These chapters are LONG overdue. My mind's been in the dumps lately and I haven't been figuring out good things to write. Sorry if the chapters seem a bit dull compared to the others.

Hope you enjoy!

*Afternoon, Previous Day*

"...borrow? Charm magic? What the fuck? Did I just hear that right?" Sam was about to continue until a quick slap to the face from Caitlyn shut him up. Instead of flinching in pain, he felt a blush rise to his cheeks when the palm of her hand made contact with-

What the fuck, fuck off, weird-ass foreign emotions.

"Charm magic? Borrow? Unfortunately, I'm at a state of mind similar to that of the summoner standing next to me," Caitlyn informed The Nine-tailed Fox. "Is it possible for you to elaborate a bit?"

Ahri nodded. "Alright. So one day, after a match, Sylas approached me and was all, 'Yo, can I ask you some questions on your charm magic?' I was a little taken aback, because the dude had never approached me before, but I didn't consider him an ENEMY of some sort."

"Okay...nothing seems too suspicious...go on." The sheriff eyed the Vastayan with great focus, as if that would help her deduce what was going on better. The summoner was thinking of making a snide remark, but decided against it, as Caitlyn could always use her fist the next time she physically retaliated against his provocations.

"I thought there was no problem with that, so I did. I was like, 'It can temporarily put someone under a spell, where they will do anything the charmer commands them to do.' He then asked questions related to the degree of power it could go to, such as how many people you could use it on at once, specific times the charm lasts, whether a person's willpower needs to be taken into account or not when it comes to the charm..."

Caitlyn raised an eyebrow. "Okay, that definitely raises some eyebrows."

"No shit, that's what literally happened to your own eyebrows," Sam muttered. The sheriff gave him a light glare, which made his ears burn, and he broke off eye contact with her almost instantly. was just a glare, why did it feel so...much weirder for some reason?

" that all what happened?" Caitlyn asked Ahri. "Or is there more to it?"

The Nine-tailed Fox shrugged. "Then he just asked if he could borrow it. At first, I was kind of weirded out, but then he explained it was some test thing that he wanted to try out with his petricite chains. He wanted to see if the chains would absorb my charm magic."

"Cuz that's what petricite does...theoretically, wouldn't it work?" Sam asked.

Ahri nodded. "For sure. I just don't understand why he never bothered to do this in the past, since right now is completely random timing. Guess he'd been mustering up the courage to talk to a beauty like me, huh?"

The Sheriff of Piltover cringed. "Please, never say that again."

"Why? Because your own beauty can't compete?" The Ionian champion teased.

"What?!" The purple-haired cop's face flushed. "No, that has nothing to do with-"

"Honey, it's okay, it's natural to call other girls visually inferior to you when you're around some you have-"

"Enough digressing here! Get to the point. Did the petricite test work or not?"

Ahri's playfulness went away almost immediately as she sighed. "I guess the test worked, cuz ever since then, it seems that my charm doesn't work on anybody."

"Your charm doesn't work on anybody?" The sheriff frowned, clearly deep in thought. "Do you have proven accounts on that?"

"I mean, isn't my word enough? I tried it here and there the past couple of days, and they seemed to have no effect. I swear, although I'm aging, I'm not getting UGLY. Not getting so ugly that my looks diminish the power of my charm magic, which seems to be impossible, if someone is capable of performing charm magic, their looks shouldn't really matter, I mean, just think of...yeah, Gragas! Regardless of how he looks, if he has charm magic, then-"

"Okay...that is the most disturbing thing I heard so far. Keep in mind that my friend almost died today as well," Sam muttered. He didn't care if Caitlyn slapped him or not, there was no way he was going to say silent after THAT remark.

Ahri chuckled. "Was just providing an example. Don't worry, I doubt that drunk fat-ass is capable of doing any sort of magic. I know, the thought of waking up one morning in a bed with him is kind of-"

If Sam had eaten recently, he would've vomited. Luckily, he had inadvertently starved himself since he was too busy stressing over the life of his good friend Alex.

"Can you...not?"

The Sheriff of Piltover broke in before the Ionian champion could say anything more. "Okay, we're digressing here. Ahri, you sure that your charm magic doesn't work? Could you perhaps run a test or something? I want to make sure your account is accurate before we report this to Quinn and then Jarvan."

"I mean, I could, but who?"

"Hmm, good point, I didn't think about that. I'm thinking-"

"How about me?" Sam pushed himself forward. "Here, I'm a perfectly normal candidate. Try it on me, let's test it and see if it works or not."

"What?! No!" The sheriff shoved him aside before Ahri turned to him. "Are you crazy or something?!"

"HUH?! Why not?!" The summoner protested. "We should test it, right? So why don't you just let her use it on me and see if-"

"There's...there's no reason to!" Caitlyn blurted out, seemingly a tiny bit flustered. Eyeing her, Ahri let out a giggle.


"I...I changed my mind. Never mind, let's just get going to find Quinn right now-"

"That's a sudden change, if you ask me. I've seen people do complete 180's before in decisions, but THIS is the most nonsensical of all of them."

"Can you stop, already? We're not going to test it. C'mon, let's all head to the Demacian quarters now."

"You're literally making no sense. Why wouldn't we test it?"

"She already said it doesn't work, so it doesn't work!"

"Well, there's harm in trying, though, right?" Sam pointed out.

"Fine! Do you really want to know the reason?"

"Yes, of course? Why did you bring something up, then suddenly do a 180? WHAT CAUSED THAT?!"

"The reason is well...we have a problem."

"What problem, exactly?"

"The problem is that here we have a...a faulty subject!"

"What?! Faulty subject?! What do you mean?" Sam felt his fists clench. "Were you NOT joking that I had brain damage earlier today or something?"

Ahri frowned. "Uh, what?"

Ignoring the Vastayan's remark, Caitlyn argued, "You're literally a hormone-carrying young man in his 20s who thinks of engaging in sexual intercourse every other second of the day! Simply looking at The Nine-tailed Fox would entice those feelings, charm or not!"

Sam rolled his eyes. "While that's semi-true, I don't think I would act upon those actions, unless under a charm."

Ahri nudged Caitlyn. "You jealous that he doesn't get turned on by staring at you?"

The sheriff's face color turned to that of a tomato. "That...that has nothing to do with the situation at hand! I'm just saying that he wouldn't be a good test subject!"

Ignoring Caitlyn, Sam turned to Ahri. Staring into her eyes, he said, "Go on, ignore Cait. Just go test it out-"

"Stop!" The Sheriff of Piltover shouted, jumping in between the summoner and The Nine-tailed Fox. "This is so pointless! We're wasting time right now, when we could've been at the Demacian chambers, reporting the charm magic borrowing case to The Exemplar or something?"

"We wouldn't have wasted time if you hadn't brought the topic of testing the charm up, then suddenly doing a full 180 and resisting it to such a high degree!" Sam protested. "I don't even know the logic behind that! You're literally the one wasting time for us right now!"

"If you would stop arguing now, then this whole thing would be over and done with!" Caitlyn shot back.

"Who wouldn't argue in this case? You brought the point that Ahri's claim that her charm magic was gone might not be 100% true, and recommended test it! I literally volunteered as a subject, which you would think would be the most optimal option, since I'm literally here right now, and then you suddenly resist?! I just can't understand your mindset right now! Your reasoning is like a child's!"

"You're SO BLOODY IRRITATING! I'M DONE WITH THIS!" Turning away in a huff, the sheriff stormed off, probably in the direction of the Demacian quarters.

Staring after her, exasperated, Sam shook his head. "What the hell got into her?"

Hearing giggling, the summoner turned to The Nine-tailed Fox, who was still at his side. "What?"

"Oh, it's's just too obvious, isn't it?" She snickered.

Sam cocked an eyebrow. "Uhh, not really..."

"Are you sure about that? Or are you just acting dense?"

"Acting dense about what? I'm just confused as fuck by her illogical reasoning and kind of pissed at her decision to 'flee' from an argument."

"Look, ummmm...what's your name again?"


"Look, Sam. Since you claim that you aren't dense, I won't bother spelling it out for you word for word."

"Yes, there's no need to."

"Anyway, all I'm going to say is...I'm fairly certain if it were any other summoner that I would test my charm on, she wouldn't care."

"Yeah, I know, right? Thus, her getting pissed over you testing it on me makes zero sense at all!" Sam exclaimed. "That's what I was trying to find out with her, and she just ran away and avoided my questions completely!"

Ahri huffed. This guy seriously thought he wasn't dense? "Dude, the only reason why she got so riled up over was because you asked me to charm you."

"Yeah, I know THAT! That's what I literally just said! I simply don't understand why she got so outraged by the situation!"

The Nine-tailed Fox gave him a "really dude" look. "...really?" She said in an irked tone.

"What do you mean, really?" Sam inquired. "I legitimately have no clue why."

"Okay, if you don't, then I'm not going to bother to explain..." She told him, beginning to walk after The Sheriff of Piltover. Sam stared after her, contemplating the events in his head, and failing to form any conjecture from logical reasoning.

"Huh?" The summoner sighed in exasperation. Both women were not making any sense about anything at hand. Starting after them, he grimaced as he felt the handcuffs tighten. Fucking hell, these types of handcuffs? I need to get them off...

Wait, but how could he get them off? Sam let out another sigh as he realized what he had to do.

Fucking hell, man...this checkmate fucking blows. He started awkwardly walking in the direction after the two females, who ditched him minutes ago. Other summoners eyed him weirdly as he passed them, but what could he do? He couldn't exactly pull out his phone like he usually did, and stare at it so he would avoid meeting the gazes of people he walked past in public.

Demacia quarters...Demacia quarters...

Seeing the nation's area, he stumbled over, trying not to cause the handcuffs over himself to tighten more. Squinting his eyes, he saw The Sheriff of Piltover and the Vastayan fox walking in together.

Seriously? Caitlyn waited for Ahri to catch up with her, and they walked in without me? What's all the hate against me for?

Sighing, Sam lumbered forward, hissing as he felt the handcuffs tighten even more. Dang, at this rate, his wrists were going to break...

"Are you okay there, Summoner?"

"Hm?" Sam turned his head in the direction of the voice. His gaze was met by another Demacian champion, who was standing there.

"Oh, Quinn, what's up...umm, do you know how to get handcuffs off?"

Demacia's Wings stared down at his hands, then narrowed her eyes. "How did you even get stuck in this predicament in the first place, may I ask?"

"It's a really long story..."

"Oh really? Enlighten me. I'd not be opposed to a short story right now."

"Well, it has to do with Caitlyn."

"Caitlyn?" Suddenly, Quinn's expression changed drastically. "You've run into her? Did you? Did you?"

Rolling his eyes, Sam moved his hands up in front of himself. "I think this answered your question awhile ago-"

"Where is she? Do you know?"

"Uh, I was following her into here, since that's kind of the reason why she put them on me in the first place, because she wanted me to come with her, and I just resisted, because I believe that I as a human being have rights-"

"She's in here? Where?"

The summoner took a deep breath. Being interrupted multiple times got on your nerves after awhile. "Probably heading towards your personal quarters, I would assume. Anyway, is it possible for you to get these off of me, because I'm afraid that my wrists will-"

Sam wasn't able to finish his sentence as Demacia's Wings disappeared from the scene, faster than a Rammus casting Righteous Glory while in Powerball. Blinking a number of times in rapid succession to make sure he wasn't imagining things, he confirmed he wasn't.

"Goddammit!" He cursed out loud. "Is ANYONE going to help me with these at all?!"

His loud outbreak of anger caused champions and summoners alike to eye him weirdly. Sam had honestly gotten used to it by now; it'd been happening ever since Caitlyn started dragging him off, it wasn't anything new anymore.

"CAITLYN! WHERE ARE YOU, YOU FREAKING INCOMPETENT-ASS POLICE OFFICER?!" He shouted out loud, speeding up his walking at a pace close to running. The swift movement caused the handcuffs to tighten again, but Sam was getting so furious that pain was almost futile.

Sam heard no reply. He didn't even expect to get a response; he just wanted to fume and vent, and the only person he could do that to was the one who got him into all this mess. In addition, he didn't really have any bone to pick with anyone else BUT her...

"Is something wrong?" Sam's ears perked up to the sound of yet another feminine voice.

Turning around, he saw The Lady of Luminosity standing there, with a concerned expression on her face.

"Ah, Lux, you got to help me, Caitlyn put these cuffs over my hands for no reason, and now I can't like, fucking move anywhere, and I do desire the freedom to move, if you free me, I'll promise never to take my freedom to move around freely over again, I understand now that overlooking my right to-"

"So you're drunk," The blonde Crownguard concluded.

"What?! Where did you get that from?"

"Your way of speaking is very frantic and cluttered. She probably cuffed you because you were drunk and causing trouble in the Institute. So I shouldn't help you out of these cuffs." On that note, the Demacian continued walking past him, ignoring his awed expression.

Staring after the blonde girl, Sam collapsed to the ground and screamed out in anger.


"That sounds like the denial of a drunk person," Lux responded, not even turning around to look at him. Apparently, she had better things to do.

You know, I thought Lux was stupidly naive, but apparently she's also just stupid. God, you learn something new about her every day...except I'm not sure if this fact of the day is knowledge worth acquiring...then again, I'll now know never to ask Lux to do anything for me, except maybe pose in a suggestive position to attract male summoners so I can get to the summoning chambers first...

Sighing, Sam flipped over onto his back and started squirming like a worm.

"What the hell are you doing?!" He heard another female voice cry out. This one sounded angrier...

Turning around, Sam saw The Grand Duelist glaring down on him like he was some peasant begging her for riches.

"Don't waste your time," he growled back at her.

"Wasn't planning on it," she snapped in response, marching right past him. Honestly, despite Fiora being the most fiery interaction he had with a female today, it was the one he was the least frustrated by.

As for Caitlyn, Ahri, Quinn, and Lux...God, reliving those events would be a true pain in the ass, that he would not wish on anybody.

Except for Caitlyn. Goddamn, her nonsensical behavior was getting on his nerves. Well, it was far past that state actually, but...ok, you get it. He was pissed off at the sheriff. If there was one thing he could take out of this predicament, it was that he now understood the analogy between life and the state of his dick.

They're both simple, and free until the damn women come by and make it fucking hard.

Trudging around with those annoying cuffs on his hands, Sam looked at every door he passed. So far, Quinn did NOT appear. How great was that? The person whose room he needed to get to was nowhere close to the entrance, and considering his current, handcuffed state...

Falling to the ground, Sam stared blankly up at the high ceiling. I hate my life...

It seemed like hours passed as he slowly dragged his cuffed self along the Demacian halls. Every single time he looked up at a door, he sighed in disappointment as Quinn's name didn't come up on it. Jeez, what did he even do to deserve all of this? Shaking his head, he slid to the ground and stared blankly up at the ceiling.

Why am I here...actually, why do I even exist-

Sam shook his head frantically. Now was not the time to have an existential crisis. Focusing extremely hard, he immediately leapt back to his feet. Or at least tried to. The moment he hoisted himself up, he stumbled and fell back to the ground, landing on his cuffed arms. Grimacing in pain, he rolled over so his stomach was touching the ground, and slowly got to his feet. His arms felt like they were about to fall off.

Ignoring the pain, or at least trying to ignore the pain in his hands, he continued down the Demacian corridor, checking each door. Jeez, was Quinn's door at the end of the hall or something? What unfortunate coincidence was that? It was like that was set in place by some all-knowing and all-powerful God who could randomly change things in a universe to his desire.

Sam shook his head again. He really had to stop thinking about stuff revolving around existence and divine intervention. He had passed his English classes long ago. Looking up to spot the next door, he sighed in exasperation and relief. There it was: Quinn's door. While this wasn't really an achievement in life, compared to some of his other accomplishments, it still felt gratifying to get to that door.

Honestly, it was a feeling that challenged that of orgasms, to be honest. Without hesitating, Sam walked up to the door and gave it a good knock, waiting for it to open.

As the door opened, Sam opened his mouth to speak.

"Yo, can you-"

Caitlyn's uninterested (it looked like that, at least) face appeared on the other side.

"What are you doing here?" She asked in a rather apprehensive voice.

"Well you sure look happy to see me."

"I don't think anyone in my position would put a smile on their face if they were staring into the eyes of the very cop who handcuffed them without any logical reason and left them to suffer alone in public."

The Sheriff of Piltover gave him a look of confusion. "What?"

Sam clenched his fists. "Playing dumb, are we? There's no way you wouldn't forget handcuffing a summoner and dragging him over, would you?"

The Piltoverian police officer cocked her head to the side. "Um, alright then..."

"Did you hit your fucking head or something?" He growled. "I really can't believe you're this stupid. God, hopefully one day you find a man who's so dense that he'll be a perfect match for you."

"Uhh...why don't you come in?"

"Okay...and will you take the cuffs of me when I'll do that?"

Caitlyn merely nodded. "Sure, boy, sure."

Sam eyed the sheriff with suspicion. Was she pretending to be a different person, or did she actually have some personality disorder? Because something seemed REALLY off about her. Not that he wanted her to go back to her arbitrarily, easily angered state when he told Ahri to test her charm on him...but from that to extremely drastic change in behavior. Having this all in mind, Sam marched right past her and into Quinn's room. As the door closed behind him, he took a look around. Everything seemed pretty normal, except for the fact that he didn't see Valor anywhere.

"Okay, now will you remove these cuffs-"

"So an already handcuffed prisoner comes into here, surrendering easily, huh? Boy, some people are getting stupider and stupider at the moment."

Sam froze. That was not Caitlyn's voice. That was not even a female's voice either. That was...

Turning around, he was faced with another champion, who was standing where Caitlyn, or an identical copy of Caitlyn, was standing before.


The Unshackled grinned as he held up a chain of petricite, then threw it forward. "Didn't think I'd need to use four hostages for this plan, but it does raise the stakes for the Institute. How perfect."

"W-w-what are you-AHHH!" Sam screamed out in pain as he felt electricity surge through his body. As his consciousness faded away, he flopped to the ground. Before his eyes closed, he saw a purple top hat in front of him.

Caitlyn...Ahri...Quinn...what happened...?

*Present Time*

It was already 2 in the afternoon when Alex woke up. Could anyone blame him, though? It's not like he would've been able to get any sleep last night. After all, according to "credible sources", he was a priority patient, and apparently that meant that he got special services? It was hard to explain, but basically, he did get special service in the infirmary. While he didn't hate it, it definitely sucked that he wasn't able to get any sleep until very late. Or, very EARLY. Pretty interesting how both, despite being on opposite ends, could potentially mean the same thing from a relative viewpoint.

On top of that, Shen came in and told him that Akali was disabled on the Rift today due to "feeling under the weather". While this did raise some eyebrows, Alex stayed as vague as he could when answering the questions The Eye of Twilight asked him. Eventually he was left alone in his infirmary, and all he did was stare out the window, eyeing the sun's beams as if the rays of light held any interest to him.

Straightening up in his bed, Alex groaned as he felt some of his sore muscles strain. Shit, he really needed to get moving around a bit, but he didn't really have the energy to do so. It's not you could spend the night with The Rogue Assassin and be able to move like normal the next day.

ESPECIALLY if she spent you hard, then left, let you sleep, then came back in and woke you up at 2 AM in the morning...

Yeah, Akali was definitely in a spot that would be difficult to climb out of. Oh well, was not really his problem, right?

Starting off with slow shifts in his limbs, Alex got the blood flowing through his body. Tilting his legs back and forth, he started moving them around more and more as time increased. Letting out a yawn, he stretched out his arms, then gritted his teeth as he heard the cracks from his joint.

Jeez, my muscles are hella tight, aren't they...

Taking the blanket off of himself, he planted his feet on the floor. The hard, tile floor was cold enough to penetrate through his socks and send shivers through his spine. Letting out a small gasp, Alex stuck both his arms in the air and clasped his hands together, then tilting his entire body to the side. Once he felt the muscles on one side of his body relax and go back to normal, he switched positions, and tilted his body to the other side, staying in that position until the rest of his body felt okay.

Now feeling a bit normal, he grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it up. Looking at the blood-stained cloth wrapped around his chest, he hesitated. Should he take it off? He wasn't sure if he should keep it on...

Shrugging, he let go off his shirt, letting gravity return it to its normal position. Sliding into his shoes, he stepped out of the bed, then faltered a bit as he struggled to stand on his half-asleep legs.

Slapping his thighs, as if that would wake them up, he thought, C'mon, wake up, stupid fuckin' legs...

Standing on his tiptoes, Alex reached as high as he could, almost touching the ceiling. Staying in that position until his legs finally woke up, he stared out the window. It wasn't really a view worth talking about, but at least it wasn't a view of some brick wall or anything.

Alex took a step, and silently celebrated upon realization that he was able to walk now. He never knew he would be happy that he was able to perform such an easy feat (to be fair, as a baby he was probably extremely exuberant with his first steps), he was. Alex would never take feeling normal and being able to perform normal routine duties for granted ever again.

Glancing over at the bedside table, he saw his normal clothes sitting there. Ah, no more of these hospital garments. The summoner wasted no time switching his outfits.

Slowly opening the door that granted him escape from his tiny hospital room, he took a look around. All he could hear was the faint whirring of whatever operating machines they kept in the infirmary. It was ominous, yet soothing at the same time. Feeling goosebumps run all over his body, he shuddered as he thought about the events from the previous night, where someone was literally all over his body.

Feeling his dick harden a bit from reminiscing the events, Alex shook his head. Man, every little subject out there just circulated back to sex now, didn't it? To be fair, Alex had gone from 0 to 100 in terms of that topic, but...was it going to be that way forever?

Honestly, he was kind of creeped out by whatever voodoo lied in his eyes. To be able to immediately seduce someone in front of you, then proceed to sit back (or lie down, in some cases) as they fucked the ever living daylights out of you? It was a dream to some, sure, but...Alex wasn't a perverted dick like some other summoners around him. He actually cared about being genuine and stuff, and...well, fucking, or getting fucked by a ton of girls...that didn't really fit the category?

Okay, that made zero sense at all.

Letting out another yawn, Alex stretched his arm, hissing a bit as a few joints cracked (well, he assumed it was the joints, but he wasn't a master on the skeletal system, or human body). Spotting a dim light that revealed a room that looked a LOT like a waiting room, his eyes lit up.

There we go.

It wasn't long before Alex made his way over, occasionally slowing down to ease the rising soreness in his legs. Jeez, is this what happened when you laid in a bed for too long? Okay, to be honest, he didn't lay in a bed for a long time...considering a certain worker at the infirmary got him moving around a fuck ton. And yes, the "fuck" was there for a reason.

Once Alex reached the lobby, he looked at the front desk. To his surprise, no one was there. No Shen, no Kennen, nurse. While it was probably better that she wasn't present, the summoner felt a tiny bit bummed.

Wait, why are you bummed?

Alex slapped himself in anger. You perverted motherfucker.

Thank goodness there was no one else in the waiting room, or they would've jumped out of their seat and questioned his mental state. Unfortunately, thanks to being around David and Sam, he grew accustomed to being called retarded and autistic, so if someone genuinely asked him if he actually HAD those things, he wouldn't be sure WHAT to reply. I mean, he can't exactly say "No, you!" back to them. That only worked for David and Sam.

Opening the door to exit the infirmary, Alex immediately felt his heart sink as he saw the outside.

Where. The fuck. Am I?

Scanning his gaze across the entire area, he shrugged. Guess he could ask around. As long as who he asked wasn't a female. Or champion. Or both. If this was programming, he would say if either of those conditions were met, terminate the process.

Tapping a nearby summoner, he asked, "Yo, do you know how to get to the summoner apartments from here?"

The summoner he asked nodded. "Just head left, and continue down that path. You'll pass by the community pool, and the small town, but eventually you'll make it there."

"Alright, thanks."

The community pool, huh? Ahhh...Alex shuddered as he reminisced a female letting out a [the word here is French, but that comes from another world] scream as she rode him inside a hot spring. The more he thought about it...he almost got fucked by THREE DIFFERENT CHAMPIONS in there...

Wait, but I didn't do it with Ahri...but then from what I remembered, she was walking around like her ass got penetrated by some behemoth...

Alex shrugged. It's not like he really cared by now.

Following the directions the summoner told him, he continued on his way towards his apartment. Man, after quite the adventure yesterday AND sort of this morning in the infirmary...he was ready to take a break.

Alex squinted as the intensity of the sun rays increased as he walked outside. Jeez, was he that much of a shut-in that mere natural light fucked with his eyes? If that was case, then he should probably get outside more often...

Stumbling a bit as his leg took an awkward step, he gritted his teeth. I really thought I was fine with walking by now...

Shaking his head, he continued forward, taking more careful steps as he made his way towards his apartment. Unless that random summoner he asked trolled him. If that was the case, well...shit. It's not like he could find that same summoner and give him a good punch in the face.

Trudging forward, he held his breath as he got to the community pool. He could see female and male summoners and champions alike inside, swimming around and having fun,'s not like he would have that luxury anymore. In fact, for the greater good, he should probably avoid staring in that direction...

I swear I saw Leona there...

Alex shuddered as he reminisced that "three-some". Never again...

Wait, was he just going down memory lane of his intercourse adventures? What the hell was that?

His heartbeat increased as he got closer and closer to the pool. Staring down straight at the ground, he continued forward, hoping his "senses" would tell him whether he was about to bump into a person or not. While his inner, perverted personality hoped to bump into a taller woman and get sandwiched by her breasts, his normal personality, who had actual decency, wished for no interaction to take place at all. And by interaction, that included, collisions, get it.

Alex's heart was being so intensely that he could hardly hear the splashing and laughter coming from the pool. Clenching his fists tightly, he forced himself to stare straight at the ground.

C'mon, Alex...look how cool those cracks and patterns on the ground are!

Actually, they weren't. Alex was the type of person who was disgusted by the concept of wear and tear. If a sidewalk wasn't perfectly paved and free of any "flaws", it was a terrible sidewalk. That kind of made him a perfectionist. And honestly, he couldn't exactly call himself one, if one were to review his actions in bed with women...

Listening carefully and hearing the splashes and laughter die down, Alex sighed in relief, then looked up. To his surprise, there was no one right in front of him. Strange, he was beginning to think that he was the protagonist of some incel's story about a random self-insert dude who did nothing in life and suddenly started have beautiful women coming after his dick. Guess he was safe from that dangerous fantasy now.

Seeing the small town up ahead, Alex sighed in relief. Okay, so now the only dangerous part of town was Pantheon's bakery, but to be honest, that was only if a certain "sun woman" was there. He doubted Leona went to Pantheon every minute she could, so he should be in the safe zone by now? Never could be too sure.

Honestly, while I'm here, I should just buy a new pair of sunglasses...

Looking around for some shop, Alex spotted a tiny clothes shop at the corner. His eyes lit up. Perfect.

Increasing his walking pace, he made a beeline straight for the shop, and got inside without any issues. Walking up to the clerk, he asked, "Where do you guys keep your sunglasses?"

The clerk raised an eyebrow. "Is this an...urgent thing or something?"

"Oh, sorry, was the tone of my voice like that?" Alex chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head. "Didn't mean it like that...err, so, about your sunglasses, yo..."

"Oh, yeah. Over there." The clerk pointed to a corner where there was a stand that held a variety of sunglasses. Sadly, the stand was occupied with the presence of some female, discouraging Alex from walking over there.

He sighed in exasperation. Why can't something go completely my way for once? Is this life?

" going to make your way over there or something? Since it's...urgent?" The clerk asked.

" know...I'm uhh, curious...yeah, curious! Are you a summoner or something?" Alex decided to strike a conversation. He honestly had no other way of stalling.

"...a part-time one, yeah." The clerk cocked his head to the side. "Are you purposely making a conversation with me to pass time and avoid running into the girl over there, because you have an inferiority complex that stems from your shut-in habits, which turns to your inconfidence when interacting with the opposite gender-"

"Sh-shut up! That's not it at all!" Alex growled. "I've probably fucked more women than you have!"

Realizing he said that rather loudly, he slapped his hand over his mouth. Some nearby customers in the store stopped and turned to look at him weirdly. The summoner cringed as he replayed what he exclaimed in his mind.

God, I'm going to be on the fuckboy/playboy list of these people, now...

The clerk eyed him strangely.

"Excuse me...what?"

His face reddening in embarrassment, Alex slapped his forehead. "Uhh...ignore that part...basically, your description of me is wrong."

"Huh," the clerk replied. "Now I'm interested in your bedroom endeavors. Do please enlighten me, Master-"

"Whoa whoa whoa!" Alex waved his hands in front of himself. "Shouldn't you take on a more...professional position when at work or something? I don't think this is an appropriate topic to converse about in the workplace."

"I mean, you're the one who brought it up, not me."

"But you could always be the more authoritative person here and professionally change the subject or something-"

"Mhm." Alex and the clerk stopped their bickering and turned in the direction of the feminine voice who just cleared her (presumably, her, but it could always be a male with a more girly voice) throat.

Upon seeing the girl who was at the sunglasses stand earlier, Alex quickly shut his eyes and turned his head rapidly.

The clerk raised an eyebrow, but shrugged and looked back at the girl. "You buying these?"

The girl, who was giving Alex a confused look seconds ago, nodded. "Yeah. Bill it to the league."

"Alrighty..." After a brief series of sounds and computerized noises, the clerk gave the girl a nod. "You're good to go now."

"Thanks." Once the girl left, Alex turned back around, only to face the clerk.

"Yo...are you gynophobic?" The clerk whispered.

"What?! No! Of course not! Didn't I just say that know..." Alex made a circle with his hand and jammed his index finger through it.

The clerk rolled his eyes. "Your current actions right now are not supportive of your statement."

"Look, dude, I really don't want to explain why I might be acting weirdly, but I really need to..." Glancing over to the sunglasses stand, Alex sighed in exasperation as he saw a group of girls gather by it. "Goddammit, I have to wait here longer..."

"Yeah..." The clerk cocked his head to the side. "You're really not fooling me, bud."

"Dude, I'm not gynophobic! What do you think I am? A harem anime protagonist from Episode 1?" He growled. Reminiscing all the events with the women he engaged in intercourse with, his hostile expression disappeared.

Wait, actually...

"What are you thinking about, dude?" The clerk growled. "If you don't fucking man up and continue avoiding being in the presence of girls, of course anyone would think you have an irrational fear of them!"

"Shut the fuck up!" The summoner hissed. "I have a reason for doing this!"

"What is it?"

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me."

"You have a point there. But anyway, things get boring around here, so enlighten me."

"We don't have the time to do this!" Alex clenched his fist. "Those girls will leave the sunglasses stand any time, so-"

The clerk sighed. "Dude, they're a group of girls going out shopping. You really think they're going to spend less than 5 minutes at a sunglasses stand with a variety of different sunglasses? You know, I'm getting more and more convinced that you're not only a gynophobe, but a shut-in as well-"

"Okay, stop putting all these fucking labels on me!" The summoner hissed. "I'm not an object you slap sticky notes onto!"

Alex briefly closed his eyes and flinched as he felt something get slapped onto his cheek. Glancing at a nearby mirror, his face reddened with anger (not embarrassment, interestingly enough) as he saw a sticky note on his cheek.

"What the fuck are you doing?!"

"Hold on, hold on." The clerk whipped out a sharpie, and moved his hand closer to the sticky note on Alex's cheek. "Lemme write something really-"

"Whoa whoa, did you just lose your sanity or some shit?" The summoner darted away from the clerk to dodge the sharpie. "Does this go against your mistreatment of customers or something like that? Isn't there some normal workplace conduct that prevents you from doing this?"

"Relax, buddy, I'm just trying to help you out here."

"How the fuck is this gonna be helpful in any way, may I ask?!"

"Dude, you're gynophobic. If I write a sexist message on the sticky note, women will find you disgusting and stray away from you."

"Okay, that is the most fucking stupid ass reason I've ever heard." Grabbing the sticky note and flinging it away, Alex glared at the clerk. "Do you have any sunglasses up here."

"Here?" The clerk rolled his eyes. "Dude, they're literally all at the sunglasses stand. I advise you overcome your nonsensical, irrational fear of women and-"

"Okay..." Alex grabbed onto the clerk's hand.

"What the fuck?" The clerk tried releasing his hand from the summoner's, but it was like he had an iron grip.

"If you go over there and get me sunglasses, I'll pay you extra."

"Not happening."

"Why not?! You get extra money."

"I don't believe in bribery involving things with no intrinsic value is beneficial in any way. In addition, despite having a shitty job here, my financial situation is actually perfectly fine, since I room with other people who are thankfully trustworthy and genuine. ALSO...I believe that you should take this opportunity to face your fears head on. Once you overcome your fear, you will become a better person overall. Not saying that being homosexual is worse than heterosexual, but being able to interact with all genders is probably-"

"Shut the fuck up! How did this become a conversation over my sexuality?"

"Considering the fact that you hide within the sight of the gender known as female, I assume you're sexually attracted to men. Unless you're attracted to other genders than that, not sure how many genders exist nowadays-"

"I am not going to be listening to this stupid LGBT shit. I'm straight, I'm not scared of girls. Period. I have no problem with gay people, but since I'm not gay, I WILL get offended if you call me-"

The clerk chuckled and waved his hand dismissively. "Just pullin' your leg. But seriously, why can't you just walk over?"

"It's too long of a story, and if I told you, you wouldn't believe me. Like, seriously. The answer's not going to change, bud. I'm pretty sure I'm repeating this to you by now."

The clerk sighed. "If you don't wanna say anything other than that...welp, I can't really force you to."

"Excuse me?"

Hearing a feminine voice, Alex's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly turned into another direction.

"Are you the clerk here. Can I buy these sunglasses?"

"Oh, sure." The clerk's tone of voice changed to that of a professional businessman. Alex rolled his eyes as he stared out of the window of the shop. Clenching his fists tightly as he heard the exchanges of words between the clerk and the group of girls right next to him, his heartbeat increased more and more. He was pretty sure this was the first time his pulse rose due to a non-sexual situation...

Once he heard the voices of the girls disappear from behind him, Alex turned and looked at the sunglasses stand.

Holy shit, it's empty!

Not even saying a word to the clerk, he dashed over to the sunglasses stand.

The clerk stared after him, and sighed. "Jeez, what an awfully 'special' summoner we have here in the shop today..." he muttered.

Grabbing a pair that looked nice to him and rushing back to where the clerk was, Alex slammed the sunglasses down in front of the clerk. "Here. Bill it to the Institute."

The clerk chuckled. "The Institute covers accessories like these?"

"No, they just take it out of my account. Jeez, can you just do it, already?"

"Fine, fine. Name?"

"Alexander. Alexander Shaw."

The clerk's eyes widened. "Wait, what?!"

The summoner frowned. "What? What's wrong with my name?"

"Alex Shaw?"

"Yeah, that's me. What about it?"

"The summoner who almost got killed in the competition yesterday? What the fuck? You're out of the hospital already?!"

"Sh-shut up!" Alex slammed his hand over the clerk's mouth. "Don't attract an unwanted crowd, man!"

Nodding frantically, the clerk gently pushed his hand away. "Dude, what the fuck happened out there?" he hissed.

Memories of being on the rift with Qiyana made Alex quiver. "Ugh..."

"What happened, dude? Seriously?"

" really don't need to know. Trust me."

"...but I do? What did you do, insult a champion's pride or something?"

The summoner resisted the urge to say "Something like that", as that would lead to further questioning. "Drop the subject," he growled.

Sighing, the clerk took the sunglasses and scanned them. Typing some random letters into the device, he handed the accessory back to Alex. "There you go. Thank you for your purchase."

Alex nodded, and slid the sunglasses over his eyes. Once they were on himself, he let out a sigh of relief. Well, there was a safety blanket for himself. Turning around, he made his way towards the exit of the shop.

"Yo, why are you wearing sunglasses inside a shop? You trying to be cool or something?"

Ignoring the clerk, the summoner continued on his way outside. While he usually would be hit by the blinding sunlight from walking outdoors after staying inside a while, the sunglasses prevented that from happening. Glancing over to Pantheon's bakery, Alex shuddered. He'd better get out before a certain someone...or some people...showed up again. Walking in the opposite direction of the shop, he adjusted his sunglasses and made sure his eye pupils were completely covered. Passing by Pantheon's bakery, he hastened his pace, and thankfully made it past without any sort of incident occurring.

It kind of sucked, though, Alex had to admit. He was feeling a bit hungry, but some case of PTSD prevented him from turning around and heading back into that bakery. Forgive him, but he really wasn't in the mood to "accidentally" run into a few particular female champions and waste hours fucking and getting fucked. Straightening his back, he looked around. There weren't many other places to get food or anything. Well, there was another bakery at the next left, Alex was discouraged from going there, as a particular purple-haired champion worked in there (by the way, whenever he was autofilled bot lane, he banned her because he found her Q ability to be an annoying piece of shit). Whenever Alex put together puzzle pieces that said "female", "champion", and "sexually attractive", the end result made his hairs stand on end.

Sighing and shaking his head, Alex continued on his path. But passing by all those restaurants just engraved the word "food" into his mind, and soon, his stomach started reacting to it.

Goddamn nerves...

He smacked himself in the face and stopped walking. Dammit, he was screwed now. Looking around himself, he silently prayed that he would find another restaurant, but...nothing appeared at all.

Thinking hard, Alex didn't remember if he had any food back at his apartment. He was planning on going to buy some groceries and stuff a few days ago, but he got quite busy with a few unexpected and sudden appointments...

Shit. So I don't have any food.

Groaning, Alex pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts. The top two, listed under a category called "retards", were Sam and David.

Sending a call to Sam, Alex waited patiently, standing to the side of the walkway and placing his phone against his ear. He started involuntarily tapping his foot as he heard his phone ring over and over again.

After a few more rings, Alex got Sam's answering machine recording, which was Sam telling him to "fuck off" in a formal tone. Alex cocked his head to the side in confusion. What the heck? Sam was usually good when it came to responding on the phone and everything else related to communication. Oh well, it's not like he had to be responsive 100% of the time to keep that title.

Switching over to his next contact, Alex called David. Unlike Sam, his friend picked up after a few rings.

"Alex? What the fuck?"

"Yo David, it's me. Uhhh..." Alex looked to the side, seeing some people eyeing him and gossiping among themselves. "Hold on a second..."

Continuing to walk down the path, he found a random bench to sit down and sighed in relief. His legs were getting sore, after all. "Okay, so..."


Alex was taken aback by his rather aggressive tone. "Wow, chill dude, I'm fine-"


"Jeez, calm the fuck down, man, why are you so pissed for?"


"What? Kat? What about her?"


"Why didn't you just ask Akali for help or something?" Alex felt some weird bulge in his pants when he said The Rogue Assassin's name out loud.

"Uhh...not an option," David's voice seemingly calmed down. "Anyway, I've been through a series of annoying events that I for some reason have to hold accountability for, and I'm fucking fuming. So pardon my belligerent attitude for now. So...why did you call for?"

"Wait wait wait, hold on...why didn't you even call me beforehand, if you were so worried about me?"

"You think I would have time to call you when I have to fucking talk to Shen about why Katarina wanted to slit Kennen's throat?" The exasperation in David's voice jumped up a few notches.

"Oh...right." Alex scratched the back of his head. "Umm...anyway, I'm making my way to my apartment, and legs are fuckin' killing me. Could you maybe come over?"

"I got a match in an hour, but I probably can. Why?"

" place is devoid of anything edible right now. Could you maybe help me go out and some food?"

"Why don't you just grab some from the restaurants nearby? I'm pretty sure there are a few located in between the infirmary and the apartments you're around-"

" legs..."

"Umm, they're literally on the way."

"My legs are actually fucking killing me, man. I can't make any stop, I need to get back to my home base and crash for a bit. Please...?"

Alex heard his friend sigh over the phone. "Fine, fine."

"Thanks, man. See you at my apartment soon."

"Yep. See ya."

Hanging up on the phone, Alex slowly got up from the bench, then stretched his arms out. He hissed as his knees buckled and he stumbled a bit, luckily placing an arm on the bench to break his fall. Ignoring the random people around him who eyed him weirdly (okay, this was literally a normal thing by now), he straightened his back a bit and continued on his way.

Luckily, nothing worth noting happened the rest of the way to his apartment. Sure, he passed by a few champions, some even female, but...he had his sunglasses on. It's not like he was conspicuous in any other way. Some of them eyed him with alarm, probably because they recognized him as the victim from the tournament, but no one tried to stop him. Alex sighed in relief. Things seemed to go back to normal.

Climbing up the stairs to his apartment, he fumbled for his keys in his pocket. As he found both of them empty, his heart skipped a beat.

Wait, what the fuck?

Feeling around one more time to make sure they weren't in there, Alex let out a growl of frustration, then slid to the ground, leaning against his door. Staring into the blue sky, he pondered his existence.


Where could his keys even be? Probably back at the infirmary? Alex's heartbeat slowly increased as he thought of the many places his keys could be. They could've fallen out of his pocket on the Rift, the summoning chambers, the many random places he walked to, Miss Fortune's abode (oh please, no)...yeah, he was kind of screwed.

Pulling out his phone, he called his friend.

"What do you want?" David growled when he picked up. Jeez, no greeting at all...

"I'm kinda...locked out right now..."

"What?! You lost your keys?!"

"Great inference..."

Hearing a loud sigh of exasperation over the phone, Alex curled into a ball as he felt guilt flood him. " don't need to help me find them..."

"Yeah, wasn't planning on it. Guess I can't really do anything anymore, right?"

"To be're right. You don't need to stop by..."

"Alright. See ya."

Alex sighed as David hung up. Locked out of his apartment, legs were killing him, hungry as fuck...

His head fell to the side as he closed his eyes.

I don't think things could get any worse...

Hearing the sound of footsteps and some feminine voice humming, the summoner broke out of his trance. Opening his eyes and looking in the direction of the sounds, he could see a blurry black figure walking closer and closer to him, carrying some giant stick or staff or something.

Alex frowned. What the fuck is that?

Taking off his sunglasses and rubbing his eyes so he could see more clearly, he stared in the direction of the figure. His eyes widened as he saw who it was, and quickly looked away and slipped his sunglasses back on.

Holy...please don't say she looked in my eyes...

"...Summoner?" The voice called. "Are you alright?"

With his safety sunglasses now on, Alex turned and looked at her without any fear. "H-hi, Nidalee, urghh..."

The Bestial Huntress wasn't a newcomer to the apartments Alex stayed at. Whenever she wasn't on the Rift, she would head over to the summoner's complex and do typical maid work. She would clean and wash the floors, wipe the stair rails, make the windows spotless on the outside...basically everything she could without intruding any other summoner's personal space. The only setback was that she wore her maid uniform while doing all of this, which seemed to only hinder her performance...AND cause a lot of other summoners to stop going by with their daily business and...yeah, you don't even need a brain to figure out what they wanted.

Licking her lips, she cocked her head to the side as she eyed him with interest. "What's wrong...Alex, is it?"

The summoner nodded in response. "Yeah, uhh...I kind of just came out of the hospital, and I dropped my keys somewhere, so..."

"Oh, my! Are you alright?" Dropping the broom she was hold, she crouched down and placed her hand over his forehead. Alex looked away, blushing as her face moved rather close to his. The cold surface of her palm against his high temperature temple was rather...nice...

"Ugh, I'm just..." Alex groaned in exasperation. "So annoyed with everything that's going on right now..."

Nidalee nodded frantically. "Yes, I understand." Removing her hand from his forehead and standing up, she turned around and picked up her broom. "Why don't you come with me really quick?"


The Bestial Huntress shrugged. Honestly, it was hard not to gawk at her, considering the rather enticing maid attire she had on. "Come to the central storage room. I might be able to find something there to help you."

"Uhh, central storage room?" The summoner frowned. "How is that going to help me?"

"I keep my master maintenance key in there." She let out a chuckle. "Really helps when I need to get inside a summoner's apartment."

"...and the reason for doing so is...?"

"Oh, don't worry. It's usually normal reasons, nothing...suspicious or anything." Stopping in her tracks, she turned around and smirked at the summoner. "Is my answer something you weren't expecting...?"

"Uhhh..." Alex laughed nervously, then looked away (you know, just in case his eyeballs somehow penetrated his sunglasses and affected her, which was the last thing he wanted to happen right now) and scratched his head. ", just had no idea there was a key like that that existed."

"Well, the more you know, the more you know, huh?" Nidalee giggled. "I must admit though...the landlord did tell me to use it as little as possible when he gave me access to it."

"...what would you even do that would be bad? STEAL something?"

The Bestial Huntress shrugged. "You never know. I might open a refrigerator out of curiosity and let my hunger hormones get the better of me."

The summoner thought of cracking a joke around the realm of "curiosity killed the cat", but then decided not to. "I is kind of an invasion of privacy."

"Why? The thought of me sneaking into your apartment and surprising you isn't appealing?" She asked in a slightly flirting tone.

Alex rolled his eyes. "I'd like to go about my day without the possibility of getting a heart attack."

Nidalee laughed in response. "Okay...what if I'm talking about a different type of surprise?"

The summoner felt a chill run down his spine. Was she somehow affected by his eyes, even through the sunglasses? Or was she just flirting on her own accord? "Uhhhh...I'm not sure how I'll respond to that one."

"No need to." The Bestial Huntress licked her lips, just like a cat after finishing a meal. "I'm sure I'll be able to-"

"Don't want to be rude here, but...can we get going more quickly?" Alex sighed. "I kind of just got out of the hospital in case you've forgotten, and I really don't want to take any time longer than necessary to get into my apartment. I know I'm asking for you for help, and I'm not really in any position to snap out at you or anything of the sort, but...I've been having a pretty rough time recently..."

The playful smile on the champion's face vanished nearly instantly. "Oh...alright. Let's get heading faster, then. Oh can you not walk too fast?"

"I...I could walk at a reasonable pace." The summoner stared down at his feet. "It's just...I didn't want to risk hurting myself in any way by casting a teleport spell, so I walked all the way over here."

"From the infirmary? The one Shen and co run?"

"Yes, that one."

"My, that's a rather far distance!" Immediately turning around and blocking his path, she held up a hand. "Stop there."

Alex cocked his head to the side. "Hm?"

"I can't force you to move any longer, that'll be detrimental to your health."

"No, I'm fine, it's just that I can't walk SUPER long distances at the moment-"

"Trust me, you need to sit down and rest." Nidalee gestured her head to the area behind him. "Why don't you go wait by your door? I'll go fetch the master key and come back here as soon as possible."

The summoner nodded in response. It's not like he had any argument against that suggestion, it contained perfectly valid reasoning. "Alright, I'll wait for you. Please don't take too long though, I might end up falling asleep outside my door, which is something I definitely do not want to happen."

The Bestial Huntress chuckled in response. "Oh, don't worry, I shouldn't take that long. The real question is how long it'll take you to fall asleep."

"Uhhh, probably a few minutes if there's nothing but silence around me."

"Well..." Nidalee sighed. "I'll try to make it quick. Just don't think about closing your eyes."

Before Alex could say anything, the maid was out of his sight, running off to wherever the central storage room was. He let out a sigh. Did she really have to say that before going? Now it was going to be stuck on his mind.

Then again, that wasn't a bad thing. Hopefully having a thought occupied in his mind would be enough to keep him up. The summoner let out a yawn as he slowly walked back towards his apartment. Man, he wished he didn't waste energy walking that tiny distance with Nidalee and that he just stayed in the front of his door from the very beginning. The more he moved around, the more he realized that his legs were indeed killing him. Miraculously, he hadn't fallen to the ground. Yet.

Slowly heading back to his door, Alex sighed in relief as he got to it in less than a minute. Huh, nothing weird happened. That was a new one, considering that a lot of weird shit occurred in his life the past few days. Thank goodness there was no random female champion to appear out of nowhere, suddenly get enticed by him, and...yeah, explaining the rest of the events wasn't necessary.

Deciding to sit down in front of his door since his legs were killing him, the summoner yawned. As he leaned against the door, he thought about the power in his eyes. Was it really a power, though? Ironically, it seemed to put him in many situations where he was powerless. Why the hell did he even have it for, anyway? It's not like some all-knowing god descended from the heavens and gave it to him, or he got run over by a truck in a previous life and was reincarnated as some chad summoner in another world or universe or something with some overpowered statistics and attributes.

Alex thought hard of when he truly "acquired" this weird magic in his eyes. He had to go back to all the women he had intercourse the beginning, really.

He went in backwards order. Akali, fuckin' Qiyana, Miss Fortune, Vayne, Fiora, Diana, Leona, Irelia...Lux.

So the encounter with The Lady of Lumosity was the first time this power took place...right? The summoner frowned. But it's not like fucking Lux was what got him the power, she definitely fell under its spell, or whatever the fuck it was...

So it was further back...

He remembered having a match that day. He was playing Sylas, and...

Wait a minute...

It was after the match. Sylas abducted him, citing reasons being that...that he had some magical powers inside of him?

So does that mean I've had these powers this entire time, or what...?

Alex shook his head frantically. There was no way that was true. Heck, he literally made eye contact with other female champions before the whole Sylas incident (see Katarina). So that must mean...Sylas somehow gave it to me?

He scratched his head. He didn't remember being given a power or anything, but maybe The Unshackled did it on accident or something while he was asleep? Sylas DID knock him out before dragging him to the Demacian quarters, so that might've been an option.

It was like he gained some sort of...charm power or something like that...the summoner wasn't sure if he could even make eye contact with the opposite gender anymore. Not going to lie, having this power kind of...creeped him out.

This is definitely not something I would want...then again, I really don't want to think about it...

Blinking rapidly, Alex slowly opened his eyes, and rubbed them furiously, as to take out the grogginess in them. Yawning, he realized what was happening, and immediately, jumped up. Glancing around, he took in his surroundings...

Oh, wait this is my apartment-what the fuck, why did I just suddenly wake up and I'm in my apartment?!

Glancing to the side, he sighed in relief. At least his phone was sitting on the table next to the couch he woke up on. His keys weren't there, but it's not like he knew where his keys were anyway.

Alex frowned. Why do I have some gut feeling telling me I'm missing something really important right now, and it's NOT my glasses?

Blinking a bit more, he slowly got to his feet and looked around. His apartment seemed to be exactly how he left it before that competition happened. He didn't really expect it to be in a worse state though, it's not like someone else came in here while he was out.

Speaking of the hell did he get in here? The summoner was honestly baffled. He couldn't teleport into his apartment; he put up some special security spells to prevent that from happening. Was it...Nidalee?

Alex remembered the events that occurred right before he "fell asleep", or whatever happened between now and then. He just waited in front of his apartment as The Bestial Huntress went to the central storage room to fetch the master key. So...putting two and two together, wasn't she the one who took him inside, then?

Then where is she...?

Walking around his apartment, he looked in all the rooms. His bedroom, the kitchen, even checked over the living room sign of anyone. Alex frowned. That was strange. Did she just take him inside and then leave? Kind of sucked, since he wanted to thank her for all her help...

Heading back to his couch in the living room and sitting down, he let out a hefty sigh. Well, he was back in a place where he could get rest...

Suddenly, he heard a door open. Alex's heart skipped a beat as the creak seemingly echoed across the entire apartment. Where was that...

Turning to his left, which was the direction he thought he heard the sound, his eyes widened as he stared at the open door of his bedroom. Wait...

He didn't check the bathroom inside of his bedroom...

Hearing some feminine voice humming and the sound of feet walking across carpet, he braced himself.


Seeing Nidalee appear at the doorframe that connected the living room to his bedroom, Alex couldn't help but stare blankly at her. Now that he thought about it, her figure was quite...

Wait, FUCK!

Immediately turning away, Alex felt his heart leap out of his chest.

"Hello, Summoner, you awake?"

Staring down at his lap, he nodded frantically. "Yeah, yeah, I am now. Err..." He chuckled nervously. "So what happened...?"

"Hm? You mean what happened after you fell asleep in front of your door?"

Alex nodded. "Yeah, that."

"Oh, nothing really happened. I just came back, and you were snoozing on your doormat. I just unlocked your apartment, took you inside, laid you on the couch, and waited a few hours for you to wake up."

The summoner froze. "Wait, a few hours...?"

"Yep. Honestly, did the infirmary really just allow you leave on your own accord? Kind of strange, if you ask me."

"I, uhh..." Alex scratched his head. "I just lost consciousness from losing a lot of blood, I guess. Was already kind of back to normal last night, I guess..." Reminiscing last night's events made his face feel a little heated. "But...there was no one in there?"

"Hm? Strange." His heart started beating faster as he heard her move forward, a little closer to him. "No one...not Shen, not Akali, not even Kennen?"

The summoner shook his head. "Yeah, uhh...none of them. Not sure why you have to list them all, but..."

"Oh, just wanted to clarify. There's more than just one infirmary around, you know."

"I mean, isn't that the main one for summoners, though?" Alex raised an eyebrow, then realized that The Bestial Huntress couldn't see his face due the fact that (for good reason) he was avoiding eye contact with her.

"I don't really know."

"Oh, okay. By the way, Nidalee...err, where are my sunglasses?"

"Hm? Your sunglasses?" Out of the side of his eye, Alex could see the champion in the maid's outfit cock her head to the side. God, that was kinda...cute...

"Y-yeah, my sunglasses, where did you, uhh, put them? I guess?"

"Set them on the bedside table in your bedroom. Why? Do you need them-"

Before she could add the questioning tone to her sentence, Alex leapt to his feet, quickly glanced past Nidalee towards his bedroom, then shut his eyes and sprinted forward. Not being able to see where he was going, he rushed as fast as he could...


Ramming into what he guessed was The Bestial Huntress, he yelped and crumpled to the ground, and heard Nidalee cry out in surprise as well. Throwing his hands in front of himself to break his fall, he grimaced when his hands hit the ground hard, causing pain to surge through his body.

"OW! FUCK!" Clenching his teeth, the summoner kept his eyes closed, daring not to open them. "Shit...I'm so sorry, Nidalee. Are you okay?"

"Uhh...yeah, I'm fine, it's alright, no worries. But..." He heard her sigh. "Can you...uhhh, get off of me, please?"

"Oh, what?"

"If you opened your eyes, you could see the strange position we're in."

"Oh, uhhh..." Alex panicked as he immediately realized what she was talking about. Not going to lie, that caused some weird sensation to flood through his body, especially in the area in between his legs...

Goddammit, NOW of all times...?!

The summoner leapt back to his feet in an instant, took a few steps, then yelped again as he tripped over what was probably her body and fell to the ground once more, this time feeling his legs smash against a warmer surface than his carpet.


"OUCH! Alex, what are you doing?!" He heard Nidalee's voice demand, a little bit of annoyance in her tone.

"Ugh, sorry..." Shaking his head frantically, he opened his eyes. Glancing down, he saw that his lower body was lying over hers. Face turning red, he jumped to his feet. "Oh, what the fuck!" Without hesitation, he turned around and looked the other way.

Thank goodness she was lying in a position 90 degrees from me or else...

"Uhh, it's okay, I guess? Are you sure you're feeling fine?"

"Yeah, yeah, sorry...I can't..." Shoot, how was he going to explain this? "Uhh, my eyes feel a little weird, so I'm going to keep them closed for a bit..."

"Oh, that's weird. Why is that?"

"Err...I don't really know. Just felt like that when I woke up." He chuckled. Was she really going to buy that, though...?

"Very interesting, if I may say...perhaps you got something in your eyes? I can check for you."

"'s fine, I think I can manage for the rest of the day. Just plan on staying in my apartment anyway."

"No, no, don't be like that. I'm already, I can help you out..."

"Oh, no, it's fine, don't worry." Turning around, Alex held his hands up while his eyes were closed. "Thanks so much for helping me this past few hours, but I really don't want to inconvenience you. You should really get going, so..."

"Nonsense. If your health is in danger in some way, I've got to help you out." Alex felt his heart skip a beat as he felt a cold pair of hands wrap around his wrists, the smooth skin sending an electrical current down his spine.

"...please, I really feel guilty about this, I don't want you to-"

"Alex, if a summoner's not in a good condition, and I just leave him to go back to my work...well, if things got worse, it's not like you're the only one who would be in trouble." She let out a sigh. "I'd probably be in hotter water than you would...also, I already kind of spent a majority of my day helping you out...I don't know, but it feels weird to just leave at a random point like right now."

"That's understandable, but..." He really didn't want Nidalee to stay in his apartment right now...should he have just told her that he was okay? That was probably the best option, but that was out of the window ever since he brought the subject of not being "okay" up...

"But what, Alex? Don't know how to 'heal' your eyes, but if you need help around, then just let me know what to do."

"I..." The summoner sighed. What was he going to do about this whole situation? "...look, if I tell you the entire truth of what's going on, will you promise to leave?"

"...I don't understand why you want me to go so bad, when you're clearly unable to get around by yourself in the current situation, but...sure, fine." Nidalee let out a sigh. "I guess you don't like my presence...and I really don't want to guilt-trip you and point out AGAIN that I spent the last few hours watching over you..."

Alex grimaced, as if her words literally stabbed him. "Oh, I really do apologize for all of this, it was my fault in the first place, but...things will hopefully make more sense after I explain what's going on, alright?"

"Sure, I guess? I don't know how this explanation will justify some weird desires you have right now, but...go ahead. Entertain me."

"Alright, so...where do I start? Eh, the whole story isn't needed. All you really need to know, is I acquired some weird power that activates through my eyes."

Nidalee making a weird face was almost tangible to Alex, whose eyes were still shut. "...what? Power? Activates through your eyes?"

"Yeah...uh, before I go on, how much do you believe me, right now?"

"I'm going to be completely honest with opinion of you is drastically deteriorating."

"Uhh, yep, that was definitely expected. Anyway, this power...okay, look, I didn't use it to take advantage of anybody, cuz for awhile I was like some dense protagonist from a stupid virgin's fantasy story who doesn't-"

"Can you just get to the point?"

"I am, I am! Trust me!"

"I don't think anyone in their right mind WOULD."

"Can't really argue with that, but anyway...through countless accidental encounters, and some testing myself, I discovered what the power was: some lust activator or something around those lines."


"And...that was the reaction I expected." Alex sighed as opened his eyes and walked back to his couch, then sat down and closed them. "Basically, if you make eye contact with me, it's like you'll be under the influence of the strongest aphrodisiac you can think of."

"You know, if you're too scared to make eye contact with me, you could just let me know, there's nothing to be embarrassed about-"

"Seriously?! You don't believe me?! I'm telling you, it's true!"

"Why would you expect me to believe you?! Not saying that you're some sexual predator, but do you have cases where your claim was proven true, or what?"

"Yes, sadly. For the past few days..." Alex hesitated. He was going to cut down the number of women he had encounters with so The Bestial Huntress wouldn't think any lower of him. "I've come across a few female champions the past few days, and...yeah, shit hit the fan pretty fast before I realized it."

"Names, please."

The summoner sighed. "Please don't tell anyone else about this, will you?"

"I don't think I would ever bring up this conversation we're having right now in any talks I have with...anybody, really."

"Okay...first of all, Lux."

"How the hell do you make some naive blonde like her LUST for you? I'm not sure whether to believe your power is true, or if you're just making things up."

"Uhh, yeah...onto the next one. Remember the whole competition thing the other day?"

"The one that ended in a pretty crappy way because some summoner-"

"Yes, yes, that one. Anyway, you know Qiyana?"

"Oh yeah, definitely. I do know that annoying, self-centered bitch who should-"

"Yeah, she was the next one."

"Sex with HER? Isn't she a child or something?"

"I...thought she was 20? I don't know, not saying that-"

"Alex, are you freaking going around raping female champions, or what?"

"No, this was all before I realized what was going on."

" do you know for certain that you contained such a rather interesting power in your eyes, if I may say so myself?"

"We got the infirmary incident from yesterday."

"What do you mean by infirmary incident?"

"Well, Akali and all..."

"Jeez, all you male summoners with your fantasies about that poor girl in her nurse's outfit..."

"Yeah, I'll rate her higher than you and your maid outfit."


"Was just a joke, calm down. Anyway, I just tried it on her, and she became a sex-crazed animal almost instantly. Scratch that, she DID become one instantly."

"So what did you do after that? Did you get someone else to take her away so she could return to normal?"


"Your silence makes me really want to turn into a cougar and rip you to pieces-"

"Okay, look, what was I supposed to do? Bring her out and risk letting people know of the power?"

"Do you have no sense of shame for taking advantage of her whatsoever?!"

"You think I don't?! Of course I do! In fact, guilt is what I feel the most whenever I think of those past encounters!" Alex threw his arms up in the air in anger. "But what am I supposed to do, huh?!"

"Okay, okay, let's both be civil about this..." Alex's heart skipped a beat as he heard The Bestial Huntress shift closer to him. "I honestly can't believe that a...not-so-special summoner like you would somehow acquire such a random power out of nowhere."

"Yes, and that's totally understandable..."

"But, with you telling me some rather detailed backstory about's hard to believe that you would make up some dumb story like that. BUT! That doesn't make me feel less skeptical about you than before. So..."

The summoner gasped in surprise as he felt her crash down on the couch to his left. "W-wha?"

"Test it on me."


"You heard me. Test it on me."

"B-but the stuff about taking advantage of Akali earlier..."

"To hell with that. I'm LITERALLY giving you permission to test it on me. If I become a drooling, lecherous mess, then you have permission to penetrate me. With protection, of course."

Alex felt his face heat up as he kept his eyes glued shut. "This...this is a really awkward conversation..."

"You know, I'm getting more skeptical at the minute. You seem to react to sex-related subjects like some virgin who has never had sex before, which would invalidate your entire story from earlier. Also, are you stalling or something? Just open your eyes and stare at me, for God's sake...unless you truly don't have that power?"

"Okay, okay, fine!" Giving in to her words, Alex opened his eyes, then turned his head to the left, staring straight into the brown eye pupils of The Bestial Huntress. As he stared intently at her, Alex could see the smooth skin of her face much more clearly. Her black hair was tied back, and her maid cap reminded Alex of a particular nurse from yesterday who also wore a cap before...

Shit, of ALL TIMES...

Closing his eyes and shaking his head briefly, he went back to staring at the maid. For a few seconds, he stayed in that position, not daring to move a single inch. After some time had passed, the summoner asked in a shaky voice, "...w-w-well?"

Suddenly, Nidalee turned away, putting a hand over her forehead. "Oh, what the heck..."

"N-Nidalee?" Alex stammered. "Are you alright?"

She held out behind herself to ward the summoner off from coming close to her. "Hold on, hold on." Getting up from the couch, the maid made her way right towards his bedroom. "I need to...have some recovery time really quick...don't come in here..."

Alex blankly stared after her as she closed the door behind herself. Staring down at his lap, he wondered what her words meant. So, recovery time? Does that mean it worked, or what? It was kind of...scary, not going to lie. Compared to the other female champions, she seemed to handle it a bit better. Well, Irelia did a pretty good job of hiding it as well, but...

All he could really do was wait, and stare at that door...

So far, a few minutes have passed, and Nidalee still did not come back. Naturally, the summoner began to feel a little nervous.


Did the power really not work on her, or something? It seemed illogical to come to the conclusion that he outright did not have a power, considering all his past encounters, but...could it have possible weakened, or gone away?

Alex felt a small smile come across his face. If the power did go away, at least that would mean he could return to a normal life. Didn't have to worry about being around the opposite gender anymore, didn't have to worry about having sex. There was no need to carry condoms in his pocket, anymore.

Well, it wasn't like he did that in the past either. In fact, he was pretty sure that he did not use one for most of his encounters. Thinking of that kind of spooked Alex. He really hoped that he didn't become the father of multiple children from different female champions...

The very thought made Alex's heart sink. God, I'm in quite a mess right now, aren't I...?

Leaning further against the couch, the summoner let out a huge sigh. Was there really anything good to come out of this? He wasn't going to deny that the intercourse did feel great at times, despite always being forced into a submissive role, but hey, at least he ascended somewhat from a beta virgin...right? Right?

Who was he kidding, why did that even matter?

Blinking a few times, Alex redirected his gaze towards the ceiling. Resting his head back, he let out a yawn. Sometimes, the tiniest bits of relaxation were blessings to him. At least in the whole predicament he was in right now, he treasured those moments greatly. All he needed to do was...well, nothing. Just clear his head, stare off into space, and become one with the...okay, that sounded too cringe.

The summoner continued to stare at the ceiling, despite the fact that there was nothing interesting on it. Just a large plain of white, really. Wasn't anything special at all. Yet he still looked at it longer than he looked at Nidalee...

Wait, what the fuck is she even doing in there...?

Last time he saw her, she requested privacy in his bedroom, citing reasons pertaining to "recovery time" and whatnot. The summoner kind of had an idea of what she meant, which made him not want to go and check on her, but a part of him wanted to. What if something happened? Well, it was a guarantee that she was under the effects of his spell, so it would be a good idea to leave her alone until it possibly "wore out", but then again, Alex wasn't even sure if it did have a cooldown timer or something like that.

The very thought of his accidental powers on other female champions having a permanent presence was rather...chilling. That did explain Miss Fortune's seemingly continued lust for him even after fucking the living daylights out of him, and he wasn't sure about any of the other champions, since he practically spent all his efforts trying to avoid them. Although one would assume that if they were still under the "charm", they would come after him, and thankfully that hasn't happened.

Man, I don't even fucking know anymore...

Hearing his bedroom door open, Alex broke out of his trance. Glancing towards the open doorway, he saw Nidalee standing there, looking rather...exhausted? She was leaning against the doorframe, breathing really heavily, and her expression looked like she'd just run a marathon.

"You..." She slowly raised a finger and pointed it at the summoner. " me...right now..."

"W-what?" Immediately leaping to his feet, Alex stared at her apprehensively. "What...what do you need help with...?"

"I..." Panting furiously while gritting her teeth, she put her hand over her forehead, like she had a nasty headache. "...oh, fuck..."

"Are...are you okay there?!" Racing up to where she was standing (or, slouching against the door frame), he hesitated. Wait, wasn't she supposedly under the lust spell or something, so wasn't it a bad idea to go anywhere in her personal space?

Stopping a few feet away from her, he eyed her up and down. Honestly, seeing the smooth-skinned huntress in such an enticing maid outfit that outlined the best parts of her...wait, what was he even thinking? Growling and shaking his head frantically, Alex walked up even closer and put his hand lightly on her shoulder.

"What's wrong?" He asked in a calmer tone.

All the summoner got in response was some weird little groan from the female champion. Alex let out a sigh. So he wasn't going to get any information from her, was he? Slowly getting closer to her, he held out a hand. "Do you need to sit down or something?" Although if she did, she would've done so already?

Seeing her still hunched up against the doorway, he pulled back. "Okay, I don't understand WHAT is going on with you right now, but why in any situation would you be in that position?"

" wanna know why I'm in this position? Because of you..." She hissed through gritted teeth.

"I don't mean position in the emotional sense, I mean, literally, physical position." Alex rolled his eyes. "Now that THAT'S out of the really look like you SHOULDN'T be on your feet right now."

The Bestial Huntress responded with another groan. Shaking his head, the summoner slid his hands into his pockets. "Can you just like...move into my bedroom, maybe? Standing, or gripping the door frame is most likely NOT going to help at all with whatever-"

"Okay, okay..." She closed her eyes and curled her fingers against her forehead. "Just...ergghhh..."

Alex cocked his head to the side. What?

"Just help me out here..."

"Uhh, okay?" Well, he was given the green light to go help her out, right?

Shrugging, the summoner walked forward, and gently placed his hands on her shoulders. "Let's move, let's move...relax your body."


Alex felt her tense stance lessen, and sighed in relief. At least she wasn't being resistant in the current situation, right? With his hands on her shoulders, he lightly nudged her towards the inside of his bedroom, not wanting to put too much force. Once they both entered the room, the summoner slowly guided her to his bed without any problems.

"Here, sit down on my bed." Releasing her shoulders from the firm grips of his hands, he backed off almost immediately, and watched apprehensively as The Bestial Huntress slowly took a seat, her maid's skirt flattening against the mattress like a flower opening (although in this case, the flower was facing down). Reaching over to his bedside table and snatching his sunglasses, he slid them on almost instantly. Once his shades were on, he turned back and looked at a darkened Nidalee. At least most of the parts of her maid outfit were black, so nothing changed-

And why the fuck does that matter, you fucking pervert?!

"So...let's talk. What exactly happened? What did staring in my eyes do?"

Instead of a verbal answer, he was given a response of groaning. Alex rolled his eyes. It was just going to be like that, huh? Turning around, he stared at the wall. "I'm just going to stare at this wall I receive a satisfactory answer from you."

As he took into detail the random patterns on his white wall, the summoner felt his muscles tense. If the power in his eyes actually did work on Nidalee, and she was trying her hardest to suppress those amplified feelings of lust for him, then it was probably best if he wasn't anywhere close to her, no? Then again, there was no confirmation that the power was actually working. After all, due to prior knowledge, the female champions under the effect of his eye voodoo would jump him rather quickly, with the exception of, say, Irelia. Was that the only one? Lux also did show a bit of restraint before getting him into her room and-

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his left shoulder. Jolting in shock, as if he'd been jumpscared, the summoner felt his heart practically leap out of his chest.

"Whoa, what the-"

Feeling a hand on his right shoulder, Alex yelped as he suddenly was was flung forward towards the wall. Pushing his arms out so his hands would touch the wall and prevent his whole body from colliding into the wall, the summoner stumbled a bit more. Once his hands hit the wall, he grimaced in a bit of pain, then crumpled to the ground. He barely had the time to turn around before he saw The Bestial Huntress looming over him, her pained expression now replaced by one that he had seen so many times before.

"...hi?" Alex stared back apprehensively.

"I'm not going to try holding back anymore..." She murmured, crouching down and slowly climbing on top of him.

I think we can all see where this is heading...

Was planning on making a mega-chapter, but it got way too long, so I split it in half. Next one's full on...y'know ;)

Shouldn't take another 6 months to finish. Welp, hope to see you soon!