Serpent in the Snow

By Spunky0ne

(After being badly injured while fighting off the last desperate quincy fighters, Toshiro collapses and wakes to find himself blind, and in the company of a mysterious man, who cannot speak. He escapes after a short imprisonment, but soon realizes that the man who saved him was someone who shouldn't even be alive…yaoi, mpreg…Gin/Toshiro, Byakuya/Tetsuya, Urahara/Ichigo)


Chapter 1: In the Aftermath

Hitsugaya Toshiro knew very well that the scene in front of his eyes was not real as he wandered aimlessly through an odd, darkened forest, listening to the eerie hiss of wind through the skeletal branches and the swish of leaves being scattered about. He shivered as the icy breeze cut easily through his too light clothing, but felt relief that, considering his power type, the cold, though uncomfortable, would not actually hurt him.

Or could it? he wondered with growing apprehension, I am dreaming, after all. I wonder if I am still alive. I was back in the Seireitei, searching the ruins of Muken for escaped prisoners, when a group of rogue quincies attacked suddenly. They knew exactly how and when to enter from the shadows, so that I had no time to react. I collapsed with my sword still sheathed, it was so fast. They fled at the sound of approaching forces. I felt myself being lifted and I might have groaned because it hurt.

But whoever rescued me didn't make a sound.

Where am I now? Am I alive or dead? I don't even know. If I can think, I'll hope I'm still alive. But, I have to wake up. I have to get out of here!

He looked around at the dead trees, listening carefully. A little shiver went through him as he sensed the close presence of something that seemed horrendously evil. He was reminded, then, of a crazy old man who had used to come through the Rukongai district where he grew up, muttering warnings of terrifying monsters, worse than hollows, who would eat the souls of all it found. In a place like this dream he inhabited, such a thing seemed frighteningly possible. His feet came to a sudden stop as a thought occurred to him.

I can try to enter my inner world! Maybe, if I can do that, I can break out of this dream. If not, I don't know what else I can do.

He found a little clearing and drew his sword. Then, he sat down, cross-legged and balance the sword on its tip in front of him.

"Hyorinmaru," he breathed softly, reaching out with his senses.

He felt a tiny flicker of the icy spirit's reiatsu, but it faded quickly. In front of him, his sword glimmered strangely for a moment, then inexplicably, it began to fade away.

"Hyorinmaru!" he cried, leaping to his feet.

He reached out, grabbing at the hilt of the sword, only to watch his hand pass through as the sword slowly disappeared. Toshiro looked around frantically, looking for somewhere, anywhere that the dream scene might be weak.

But all he could see was dead forest. All he could smell was rotting foliage and mud. The chill wind sliced through him, making his slim body shake all over and his chattering teeth clenched as small, tight breaths escaped him.

"What is this place?" he yelled, "Let me out of here! I need to get out!"

Out of the corner of an eye, he saw a flash of bright silver. With nothing else to do, he broke into a run, shouting at whatever the light was around.

"Hey! HEY, STOP! I need help!"

He skidded to a stop as blackness crashed down all around him, making the freakish trees he had been running through disappear. The ground fell away under his feet and Toshiro screamed as his body fell for what seemed like a horribly long time. At some point, it seemed that the blackness opened like a mouth and swallowed him whole. He lost consciousness, waking later, unsure how long he had been out.

The first thing he felt was that his head was throbbing painfully and he was shivering uncontrollably. His body seemed to be firmly wrapped, so that he should have been warm, but he only felt damp and cold. He sensed that someone was sitting beside him and tried to open his eyes, but all he could see was a milky greyness with a shadowy mass where the person was.

"I can't see!" he gasped, trying to sit up.

Strong hands pushed him back down.

"N-no! Let me up!" he objected, trying to sit up again, "Who are you? Where am I? Where have you taken me? Why can't I see?"

He heard breath escaping the person beside him, then a barely understandable hissed word.

"H-hurt. Fever."

"I'm sick?" Toshiro managed shakily.

"Who…who are you? Please, tell me."

The person with him seemed to gather himself and forced out another word.


The man dissolved into a fit of hard coughs and disappeared from his side for several minutes before returning to him and sitting down again. He helped the injured taicho into a seated position and brought a cup of hot tea to his lips.

"Mmmm, thank you," Toshiro panted gratefully, "Thank you, Yuki."

His rescuer gently patted his hand.

"S-so, you can't talk?" he asked, "Just tap the back of my hand to answer. One for yes and two for no."

There was a pause, and then he felt one light tap.

"Was it an injury?" he asked.

The person tapped once.

"I know someone who may be able to help you," Toshiro offered, "I just need to get to the first division. Are we in the Seireitei?"

The person tapped the back of his hand twice.

"Where are we?" he whispered, "Are we in Soul Society?"

The person tapped once.

Toshiro stiffened as a thought came to him.

I just need to send a hell butterfly.

He extended a hand, willing the creature to manifest, but he felt no power at all flowing through him.

My powers aren't working at all?

"Yuki," he said urgently, "I need you to get a message to the Seireitei…"

"Can't," Yuki croaked, "walk."

There was a long pause before he finished.


"I need to get back," Toshiro insisted, "I need a healer…to find my friends. My comrades. I don't know how I got here! Did you bring me here?"

Yuki tapped twice.

"Hollow," he croaked.

He erupted into a fit of coughs and left the room again.

What can I do? Toshiro wondered, I can't see to go anywhere. I have no powers.

Noting that he was alone, he sat up slowly, extending a hand to make sure that he didn't bump into anything. He moved to the edge of the bed and very slowly tried to rise, only to feel unbearable pain in his back and legs that made him howl in agony and fall back on the bed. Yuki was at his side instantly, his warm hands infusing the white-haired taicho with healing power.

"You have some healing power," he noted, "Thank you, Yuki. But I need more healing. Can you help me get back to the Seireitei? I need to go home!"

Yuki paused for a moment, then tapped twice on the back of his hand.

"Yuki, please!"

"Can't!" the other man hissed, "Kill!"

Toshiro stiffened.

"Someone is trying to kill you?"

Yuki tapped once.

Toshiro sighed and relaxed against the pillows.

"Have you been hiding from this person for a long time?" he asked.

Yuki tapped once.

"I can help you," Toshiro suggested, "but I need you to help me. I have to get back to the Seireitei."

He wasn't sure how he felt it, but he sensed the shiver that went through the other man. He took Toshiro's hand and brought it to his heart, then tapped once gently on the back.

"Are you…promising to take me back? When it's safe?" he asked, "When I'm well enough?"

Yuki tapped once.

Toshiro nodded.

"Okay, I'll cooperate with you. I won't try to leave until I'm well enough. Even if not for my back and legs, I can't see anyway. I'd just…get lost…hurt. But you promise to take me back?"

Yuki tapped once, then patted his face gently.

"Okay," Toshiro said, settling against the pillows, "Okay. I can wait a little, I guess. At least, when my powers start to come back, I can call for help or something. Thank you for taking care of me, Yuki."

Yuki's warm hand squeezed his in reply. He left the room briefly and returned a few minutes later with a large bowl of something hot that smelled savory.

"Soup?" Toshiro inquired.

The man brought a spoonful to his mouth and Toshiro groaned with delight at the delicious taste of salty meat, freshly cooked vegetables and a thick gravy.

"Oh, that is good!" Toshiro managed while gulping down several mouthfuls, "I thought my grandma made good stew, but this is amazing."

The other man made a sound of amusement.

"Sick," he hissed.

"It's not just because I'm sick," Toshiro chuckled, smiling around another mouthful, "You're a great cook, Yuki. What're you doing all alone out here? Wherever we are."


Toshiro felt a twinge of sympathy.

"Right," he answered, "someone is after you."

He could feel the man's eyes on him, but Yuki gave no answer. He just continued to offer Toshiro bite after bite of the delicious stew, until his belly felt ready to burst and he was overtaken with sleepy yawns. He sank down into a more restful sleep, dimly aware of Yuki entering the room several times to wash his face and chest and to offer him more tea. He lost track of time, burrowing under the covers and sleeping deeply.

I don't know what made the awful dreams I was having go away, he mused when he woke again, The war was a horrible, terrible thing. I don't think I'll ever forget how it felt when that quincy girl made Rangiku and me into zombies, and I didn't know if we would ever be able to change back. I took more damage than I ever have in battle. I did complete my bankai, but the tradeoff of using it was that I had to assume this grown up body forever. I don't know how to feel about that.

But…maybe it's time to grow up.

Nothing is like it used to be.

Even though the quincies have been defeated, everything is in ruins.

He heard a little whimper, then felt Yuki's damp washcloth wiping tears from his face.

I am in a grown up body…but I can't stop crying.

He felt Yuki's warm fingers running through the wild spikes of his hair.

"S-sorry," Yuki hissed, "Sorry."

"It's not your fault," Toshiro sighed, It's just that the war with the quincies was…"

He couldn't find the right word, so he left the comment hanging. Yuki's hands caressed his face and he leaned forward touching his lips to the young taicho's forehead.

"Evil," he hissed, squeezing Toshiro's hands, "Sorry."

"It's okay," Toshiro assured him, "I'll be okay."

Yuki's hands released his, and the other man started to stand.

"Where are you going?" Toshiro asked, "I sense we're in a small cabin. Is…this the only bed?"

Yuki hesitated, then tapped once.

"Well, if I'm going to be here awhile, getting well, I don't want you to have to sleep somewhere uncomfortable. The bed is pretty big. We could share."

Yuki made a little sound of surprise and stood still for a time. After a few moments of thought, he walked around to the far side of the bed and slid in.

"Not that I usually mind being alone," Toshiro said quietly as the two laid side-by-side, "But without my eyes and not being able to walk, I feel a little…anxious."

Yuki's hand squeezed his under the blanket. Even without words, Toshiro felt the intent.

You are safe with me.

He wanted to scoff at the idea that either one of them was able to protect himself or anyone else, but far away from the Seireitei, lost to everyone and too hurt to get back, he found that he and Yuki only really had each other.

It's only for awhile, while I'm healing. As soon as I can walk, I can convince Yuki to take me to whatever town is closest. There will be someone in the town who can help me to make contact with the Gotei 13. I'll be home in no time.

His mind went, then, to the man who had saved him.

I could take him to Karkura Town with me. I am sure that whatever is wrong with him, Inoue Orihime can heal. Yeah, I'll help him get healing. It's the right thing to do, considering he took me in like he did. Not everyone would do that. He helped me. I want to help him.

He drifted towards sleep, snug under the blankets, with whispers of additional warmth coming from the other side of the bed. And although he would have thought one like Yuki might not be prone to such good hygiene, his rescuer radiated with a pleasant, masculine scent that had an edge of familiarity.

I wonder where we might have crossed paths before, Toshiro wondered, His scent…and before, his reiatsu…both had that same little bit of familiarity. I wonder why.

He fell asleep, still wondering. Yuki waited until he was sure that Toshiro slept, then he sat up slowly and extended a hand, touching the white-haired taicho's face and sending a flicker of power to make sure he didn't wake.

It's good seeing you again, Toshiro, he mused, studying the other man closely, You look different, I gather, because of the stress of the war that made you have to grow stronger. I wondered what you'd look like if you ever let yourself grow up. I had no idea how entrancing you'd be.

I'll just say I'm sorry now for blinding you. It won't be forever. I just…was surprised when I found you in all of that wreckage. I might have only looked and left you, but I felt Aizen moving in our direction and I knew better than to let him see me. I knew better than to let myself be seen at all.

I can't ever go back, I suppose, but we have a little time while your injuries heal. It's good not to be alone…not to be afraid to close my eyes. It doesn't matter who it is who finds me. The Gotei, Aizen…anyone who would know me. I would be taken back to Muken…that black place, where I was hidden and tortured, and nobody even knew I was still alive. No trial. No justice. Not even the peace of dying. They couldn't hurt Aizen, so they hurt me. They would have eventually killed me.

I can never go back.


But the woods here are quiet and I have everything I need. When you're gone, I'll just go back to counting the rest of the days I live…alone, but at least I'll be free. And I'll have this to look back on when you're gone,


My little white dragon…

What would you say if I told you that you were the hardest one to betray, to leave behind? But someone had to stop Aizen. Back then, I thought I could. I failed, and for a long time, I paid the price in Muken with what the jailors did to my body, to my mind. I will die, rather than to go back. That's why I have to blind your eyes and make sure you can't see me.

I'm not looking forward to saying goodbye to you, Toshiro.