Harry Potter: the Demon Prince
Greetings fellow wizards, witches, and lovers of monster girls! Welcome to my first ever 'Harry Potter' work! But this is no ordinary cross-over of Harry Potter and the Monster Girl Encyclopedia, oh no-no-no-no!
You see, I first discovered the MGE in a Harry Potter/MGE cross-over one-shot by whitetigerwolf titled: "The Monster's Husband". I loved it so much that I immediately looked up the MGE wiki online! And suddenly ssssoooooo many new ideas rushed through my twisted mind! Some of these I've already implemented or started! In my zeal I also learned of the "Everyday Life with Monster Girls" anime, and got even more ideas for stories! I got so obsessed that I purchased vols. 1 and 2 of the MGE hardcover books(vol. 3 will be added once it's available!) and the complete first season of ELwMG on dvd!
However, this particular work is special. I PM'ed whitetigerwolf regarding how great his story is and how it influenced my own works, and inquired if he would be writing the sequel that the ending seemed to imply was coming. When he informed me that he had no plans, as he'd intended it to be a single story, I asked if I could make an attempt at the sequel and a prequel to show the events leading up to his story that his characters had hinted at in his story. He gave me his blessing and wished me luck! What a great guy!
So this, my friends, is my prequel to his masterpiece! Enjoy!
Chapter 1, Prologue: The Boy Who Vanished.
Finally, the rest of the house was dark and silent, and 11 y/o(in 2 weeks) Harry Potter allowed himself to break-down, quietly sobbing in pain and anguish. This was the worst beating yet at the hands of his Uncle Vernon. But then, the incident at the zoo that day went far beyond the smaller strange things that had been happening lately. Ever since they began, the verbal and emotional abuse from his aunt, uncle, and cousin had been getting worse with each occurrence, as had the beatings.
Harry had thought it couldn't get worse than last week. It was a sunny summer day, the heat and humidity were oppressive. He'd mowed the front and back lawns then began weeding and tending the back garden on his Aunt Petunia's orders; when several garter snakes slithered into the open and seemed to just…..stare at him. He wasn't frightened, he knew they weren't venomous, but his curiosity was piqued. Then a few started talking to him, and he understood them! Grateful for anyone to talk to, he engaged the small serpents in a friendly chat for several minutes. He was having such a good time that he laughed without thinking when one of the snakes said something funny, his laughter drawing the attention of his Aunt Petunia.
She came out with a broom, intending to give 'the lazy freak' a good whack for lolli-gagging and demand to know what was so funny…..only to shriek with fright at the sight of all the snakes surrounding her kneeling nephew! She tried to hit them with the broom, causing them all to quickly slither back into the brush in fear. She then grabbed Harry painfully by the ear and dragged him inside to tell her husband. She then just stood by as Vernon berated the boy and beat him with a belt, and smirked as her precious little 'Duddikins' shoved Harry into his cupboard and bolted it shut.
But the beating he got today when they all returned from the zoo was far worse. Was it because the incident ruined his cousin Dudley's birthday? Was it because Dudley himself got caught up in it, scaring him out of his wits? Was it because this time it happened out in public? Or was it all of the above?
It didn't really matter. For as long as he could remember, they had treated him with utter contempt. They worked him like a slave while at the same time verbally berating him; calling him lazy, worthless, a burden, and a freak. His cousin Dudley's favorite pastime was bullying and tormenting him. And the beatings from his uncle for even the slightest infraction, real or imagined, had left his psyche as scarred as his body. Practically starving him; feeding him just enough to keep him alive, while his morbidly obese uncle and cousin ate like pigs. To say nothing of his 'room'; a cramped, filthy cupboard under the main stairs and nothing but an old, small crib-mattress to sleep on. A crib-mattress that had plenty of old blood-stains to go with the new ones now.
One would think this couldn't happen, that the bonds of family would be strong and that his relatives would love him and accept him after the loss of his parents. But no. Whatever slight, real or imagined, that Petunia blamed and hated her sister Lily for was taken out on young Harry in spades.
For ten years he had endured this abuse. Ten years he had suffered at the hands of his relatives after the death of his parents. Ten years he had hoped and prayed for some sign, any sign, of his salvation. Ten years he could not understand why family who should love him hated him instead. And for the last five of those years he'd been strong and determined not to give them the satisfaction of seeing him cry ever again.
But now that their eyes and ears were closed for the night in sleep, he could endure no more. He sobbed in pain, anguish, and despair.
"Mum, Dad?", he sniffed, wiping his tears on his sleeve as he looked at the faded, wallet-sized photo of his parents holding him as an infant that he'd managed to find years ago. "If you're really watching over me….please help me. Please. I just want to be LOVED!"
With that tearful plea, he squeezed his eyes shut as tight as he could, as if he were reaching inside himself to put everything he had into that one wish…and he vanished in a flash of light!
At that same moment, many miles to the north in the Scottish highlands, Professor Minerva McGonagall was up late, burning the midnight oil as it were, preparing the last of the letters to go out by owl to the students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to prepare for the coming school year. As Deputy-Headmistress, it was one of her duties, but this year there was a sense of anticipation….and a touch of foreboding. For this was the year that Harry Potter, "The-Boy-Who-Lived", would return to the wizarding world to begin his first year at Hogwarts. Ironically, his letter was the last one to be done. After sealing it with the official Hogwarts wax and stamp, she held it for a moment.
'Your life is about to get much more interesting, Mr. Potter', she thought to herself. 'I pray that Albus is wrong, and that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is gone for good. Because if he does return, all our hopes will rest your shoulders, Harr…. MERLIN'S BEARD!'
The sealed envelope had suddenly jerked out of her hand to hover in the air, spinning rapidly in place! She stood from her chair and reached up to grab it, when it burst into flames! The cindered ashes drifted down onto her desk.
"What in Merlin's name just happened?! And what does it mean? I must speak to Albus!"
Minerva rushed out of her office, and hurried past Argus Filch on her way to the Headmaster's quarters. Normally, she would never wake him at such an hour, but this was an emergency!
"Butterscotch ripple!", she whispered urgently to the eagle-like gargoyle guarding the access-way to the headmaster's office and living quarters. It slid aside at the password, granting her access to the spiral-stairs up to the door. She pounded urgently on the door, calling out loudly for him to let her in. A few moments later, the door was opened by a very sleepy Albus Dumbledore in his night-clothes and robe, holding his glowing wand.
"Minerva? What is it that has you so upset at such an hour of the night?", he asked as he let her in. With a wave of his wand, a number of candles and lamps sparked to life, lighting his office. "You are not normally one to be so rattled without good reason."
"The strangest thing just happened, Albus! And it concerns Harry Potter!"
Now very much awake, Dumbledore ushered her to a chair across from his desk, conjured tea for both of them, and listened intently as she explained what just happened in her office with Harry's letter, her voice thick with concern.
"Such a thing has never happened before, Albus! What could it mean? I'm very worried for Mr. Potter's safety!"
"I'm glad you came to me, Minerva", he replied as calmly as he could manage, as he stood to walk over to a nearby shelf. He checked one of the odd, silvery gadgets there; the one that monitored the wards around Number 4 Privett Dr., the Dursley residence. "I am checking on his welfare now."
What he saw made no sense! Harry Potter should be sleeping in the home of his relatives, protected by the wards and the protective blood magic of his mother's love and sacrifice. But he wasn't. And there was no indication that he had walked out through the wards. It was as if he'd been there one moment, and gone the next.
Curious, and concerned, he went to a different gadget; one that was magically synched with a similar one at the Ministry that monitored the Trace. Looking up the most recent activity, he saw a minor incident of 'accidental-underage-sorcery' in Harry's vicinity earlier in the day, and another far more powerful one at his home a short time ago! There was no doubt that it was a case of AUS, but the raw power involved was staggering!
"Well, Albus?", McGonagall asked anxiously.
"I don't know, Minerva", he replied. "It's as if he simply….disappeared. And it seems he did so under his own magical power."
"Are you serious?"
"There is nothing we can do tonight, Minerva", Dumbledore said gently, doing his best to calm her down. "Owl Amelia Bones at the Department of Magic Law Enforcement first thing in the morning and request the Aurors investigate immediately, starting with the home of his muggle relatives."
"Of course, Albus", she nodded as she stood, a little calmer but still very worried. Ever since that terrible Halloween night all those years ago, she'd had her concerns about leaving Harry with those horrible muggles, even if they were his relatives. But Albus had insisted it was for the best.
Author's notes: Harry has disappeared?! Granted, his legend will now grow and deepen, but what will Wizarding Britain do now?! How will this affect the return and rise of Voldemort? What measures will Dumbledore have to take to find the Savior?
But where did Harry go? What will become of him? Wait and see next chapter! LOL!
Suggestions and long reviews are always welcome! No flames, please.