AN: The plot of this fic is loosely based on the plot of the movie 'Imagine Me And You'! If you haven't seen it, you should check it out! My fave! Anyways, here goes, hope you guys like it! Reviews and Faves are awesome!

Sasuke Uchiha really hated his job. Really. Well, okay, so not always. It wasn't entirely true that being a waiter made him want to gouge his eyes out, rip his tongue out, and force feed them to the next person who asked him to make sure their food was 'fresh' fresh. He mostly just hated the catering part and that was why he avoided it with as much fervour as anyone could avoid anything in their lives. Unfortunately, there was only so much avoidance his boss, Kakashi Hatake, could stand before threatening to fire him for insubordination (and how humiliating would that be? To be fired from a waiting job for not listening enough? Jeez).

Working in the actual restaurant to pay his tuition and living expenses was one thing. But whenever Kakashi got a request to cater an event, he always jumped at the chance to earn a few extra dollars (actually, Sasuke had no idea how many extra dollars). And he always, always wanted Sasuke along. Probably because Sasuke looked the part. It was always about the bottom line with him.

Living on Vancouver Island in Canada meant that there were a lot of people that craved their specific brand of Asian cuisine. Fresh, authentic Japanese food. Well, not that a lot of people got the authentic stuff. There was always an abundance of requests for ramen, or sushi, or noodle bowls. It was obnoxious. But it paid the bills. Catering a wedding, though? That was a new one for Sasuke. He was used to funerals and birthday parties. You know... people too cheap to put out for an extravaganza. Weddings, though, people usually went all out and spent a fortune on weddings. Sasuke thought it was unusual that someone would order a feast of their (pretty damn delicious) ramen for their wedding. And of course, given that it was a wedding, Sasuke was forced to don the penguin suit. The tuxedo that always made him feel like he was in costume. Hundreds of people had probably worn it before him, given that he'd bought it on UsedVictoria. Gross. He was actually wearing a pair of women's leggings and a sleeveless shirt under it just to be sure he wouldn't catch anything. He was currently walking around the venue pouring sake for the occasional guest (and damn, he'd assumed that it was mostly because of the white people fetishizing Japanese culture that they'd decided on Chidori as their catering company, but there were actually about three quarters of the guests at this particular wedding were Japanese. It relieved him a little, to know that no one had just wanted him there because of his ethnicity.).

He just wanted to quit so bad. But he was almost done with his teaching degree and then he'd finally be able to be an art teacher like he'd worked so hard for. He'd spent most of his life being groomed by his father and older brother to become a part of the family's computer company, but when he'd been sixteen he'd come out of the closet as gay (okay, so his father had caught him 'playing doctor' with their next door neighbour who had been absolutely male) his father had made no mistake of denying him a penny of the family fortune when he'd kicked him to the curb, letting him know just how disgusting and depraved he was for his 'lifestyle choices'. Like one day he'd just woken up and decided to be gay because that was a fun old time.

Even though business was all he'd ever known, Sasuke knew that if he built a business (even when he'd run literally as far away as he could get) in what he was familiar with, his father would've demolished it. Left him in ruins. Uchiha Corp. was one of the most prestigious companies in the entire world. Very international. So he'd wracked his brains trying to think of what kind of career he could have. He'd saved a lot of money in his earlier years, enough to get out of Japan. His mother had helped him a little, very tearfully, when he'd told her he needed to leave, but his father kept tabs on every penny of Uchiha money she spent. So even her finances were out of the question.

He'd decided to earn his equivalency and enroll in class at the University of Victoria. It was a well known school and, although it was very expensive to live in the city, it wasn't the most expensive school he'd looked into. Living on an island, although it wasn't his island, it was still an island with its mild temperatures and many different sorts of peoples.

Art. He'd loved art for so long. When he'd been back in Japan, his older brother used to take him to gardens to take photos or sketch. He'd even done a few different gallery showings. Although it had probably been more of his father's money than anything else that had gotten him into those shows. Still, it hadn't been too hard to choose a career in teaching art to elementary school students. He had always wanted a younger sibling, but that hadn't been in the cards (and he didn't blame his mother. She'd given his father an heir or two, so why bother ever fucking him again? Gross). Clearly he was unlikely to have any of his own the old fashioned way. So... what was wrong with borrowing other people's children and sharing in their wealth of happiness? He could use a little.

Being surrounded by happy, messy students would be a nicxe distraction from the fact that at the moment the only way he was living was by working full time and going to school part time, and bringing home scraps from the restaurant for dinner. And not having internet or cable in his studio apartment. He had to go to Starbucks to get any of his work done. Or to watch him some Netflix.

So regardless, it was with a forced smile and an even more forced positive attitude, that he would pour entitled, rich white people their sake and cut up their sushi. It surely wouldn't kill him. Right?

Sighing, he stepped away from the table he'd been serving and turned around to put the bottle he'd been holding down. It was then that something at the drink station caught his attention.

There was a blond guy (and he was tall, muscular, and had an ass for days) spinning the ladle around in the punch bowl like he was fishing. Sasuke didn't know whether to be annoyed or charmed by him as he anxiously looked around the room to see if anyone was watching him.

Their eyes met, and the blond dropped the ladle and immediately hid both hands behind his back. Sasuke felt a jolt of attraction rush through him and he licked his lips. The suit jacket the blond guy was wearing was a little tight across his broad shoulders, and stretched around his biceps. He also had the most piercing blue eyes Sasuke had ever seen. They were breathtaking. Not to mention that his lips, which were currently curved up into a guilty looking grin, were full and a deep pink. Sasuke had never seen such an exotically attractive guy before.

It was a shock. It felt like that in the moment that their eyes lingered on one another, taking each other in, they had built some kind of unspoken connection. Or at least that was how it felt to Sasuke.

Before he could help himself, Sasuke moved forward and his long, lithe legs had him reaching the blond in only a couple of seconds.

"You're not really supposed to be over here," he said in his silkiest voice.

"I'm allowed to be wherever I want," the blond replied in a slightly petulant voice. Like he didn't like being told what to do. That was okay. Sasuke definitely liked being told what to do. So it only took one of them.

"Oh, really? Are you the master of the universe?" He asked with a raised brow, lifting one hand to run in through his unruly hair.

The blond followed his movements, like he'd hoped, and the lips that had been turned up quirked down a little. Like he was confused. "No. I'm... more important than that, you could say. But on my way there."

Sasuke let out a soft laugh as he stepped forward as though to scoop out a cup of punch for the blond. What? It was his job.

Except... he didn't get far. When he moved closer to the punch bowl, the blue eyed marvel of a man stepped directly in his way. Eye twitching a little, this time in his own sense of annoyance, Sasuke put a hand on his hip. "Excuse me, but you're not the king of the universe yet. You should move your ass."

Snorting, the blond who was becoming less attractive as the moments ticked by, reached and clasped Sasuke on the shoulder. It was like he'd been struck by lightning. Every nerve in his body was on high alert. He felt warmth rush through him from shoulder to toe, and he kind of hated his body for reacting so easily. He wanted to close the distance between them and offer to take this guy upstairs. After all, weren't weddings the perfect place to pick up a one night stand?

Speaking of, even though Sasuke occasionally perused Grindr, he found that a reliable and actually-looking-like-your-profile-picture person were few and far between. It had been weeks since he'd last had a decent fuck. And this guy looked like he could do it real well. And maybe Sasuke could fuck some sense into him.

"I can't," the blond admitted guiltily. Sasuke felt his pulse quicken a little. Was he attracted to him back? Sasuke knew that he was good looking. Tall for a Japanese guy, but not freakishly tall, pale skin, dark eyes, long, muscular legs that would be perfect for wrapping around this guy's thick waist as he fucked into him? Yeah, he could see that. That would be a good way to end a shitty day.

"Look," he murmured, stepping closer so that their chests were nearly touching. The blond's face reddened slightly. Big blue eyes widened just a little and he tensed. "I know I look good in this tux," Sasuke said slowly, maintaining eye contact. "But we can't just fuck on this table while I'm on shift. My boss would shit his pants. So what do you say you let me serve the punch, and after the happy couple cuts the cake we can meet upstairs in your hotel room?"

Those eyes widened further and his cheeks flushed a deeper red. "That's not- I'm uh- it's not that you're not- I can't move because my wedding ring, the one I just got, fell off into the punch and I can't find it."

Sasuke's cheeks warmed and he took a step back. He felt humiliated, embarrassed, shook. So the blond hadn't been coming onto him? He'd just been trying to stop Sasuke from trying to find the ring in the punch? Dear God.

"I'm just screwing with you!" Sasuke said a little breathlessly, with a false laugh. "I saw you drop your ring. So I knew you were trying to hide."

The blond let out a relieved breath. "Oh, man, that's so mean. I thought you were really-"

Sasuke lifted a hand and stepped around the blond. "No worries! I'm just going to fish this ring out for you. My hands are probably cleaner than yours, judging by the look of you."

"Hey!" The blond exclaimed. "I'm plenty clean. I wash my hands every time I piss."

"Yes. Because that's how you can tell how clean a person is. If they wash their hands only when they've touched their own body's excrement."

"You know," the blond said, looking displeased. "I liked it better when you were pretending that you wanted to sleep with me."

Pretending. Right. Sasuke couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so disappointed over not sleeping with someone.

Sasuke rolled his eyes and unbuttoned his jacket, shrugging it off. The blond's eyes followed his every movement. Maybe he was married to a guy? Or a widower? Who knew, but he was definitely at least interested. That was... if he even realized what he was doing, and Sasuke wasn't sure he did. It looked all too natural to just be following his movements like it was no big deal.

Hanging his jacket on the table beside the punch bowl, Sasuke rolled up his sleeves and, with a withering look towards the blond man, reached into the punch bowl. His initial reaction was a gasp. Fuck. That was so cold. But he was used to cold water. After all, he'd gone a week and a half before he'd gotten a roommate to pay for half the cost of his apartment and had had no hot water. Worst.

"You're going to owe me big time," he muttered under his breath as he fished around, knuckles knocking against ice cubes, until he felt the warm(ish) metal of a ring. He closed his fingers around it and lifted it and his hand out of the bowl. Success!

"I'm assuming this is yours?" he asked with a quirk of the corner of one full lip upwards.

The blond just rubbed at a spot behind his own neck and nodded with a sheepish grin, reaching out his other hand to take the ring from Sasuke. "Yeah, thanks man! You saved my life!"

Sasuke shook his head but smiled a small, honest smile back. He couldn't help it. The blond's smiles were infectious and so far it felt like he was always smiling. That could get real annoying, real fast. And yet... it wasn't. Not yet, anyways.

"Hey, you know, since you never asked or anything... the name's Naruto. Naruto Uzumaki."

Ah, so the guy did have a name.

"All right, Naruto. My name's Sasuke. And you just made this job a whole lot more interesting."

Naruto raised one pale brow. "Job? Oh! I thought you might've been one of Hinata's guests! but I guess... not? So, what is your job here? Bathroom attendant?" And his blue eyes were shining with mirth, as though he knew just how annoying that would be.

But instead of being annoyed, Sasuke felt a little charmed. "No, I'm no one's guest. And be careful who you assume works in the washroom. I'm a caterer. Kind of."

Naruto tilted his head to the side a little, some of the hair he'd clearly tried to style, falling over his eye. "Kind of a caterer?"

"I'm more of a server. I work at Chidori's, but my boss likes to cater events... not like this, but kind of like this. Apparently they pay the big dollars."

A snort escaped Naruto. "If what her father said is true, you're right. But Chidori's has the best ramen in town!"

A sour expression coloured Sasuke's face, and he looked away to where the guests were getting up from their seats to begin their dancing part of the evening. That meant it was pretty much the end of the night for Sasuke.

"Oh. Yeah, you must really like ramen to pay twenty dollars a bowl." Sasuke murmured, reaching for a napkin to wipe his hand off on.

"Yeah, it reminds me of my godfather." Naruto said earnestly, grabbing the handkerchief from his breast pocket and handing it to Sasuke in what could only be construed as a gentlemanly thing. Chivalrous.

Sasuke took the handkerchief and wiped his wet hand dry with it before toying with it between his fingers. "So. How long have you had that ring for? And how in the hell did you lose it in my punch bowl?"

Cheeks that, now that Sasuke was really studying him, had the most unusual birthmarks he'd ever seen, flushed a soft pink and Naruto looked away. "Oh. Actually. Really not that long. Really, really not that long." It sounded suspicious to Sasuke's ears and he tilted his head a little. "I mean... maybe, okay, so it's brand new. And when I put it on, it felt all scratchy, so I took it off for a minute. And then I got surprised when they started playing the music- it was so loud!- and dropped it. At least it went somewhere findable."

He was babbling and for some reason the babbling mess of a strong looking, confident man made him want to see if he babbled tht much either in bed, or during the more exciting adventure of getting there. It was a curious picture. Oh, and losing your ring because it was making you itchy? Classic. Sasuke was willing to bet that it wasn't the first time the younger looking man had pretended to be taken in such a ridiculous way to lure some floozy waiter into bed at a wedding. Who knew, maybe he was one of those wedding crasher guys like in that movie. The idea kind of excited Sasuke. A good roll between the sheets was exactly what he needed.

"I see." He replied as evenly as he could. "Well, you know, you don't have to run the con with me." Naruto's eyes widened and he honestly had the gall to look confused. Sasuke couldn't believe that he was taking it so far. But a con man was a con man. And the longer he was with this guy, the more he figured he'd gotten him all made out.

"I'll go wherever you want me to," he drawled, reaching up to replace the handkerchief in the breast pocket of Naruto's suit, his fingers lingering just an extra moment or so on his strong and muscular chest. Ah, yes. That was what he needed. He already felt so warm.

Naruto's hand came up to gently grab at Sasuke's wrist and pull it away from his chest. "I think we're misunderstanding each other," came the firm, but quiet voice. "I'm definitely not trying to seduce you, and I mean, I'm not even gay. Wait, does this suit make me look gay?"

Sasuke opened his mouth to reply when out of nowhere a tall girl with long, long dark hair, and pale eyes stepped into their personal space. There was a small, shy smile tugging at the corner of her lips when she looked at him, and then a look of pure adoration when she turned her gaze to the blond. Me too, he thought. Yeah, girl, me too.

"Naruto! You're ignoring the guests," came the melodic voice as she tangled her pale fingers with the fingers of Naruto's large (oh man, his hands were so big), tanned hand. Sasuke's gaze fell down to his hand where he could see his ring and the girl's ring, which matched. Also, impossible to ignore, the princess cut wedding dress the beautiful girl was wearing, and if he weren't so gay... well. He couldn't blame Naruto. The girl was breathtaking.

"Sorry to keep him!" Sasuke apologized to her, inclining his head a little. She shook her head and reached out to offer him her free hand. That was when he realized that Naruto still had a grip on his wrist. He pulled it back quickly and took her hand gently. "Sasuke Uchiha, I'm just one of your caterers, miss- uh, ma'am."

She smiled softly and shook his hand. "Hinata," she said softly. He could tell she was a little on the shy side by how hard it was for her to meet his gaze. And the fact that she hadn't said a word about the fact that her husband- husband!- was holding his hand. This was about the average for Sasuke's luck.

"I didn't mean to keep him. I just came over to tell him that we were supposed to be serving the punch, not that he was meant to get it himself, but he was being too kind. Told me that no one should have to wait on him like royalty." Sasuke continued, looking away from Naruto who looked utterly flabbergasted.

"I- yeah," Naruto said with a shaken laugh. "That's what we were doing."

"Oh, Naruto," she said with a soft laugh, fingers coming up to adjust his boutenier a little. "Leave the help to the help."

Sasuke's eyes narrowed imperceptibly and he turned around. "Yeah, to the help," he agreed tightly. "I'm just going to finish packing this up."

"Come dance with me!" Hinata said to her husband, tugging on his hand gently. "i've been waiting for this for so long!"

Naruto nodded, but his gaze was boring a hole into Sasuke's head from the back. Sasuke could feel it like a hot laser. It made him feel a little uneasy.

"I'll see you around, I guess," Sasuke mumbled before picking up the sloshed punch bowl and hurrying away.

When he came around the corner, his boss was staring at him in that way that only he could. "Were you trying to pick up the groom?" Kakashi asked in something of a bored voice.

Sasuke brushed past him, feeling a little vulnerable, a little mad, and entirely humiliated. "I'm done for the night."

He stomped away maybe a little petulantly, and left the venue as quickly as he could without looking back. Damn. A married man. He knew that on some level, Naruto had found him attractive. And there had definitely been a spark there, between them. There was no denying that. Even his wife had to have known. Or noticed. Or… something. But she had been too blissfully happy to say anything. Probably just basking in the luck Sasuke had never had.

Well, he wasn't going to let that get him down. He was going to go home and get blitz drunk. Maybe let someone get a little lucky. Actually, to be realistic, he would probably go home, get drunk, and then have a good wank in the shower. Actually, that sounded good. Not as good as the idea he'd had to get fucked into the wall by Naruto, but a happy second place.

If he could only… well, get the mental image of those ring bearing hands out of his mind. It was a real boner killer.

He unlocked the door to his apartment and was glad to see that his roommate, Sakura, was out. Good. That would make things a whole hell of a lot simpler. He stripped down to his boxers, tempted to throw the tuxedo in the trash, but remembering that that would only mean he'd have to spend more money that he really didn't have on another one for the next time Kakashi decided to cater an event. So instead, he threw it in the very back of his closet and headed for the liqour cabinet. He pulled out the first thing he saw (which was a bottle of fruity schnapps. Definitely going to get him drunk, and definitely Sakura's.) and took a long swig of it. The sweetness clung to his lips and tongue in an unpleasant way, but he felt the slight discombobulation in his mind and knew it was going to work out just fine.

He took several more long pulls from the drink before awkwardly, and ungracefully, screwing the lid back on the nearly empty bottle and tossing it onto the couch. Once he was sure that it wasn't going to spill (too much he hoped that the lid was on, anyways), he stumbled into the washroom and pulled the door closed. Once he was alone, he closed his eyes for a second (the world was spinning viscously) before twisting the shower tap on and stepping into a blissfully hot spray of water. It took him a second, but he realized he was still wearing his boxers, and he cursed softly before pushing them down and kicking the sopping wet fabric out of the shower. He had no time for that

Once he was completely naked, he closed his eyes again and brushed his fingers against his nipples gently, until he'd teased them to a full hardness and pinched them just lightly. He'd always liked just a little roughness. Which he believed firmly that Naruto would've been able to give him. Naruto. Oh, fuck. As he leaned heavily against the wall of the shower, he could easily- so, so easily- imagine that it was the blond who was teasing a trail down his pale chest to tease fingers through the small patch of hair at the base of his cock before taking the base in a easy grip and giving a slight squeeze. He wasn't totally hard, but he could feel himself getting harder the more he imagined Naruto pushing him against the wall, those plush lips covering his. Teeth and tongue, the fight for dominance that he'd never gotten from his kisses with women filling his mind with the imagined sounds of hot breath and soft groans. Instead of hot water sliding down against his sensitive skin, there would be a hot tongue. Teasing and nipping and sucking its way down his neck, chest, and even lower if Sasuke pleaded enough. A hot mouth wrapped around his cock, and it was enough to have Sasuke all the way hard, his hand moving in a quicker pace over the length of it.

"F-fuck…!" Sasuke panted as he stroked himself more tightly over his cock as he pictured that messy, blond head bobbing on his cock, tongue teasing his slit as precome oozed from him in slick beads. He was so close. He wondered if Naruto would pull back and let him come on his chest, or if he'd swallow.

He was so close now, his nail caught just a fraction against his slit, and his hips bucked forward and he came apart, come nearly exploding from between his fingers as he sunk down against the cool tile of the shower floor.

Had he really just come that hard without more than a fantasy? He couldn't even remember the last time he'd resorted to a fantasy. It was never hard for him to find someone who was interested in a quick roll between the sheets without anything more than a passing wave. Without all that gooey feelings bullshit. Sasuke didn't have time for that.

What was he going to do about this apparent fascination with Naruto? The married man he'd only just met but couldn't shake out of his mind? Well, hopefully he'd never see him again. Hopefully. But then again… Sasuke wasn't the lucky sort. Or the hoping sort..