Warning: I wrote this chapter (and technically the entire plot of the story) preceding the release of Lux's Issue #3 (I think). This will cause some discrepancies on how certain characters' relationships are with others.

Now that that's out of the way, hope you enjoy!

Alex let out a growl as his opponents destroyed the ally nexus. Another defeat.

Well...at least I didn't feed…

Ending up with a score of 5/5/4, he walked out of the summoning chambers, trying to compose himself. It wasn't a surprise that his ally summoners didn't berate him for being useless on the rift. Seeing their gameplay in the match was enough to tell him that they were narrow-minded idiots who believed that KDA was the only indication of a good/bad player. God, why did he always have to get those boosted apes on his team, while the enemy team consisted of 3+ challenger smurfs?

Walking past the champions, Alex hoped to avoid contact with them, as one wrong word out of his mouth could equal an eternity in the infirmary, with the only good trade-off being Akali as his nurse (he tried to not let his virgin fantasies get the better of him). This match, his main, Katarina, was banned, so he was forced to choose a meta mage pick. Being a first-time mage in a ranked match was always pretty stressful, as giving up a solo-kill to the enemy team would lead to derision from allies, as well as experiencing the somehow tangible negative emotions that radiated off the champion he was summoning.

However, this match didn't go as bad as he anticipated in champion select. Playing Sylas wasn't as difficult as he imagined, and he got the hang of him after a few minutes in lane. Trading with the enemy mid laner was going well, and Alex swore, if the ally Hecarim didn't charge his Predator rune, use Onslaught of Shadows to go through a wall, and use Devastating Charge to ram into the enemy Malzahar (who had passive) under the Tier 1 Turret, he would've stolen his Nether Grasp and gotten a solo kill.

Thinking about the summoner who played Hecarim that match made Alex wanna puke. Apparently he thought that Onslaught of Shadows was an escape tool. While berating that summoner in his mind (he was too introverted in public to say a thing), Alex didn't notice that he was walking straight into Sylas.

Shock flooded him as he bounced off Sylas like Fiddlesticks' Dark Wind and ricocheted off of a nearby wall, falling to the ground.

"Oww…" Alex muttered, clutching his head and slowly getting to his feet. Turning around, he was met with Sylas, who was giving him an exasperated look.

"Watch where you're going there, boy!" he growled, his accent echoing through the halls. Other champions and summoners stopped by to look to see what was going on. Alex froze. Bringing attention to themselves was one thing he wished he had never done.

"...s-s-sorry..." The summoner replied, feeling a little embarrassed to be under the spotlight of everyone else in the room while doing this.

The Unshackled rolled his eyes. "Can't you see where you're going...Summoner..." His voice trailed off as he stared at Alex. Alex stared back, giving the Demacian (he was from Demacia, you don't only call people who are from Demacia and love the place Demacian, you know) a confused expression.

"Are...are you okay?"

"My...my..." Sylas said in a distant voice. "Now that is something...rather special..."

"What?" Alex narrowed his eyes. "Did I bump into your head and cause something weird to happen?"

Sylas didn't answer, and he continued to explore the rest of Alex's body with his eyes. They looked rather...hungry...

"Uhhh...yeah...this is getting weird...I'm going..." Alex turned to leave, only to be stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

"Not. Yet."

Hearing those words, the summoner frowned, and turned back ground. "What do you-"

Alex's eyes widened as he saw Sylas throw his chains around his body.

"W-what are you doing?!" He yelled out.

"Why...it looks like you have something I need..." Sylas grinned evilly. "I think I'll take it!"


Sylas' chains tightened, and a weird surge pulsed through his body, preventing him from finishing his sentence.

Alex made a weird expression as he felt the sensation. "W-what are you..." Suddenly, he was hit by an essentially tangible wall of drowsiness. As his eyes began to close involuntarily, he saw Sylas stand over him, an evil smile apparent on his face.

That was the last thing Alex saw before he blacked out.

Putting the unconscious summoner on his shoulders, Sylas began to walk out when stopped by Malzahar.

"What are you doing with that summoner?" The Prophet of the Void demanded.

"Oh, nothing..." Sylas assured him. "I won't harm him...there's just something...I need from him...and I'll need some privacy..."

"You're not violating the summoner, are you?" Malzahar narrowed his eyes.

"You idiot!" Sylas snarled. "No! Is your Voidborn mind on the mentality level equal to a teenager's?"

"Then what are you doing that requires such privacy?"

"Something...something you won't understand." Without waiting for Malzahar to reply, Sylas turned and walked out of the summoning chamber, the unconscious summoner still on his shoulders.

"Yo, Malz." The Prophet of the Void turned to the sound of the voice, which belonged to the summoner who had used him in the previous match.

"Yes, Summoner?"

"Did you find out that Sylas was gay or something?"

"No, definitely not. Where did you get that notion from, Summoner?"

"Oh, I don't know...just saw him dragging away that other summoner, so I was like, 'Hmmm...'"

"Hmmm indeed, Summoner. There's no telling what Sylas is going to do...although I suspect it has something to do with magic..."

Blinking his eyes to get rid of his grogginess, Alex shot up, looking around where he was. It was a room filled with bookshelves, and books lying everywhere.

...where am I...?

Trying to move, Alex looked down and realized he was tied to a chair, and some weird chains were wrapped around him. They were gold, and flashed purple occasionally. They definitely looked like the chains Sylas had on his arms.

"...Sylas?" Alex called out.

Wait, why am I letting my captor know that I'm awake?

"Hello there, boy," a gruff voice said. Alex's eyes darted to the side of the room, as he saw The Unshackled make his way towards him.

"...what are you doing to me?"

"Oh, it's nothing dangerous boy, do not fret. I'm extracting some magical powers from you."

Alex cocked his head to the side. "What?"

Sylas gritted his teeth. "I'm absorbing your magic, boy."

"I-I..uhh...don't have any magic on myself."

"Nonsense, boy. I've felt magic radiating off of you ever since you summoned me today. After bumping into you, I've confirmed it. You're a rather special summoner, huh?"

"What?" Alex frowned. "What do you mean?"

"You're one of the first summoners to have magic radiating inside of himself. I'll have so much use of this."

"N-n-now wait a second!" Alex cried out, struggling to get the chains off of himself with no luck. "I...I don't have any magic on myself! What are you talking about?"

Sylas rolled his eyes. "Really? Who's better at identifying whether someone has magic within their body, me or you?"

"Uhh...I'm going to pass on that question. Anyway...I did not consent to this."

Sylas's turquoise eyes peered into his. "Did you even know there was magic within you, boy? I was fairly certain you did not know until mere seconds ago."

"Uhh…I mean, I still don't really believe that there's any magic within myself."

"Then this shouldn't be at all a problem to you."

"You know, people don't usually like being tied up and powerless in front of a pretty intimidating person unless they're a fan of BDSM or something like that-"

"What's that, boy?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Alright...well, just relax for now." Sylas grinned. "I will let you go once I'm finished extracting all the magic from yourself."

"Uhh...question...can't I report you for this?"

"You could, but then I would kill you, boy."

"Wouldn't that be kind of stupid? That would make the whole Institute of War go after you, no?"

"I currently reside as a champion in the chambers of a nation I once believed I was a part of, then they turned their back on me." Sylas' eyes narrowed. "The threat of the Institute of War does not faze me, boy."

"Wait, we're in Demacian chambers?"

"Yes, and believe me, I want to be here as much as you do, boy."

Alex let out a long sigh. Today was just getting worse and worse. He doubted any event would make this day actually memorable at all...

"Well...how am I going to get out of here? Don't want to teleport within the Demacian quarters, because that would look suspicious, as if I'm trying to sneak out after doing something...I'M ALSO COMING FROM YOUR ROOM! YOU KNOW WHAT PLACE YOU PUT ME IN?!"

"Not my problem, boy. You could always just stay in here until the halls clear up. I've used magic to seal my room from the outside, so no dirty anti-mage Demacians can get in."

"What?! Then how do you get-"

"Boy, have you ever heard of a champion named Twisted Fate?"


"That's right. Although I do meet with one Demacian in these halls because-"

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

Sighing, Sylas turned and left the room. "Excuse me, while I break the barriers and let her in," he called over his shoulder.

"Wait, her?" Alex thought back to Sylas' backstory. Chained and imprisoned, and then a certain blonde noble girl approached him and...

Could it be…

"Sylas!" he heard an intensely positive voice cry out.

Yep, it's her.

Alex tried to keep his composure as he listened into Sylas and Lux's conversation, Sylas trying to talk in a civil manner, Lux sounding like an overly optimistic cheerleader in those angsty high school stories Alex read in his free time.

Despite being bored to death by their conversation, Alex still listened in, and discovered that Sylas was still teaching Lux on how to hide her magic. Apparently Lux didn't learn after Sylas absorbed her magic and killed a ton of Demacians, but...what did he know? Luxanna Crownguard was a peculiar being, and she surprised him almost every day with something new.

His heart skipped a beat when Sylas spoke up once more. "Luxanna, there is a summoner I'm extracting magic from in the backroom."

Why is the conversation going to me? I feel like a child whose parents are bitching about to his friends' parents or something…

"Sylas, why do you need to extract more magic? I'm sure you're strong enough."

Ughh, that voice kills me on the inside…

"This summoner is...different I feel…"

"Come on, Sylas. You promised you would stop kidnapping summoners against their will and absorbing the supposed 'magic' that's inside of them."

"Little light, this one is rather-"

"No exceptions, Sylas."

Alex heard The Unshackled sigh. "Alright, Lux. This one is pretty shaken up, though."

"...what did you do to him, Sylas?"

"Doesn't really matter now, as I can't really use him for anything. Also mind you, I'm not overseeing the process, so the chains might be doing something really...bad to him right now..."

"Wait, what?"

Wait, what?

As soon as those words left Sylas's lips, Alex felt a weird sensation pass through him, similar to before. After it ended, he felt...normal. Okay...what the heck was that about?

"Although nothing may happen without me doing anything...anyway, Luxanna, he is too uncomfortable exiting Demacian quarters because he believes he will be accused of wrongdoing. Could you take him out of my abode and escort him out of here?"

"Of course. Oh, the things I do for you, Sylas...bring me to him. Where is he?"

"In here."

The summoner's head turned to the doorway, where Sylas walked in, followed by The Lady of Luminosity.


Like a shy virgin (oh wait, that perfectly describes him), he immediately gawked at her, eyes widened. He had only played against her, and never really saw how she really looked, other than in her champion and skin photos.

In real life, she was much hotter than he remembered.

Her curves were mesmerizing, as if they invited him to glue his eyes onto them. Her white skirt with golden edges sadly blocked the view of her hips, but the tight grey chestplate complimented her breast shape in unimaginable ways. Her blonde hair fell around her shoulders, which went well with her dazzling smile. Dammit, he just couldn't take his eyes off of her.

Stop looking at her, you pervert! His mind screamed.

OOh, just look at those two things...OHH YES, I JUST WANNA...Alex drowned out the words of his hormones, which seemed to develop mindsets of their own for the time being. And that wasn't exactly a good thing. Voices that were hormone-driven were definitely bad news.

"Why hello there!" she said in a cheerful tone.

Immediately, half of the attraction went away. Alex felt himself die a little bit on the inside.

Ugh, that voice…

"Uhh...hi…?" Alex said rather nervously.

Wait, why do I sound so...shaky...whatthefuck why am I trembling…

"What's your name, Summoner?" she asked, her smile still present.


"Well, Alex, I'm here to take you out of Sylas' home."

"Oh, thank god. I thought I was going to die."

Lux let out her signature laugh, which made Alex's internal health deteriorate even more. "Of course he won't kill you, silly. Killing a summoner is a deathwish."

Not to Sylas, apparently...

Alex didn't dare say that out loud. After all, if he did, he would literally die. Lux didn't need to laugh or speak to encourage him closer to death, because Sylas could just take his life right away.

As she walked over, Alex continued to stare at her body. The fact that she was lowkey strutting didn't really help, either. When she stopped in front of him, Alex's eyes were glued to her breasts. After a moment, he realized that she was waiting for him to look up at her. Realizing that she'd caught him staring, he blushed furiously, and slowly moved his head up to meet hers.

Surprisingly, the smile was still present.

"Here, let me help you out of these."

"Uhh...o-o-okay…" he stammered, his voice very weak.

Lux chuckled. "You're so cute."

Alex felt his face burn from the compliment. As Lux leaned over him to take Sylas' chains off of him, the summoner shut his eyes to avoid getting into any sticky situations.

Seeing black, he felt her body rub against his over and over, as he felt the chains loosening. Every time their bodies touched, he swore, he entered a world that was a mix of euphoria and fear.

"Err..! This one chain's a bit tight! I'm going to have to get into a better position to pull it off!" He heard her say.

Better position...GAHH!

Alex's mind went into panic mode as he felt Lux's weight crash down on his lap. She was on top of him! He felt his dick growing in his pants, and he gulped, taking deep breaths as the blonde continued to work at the chains around his arms.

As soon as her breasts brushed over his face, Alex felt his dick harden even more. He could feel something coming out, and he prayed that he could resist these hormones.

Please...get off…

Realizing that his dick was now protruding into her body, Alex freaked out. He felt some of his juices come out, coating his undergarments.


"All done!" he heard her say. Her weight disappeared from his lap.

Eyes opening, Alex slowly got up, giving Lux a nervous glance. She still had on her smile, and her hands were behind her back as she stood in front of him elegantly.

She didn't notice...did she…?

Looking around, Alex turned to see Sylas.

"Sorry about the inconvenience, boy…" The Unshackled told him, patting him on the back. Alex would've appreciated the gesture more if his chains weren't attached. "I promised Luxanna that I wouldn't do this anymore. I guess I should stick to it. You truly are a weird fellow though."

"Uhhh...okay…" Alex replied.

"Thank you, Sylas," Lux cried cheerfully, running up to him and wrapping him in an embrace. Sylas slightly grinned as he reciprocated the hug.

After a short while, Lux broke free from Sylas and turned back to Alex, still grinning.

Jeez, how long can she keep that smile on?

"Alright, let's leave," she said in her usual optimistic tone.

Alex's legs felt like jello as he followed her out of Sylas' room and into the Demacian halls. It was nighttime, at least, and hardly anyone was outside of their rooms. Alex knew what would happen if he ran into a champion like Garen after exiting Sylas' room.

"Can you...lead me out?" he asked softly. He still struggled to speak normally around Lux.

"Just follow me," she said.

Walking behind her, Alex couldn't help but take a look at her ass.

Oh, how the Demacian attire complimented it. Her cheeks were squished against the fabric, making a beautiful imprint. Alex had to use every nerve inside of him to stop himself from reaching and…


Eventually, Lux approached a door and opened it.

"Is this the exit?" he asked. Surprisingly, The Lady of Luminosity didn't answer. That was weird of her, she was always one to show good manners.

Shrugging it off, he followed her inside. He grimaced as she slid by him, her breasts dragging across his abs, causing his dick to harden again. He jumped slightly as she slammed the door shut, and eyed her ass as she turned her back to him and locked the door.

"Wait...this isn't the exit."

"Uh huh," he heard her reply.

"Is this...your room?"

"Ding ding ding!"

"W-w-what is going on?" Alex felt his heart rate increase. For some reason, his dick wasn't returning to, "ground state", if one were to refer to the state of his penis in the terms of quantum particle movement.

When Lux turned around, the summoner was taken aback by her facial expression. The usual cheerful and innocent look was replaced with a smile that could compete with The Agony's Embrace.

"What's going on?" she repeated in a voice that made Alex's hair stand on end. Something in the tone of her voice was so captivating that it made his dick grow. Was this the nine-tailed fox disguised as a Demacian noble? "Why...I rescued you from Sylas, and need payment, and...you're just too cute…" she whispered.

The summoner opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He stared helplessly back at her, his arms spread out as his dick grew bigger and bigger.

Noticing the enlarging tent in his pants, Lux grinned seductively. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" she whispered sultrily, slowly strutting towards him.

Mind entering panic mode just like when she was on his lap moments ago, Alex started backing up.

"Now, now…" she murmured alluringly, extended her hand out to touch his face. "...don't be scared...I'm not going to hurt you…"

Shaking his head slowly, Alex continued backing up, until he tripped over something and fell to the ground.

"Ow…" he groaned, rubbing his head. Slowly getting up, he realized that he tripped over her staff. Stopping in front of him, Lux picked up her baton. "...sorry about my staff..."

"Uhh...it's okay…"

"Hey Alex, I think it wants to apologize itself."

"Wait, wh-"

Alex grimaced as he felt something surge through his body, knocking him to the ground. He tried to move, but couldn't.

Did she just...bind me?

His heart skipped a beat as he saw Lux loom over him, still a grin that made him nervous yet turned him on at the same time. "Why, my staff has the same idea as I do. Isn't that wonderful?"

Alex's eyes widened. He couldn't move, and here was this cheerful mage turned devilishly seductive about to...do whatever she wanted to do with him. His heartbeat was increasing at an exponential rate, and he was trembling so much that one would think he bought a Rapid Firecannon and enchanted it to attach to his whole body

"Don't worry, cutie…" she whispered, tone filled with lust. "I don't bite...too hard…"

Tears started to form in his eyes. "...please...don't hurt me…"

Closing his eyes, he felt a tear roll down his right cheek. Another tear squeezed out of his closed eye as her weight crashed down on him.

Slowly opening his eyes, he saw her lean down and press her lips on his cheek, right where the tear was.

"...first time…?" she whispered in his ear.

"...f-f-first time?"

The answer was yes, but he was too ashamed to admit it. Instead, he closed his eyes and nodded his head, prompting Lux to smile evilly.

"This just keeps getting better and better...I'll be gentle…" She took his earlobe in her teeth and nibbled on it softly, producing a moan from the virgin summoner.

Alex felt his dick harden even more, so much that it began to hurt. He grimaced, trying to shake Lux off of him with no luck.

His eyes widened as he saw her blue eyes move closer to his face.

"W-w-w-mmph!" Alex was interrupted as her felt her lips press softly against his. He just laid there, staring up at the ceiling, allowing her to gain dominance in the kiss.

He closed his eyes and sighed in pleasure as her tongue slid into his mouth, coating his palate with her saliva. Simultaneously, he felt some of his juices squirt out of his dick, flowing out of his undergarments and trailing down his leg. He winced as he felt the warm liquid trail down the skin of his thigh.

Losing his train of thought, Alex turned his head to the side, eyes and mouth open. Lux, disappointed by the breaking of the kiss, took a glance at his dick. Her seductive smile returned instantly.

"What do we have here?" she whispered sultrily, snaking her hand through his pants and undergarments and wrapping it around his dick. Alex moaned as he felt her cold fingers coil around his member, sandwiching the cum in between. The smoothness of her skin completely mesmerized him.

Lux returned her lips to his cheek, as his head was still turned to the side, kissing the skin of his face and coating it in saliva, as if she were a dog licking their owner. Still covering his cheek in pecks, her grip on his dick tightened, prompting him to climax once more.

Before Alex could let out another moan, he felt Lux's lips trail down from his cheek to his jawline and chin. She kissed at the bottom of his face hungrily, as if she wanted to eat it. Alex didn't think Lux was a cannibal, but then again, he would've never guessed that she had an inner Evelynn inside of herself. The statement that he learned something new about Lux every day remained true.

The Demacian started kissing his neck, nipping at the skin and licking at it. As her blonde hair completely blocked his view, Alex ejaculated even more of his juices, this time spilling all over her hand, which was still wrapped tightly around his member. The touch of her lips against his neck rendered him useless, as he found it impossible to move.

Alex lost himself in the land of pleasureville as Lux continued kissing his neck ravishly, still stroking his dick with her hand. Assuming that her hair wasn't going to move away any time soon, he closed his eyes and sighed, submitting and allowing her to do whatever she wanted.

As if that wasn't happening already…

He gained some train of thought back as Lux released her grip on his dick. He was confused when she removed her lips from his neck, giving the area above his collarbone one last smooch, making a sound so loud, one might assume she was trying to suck the bone out through his skin. Her weight disappeared off of his body, leaving him further puzzled.

Eyes slowly opening, he saw her raise move her hand, which was covered in a white substance, slowly towards her mouth. He observed her slowly as she took out her tongue and ran it over her cum-covered hand very slowly and seductively. His dick got hard again, this time without her even touching him at all. Alex continued to watch her as she licked her hand clean of his juices, her eyes meeting his and winking at him on occasion.

"...I might as well have you as a three-course meal…" she said with an alluring voice that made his hairs stand on end.

Goosebumps formed over his body as she removed his shirt, revealing his modest chest and abs. Alex looked nervously at Lux, expecting her to be disappointed by his lack of muscle, but she gave him a reassuring smile, seemingly knowing what he was thinking about.

"It's okay...your taste makes up for it…"

The statement caused Alex to cum a bit more, and he felt a whoosh of air around his dick as Lux removed his pants and undergarments. He was now fully naked except for the shoes and socks on his feet, which The Lady of Luminosity paid no attention to.

Lux leaned up and kissed his chin. "Don't worry, it gets better from here." She proceeded to trail kisses down his neck, his chest, then to his stomach, where she stuck her tongue out and started licking around his belly button in irregular patterns.

Her kisses stopped abruptly. Alex let out a deep moan, then took a glance at Lux. She had snaked one of her hands into her own insides and was now fingering herself, moaning as well.

She's so wet too...

The only thing Alex could think of was his dick inside of her pink walls. His thoughts were interrupted as Lux returned her lips not to his stomach, but to his member, kissing up and down the shaft, making sure to leave her saliva on every area of his dick.

It felt like heaven when she moved her tongue in circles around the tip. The only thing Alex could do was moan. Over and over again.

Is this what they call giving...head?

He ejaculated more cum, painting The Lady of Luminosity's face white. Her smooches stopped once more, and Alex looked up. She was wiping her face clean of his cum, seemingly struggling to get the sticky goo off of herself.

"I...I'm sorry…" Alex murmured ashamedly, giving her a remorseful look.

The Crownguard looked as if she was trying to hold in a squeal. "God...you are so fucking cute…" she replied as she licked the remnants of his juices around her mouth. The summoner was at a loss for words, as usual.

"Well...it's not fair if you're the only one naked here, right?" she giggled. The giggle was so much different from the laugh, and it just stimulated him even further.


Alex couldn't take his eyes off of the Demacian noble as she undressed herself, exposing her entire body to him. Her curves were built as if she was an ideal drawing of a sexy human female, her breasts persuading him to touch them.

Noticing his reaction, Lux giggled and turned around. "Hold on, cutie. I gotta go get something." As she walked to another room, Alex stared, mouth wide open, at her butt. Normally he would restrain from this type of perverted behavior. but...he had kind of been through a very recent event...that...yeah, you get the point.

If her breasts weren't captivating enough, her two doughy cheeks and the way they jiggled as she strutted…

Yeah, this is heaven.

Alex laid where he was, still bound to the ground. The soreness of his dick was overcome by the euphoria state he was in ever since she climbed on top of him. But...he needed more…



"Of course."

Alex's eyes darted back to Lux, who was pacing back towards him.

Shit, did I say that out loud?

Smiling sheepishly, he looked up at her. "Hehe...only...if...you...haha...want to…"

He was surprised that he could even bring himself to speak audible sentences while staring at the naked body of an attractive woman.

The last thing Alex saw was Lux's alluring smile before his eyes were covered with...well, with whatever Lux put over his face.

"...w-w-what are you doing?"

"It's better this way." He felt her breath close to his ear. "You don't know where I'm going to strike next."

"S-s-strike?" Alex stammered, voice full of fear. The only response he got was a seductive giggle.

"Relax, cutie. I don't want to harm the boy I'm about to fuck the light out of."

"O-o-okay, and...wait, fuck the-"

Alex felt Lux's lips slam against his, her tongue immediately making an entrance into his mouth. He grunted as her saliva mixed with his. Thank goodness her breath didn't smell like anything, or else he would've hated this. After a little while, her lips disappeared from his. Alex tensed up, anticipating a touch on another part of his body.

It struck at the side of his chest. Her lips pressed against it very lightly, causing him to react so shockingly, it was like Kennen used his Slicing Maelstrom on him. Alex felt his dick harden, and cum was already starting to come out. He still had no clue why Lux was going at it, for he swore that girls liked fucking guys who didn't cum right away.

Learn something new about Lux every day, I guess. Except I learned quite a lot today…

His thoughts were interrupted as he felt her lips on his neck, kissing and biting at the skin like a wild animal. Letting out a moan of pleasure, Alex felt around for the shape of Lux's body, wrapping his arms around her chest and burying his head into her breasts.

Suddenly, he felt himself being pulled back, and his mouth was ripped open by two hands. Before he could say anything, he felt her nipple being shoved right into the opening.

Alex did the one thing he had to do: suck.

Hearing Lux's lustful moans as he caressed his tongue over her nipple made his juices flow out of his dick even faster, dripping all over his thighs.

He felt her cover the top of his head in kisses as he continued sucking her tits, like a baby breastfeeding from her mother.

When Lux pulled away from him, taking her nipple out of his mouth, he groaned.

"Don't worry, baby, this is nothing compared to what I'm about to do to you."

Just a simple statement, that could be taken in many different ways. Unsurprisingly, Alex started feeling nervous again. That's when he felt something warm envelop his dick. Was that her mouth? If it was, then where did her tongue go-


Alex cried out Lux's name as loud as he could as he filled her insides with his juices. He could feel the Lady of Luminosity bounce up and down, his dick still throbbing inside of her. Her walls engulfed his entire shaft, making him climax so hard his screams were more excruciating than Cassiopeia's scream whilst using her Petrifying Gaze.

"F-f-f-fuck! LUX!"


The moments that followed were indescribable. The only thing he remembered about it was that he didn't want it to ever end. If Zilean were around (thankfully he wasn't), he wouldn't have been happy.

Once his dick had spewed the last of his cum into Lux, he felt her slide off of him. The cover over his eyes came off, and he felt himself being released from his binding. It didn't really make a difference anyway; he was too exhausted to move.

He felt Lux roll up next to him. Her eyes were barely open, and her whole body was smeared with his cum.

"C-c-cuddle with me, I'm cold…" she whimpered. The seductive attitude was gone, replaced by that of an innocent, sweet girlfriend.

Except she wasn't his girlfriend.

Not knowing what to do, Alex wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to him. He kissed the top of her head, breathing in her ear, "That...was amazing...thank you..."

Lux chuckled weakly. "My pleasure. You...are just …"

Alex blushed, and he felt her lips press against his cheek for one last loving smooch.

"...you might wanna get out...soon…" she trailed off, and Alex noticed that she fell into deep sleep.

Slowly removing his arms from her, he placed one last kiss on her lips before mustering the strength to get up off the ground. His dick was burning from the lustful activities he engaged in, but at least he could still walk.

Sliding his clothes back on, Alex looked at Lux one last time. Was this the last time they were ever going to do this?

Was this the last time he was going to be doing something like this?

Shrugging the thoughts off, he silently exited Lux's door, leaving her resting, naked body where it was. The Demacian halls were empty. That was nice, as Alex tiptoed his way through and made it past many doors, such as Sona, Vayne, Jarvan, and Xin Zhao.

Arriving near Garen's door, Alex tensed up. What if Garen found out that his little, goody-two-shoes sister took his virginity? Would he flip?

It's best if I avoid this guy anyway…

Suddenly, he heard a thump at Garen's door.

"Ohh, Garen, so rough…yes..." He heard a voice say.

Alex's hairs stood on end. That voice was too familiar to him. It was…

It was…

Katarina. His main.

What is a Noxian doing in a Demacian's headquarters? ESPECIALLY IF THE DEMACIAN IS GAREN?

Before he could process what was going on, Garen's voice sounded out.

"Fear not, I'm cumming."

Yep...that's enough for today…

Trudging slowly out of Demacian headquarters, Alex found an isolated spot and used the last of his energy to cast a teleportation spell to the front of his abode.

Opening the door, he sleep walked inside and crashed on the couch immediately, mind flooded with thoughts about the Crownguard siblings.

Man, I should summon them some day…and ask them about Kat...

It was amazing that he knew Katarina like a sister and played with her for years, but didn't know about her relationship with Garen. Well, he did hear about it, but just assumed that it was a rumored ship made up by all the summoners. After all, there were some quite weird ones...

He didn't want to get started on the Zoe and Kayn ship...

But that would have to be another time. The summoning, that is. He closed his eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep. After all, he had some summoning to do the next day.