A/N: Hey guys! As much as I hate to say this, this is the last chapter of Sometimes Heroes Need Saving Too! There is an epilogue at the end of it.

I have truly enjoyed writing this story, and all of your reviews have been amazing!

Let me know if you liked the ending and if you think I should write more stories! Thank you guys so much!

Chapter 9:

Wordy walked out in the hall and called Shelley while they were waiting for the nurse to come and take them to Sam. It was a little before 3 in the morning, so he knew he was probably going to wake her, but he had to call her.

"Hello?" She sounded wide awake.

"Hey, baby. I didn't wake you?"

"No. Allie had a nightmare about an hour ago, and woke up crying for Sam. She's been asking and crying for him ever since." Shelley said, emotion strong in her voice.

Wordy couldn't keep the sadness from creeping in to his voice, "Shelley, I'm so sorry, you should've called me before now."

"We're okay, Kevin. I was thinking about bringing Allie by to see him later today if that's okay?" It was that moment he realized he never told Shelley how bad Sam's injuries were. Even though he didn't know for sure, but he hadn't even told her how bad they looked at the warehouse.

Wordy couldn't stop the tears beginning to fall from his eyes. "Oh, Shelley..."

She heard the emotion in his voice, "Kevin? What's wrong?"

"The doctor just finished operating, and came in and told us the extent of Sam's injuries. It's bad, Shel. They don't expect him to make it through the night. The nurse is coming soon to take us to say our goodbyes."

Shelley was crying now too, "Kevin, I am so sorry. Me and Allie are coming up there, we'll be there in 10 minutes. Lily is still at her friend's house, and Holly is with Sophie, so don't worry about them."

Wordy knew he couldn't talk her out of it, and he really wanted to see her anyways, so he said, "Okay, Shel. Drive safely, I'll see you soon. I love you."

"I love you too, Kevin."

He hung up and slid down the wall to a sitting position, head in his hands, finally registering what was happening. A nurse was coming to get his team, to take them to say goodbye to their teammate. A man who had become part of Wordy's family. His girls loved "Uncle Sam", especially Allie. He didn't know how he was going to tell her that Uncle Sam might not get better. He didn't even know how he was going to tell her that he was hurt. She didn't know anything about what had happened after Sam hid her. She had only spoken to ask for Sam after Wordy found her in the woods.

10 minutes later, Shelley, with Allie in her arms, was led towards the private waiting room by a nurse, and she found Wordy against the wall outside the door, exactly like he was when he got off the phone with her. She gently patted his shoulder, "Kevin?" He looked up at her, quickly wiping the tears from his eyes, and stood, giving her a huge hug. He took Allie from her, and led her into the room with the rest of Team One. They all exchanged hellos and hugs with Shelley and Allie.

Allie didn't say anything to any of them, except Wordy when she asked, "daddy, where is Uncle Sam?"

He looked around at the sullen faces of his teammates, and chose his words carefully. "Allie, Uncle Sam got hurt really bad—"

She interrupted, "after he hid me in the woods?"

"Yes, Allie, after he hid you—"

"Uncle Sam told me to be quiet. I was a good girl and stayed quiet, but Uncle Sam didn't come back. I got scared when the bad men started running by where I was hiding, but then I remembered Uncle Sam needed me to be brave, so I stayed hiding and quiet."

"What do you mean the bad men started running by?"

"After Uncle Sam hid me I heard him start running away, and then I heard loud footsteps running by me and the bad men yelling." Wordy looked around at his teammates. Now they really knew what happened. Sam hid Allie, and then he must've heard Mitchell's men coming to find them so he ran, and sacrificed himself so Allie would stay safe. All of Team One has a look of admiration on their faces for Sam. He was truly a hero.

"Where is he, daddy? I want Uncle Sam!"

Wordy looked at Shelley for strength to be able to tell her what he needed to say next. Shelley didn't even make him say it. Instead she said, "Allie, me and daddy will take you to see Uncle Sam, but he is asleep right now, and we don't know if he's going to wake up. Do you understand that honey?"

Allie thought for a few moments and then her bottom lip started to quiver. "That means Uncle Sam can't come over anymore?"

Everyone in the room's heart broke at that statement, and Spike turned and ran out the door, sobbing. Greg went after him.

Wordy told Allie, "yes sweetie, that means Sam couldn't come over anymore. We don't know if that's going to happen yet, but we're going to go see him for a few minutes and I bet he would love for you to talk to him. He won't answer you but he'll hear you." Allie nodded. "Uncle Sam doesn't look good, he's going to have tubes and wires everywhere, and he has bruises in some places, but can you be brave for us again?"

Allie's face turned into a look of determination as she nodded her head. Man, she's such a trooper, Wordy thought.

Just then Greg and Spike walked into the room followed by a nurse. "I will take you to see Constable Braddock—"

Ed interrupted, "just Sam, please."

"Absolutely. I'll take you to see Sam now."

The team had decided that Jules and Leah would go first, then Greg and Ed, then Wordy and Shelley with Allie, and Spike insisted on going last and by himself.

The first two groups went and talked to Sam for a few minutes, telling him to fight and come back to them and how much the needed him and loved him.

Wordy and Shelley walked into Sam's room with Allie, and Shelley's breath caught in her throat at the sight of Sam. He looked so vulnerable and helpless laying motionless in the hospital bed, tubes and wires all over the place. A tear slipped from her eye, but she wanted to keep her composure to be strong of Allie. Wordy asked Allie, "are you ready sweetie?" She nodded her head and he walked her over to the bed. She wriggled in his arms to get down, so we scooted the chair that was beside the bed, right next to it, and set her down in it.

She stood on the chair and looked at Sam. "Uncle Sam, I hope you get better. I want you to read me my bedtime story." She started to cry, and Wordy and Shelley we're having a hard time keeping their own emotions in check. "We were supposed to go camping this year. I was finally going to get to go with you. So you need to get better so we can go. I love you, Uncle Sam." She leaned down carefully and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Wordy picked her up out of the chair and let Shelley say goodbye to Sam. Then Shelley took Allie out in the hall with the rest of the Team, so Wordy could talk to Sam alone.

Wordy looked down at Sam in the bed and spoke softly, "hey Sam. I need you to fight and come back to us. You're like a son to me and my girls love you. They will be heartbroken, so you have to make it through this Sam. But to do that you have to want it. I need you to want to come back to us. We will be here for you through recovery and everything, and when you get better your spot on the team will still be there. I better see you soon, Sam." He held Sam's hand for another minute before he left to let Spike come in.

When he got out the door and Spike went in, Ed said, "we're all going to get a few hours of sleep, there's nothing else we can do here. We're going to meet back here at some point tomorrow. Holleran gave us the week off, so we can take care of Sam and each other." Wordy nodded and everyone turned to go.

"What about Spike?" He asked.

"We convinced the doctor to let Spike sit with Sam tonight, for Spike's sake more than Sam's. He needs some time with him."

Wordy understood and took Shelley and Allie home, to hopefully get a little bit of sleep.


Spike walked into Sam's room and sat on the chair beside the bed. He reached up and grabbed Sam's hand. "Hey buddy. You need to stay with me, I'll always be here to help you through anything you need. You and I are always brothers, and brothers stick beside each other. You need to fight through this so we can get you back in the team. We all miss you and it hasn't even been a day. The annual SRU barbecue in a couple weeks. And the annual camping trip in a few months, Allie was finally going to get to go this year. You have a lot left to fight for Sam. And we'll fight for you too." Spike continued talking to Sam, until he fell asleep still clutching Sam's hand, needing that contact to know Sam was still fighting.


(6 weeks later)

Days and weeks went by and Sam continued to fight. They had taken him off of the ventilator and weened him off of the sedation drugs. Now they were waiting for him to wake up from what the doctor called a "self-induced coma" because he was no longer on the medicine to keep him in a coma.

The team had gone back to work, but everyday they would rotate sitting with Sam after shift, and all night. Shelley and Sophie stopped by most days while the team was at work, Shelley brought Allie, and even Holly and Lily sometimes.

On day 43, the team was off shift and all decided to stop by and see Sam together, Shelley and Wordy brought Allie too. They were all standing around his room talking and joking with each other. Allie was standing on the chair next to Sam talking to him, telling him about what she was learning at school and her friends.

Shelley told Allie, "Allie, honey. It's time for me and you to go, we have to pick up your sisters from Auntie Sophie's house. Kevin we'll see you later."

"Okay, baby. I love you."

"I love you too."

Allie was finishing up with Sam, "I'll come back and see you later, Uncle Sam. I love you."

Shelley picked her up and was walking out the door when they all heard a hoarse whisper, "I love you more."



(1 month later)

Sam had finally woken up, almost completely healed of all of his injuries. Everything except his ankle was healed. He started going to physical therapy to regain his strength, and seeing the SRUs psychiatrist to work through emotions that were brought forward with everything that happened that day. The doctor had just cleared him for light duty for two weeks, and then he could start working full time again. The team was thrilled that Sam overcame his injuries and blew the doctors away with how fast he was able to recover and go back to work. But today was fun celebratory day. They were celebrating Sam coming back to work, combined with the annual SRU BBQ that they pushed back until Sam was well enough to come.

Sam arrived at the park and headed straight for the pavilion, where his teammates and other teams and their families were. Everyone cheered when they saw him and Allie ran and jumped in his arms. His team crowded around him and were congratulating him on being able to come back to work.

Sam was grinning from ear to ear. It felt so great to be with his family, the people he loved and cared about. It was where he truly belonged.

So, that's it! Let me know if you liked it and if you want more stories from me!

Also, if you have any ideas of stories that you want me to try and write just let me know and I could try! Thanks! :D