Now that they had passed graduation, the closely bonded class of UA made it a point to have a reunion near major holidays. It was almost Christmas, and the group had decided on meeting the day before Christmas Eve. Shouto had been busy working at his father's hero agency, and was looking forward to the much-needed break surrounded by his … well, they were pretty much like family now. His attention was pulled away from his boring standard paperwork when his co-worker and now friend called his name.

"Oi… Aren't you close with Creati?"

His gaze shifted towards the doorway, looking at the shapeshifting hero peeking his head in.

"Yes… Why?" He hasn't seen her for a couple months, but he wouldn't say that it dampened their relationship at all. Occasionally he would find himself thinking back to what it was like being around her as his mind wandered during patrols or paperwork.

"You should marry her soon."

Todoroki blinked at him, confused. "What?"

"Have you seen this?" He entered the room, walking up to Shouto with a magazine in hand. His eyes were drawn immediately to the familiar onyx eyes on the front cover, staring back at him. It was the latest issue of the official Hero Magazine, sporting all the latest news and gossip about town favorites. Yaoyorozu was posed shyly but cutely on the glossy page, sporting a wintery look with her long raven hair streaming perfectly down a gingham button-up jacket. "She just got voted 'Most Beautiful Hero of Our Time'."

Quite honestly, it only surprised him for all of three seconds. He wasn't blind. Shouto knew his dear friend and comrade was absolutely gorgeous. During several instances where they found themselves working alongside each other to restore peace in a city, Todoroki caught himself dodging near-miss dangerous situations caused by a lack of attention from staring at his attractive team-mate.

"Marry?.." he questioned absentmindedly.

"Lots of people ship you two together, you know," he said, dropping the magazine on his desk before making his way back out of the room. Todoroki almost instinctively pushed it away, knowing it would be a threatening source of distraction from his work.

"Ship?" he frowned, confused by the terminology.

"Y'know, like, romantic relation'ship's?" he explained as he exited the doorway and got back to his own work, leaving Todoroki to his thoughts. Attempting to get back to work, he picked up his pen once more and stared at the daunting paragraph before him.

He knew about people gossiping about them being together, especially after public sightings with them standing next to each other. In the past he never paid much attention to it though, because he was way too focused on his hero studies. He never thought of himself in a romantic context, so he never investigated his deep-rooted feelings of respect and admiration for the intelligent and beautiful creation hero. His eyes wandered back to the magazine. There was no doubt in his mind that Yaoyorozu would make the perfect wife, and whoever marries her would be VERY lucky.

Shouto was listening contently to his goody-two-shoe ex-class president recounting his last adventure at his hero agency, complaining about a breach in protocol from one of his interning underlings. The girls at the other end of the table were having a conversation of their own, talking about their respective experiences and how much they had missed each other. The guys were less expressive towards the gushy feelings of the loneliness of separation, but nonetheless dealt with the same subtle feeling that something was missing. It was easy to see that every single one of them looked forward to days like these, despite the happiness of where each of them were currently. Approximately half the group had arrived so far. Todoroki's eyes wandered in unconscious anticipation for the raven haired hero that had been on his mind for a few days now.

"Yaomomo!" Her nickname was squealed happily at her entrance. His gaze immediately shot towards the door, landing on the familiar pretty face. She smiled once she found the group sitting at a long private table in the restaurant. Todoroki felt his chest ache at the sight of her, a little confused at the feeling but too happy to really care. Ashido waved for her to come on over, grinning widely.

A light brown haired figure emerged from the doorway as well. "Huh? Who's that," the words slipped from Ochaco's mouth immediately as she saw him. Todoroki felt his mood flip completely as he identified the figure to be a male, standing a little too close to Momo to be dubbed as an unrelated stranger. He watched in silence as Momo turned to face the young man, thanking him and bowing slightly before turning away and heading towards the table without him. The way he stared fondly after her did not go unnoticed by the icy-hot hero. Shouto continued to watch him as he left, then turning to see Momo arriving at the table and hugging her friends happiness. He instinctively stood up to greet her, finding it regrettable that he couldn't shake the odd feeling of bitterness. It was a rare feeling for him, only ever feeling distaste for a few people, such as his father or malicious villains.

"Todoroki-san," she greeted him sweetly smiling up at him, extending her hands for a hug as she came up to him.

"Yaoyorozu." Shouto met her half-way, leaning down slightly to comfortably wrap his arms around her. Encased in his larger frame, Momo blushed slightly as she embraced the famous hero she knew so well.