Disclaimer: I don't own Criminal Minds. The characters who aren't my OCs and occasional scenes from episodes of Criminal Minds in this story belongs to the writers of Criminal Minds and CBS. No copyright infringement intended.

A/N: Shout out to criminalmindsrocks, Astrahan, mirajanewolf46, EJ Morgan, Daisyangel for reviewing chapter 100 of The Profiler and the Nurse: Book Two.

Please read The Profiler and the Nurse: Book One and The Profiler and the Nurse: Book Two first if you haven't read those two stories yet.

The episode "Truth or Dare" in season 14 inspired me for two scenes of this chapter.

Spencer entered his brother-in-law's office, "You wanted to see me?" asked Spencer.

Hotch smiled at his brother-in-law, "I just got a call about your re-evaluation scores and I have something for you to celebrate being one of the youngest agents to make the wall of honor," said Hotch as he handed Spencer a box.

Spencer opened up the box and his eyes went wide when he saw a revolver inside of an ankle holster.

"When it comes to the events of your shooting, it has been decided that you're ready to carry two guns in the field just in case you ever lose your revolver when you tackle another victim," said Hotch.

Spencer smiled at his brother-in-law's logic, "Thank you, and I can scare Diana's, Bridget's, and Ariel's future boyfriends by telling them I own four guns instead of three."

Hotch laughed a bit, "Exactly, but make sure to clean your guns in front of them while playing Rodney Atkins song "Cleaning This Gun" too."

Spencer laughed, "I'm already planning on doing that."

Later on that evening, Spencer and Clarissa were cuddling in bed when Clarissa looked at her husband, "I'm so proud of you for making the wall of honor today."

Spencer kissed his wife, "I credit Diana, Bridget, Ariel, Savannah, and Abigail as the reasons why my shooting improved over the years."

Clarissa laughed as she pulled her husband into a steamy kiss.

The next day Spencer and his teammates just got done talking about the case they were going to work on in Atlantic City when Spencer's phone vibrated causing the 28-year-old genius to see a text message from Clarissa.


Spencer quickly typed a reply.


Hotch looked at his brother-in-law, "Everything OK?" asked Hotch.

"Clarissa sent me a text message letting me know to stay away from the casinos while letting me know that she misses Ariel and Caden," said Spencer.

Rossi nodded as he thought about Clarissa returning to work since she gave birth to Ariel and Caden six-weeks ago, "Is Clarissa happy about working at Washington International School again?" asked Rossi.

Spencer nodded, "She's happy because she'll get to spend more time with the kids while gets to keep an eye on Diana and now Jack," said Spencer just as his phone vibrated causing him to see a picture message from Lucy that included a picture of a smiling Bridget who was on a smiling uniformed Detective LaMontagne's hip as they held a slip of paper together.


Spencer laughed,

"What's so funny?" asked Hotch.

"Bridget went grocery shopping with Lucy and Will was at the same store when he decided to issue Bridget a ticket for being a sweet and adorable two-year-old girl," said Spencer.

JJ smiled as she thought about Spencer's three daughters, "Even though my two-year-old goddaughter is adorable, her big sister and little sister are adorable too."

Spencer nodded in agreement as he thought about loving hearing Diana and Bridget call him 'daddy' while he's looking forward to Ariel eventually calling him 'Dada' and 'daddy', "Speaking of daughters, have you ever thought of giving Henry a little sister?" asked Spencer.

Hotch looked at JJ, "You should tell everyone what you told me last week."

Morgan looked at JJ as he decided that his wife needed to video chat with them again, "Tell us what?" asked Morgan.

"Need me to look up anything else?" asked Garcia.

JJ shook her head, "No, but I have some great news."

"What's the good news, peaches?" asked Garcia.

"Since this is our first case back in the field since Lockport, New York, I decided that I must tell you guys that I'm 12-weeks pregnant," said JJ while Garcia squealed in excitement before she held up her hand so she can continue talking, "I had my 12-week ultrasound yesterday and it's been determined that Henry's getting a little sister by July 28th."

After congratulations went around, Spencer thought about how JJ has commented about wishing for a daughter when it came to him naming her Bridget's godmother while she became an honorary aunt to Diana, Ariel, and Barbara, "Are you finally glad about getting a daughter?" asked Spencer.

JJ nodded, "I'm so excited about getting to dress up my daughter in dresses and hair bows while I already told Will that I want to name her Margaret and nickname her Maggie."

"Good choice because Margaret and Maggie mean pearl," said Spencer before smirking a bit, "Is Will ready to have a little girl who has him wrapped around her finger like Diana, Bridget, and Ariel have done with me?" asked Spencer.

Morgan smiled as he thought about his seven-month-old daughter, "Barbara has me wrapped around her little finger too."

"Will's preparing himself since he told me that he wished to have a little girl because of being around Diana, Bridget, Ariel, and Barbara during occasional gatherings," said JJ.

The next day Dr. Malcolm looked at Spencer, Hotch, and Rossi after he listened to the three men talk about the case they were working and how they suspected that his daughter was their unsub.

When Spencer, Hotch, and Rossi were done explaining, Dr. Malcolm looked at Hotch and Rossi, "I am very confused, gentlemen. What does this have to do with Samantha?" asked Dr. Malcolm.

"We need to talk to her. Is she here?" asked Rossi.

"No, she's at work," said Dr. Malcolm.

"Does she live here, or did you move her into one of your halfway houses?" asked Hotch.

"As a matter of fact, she is in one of my houses," said Dr. Malcolm.

"Well, we'll need the address," said Hotch.

Dr. Malcolm shook his head, "And I'll need to know what this is about."

Spencer walked towards the dollhouse and looked at it as he thought about the dollhouse he, Hotch, and Anthony built for Diana and Bridget to share while he and Hotch were on medical leave after his shooting and Hotch's stabbing.

"She might be tied to a series of abductions," said Rossi.

Dr. Malcolm scoffed, "That's not possible. It's not my daughter."

"Is Samantha on her own at this house? There are no other patients, right?" asked Rossi.

"She thought that was best, and I agreed," said Dr. Malcolm.

Spencer continued to look at the dollhouse in Dr. Malcolm's office as he listened to his brother-in-law, Rossi, and Dr. Malcolm talk.

"Yeah, but let's face it- You're happy that she's out of your hair," said Rossi.

Dr. Malcolm's eyes went wide as he looked at Rossi, "I beg your pardon?" asked Dr. Malcolm.

"Because if you had been visiting her recently, doctor, you would know what she's been doing," said Rossi as he and Hotch watched Spencer go through a few games.

"Samantha has always been troubled," said Dr. Malcolm.

Hotch decided to raise his voice as he gave Dr. Malcolm his 'Hotchner glare', "Three women are dead because of her."

"She's not capable of that," said Dr. Malcolm.

"Are you certain. I mean, the effects of electroshock, especially at that age, are permanent. But maybe you knew that," said Rossi.

"My wife died when Samantha was 10, and she never recovered," said Dr. Malcolm while Spencer decided to make his way towards the toys on the bookshelf, "I tried everything. Child psychiatry, pet therapy, nothing helped. She was cutting herself. She was in pain. That's the end of this meeting," said Dr. Malcolm as he watched Spencer look at the toys on the shelf behind him as he straightened his lab coat.

Hotch thought about his four nieces Diana, Bridget, Ariel, and Savannah who were all in Washington D.C. at the moment, "Where's your daughter, doctor?" demanded Hotch.

Spencer started to examine the toys behind Dr. Malcolm's desk.

"And, Agents Hotchner and Rossi, if you try to talk to her, a mentally ill woman, without her knowing what she's doing-," said Dr. Malcolm.

Rossi decided to interrupt Dr. Malcolm, "Do you know about the women she's keeping?" asked Rossi.

Spencer lifted up a chess piece causing him to see that there was no dust under the chess piece.

"And have no medical or legal counsel present, you'll have no case. Do you understand me?" asked Dr. Malcolm.

"None. We'll keep the police here in case Samantha drops in for a visit," said Hotch.

Rossi looked at Spencer, "Let's go, Reid," said Rossi.

Spencer looked at Dr. Malcolm, "Hey, a really fast question. Why are these toys here?" asked Spencer as he gestured to the toys.

Dr. Malcolm glanced at Hotch and Rossi who decided to stay put and let their young colleague speak, "I use them in my therapy."

Spencer shook his head, "No, I understand that, but why are they way up on this shelf," said Spencer as he gestured to the shelf, "away from where any kids can actually reach them?" asked Spencer.

Dr. Malcolm looked at Spencer, "They're reminders of patients that I've helped."

Spencer inwardly sighed, "Let me ask you something," said Spencer as he grabbed a toy, "What was the name of the girl you helped with this one?" asked Spencer as he placed a stuffed unicorn on the desk.

Dr. Malcolm stayed silent for a few seconds before answering, "Jenny Larson."

"Hmm. And this one?" asked Spencer as grabbed a stuffed dog off the shelf and placed it on the desk, "What was the name of the girl you helped with this one?" asked Spencer quickly.

Dr. Malcolm stayed silent for a few seconds again before answering, "Abigail Moore."

Spencer quickly grabbed another toy and placed it on the desk, "How about this one?" asked Spencer.

"Linda Krauss," said Dr. Malcolm.

Spencer felt rage burning through him as he tried to keep himself from grabbing his revolver and shoot Dr. Malcolm between the eyes or in the heart as he realized that Dr. Malcolm is a pedophile, "These girls are what, they're like 9- 9 or 12 years old, I'm assuming?" asked Spencer angrily as he thought about his second cousin Abigail being nine while his niece Savannah is almost nine-years-old.

"My Ph.D. is on the effect of trauma on prepubescent girls. I do not appreciate what you're implying," said Dr. Malcolm sternly.

Spencer gave Dr. Malcolm his version of a 'Hotchner glare' and a feral smile that scared both Hotch and Rossi a bit, "Oh, I'm not implying anything. I'm making an inference. An inference is an educated guess. And based on that, I form a hypothesis. For instance, my hypothesis here is that after you raped your daughter, you submitted her to electroshock treatment to make sure she stayed quiet," said Spencer angrily.

Dr. Malcolm looked at Hotch and Rossi to see if they were backing Spencer up as he glared at the 28-year-old agent, "This is outrageous."

Spencer shook his head, "And then, out of guilt, you bought her toys, more specifically, you bought her a line of dolls. Because that's what serial molesters do. They give gifts. So you continued the pattern with your other patients, And once they left your care, you added their toys to your collection," said Spencer as disgust laced through his voice.

Hotch and Rossi exchanged impress glances before they focused on Spencer again.

"I'm sorry, you can't back up your story, doctor," said Dr. Malcolm as he used sarcasm for Spencer's title.

Spencer gave a bitter chuckle that caused Hotch and Rossi to back up, "This is why I love my job, doctor," said Spencer sarcastically before he lowered his voice, "Because my lab, it's a jury of your peers. My tests will be Jenny Larson, Abigail Moore, and Linda Krauss," said Spencer as he sat down on Dr. Malcolm's desk and leaned forward to intimate Dr. Malcolm as he spoke with a quiet voice filled with anger, "The DA will put them on the stand, and I'm going to personally bring these dolls in, and we're going to watch how they react."

At that moment Hotch decided to intervene, "Or you could tell us where your daughter is and we'll tell the DA you cooperated. But once we walk out this door, that deal comes off the table," said Hotch as he nodded to the door.

After a few seconds later Spencer got off the desk and headed towards the door with his brother-in-law and Rossi. As soon as Spencer was out the doorway, Dr. Malcolm decided to speak.

"2529 Adams Street," said Dr. Malcolm.

Spencer stepped back into the room causing a scared Dr. Malcolm to look at him.

"You'll tell them, right? That I cooperated," said Dr. Malcolm.

Spencer tilted his head, "You want to know how I figured you out?" asked Spencer.

Dr. Malcolm nodded while Hotch and Rossi decided to listen with interest while Spencer walked towards Dr. Malcolm as he pointed at the shelf.

"Those toys. You take care of them," said Spencer as he rested his hands on the desk, "These ones you treasure. But you know what? The collection's not complete. Where are they?" asked Spencer.

Dr. Malcolm sighed as he got up and grabbed the suitcase that contained his daughter's dolls.

As soon as Spencer had the case, Hotch reached into his back pocket and grabbed his handcuffs and handcuffed Dr. Malcolm while Spencer looked at Dr. Malcolm, "You are under arrest for raping your daughter, Jenny Larson, Abigail Moore, Linda Krauss, and a bunch of other patients," said Spencer as he continued to read Dr. Malcolm the Miranda rights before he looked at Dr. Malcolm, "I hope you know that fathers like you make me sick," said Spencer before Rossi led Dr. Malcolm out of the office and handed him towards an officer and explained the situation.

Hotch looked at his brother-in-law, "Were you thinking about shooting Dr. Malcolm right between the eyes?" asked Hotch.

"I was a couple of times, but hopefully he'll get what he deserves in prison," said Spencer as he didn't realize that Dr. Malcolm would cause trouble for him and his family in a couple of years.

Later on that night, Spencer just finished putting Diana to bed while checking on Ariel and Caden in their nursery when he headed to the master bedroom where he found Clarissa standing by their bed while wearing lingerie he never saw before.

"I wish I was in that room with you, Aaron, and Dave so I could have watched you confront Mr. Malcolm. You are so sexy when you're angry towards men and women who hurt children," said Clarissa seductively as she pounced on her husband and pulled him into a hot and steamy kiss as she locked their bedroom door.

A second later Spencer was leading his wife of seven years to bed before he started to show his dominant and assertive side on his wife in bed.

A few days later Spencer and Diana approached Eric who was playing chess against himself. Spencer looked down and winked at Diana who was holding his hand tightly while studying the chessboard before he focused on Eric.

"Checkmate in 12," said Spencer.

Eric grinned at Spencer, "No way."

"Let my daddy show you so he can kick your ass," said Diana.

Spencer gave Diana a stern look while Eric laughed, "Diana Ethel Reid, please watch your language," said Spencer as he sat down at the table before Diana climbed onto his lap before he and Eric started to play aggressively while they gained an audience.

A/N: There will be more of Clarissa, Diana, Bridget, Evan, Ariel, and Caden in the next chapter.