My Hero Academia: The Manimal Part One
(This first chapter, the relationship between Momo and Izuku will begin. First friendship with a bit of attraction towards each other.)
From the start, Izuku believed he did not have a Quirk. Even the Doctors had informed him and his Mother that he did not have a Quirk. They were wrong. One day at age 10 while in the Entrance Way of the Apartment Building, Misses Hinjo's Cat from 5-B was loose. So being a good Neighbor, Izuku picked up the Cat and he felt a strange tingling sensation as he touched the Cat. After returning it, Izuku concentrated on the strange feelings and within an instant he changed into an exact duplicate of Misses Hinjo's Cat. Thus he learned that he did have a Quirk a very weird one. In his mind an unimpressive one.
Now five years later, Izuku sat in his usual place within the nearby Park. He had located the spot under a large Oak Tree years ago and found the solitude to help clear his mind. Today it was not working. An Hour ago, Kacchan had stated the obvious. That Deku's quirk was worthless. "So what! You can turn into any animal! What are you going to do if you become a Hero, turn into a dog and piss on a Criminal's leg?" Kacchan had said with a huge grin on his face and his two cronies laughed at the comment. Then the three left and Izuku felt devastated. He had touched several different animals over the last five years and he had to admit. Kacchan had a point. The worst part was that when he did turn into an animal, his clothes did not change with him. That meant he had to be naked. Oh he could change from one animal to another. But still what type of Hero could he be. Tears stung his eyes as he placed his hands over his face. Since he had seen All Might on TV he had wanted to be a Hero. Now that dream was nothing but a fantasy. "Worthless utterly worthless." Izuku muttered sadly.
Discovering True Power:
Stepping out of the Scientific Research Library, Momo Yaoyorozu held several check-out borrowed books. Glancing at her watch, she smiled. She had asked the Chauffeur to return in five hours and she still had three more to go. So she headed to her favorite spot within the Park, which was just across the way. It was a Large Oak tree on top of a small hill. There she could sit and study without some idiot propositioning her. Inside the Library or at the Picnic Tables in the Park, boys and young men would approach and ask her out almost constantly. She knew why and it was not because of her interest in Science. No it was because of her well endowed chest and her striking body to go with the two main reasons for their interest. Holding the Books against her chest, she headed towards the secluded spot. Only a few knew of the spot under the tree and when Momo came within a few feet of the trunk of the tree. She saw one of those that did. She had seen the Green Haired Boy before and usually she just sat on the opposite side and they would ignore each other. It was sort of the code or rule of the Spot. Sitting on the opposite side of where the boy was, she opened her first book. Determined to finish enough of her research to be ready to attend UA in almost a month. Then she heard a sad muttering. "Worthless utterly worthless." She could also hear sobbing. "That is just what I am." The boys voice said mournfully. It broke her heart, so she stood and moved around the tree to see the Green Haired boy sobbing.
"Are you alright?" Momo asked and the boy jumped slightly. Taking his hands away from his eyes and stared up at her. He blinked then rubbed his eyes. Unsure what he saw was real. For what he saw was the most strikingly beautiful girl he had ever seen. "I did not mean to startle you, I just heard you and I thought maybe I can help somehow." She said. Finally blinking, he inhaled sharply.
"I am okay." Izuku stuttered as he exhaled a ragged breath. Momo shook her head. She could tell he was not okay. There was something drastically wrong.
"My name is Momo Yaoyorozu." She said holding out her hand, trying a different approach. "I have seen you here before. Usually I keep to the unspoken rule of not disturbing those here but you sounded upset." Momo added and Izuku nodded.
"Yes I have seen you here too, I am Izuku Midoriya and it is really nothing." Izuku stated and Momo knew that was untrue. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and waited. Smiling down at him. "Like I said it is not really anything. It is just my Quirk is worthless, so I cannot become a Hero like All Might." He finally said and she could almost relate. Others had told her that her Quirk would not be that useful as a Hero. But she was determined to prove them all wrong. Especially since she got a Recommendation to UA.
"What is your Quirk? Mine is Creation. I can create anything if I know the operational or molecular structure of an item." Momo informed him and he seemed to be impressed then he frowned.
"All I can do is change into any Animal that I have touched. Even ones that I touched years ago." Izuku told her and her eyes widened. Then she smiled broadly.
"Who said that your Quirk is worthless? That seems like a very wonderful ability to have." Momo stated now curious. "Show me please." This actually made Izuku smile slightly, then he nodded. Before her eyes, he changed into a small black and white cat and it slipped out of his clothes that were now pilled on the ground. It stared up at her with the same green eyes that Izuku has.
"Yyyouu ssseee nottt rrrealllyy iimmpresssive." Izuku said in a meowing voice that was just understandable. Momo clapped her hands together.
"So you can talk even as a cat. That is impressive." Momo told him as the cat purred and she giggled. Putting her hand over her mouth to stop from laughing to loudly. Not wanting to hurt his feelings. Finding that she was beginning to really like him, he was just the type of boy she had been looking for. "Can you change into anything else then a cute little kitty cat?" Next he changed into a Golden Retriever, then a Canary and finally a large Saint Bernard Dog. All normal animals. But each time she noticed that the animals all had the same emerald green eyes. "Wow. So it is any animal you have touched." When he barked growled yes, she shook her head. "Can you go back to being normal." He nodded then looked at his clothes.
"Coulld yyyou turrrn arrround. Rrrright Nnnow I amm naked." Izuku said in a barking growling voice and Momo felt her cheeks begin to warm. Turning around she heard a rustle of clothes being put on and then he tapped her on her shoulder. "Okay I am decent now. That is one of the drawbacks, my clothes do not stay on when I turn into an animal." Momo shook her head and smiled.
"I am sorry but I think that your Quirk is wonderful and whoever told you that you could not use it to be a Hero is an idiot." Momo told him, then a thought came to her. "Say is it any animal that you touch? Maybe one that is extinct?" She asked and he shrugged.
"I do not know." Izuku replied and Momo took his hand, leading him down the small hill. Below waiting was her Chauffeur Driven Car.
"Let's go see." Momo said, finding it interesting that she liked holding his hand. He was not like any of the other boys she had met. For one he did not gawk at her and attempt to flatter her. No he was...well he was different and she found she liked that he was different. "Chinji take us to the Central Natural Museum." She ordered the Chauffeur as she basically pushed Izuku into the back seat. Not releasing his hand as she climbed in after him. He was in utter shock, first when she just grabbed his hand and dragged him quickly down the hill and then as she continued to hold his hand as the luxury car drove off. He was in so much shock he could barely speak. To question her about her being driven around by a Chauffeur and why they were going to a Museum. "I have an idea and the best way to see if it works is to experiment." She informed him as the Car pulled up in front of the large building. Getting out, she still held his hand. But now she had intertwined her fingers into his. Izuku's heart was pounding hard in his chest and he felt like he was about to faint. If Kacchan was around, the other boy would demean and belittle him in hopes of impressing Momo. It was how Kacchan was, especially since Momo was extremely beautiful. Entering the Museum, she led him towards the Prehistoric Exhibits. He know understood.
"Wait, I am not sure about this. I do not think it would even work." Izuku said as they stopped in front of the Petrified Bones of a Dinosaur. The sign before it said it was Velociraptor mongoliensis. He read what was also on the sign. Velociraptor is a genus of dromaeosaurid theropod dinosaur that lived approximately 75 to 71 million years ago during the latter part of the Cretaceous Period. Izuku inhaled and looked over at Momo.
"Try it, what have you got to lose." Momo said gesturing towards the seven foot skeleton of the Dinosaur. With some reluctance, Izuku stepped closer and reached over the barrier ropes. Touching the bones, lightly and tentatively. Then immediately moved back from the exhibit. She released his hand regretfully. "Okay see if you can change into it." She suggested and with an audible exhale. He focused on changing and then with the sound of ripping cloth he found he had changed into a Velociraptor. Momo swallowed and stared at him with wide fearful eyes. The Vicious Dinosaur was molted green and brown, with large menacing sharp teeth and had all the characteristics and appearance of an actual Velociraptor that she had seen in the Jurassic Park Movies. "Izuku." She said her voice filled with worry that he was not him anymore.
"Well it worked." Izuku hissed and Momo swallowed visibly. "I guessss I ssshould change back." He hissed and Momo nodded quickly. "Problem I amm now naked." Momo smiled and looked about. Making sure no one saw her, stepping behind a column and blocking herself from Izuku. She raised up her shirt and created a pair of Blue Knee High Shorts and a Red T-Shirt. Then a pair of saddles. Coming back and then put them behind one of the Information Desks. Nodding more like bobbing his Saurian head, Izuku stepped behind the Desk and reverted back to human. Putting on the clothes. Then winced. "You forgot the underwear." He commented with a small smile and Momo chuckled.
"Sorry, but the only underwear I know how to create is girls panties. I do not suppose you want to wear a thong?" Momo asked smiling broadly and Izuku gave a short chuckle.
"No thanks, I rather go commando." Izuku replied and Momo retook his hand, interlacing her fingers into his. "Uhm Momo, you do not have to hold my hand. I am not going to wander off." He said his voice low.
"I know, I just like holding it." Momo said with a wry smile, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. Which sent a surge of excitement coursing through him. Wondering and hoping that perhaps she did like him. They moved onto the next one, but this time Izuku refrained from changing. Believing a Brontosaurus was too big to change into while they were in the Museum. The same for the Tyrannosaurus Rex or the Triceratops and the Stegosaurus. As they were heading to an exit, a man in a white coat ran up to them out of breath.
"Excuse me! I am the lead Professor of Paleontology Dean Henderson. " The man said excitingly thrusting out his wrinkled hand. "I just saw you change into a Velociraptor Mongoliensis in the Monitor Camera room! Is that your Quirk, you can change into Dinosaurs?" He was wheezing now and his eyes seemed to be wide with delight. Izuku slowly nodded. "Oh this is outstanding! Young man could you change into some of the others. We do not have any opportunities to actually see a real one!" Momo looked past the excitable old man to see others in lab coats approaching.
"Not in here sir. It may become really confined for me changing into any of the others." Izuku said to Professor Henderson. "I am Izuku Midoriya and this is Momo Yaoyorozu.
"Pleased to meet you both and oh of course." Henderson looked about the Exhibit Room and smiled. "The back parking area is empty right now." Leading the way, the older man was joined by the five others in Lab Coats. Two were carrying cameras and one a black satchel bag. In route, Izuku picked up a nearby sheet that was covering a console. Henderson looked at him strangely.
"Can I borrow this? I cannot keep having Momo Yaoyorozu keep making me clothes to wear." Izuku explained and Henderson shrugged his shoulders. Momo smiled as she held his hand. Noticing that the others seemed to except her tagging along.
"They must think we are a couple or something." Momo thought to herself, not really interested in denying or confirming that. Once outside, Izuku wrapped the sheet around himself and removed the Sandals, Shorts and T-shirt. Tossing them into a pile onto a nearby bench.
"If I changed with those on, I would having nothing to wear when I change back to human." Izuku informed the gathered Paleontologists. Walking further away. "So which one do you want to see first?" He asked and all the White Coated Men and Women began to throw out names.
"Go for the Tyrannosaurus Rex." Momo suggested and Izuku nodded. Then in a second, he changed into a Twenty or Thirty foot T-Rex. Bending down to look at the others. Some of them stepped back, not liking the large teeth in a larger mouth that were now a few feet from them.
"Wow!" Henderson gasped as he stared up at Izuku. "That is amazing, hey look. Who would think that the T-Rex was a dark green with brown streaks." He stepped closer wearily. "Uhm he is not going to eat us, is he?" The old man slowly gazed over at Momo. She smiled and shook her head.
"You are not, right Izuku?" Momo asked the huge Dinosaur and it turned it's head towards her. It opened its large mouth.
"NO. THISSS ISSS SO COOOL." A growling loud voice said as Momo started to giggle. It was not actually funny to hear a T-Rex talk, but the way those in the White Coats continued to wearily take steps backwards was. Even Henderson who was shaking with excitement, could not stop staring at the long teeth of the Izuku T-Rex. Finally stirring up his courage he stepped closer.
"Could we take a couple skin samples. All we do is rub this cloth and some of the loose scales will shed off." Henderson informed Izuku, holding up a white cloth in his shaking nervous hand. Izuku nodded his large teeth filled head. This motivated the others as some started to take pictures and measurements of Izuku in his T-Rex form. Ten minutes later, they had him change into another Dinosaur and then after another ten minutes another. An hour later after receiving a lot of gratitude from Henderson. Izuku and Momo left the Museum. She held his hand once again.
"Do you want a ride back to the park or somewhere else?" Momo asked as they approached her Car. Izuku shook his head.
"No that is alright, I live over that way about four blocks." Izuku informed her, pointing to the west. The Park was further south of them and it was at least fifteen blocks away. If it accepted the ride back to the Park, he would have to walk home from there. "Thank you so much, I never thought about if I could change into anything like Dinosaurs before." He said with a huge smile on his face. Wishing that he did not have to actually say goodbye to her. He liked her and who wouldn't. She was beautiful and smart, along with really nice. He knew in reality he had no chance of being anything with her. But it was nice to have that small delusional wish.
"Hey no problem, it was actually fun. Those in there were really funny to watch." Momo gestured towards the Museum as she then looked back into Izuku's amazing green eyes. She exhaled. "I was thinking, maybe it might be a good idea to practice changing into those Dinosaurs." She suggested as she glanced over at the waiting car. "You know my house has a huge backyard, plenty of room." She could not believe she felt nervous as she spoke. Then feeling a bead of sweat on her brow. "No guts no glory." She thought. "Would you like to come by and practice there?" Momo blurted out and he smiled at her widely. He nodded instantly.
"Yes I would like that." Izuku replied and Momo quickly pulled out a piece of paper. Writing down her phone number and address. Handing it to him, then a blank piece of paper so he could write down his phone number as well. Now as they stood there not sure what to do or say. Momo was finding it hard to just say goodbye, she liked holding his hand and she liked spending time with him. Before she lost her nerve, she jutted forward and kissed his right cheek. Then released his hand and jumped in the back seat of the car.
"See you tomorrow then." Momo said as Izuku touched the exact spot on his cheek that she just kissed. A broad smile appeared as he stared at her. Smiling she shut the door and the Car drove off. She was also smiling. Looking out the back window, she found it endearing that he stood there with a bewildered expression on his face.
"She kissed me!" Izuku finally said after Momo's Car was out of sight. "She kissed me. I wonder if that means she likes me?" He stammered out, walking home in a daze. Wanting to ask his Mother. Stumbling into his and his Mother's Apartment he sat at the kitchen table. Gazing with the same bewildered expression plastered on his face. His Mother Inko Midoriya stared at him in confusion.
"You seem a little pleased this evening." Inko commented as she sat down and got no reply from her son. Waving her hand in front of his face, he finally blinked.
"She kissed me on the cheek." Izuku whispered, he smiled broadly. Inko was now completely curious.
"Who kissed you on the cheek?" Inko asked with a small smile. Really wanting details.
"Momo Yaoyorozu." Izuku replied in the same dazed tone. Inko inched closer and began to ask him specific questions. "Oh she is someone that I met today at the Oak Tree. She is wonderful and smart and really beautiful." He replied and Inko smiled. Really wanting to meet this Momo. Mainly to see how she was able to bewilder her son so easily.
"So are you going to see her again?" Inko asked her son and he smiled his eyes sparkling. He nodded quickly.
"Yes Tomorrow at her place." Izuku held up the piece of paper. She was about to ask him more, but his phone rang and he answered it. Then he smiled and Inko knew it was this Momo. Her son stood and went to his room to talk to her in private. Once the door closed, Inko chuckled.
"My son has a Girlfriend." Inko said happily, standing to get dinner ready.
In his room, he and Momo talked for hours. Mostly about what they had done today. Then to her delight they began to talk about each other. About who they basically were. She had not informed her parents yet that Izuku was coming tomorrow and she needed to. So after a bit, they said goodbye for now and agreed that Izuku would come to her house about Noon. Going downstairs Momo braced herself. Her Father had definite ideas about what boys or young men that he wanted her to be interested in. A nobody like Izuku was not even in consideration. But she found those that her Father wanted her to be with romantically were not the type that she liked. For one all they cared about was money, that and the possibility of getting into her pants. The last one, she had to create pepper spray and threaten to spray the idiot if he tried to grope her ass again. That did not set well with her Father when he informed him about it after. His belief was that Momo had overreacted. Stepping into the Living Room, she saw him ready the latest Stock Reports from the Newspaper. Her Mother was casually flipping through a Magazine. When she entered, her Mother smiled at her. "Ah Momo, where have you been all day?" Her Mother Ashimomo asked still smiling. Momo suspected that her Mother already knew all about the Boy she had been with earlier. Knowing that probably Chinji had made a full report already. Her Father Tachinaka looked up from the Newspaper, with interest. That is when Momo told them all. Her Mother was thrilled, her Father was another story.
"So basically he is a nobody from the city. What is so wrong with Tosinoki Hoski, he is a wonderful boy. His father Tanaka is one of my closest business partners." Her Father stated hoping to convince his daughter to forget some nobody and perhaps see the merit of someone with a firm financial future. Momo shook her head. There was a lot wrong with Tosinoki, the biggest problem was he was a complete asshole. Believing like his father that the only thing a Woman is supposed to do is stay home, keep the house and pump out kids. Momo wanted to be a Hero not a domestic housewife.
"Oh Tachinaka she is years away from even considering marriage or settling down." Her Mother said still smiling. "This Izuku Midoriya sounds like a really nice boy. Of course you can have him come by tomorrow." She said with a flamboyant wave of her right hand, staring over at her Husband with the same small smile. Basically daring him to contradict her. Momo's Father was too smart to do that. With a grumbling nod, he flipped his newspaper and went back to reading it. Thanking her Mother, Momo went back upstairs. For one she needed to find the perfect outfit to wear tomorrow. Really wanting to look just right for when Izuku came for a visit. Flipping through her extensive wardrobe, she was finding it difficult to find the right Outfit that would impress him and not be too obvious. After all she wanted him to build a possible...Well she was not entirely sure what. But she did know she liked him and would at least want him as a friend. Perhaps a bit more as time progressed.
To be continued