost it.
"Oh my god…!" he ignored how Sona and the others flinched.
First he covered his mouth. His shoulders shook as he suppressed his laughter. He failed as a few chuckles left his mouth. Sona looked at him with a glare but the effect wasn't present because of her blush. And finally he fell off of his chair guffawing loudly.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You can't be serious! Pfft! HAHAHAHAHA! Firstly…" he wheezed as he sat up on the ground clutching his stomach holding himself back from laughing. "… Gremory-senpai screeches like a banshee loud enough for the entire school to jump in fright… Pfft! HAHAHA!... and then you!" He pointed at Sona, who had a large vein throbbing on her forehead. "The Student Council President couldn't sleep, too busy fantasizing about my personal life! HAHAHAHA!" Issei continued laughing despite hearing Sona snap her pen in two while loudly gnashing her teeth in anger.
"Hyoudo-kun, please restrain yourself from laughing and testing my patience here." Sona gritted out the words.
Issei wheezed and controlled himself sitting on the chair and waved at her to continue.
"Care to explain why you see your pets as your children? it was quite misleading as my friend Rias over there had lost her mind yesterday." Sona asked curiously while chanting a mantra in her mind: Don't kill him. He's a potential peerage member. Don't kill him. He's a potential peerage member.
Issei calmed himself down and answered her with a lazy grin. "Kaichou, we humans are also considered animals are we not? Then what's wrong with me calling them my children? Especially since I've raised them from the moment they were born."
"Thinking about it like that makes sense I guess." Sona nodded calming down.
"Anyway are we done here kaichou, or are there several things more you want to clarify?" Issei asked tilting his head. By this point, those who fainted has regained consciousness and were told the truth.
Sona nodded and pushed her glasses up again. "Yes. What I want to ask is…" she interlocked her fingers and stared right into the single visible eye of Issei. "… what exactly are you?"
Issei had a confused face (fake). "Pardon?"
Sona narrowed her eyes and asked, "What are you Issei Hyoudo? Because you definitely aren't a human, as humans DO NOT have a golden inorganic ticking clock in their eyes. So I ask you again: what exactly are you?"
Issei frowned. "An inorganic clock? What are you talking about? As far as I know my right eye is brown and my left eye is amber like Toujou-kouhai's. So what are you talking about?" Issei narrowed his eyes. "Kaichou… are you…?"
Don't fall for it Sona!
"No. I am not hallucinating and no I'm not an idiot." Sona said with finality.
Rias smacked her forehead. She fell for it!
Issei grinned. "Kaichou, I was going to ask if you were hallucinating but there you go calling yourself an idiot. What's wrong with you?" He grinned like a Cheshire cat.
Called it! Rias groaned.
Sona had enough. "WHY YOU LITTLE!" She jumped at him or at least attempted as Tsubaki held her back by the waist.
Sona's peerage and the ORC looked ready to shit themselves while Issei kept on laughing like a loon.
"AND YOU! ISSEI HYOUDO! STOP LAUGHING!" Tsubaki snapped back at Issei.
"Okay! Okay! I'm not laughing!" Issei wheezed with his hands in the air. He then rolled his head and arms before letting a contented sigh. "Haaa~! Susanoo's rubbed too much on me. Amaterasu's gonna scold me senseless if she finds out." Issei's eyes were closed but he could feel the shocked gazes on him. He opened his eyes and nonchalantly asked, "Hmm? What's wrong?"
Sona looked white and shook in terror. "Excuse me Hyoudo-kun. What exactly do you mean by 'Susanoo's rubbed too much on me' and 'Amaterasu's gonna scold me senseless'?"
Issei sat down lazily on the chair and crossed his arms his head. "Hmm? It's exactly as it sounds kaichou or should I say…" he moved his bangs away from his left eye and revealed the ticking inorganic clock in his eye. "… Sona Sitri? Heiress to the Sitri Clan of the 72 pillars of the Underworld."
Everyone froze in terror feeling a cold vice grip on their heart and fell to their knees unable to breathe, while Sona's mind shut down and tried to reboot itself.
He knows me! He knows me! He knoWS ME! He kNOWS ME! HE KNOWS ME! Sona panicked, her mind repeating the same thing.
Rias and her peerage got a hold of themselves and took stances to fight. Rias readied her Power of Destruction, Akeno readied her thunder spell, Yuuto summoned a sword and Koneko took a boxing stance.
"How do you know what we are Issei Hyoudo?" Rias asked ready to fire her spell.
"And here I thought I could be friends with you guys." Issei mumbled standing up. "How about I reintroduce myself properly?" he asked snapping Sona out of her trance.
"Please do." Sona said readying a spell of our own, followed by her peerage.
"Haah~! Here goes nothing." Issei said and closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes, his right eye was green and his left eye remained same with a strand of his hair turning green. A green aura covered him. Everyone flinched at the divine aura. "I am Issei Hyoudo. Shinto God of Space-Time." Everyone paled in fear as they realized they were about to attack a Shinto God, albeit unknowingly.
Then their brains went haywire as a pair of crimson dragon wings sprout from his back. The sclera of his eyes turned emerald green and his right eye turned the same shade of gold as his left eye's clock with a vertical black slit. His arms up to the elbows and legs knee down turned into that of a dragon and scales covered the side of his face with his canines poking out of his lips. "A Dragon God." Everyone lost their will to fight as they realized how outmatched they were despite their numbers.
Even worse, six pairs of pitch black bat wings and two tails sprouted from his back as he dismissed his god aura and partial dragonification. "A Super Devil." Issei receded his wings and tail and continued, "And the current Red Dragon Emperor."
The iconic Boosted Gear appeared on his left arm and he bowed.
Issei grimaced as he saw their terror filled gazes. He sighed and rubbed his face. "Look, I didn't say what I was at first because I genuinely wanted to be your friend." He looked at everyone and grimaced harder as neither of them relaxed. He slumped his shoulders and sighed. "I'm leaving now. Take this time to think a bit okay? The time we spent together was short but believe me when I say I mean no harm. I simply want to have friends from factions all over the world and bring world peace. Unite every factions. That's why I started here, my hometown where you devils took residence in. I wanted to start with you guys and look where it took me. I'm… I'm sorry okay? See you." With a backward wave of his hand he left the quiet room and returned to his class where he took his bag and left for home telling the teacher that he was not feeling good.
Seeing his condition, the teacher relented and released him.
Walking home, he stopped and looked at the morning sky. "What a shitty day it has become…"
Sona slumped over the table removing her glass and sighed. Rias was sitting opposite to her in the same position, less tired than her but tired nonetheless. Others had either sat on the couches or sat cross legged on the floor. They all sighed at once.
"I think we should all go home and think this through." Sona said getting nod from Rias.
"True. Other than injuring Yuuto slightly, Ise-kun didn't show any harmful intensions." Rias said with a sigh of her own. "Considering his power, he could've killed us anytime if he wished to do so."
"Yes. I too want to be friends with Ise-kun." Yuuto said. "He was genuinely concerned about me despite knowing that I was a devil and could heal faster than a human."
"Ufufu~ He was even willing to train him as well in the form of apologies."
Everyone nodded.
"But that's not what's bugging me." Sona said sitting up straight. "How old is he and how is he a hybrid of four races?"
"Just by being both a Devil and a God should've killed him." Rias replied.
"Then there's the fact that he's a dragon, a Dragon God at that and the current Red Dragon Emperor."
"Let's not forget that he's a Super Devil as well."
"Well, let's go home and think this matter through and then decide what our next course of action." Rias said standing up.
"We can't go home now, so please return to your classes." Sona said back to her strict personality.
"Yes kaichou!" All replied at once.
The next day, Issei didn't attend school.
Who laughed at the scene of Sona losing her cool and the misunderstanding? Don't worry. I don't plan on making this a Tsubaki x Issei story.